Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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I'm a simple man - I see Digimon rp, I join it

If you are still accepting, that is.

If so, fantastic because I already have an idea for a line. If not, then well crap this is awkward.

Anakin did nothing wrong. #fuckthemkids

But welcome! Pokemon and Star Wars rule
In Ju-V 12 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

INTERACTIONS: Aegis Agent, New roomieeeee! @Retired
LOCATION: Rekt Room → New homeeee with da homie


It hadn't mattered where Kyle went. He always felt like the odd one out whenever he was on an island. The Aegis facility he and so many others were forced to live in might've been a lot less tropical than the place he called home, but it didn't lack the same kind of excitement.

Except, in Kyle's case, he wasn't at the center of said excitement. He wasn't mad or anything or even disappointed. He just felt like he was in an odd place as the events that unfolded had him lamenting about everything. He wasn't part of the group that was engaging with the others. He wasn't blowing up tables or anything even close to that. Kyle was playing video games, enjoying whatever racing game was left unattended. In all truth, he was having a grand time by himself because that's who Kyle was. He could find enjoyment out of simple pleasures such as video games.

During the immediate aftermath of everything that happened and every single meta like him was told to get against the wall, Kyle wanted to look back but it was so intense, he thought it would be beneficial to his physical well-being to just not poke the shark. Oh, but the temptation was indeed high.

Being led down some hallway, Kyle wasn't really paying attention other than where he was told to go. It hadn't been until he heard the soldier or whatever they were called had been guiding him down said highway did he hear another that was with him read off Kyle's name from the handy-dandy tablet in his hand.

"Vass, Kyle--" The look on the man's eyes when he met Kyle's was the expression of a man who thought he saw a ghost, but it was just the pesky annoying little turd that refuse to call him by his real name.

"Not Austin, It's Steve!" Kyle excitedly declared, seeing the familaar face and smiled. "Mahalo! How are you?"

"I don't ask for much from the director. I just want to do a job. I just want to do a job and not have to stress about much. And yet..." Steve was mumbling to himself and completely lost track of time.

"Yoooo whooooooo!" Kyle was waving his hands in front of the dazed Steve's face. Time went by, but after a few minutes, he finally snapped back to Planet Earth.

"Right. Anyway, this is your room. Your personal items..well, item should be in there. And you'll have a roo--"

Much like his own power over wind, Kyle blitz'd into the room. He had a one-tracked mind. He heard his board was returned to him and he rushed in to see it. He left STeve hanging on an unknowingly importnat note that he didn't even stop to consider that there would be two rooms. The implication didn't hit him until he saw the belongings of someone else in one of the rooms. Not that it was much, but Kyle made a note of a MP3player, but when he saw his board, Kyle's world came full circle. His heart was full of joy and he gave his board a gentle, yet full tap.

"I can't wait to ride you. Feeling the wind in my hair, letting the air currents really take us high."

The Hawaiian surfer spent a few moments saying things to an inanimate object that most would probably find weird, but Kyle was a weird dude. He marched to the beat of his own drum. And, in all honesty, he just didn't feel complete without his board. In that time, he didn't even acknowledge there was another person that entered the room. He was, however, snapped out of his own little world when the other boy greeted him.

"Mahalo brada!" Kyle energetically gestured to..Wes with a hang loose hand gesture and a wide smile. He was still mentally in his own world, riding high on the cloud of air of his own excitement. "I'm Kyle! Well, Skylar, but all my ohana just calls me Kyle. Sometimes idiot. Definitely have been called a dumbass and loco. You're free to call me whatever the wind carries you to. You can even call me Wave Rider, if you're feeling like it...Though I guess that one makes no sense, huh? Well it's cause of this bad boy!" He tapped his hoverboard again for emphasis. "When I'm on my baby, I fly high like a seagull that's accidentally consumed an edible. You ever had edibles before? Let me tell you, that's a whole different kind of high, especially the good shit!"

LOCATION — Los Angeles International Airport → Miami International Airport → Private Hanger → Miami Marina
INTERACTIONS — Run in with an old friend


“Today’s the day.”

Derex was riding first class to his old stomping grounds — Palm Beach, Florida. The memories he had attached to that place. Those memories date back to when he was barely 13 and his family moved from Germany to Florida. At the time, he hadn’t thought about what exactly was in store for him. At thirteen, Derex wasn’t thinking about much. He was leaving the only home he knew to another home that he would eventually call his own. When he made his first friends in Asher and Ty, he thought it was great because here were two boys who he had developed a brotherhood for life with.

