Avatar of AlternateMan


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1 day ago
Current chicken noodle soup
7 days ago
we are here, not for a reason, but because we simply are, now I'll see you after about five days long ad break
9 days ago
isekai is a myth, we must resort to high concentration can in a can
14 days ago
he can play the honky tonk like anything
18 days ago
I must not fear, fear is the meme-killer, fear is the little cringe


I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

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I'm gonna try drawing something soon, might just get the energy to do it.
I got this random idea that Momo reaches for Hiems' mouth with a knife, WHY SO SEROUS?! and pulls his lips into a smile.
Don't know, probably in the anime can't remember

Also gonna look forward to when Nensu's mom sees Midoriya. If it's ever gonna happen.
Mesmund frowned as the giant he had startled let out an earsplitting roar into the air. He could feel the atmosphere cool down, probably from the colossal demon's obviously icy aura. He guarded his eyes with his left arm-which was also holding the gun- and lowered it when the roar was finally over.
"I don't like chilly weather. Try having a chain arm."
He complained as he stuffed his right arm into the chain limb, pulling out a handle and a flail of chains that followed after. Time to do his job. Stuffing his gun back to his holster, the hunter charged forward, rolling as a ball of chains and stopping in front of the giant's leg. He propelled himself into the air, and started flailing his weapon violently at the icy limb. The chain head followed his arm, landing blows against the giant demon.
Hiems forgot to smile after having a null expression on his face for eternity.

I can't get myself in front of an empty paper to doodle something, the best luck would be sitting with my tablet to doodle with my finger. Finger pain for days.
It's time for Nensu to introduce her boyfriend to her mom >:0

But before that, we're gonna have the summer camp madness.

Should I break Hiems' arms again? No, for real
Midoriya shifted his posture so he wasn't pressing Nensu with too much of his weight. With her on his side, he knew they'd be fine no matter what happens. She was strong.
He nodded to her words. She's been watching for him all these years. Then another matter came to the boy's mind. Nensu mentioned her mother. They'd had chances to get to know each other, but hardly their family. Midoriya's mother met Nensu by this... inconvenient encounter. But for Nensu's mother, Midoriya barely knew anything about her.
"...how is she?"
He asked.
"I.. I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, I just want to know about her."

"Can't disagree, things have been hectic."
Hiems said. Seeing her hand rest on his, he meagerly fidgeted his fingers to lace their fingers together. He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but instead he enxed up giving her an awkward, tiny grin.
"It's fine, even I would be concerned about upcoming events when things are this chaotic. But give yourself some break."
Guess what, I'm never gonna color anything on digital

I'm making my poor fingers labor on my tablet so my crude digital drawings can happen.
That means Nensu in actual colors(honestly coloring on digital is so much easier than on paper) might happen.
Don't expect me to get the colors accurately though.
Also depends on my willpower after my current digital shtuff of pissed Hiems.

I like drawing on paper so paper doodles will still be major stuff I draw.
My fingers hurt.
More hairstyle stuff might come up, I have a perfect idea. >:]
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