That friendship carried over through the years. As with everyone who becomes busy in life, sometimes the frequency of contact wavered in the years, but a thing about a brotherhood? No matter how busy life got for any of them, there was one thing that could bring em all back together: guaranteed front row seats at any of his fights. And the afterparties were always legendary. Always whether it was just the three dogs let loose on the town or when the gang could get together, especially because his social circle was the same as theirs.

Which included Paulina. Especially Paulina since she was best friends with Amalee and Rex had always been close with his self-appointed adopted introvert.

As he sat in his seat, thinking about the last time the whole gang was together and the events that followed, Rex couldn’t help but think about how his last…encounter with Paulina left a lot of questions. There was a night a few weeks ago where he and Paulina drank too much. He couldn’t remember how many shots he threw back, but he recalled Paulina matching his pace, if not exceeding it. Most of that night remained a mystery but he remembered they made it to his place. And the sex they had would make Thor and Odin jealous, yet make every viking cheer in support of the extremely-physical things they did.

And then morning came. Immediately after he woke up, he did so with a phone call from his baby sister. Lena, like Rex, also enjoyed the reckless unpredictability of a night out on the town. She was involved in a classic bar fight. Lena was a true firecracker and she had gotten herself arrested. Rex, ever the family man who always put his family first, left as soon as he could. He left a note for Paulina, explaining it and hoped she wouldn’t be mad at him.

But ever since then he never heard back from her. Not even to let him know how angry she was at him for leaving her alone in his Malibu beach house. He assumed that maybe she was busy with things in her own life or she needed space. He respected that, but in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder she was indeed mad at him. Or at least felt some kind of way about him.

Which brought him to the feeling of apprehension he was having. He was halfway into the flight and it would land with a couple of hours before he had to be at the Miami Marina. Still, something deep down told him this might not be the exciting reunion with his old class that he was hoping it might be.

“This is your captain speaking!” The captain of the flight spoke over the intercom. Rex immediately shook his head, and by extension, himself, awake as the captain continued, “We will be landing at Miami International Airport in 15 minutes.”

Rex stretched his arms and loosened all of his limbs. He made sure his seatbelt was on, as per the protocol when landing. No matter how many times he flew back and forth from Miami to Los Angeles, which in all honesty has been frequent due to his own business he conducts. Much like his father who also goes between the cities, he has his businesses. Ever since his father retired full time from running day to day operations of their gym, Rex took over the majority ownership. He may not have oversight of the day to day, but he pops in every other week for progress reports. He sits on the board of the now global chain of boxing and lifestyle fitness. In recent years, they’ve strayed away from his father’s initial vision and became more of a rival for the likes of Planet Fitness and In-Shape City.

Rex had always preferred to keep himself busy. In high school, even though he was training constantly at his father’s gym, he always wanted to be challenged. He did well enough at his academics, so he never needed to study much, so that’s really how he found himself with the free time to play football. Plus, he loved the sport. Whether it was American or European, he just loved it. He regularly plays soccer for charity as well as Football. He even has a minor ownership of the Miami Dolphins.

When the plane landed, it only took roughly half an hour for Rex to get his single duffle bag of luggage only to be led by security (upon his request) to a private hanger he owned. In it, among other things, was the one man he trusted above everyone else to manage the Miami location of his gym.

“Freddie!” Rex dapped his brother from another mother…well, one of three brothers from another mother. Freddie was his childhood best friend. Both of them were born and raised in Germany and even though Rex moved away, he never fell out of it with him. Always called. Always chatted. They would always play call of duty or madden every weekend and night that both of them were free. Eventually, Freddie moved to the states for college. Unlike Rex, he was a cage fighter and rose through the ranks in Bellator and UFC respectively. They called him Blitz because nobody sees him coming.

“Sexy Rexy! How was your flight? Ride it strong?” Fred joked, nudging his friend teasingly.

“You idiot,” Rex rolled his eyes, looking around his hanger. His own jet that he and Freddie owned was here but also his own personal ride that he kept here. “Yeah, it was fine. First class gets dull when you fly it all the time. A shame our baby is going through some hard times.”

“She just needs a little TLC and she’ll be flying us to Tokyo like she was last year. I do miss the dangerous delight of my puffer fish.”

The Bull shook his head. “You’re gonna die young, I hope you know that.”

“Life fast, die young, Fredrick Weiss does it well!” The blonde German started to dance to the rhythm of the slightly-altered Mia song. “Anyway! You got that reunion today, right?”

Rex smiled, shrugged, but eventually nodded. “Yeah. Gotta get to the marina within the hour. Of all places, it’s on a yacht.”

“So this otta be right up your alley. You’re basically a natural sailor at this point, what with how many models, sex workers, and the occasional hot mess socialites you’ve slept with on those fancy-ass LA yachts.”

Rex shook his head. Not that he was ashamed of his wildly impressive body count that was ont he verse of going triple…digits, that is, lately he’s been thinking of numero tres on that list. Number three being Paulina. He wanted to downplay some of Fredide’s comments and thoughts that he knew his friend was keeping inside. Rarely did Fred keep his intrusive thoughts inside, but knowing him, he could get a lot more colorful with his words.

“This one’s a bit different.”

“Oh because it’s your friend’s yacht? Cheer up, Rexy! I’ve met Ty plenty of times. He seems like he might be a dope ass host. Thousand Sunny is a great name for a yacht.”

He sighed. As always, Freddie was a bit too lost in his own intrusive thought-ridden mind. “No, not because of that. And yes, I agree it’s a great name and a yacht that I’m sure will be fun to party on. But you should know why, man. I literally told you about it last week.”

“Ohhh right! Has she not called you at all or are you too fucking chicken to make this move again?” Freddie allowed himself to sigh and almost glare at his childhood best friend. “You know for a Bull, you sure are playing chicken.”

“I am not a chicken!”

“Bock bock bock!” Freddie made the appropriate gestures, slouching forward and bending his arms like a chicken wing. “I’m sure your friends are tired of it, but this friend in this lovely hanger, standing right behind your damn Bugatti Chiron, is…also tired of it. There’s a long list of hot babes you’ve given the ole Bull Ride to, but what bout your heart, man? YOUR HEART!” Freddie gripped the very broad shoulders of The Bull and made the man who held a few inches over him look at him in his striking blue eyes. “Forget how mesmerizing my eyes are and listen to me! This woman Paulina is the only one you keep bitching about. You both made some stupid mistakes of thinking you were holding each other back. I don’t know how it was for her, but I was there on the other end of those late night gaming seshes. So I know, like usher said, you got it bad for her. So, also like Usher said, roll up to that reunion, pick the right time, and utter these following words…”

“Please no…”

Too late. Rex saw the grin on his friend’s face and he broke out into song. “THESE ARE MY CONFESSIONS~!”

And for ten minutes, with nobody around but the two of them to witness, the boys from Germany sang not just part one, not just part two, but PART 3 of Confessions. The two that Usher sang, but also the parody that Weird Al Yankovic did, as well. Ten minute spent singing in perfect German and ten more laughing about it.

When it was all said and done, the two were laying on their backs on the concrete floor of the hanger and they just looked up. It wasn’t always, but every now and then, Rex and Freddie liked to do this. They were idiots together. Rex had that vibe about him. Under all of the suave bravado he had with the many women he has slept with, the ultra macho, gym bro alpha male persona when he was in the ring, there was a boy who loved to break into song. Call him Troy Bolton but make it German. Call him a fruit (because he heard it from people all his life who didn’t understand), but don’t call him a coward.

Yet, as he laid in silence, Rex felt like one. He’s felt like one for close to a decade. He could say a lot about the reasons why he never pursued her after they “broke up”, but the truth of the matter was, deep down where all of his insecurities reside that are usually held under lock and key, he could see it for what it was. He was afraid. Always charging forward, but The Bull was running away.

He kipped up almost immediately after coming to this realization and as he did, his shorts hiked up into his ass. “Time for this bull to actually run towards something for a change.”

“MY MANNNN!” Freddie mirrored his friend and brought him into a bro hug. A tight one, at that. The hug lasted a few moments and they grinned at each other. “Better stampede ahead. You have…” Freddie checked his Apple Smart Watch. “Yeah, like twenty minutes to make it. Good thing you got yourself a car that will make you fast as fuck boiiiii!”

“Damn right it will. I knew keeping that beautiful candy-apple red Bugatti here would pay off.”

“That and you haven’t exactly paid for it to be shipped to your Malibu beach house.”

Rex shrugged. “Details-schmetails. What matters is that’s my ticket to not pisisng off a certain host.”


“Sadly no. He is the chillest motherfucker you’ll ever meet. If he was planning this shit, I could show up an hour late and he’d be too high to notice. It’s Nikole Saera. You know her. Hot as fuck, but also a nightmare if you make trouble for her planning. Ever the infamous party planner. Great when you want shit to go a certain way, but punctuality has no leeway in her eyes.” It was annoying, but Rex could understand the drive. Kole was no different than Rex was. She was all about the grind. It didn’t matter if her grind was barking orders at the unlucky sap that would be working close with her.

Poor Ty.

Rex opened the front door to the bugatti and turned it on, letting the engine get ready as he tossed his bag in the backseat. He specifically chose this Bugatti for the fact that he wanted a luxury convertible. He didn’t want just any and it was down to a McLaren and a Bugatti. The Bugatti won.

“Damn she sounds like a nightmare. Be sure to give her my number.”

Rex rolled his eyes and cracked a grin. “Sure. I’ll be sure to pass along the message. ‘Hey Kole, been a long time. By the way, you seeing anyone? My idiot brotha-from-anotha-mother wants to fuck ya. Here’s his number.’” Rex let out a deep laugh front he gut while he and Freddie play-wrestled for about a minute.

“Fucker. Get out of here. Be sure to post on your story. I wanna see all the craziness that you’re willing to make public.”

Revving the engine, both Rex and Freddie gave each other a hand gesture that was synonymous with not just their friendship, but the gesture a lot of the younger fans of both of them use to identify each other. Between the two of them, it was how they always communicated the sentiment of ‘see you later’.

As he drove out of the hanger and left the airport, Rex drove it like the stampeding bull that he was. While it may have been perceived as reckless, he had full control. The thrill of getting the attention of cops was always part of the addiction. Adding to it, Rex took advantage of his ability to multitask but hitting up his group chat with The Boys, Asher and Ty.


The sounds of Thin Lizzy’s ‘The Boys are Back In Town’ was like a symphony down the streets of Miami, en route to the Marina. But, more importantly, party central!

LOCATION — On the road → Miami Beach Marina/Docks
INTRODUCINGThe Turbulent Twins of Triton's Domain, Babble and Brooke Swimmer!
@Eyeshine & @Aces Away


“So what time do we have to be there again?” The younger Swimmer twin said, closing the door of her blue Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. It was the 2020 model and she had bought it recently, after explaining to her good buddy Asher, who also served as the family’s personal account manager and the holder of her chains, that she wanted one and promised it was a good investment.

He didn’t disagree, so she bought it that day. In all cash.

Bro was more than just excited for this reunion, she was more energetic, more fueled up on Monster Energy than she probably should be. Suffice to say she was wired as fuck! But she was so wired and somehow managed to convince Babs to let her be the one to drive (she could focus decently enough to get from point a to point b, so it really wasn’t a big deal. She always thrived when she was on the edge of overdosing on pure adrenaline (the feeling, not the thing you stab someone in the heart with when they literally OD).

“Do you think we have time to get something to eat?” She asked as she was pulling out of the joint driveway of their homes. Oh yeah, the twins lived in the same shared land. Big ole piece of prime real estate. Big enough to fit two spacious homes with their own utilities and a conjoined pool that was a swimmer’s paradise. Also they had a mini skatepark. Basically they had a mansion-sized land.

Babble pulled their phone out from the inner pocket of their light-weight suit jacket, checking the time on the screen before opening the maps to search for fast food and doing a bit of mental math. Babs hummed and swayed their head side to side while thinking before coming to a decision.

“There’s a Checkers on the way or an Arby's a minute or two out of the way, dude. If we’re in line for like, less than ten minutes then we’ll still get there on time,” The dark haired twin allowed easily, also swayed by the hunger in their own stomach and the way it rumbled as if to prove a point. “I want the garlic loaded fries if it’s Checkers.”

“I do love Arby’s.” Unpopular opinion because most people reject the hidden brilliance that is Arby’s and their absolutely goated curly fries, but there was nothing like them. But Babs being Babs, Bro knew her twin wanted to get to the sight of the boat boat boat on time. “Checkers it is then! I want mine with ranch, cheese, and bacon.” Her mouth was salivating at the thought of it. She preferred Arby’s curly fries, but they were on a deadline and knowing the time of day it was now, there was no way in Poseidon’s underwater hell they would make it with Babs’ preferred schedule, even if Bro drove a little over the speed limit..

Well, she always did, but any faster would get the cops on their asses. Nobody wanted that.

It only took twenty minutes for the Swimmer Twins to get to their local Checkers-Rally’s and get their two orders of fries and a couple drinks, because how can you have fries without some liquid candy!

Babs slurped happily on their chocolate milkshake, a small coke shoved into the cup holder for when it was time to switch up the texture. As Bro peeled out of the parking lot, Babs fell into routine and stabilized all the food and drinks until Bro leveled out at just about eight miles above the speed limit. Babs slurped on their shake and watched Bro as the light haired woman’s hair got blown every which way by the wind, already planning on using the few early minutes they’d have upon arrival to detangle all the knots that their sister was accumulating. Maybe she’d let Babs braid it before they boarded, especially in case she needs to throw up after drinking too much and Babs isn’t around to hold her hair back for her. It would be a win-win.

Instead of offering up any of these thoughts, however, Babble opened their mouth and asked, “Bro, do you think that like…the garlic fries would be fuckin’ banger dipped in this shake?”

Bro took a few moments to ponder her twin’s question. After exactly two of them, she shrugged. “I can’t say I’ve ever given it a shot but we’ve both had odd combos before we never thought about and, well that’s how we became crack addicts!” She spoke with such a nonchalance that she understood what other people might assume. No it wasn’t crack the drug, but rather the unique salty and sweet mixture of fries and milkshakes. Fries and Ranch taste like the bomb dot com, so it was an easy jump because milk is used in the making of ice cream…kind of.

Whoa, Bro’s mind went on a weird trajectory for a second. She took one of her loaded fries in her hand and stuffed it into her mouth and swallowed. “If it tastes good, then who needs dipping sauce when you got a good ole choco shaky! And if it’s not good…well, at least you’ll know, dude!” Her logic was sound in her mind and she gave her twin a thumbs up, almost like a seal of approval in this culinary endeavor (she learned that word recently! Learning is fun.)

Babs nodded along with the logic, taking the encouragement and absolutely scooping out a glob of chocolate shake with a handful of fries, shoving the combo in their mouth and chewing slowly to get the full flavor. Once the new taste had been filed away in their mind, Babs swallowed and grinned at Bro.

“That was amaziiiiiiiing,” They raved, already dipping another fry with enthusiasm. “So, who are you most excited to see?”

“Would it be fair to say Ji-Su? I know we see her almost all the time, but it’s a bit.” She knew it was still cheating. Ji-Su was a frequent flier on their interaction tour. “Ash might be cheating too. I’m financially required to see him.” She almost scowled at the unfairness of her financial leash. So what if she bought some little things here and there that ended up being mistakes or thought investing in NFT’s were a good idea. She learned her lesson. “I think it would be dope to see Ziggy outside of their club! But I am a bit nervous to see Kole again. I remember her being a big hard-ass back in the day. Never let me jump off any roof without hearing the whole lecture. Oh you shouldn’t do that! You could crack your skull! The roof was damaged!

“The roof held up just fine,” Babs assured with a confident nod. "But if we're going for those we don't see a lot then I gotta say Lindsey! I haven't seen her in person since Ama and I took her out for brunch after she lost Idol," Their head tilted to the side, thinking of another friend they hadn't seen in a while. Kole, upon Matty's disappearance, had pulled away from the twins, and Babble wasn't sure if that hurt them or their sister more, given that Babs and Kole's flings were much…lighter than the energy that always seemed to spark when Bro and Matty were near each other. Babs knew that what was between them and Kole was mostly exploration on the long haired girl's part, and tactile comfort for Babs. Knowing-despite not believing in the same fate for Matty as their sister- how down Brooke got whenever Matty, and by extension Kole, was brought up, Babs decided not to mention this particular person out loud. Instead, they turned to Brooke and gave her a needless assurance.

"I know we see them a lot but they still count! Like, I brought paint supplies so that Ama and I can do a paint and puff and sip!” Babble hung around Asher, Ty, and Ama any time they were on downtime during a gig in Cali, and Bro had to meet up with Asher at least once a month to go over her financials- a necessary repetitive lesson in responsibility, as Asher would say- but they were great friends and it has been a little while since they’ve seen each other. When Rex joins too? God help them all. “We were performing during Cole's last rodeo so I didn't get to use my ticket, so you can bet I'm going to glomp onto that dude as soon as possible," Cole was a great friend and Babs loves their conversations, but Babble was also a firm subscriber to 'If they're tall and sturdy than I shall climb', and Cole and Rex have both been victims of Babble's need to be in places higher than they themself can reach. "Oh, but I did get to catch Rex’s last match, talk about a nail biter! I wanted to talk to him too so we might not see each other much once we get there,” Which is par for the course. They almost always split up once they got to the actual party, which was totally fine given how much time they spend together in general. But they always found a point to check in with each other. Babs may only be older by a few minutes, but the big sibling urge to make sure that Bro was okay at any given time was strong. Especially given Brooke’s reckless proclivities that Babs only ever really indulged in when with the blonde. “Meet up at some point for a dip in the pool? Actually maybe the hot tub?”

“Whoa you really think there’ll be a hot tub?” Bro took a moment to think about it. It was Ty’s boat, right? He was super super rich. Like Richard Branson levels of rich. Of course there would be a spot for a pool and hot tub. She giggled after realizing this and grinned. “Yeah that sounds like a plan, Babs! I kind of want to check up on Ziggy too. Haven’t seen em since…the last time we DJ’d their club. Which was like…how long ago? A month, right?” With the sort of high-octane life Bro lived, both with her sister and on her own, sometimes the days were hard to keep track. In the past month alone she’s went cliff-diving, sky diving, did the 1-chip challenge, and was even on hot ones with Babs, which they totally nailed with mid diff!

“Yeah, last month, dude. That was a dope time,” The time keeper of the two answered easily, Thinking back to the pounding music and strobing lights. “And I know there’ll be a hot tub,” They promised, having been on The Thousand Sunny while hanging out with Ty before, coaxed into a daytrip with him, Ama, and Asher during a free weekend last summer. It’s an awesome boat, and Babs digs the fact they can swim INSIDE it. Fuckin’ dope is what that is. The hot tub was easy to find because of the scented chemicals used in the water, and Babs knew for a fact it was an easy trail to follow even when rather drunk, so it was the perfect meetup spot on the large ship. Babs spent a minute giving Bro the actual directions to the hot tub from inside the boat before realizing that the chemical scent was probably all the direction Bro would need in this instance. “Follow the fake flowery smell, my dude, you’ll find it!”

“Oh rad!” Brooke had been listening, enjoying her food and finishing them up as her twin finished explaining in surprising detail, because Babs knew just how bad Brooke was with navigation…all current circumstances aside. She could drive down a road, but something as simple as the layout of a boat was far beyond her pay grade. It was weird. She could do an all-nighter drive going to the Key West from Miami. There’s almost a part of her that would love to do that drive again, but she would have to settle for the half hour that remained until they got to the Miami Beach Marina.

As she made a quick glance at the visual GPS on the high tech LED display, if nothing on an astronomical bummer scale happened, they would make it with fifteen minutes remaining, which is more than enough time to be fashionably early. Just thinking about it, Bro was getting the jitters. Or maybe it was the sugar from the choco shake. Both? Both. Both is good!

“First thing I’m gonna do once I’ve caught up with the dudes and dudettes I wanna catch up with is stripping into my swim suit I have under my dress and taking a dippy dip!” Bro excitedly bopped the steering wheel as a way to control her excitement while trying to focus on the road. There wasn’t any traffic so a little distraction could be afforded as long as they didn’t swerve…

“Shawww yeah!” Babs replied with equal excitement while drumming their fingers on the dashboard, their own swimsuit under their floral patterned short suit. Kole had demanded that everyone arrive in smart-casual dress, and after looking up what the hell that meant the twins had complied, but the party planner knew she was putting the Swimmer twins near multiple different types of water so she had to know that the dress code would only last for so long once the Sunny had set sail. If Babs knew her at all then they knew that most of the reasoning was probably so everyone could get good pictures and exchange business cards, play at the professionals that most of them usually were before the night went absolutely off the rails.

They pulled up to the marina exactly fourteen minutes early, cups and containers empty but stomachs full, and as both jumped out of the Jeep, Babs turned back around and grabbed a wide-tooth comb and a bottle of sea salt spray from the glove compartment before closing the door. They pushed their own wild hair out of their face and gestured for their sister to turn around, spending the next few minutes gently detangling Bro’s loose waves and reviving them with the spray. Bro rejected Bab’s offer of a loose braid, so the older twin threw the comb and spray into their bag, in a pocket separate from the art supplies. With eight minutes to spare, the Swimmer twins were ready for The Thousand Sunny.

“Ready, Bro?”

Throwing her hands up into the air, showing just as much as care as she had in her entire body, Bro, with the widest grin she could physically muster, shouted at the top of her lungs, “I’M READY! READYYY TO PARRRRRRRTYYYYYY!”

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