Name: Hajoong Sunwoo, a.k.a. "Sunha" Hero Name: High Rise Age: 14 Nationality: Korean Rank: 50 Appearance: Costume: Personality: Sunha is a rather talkative fellow, his weight hardly doing anything to keep his mouth shut. Whether talking to himself or to someone else, he always expresses his easy going atmosphere. No obstacle is too tough to give up at, no situation is too depressing to succumb to. He seems almost ignorant to the social ladder that apparently exists, preferring a more cooperating, less competing atmosphere. In general, Sunha is easy to get along with but hard to get to know. He may be a jolly fellow, but that doesn't stop him from being a bit secretive about his life story. He's seen listening to more life stories than saying them. When asked to tell one, he usually tries to change the subject, or divert the question to someone else. But when he does, Sunha usually tells boring, everyday life but in an overly exaggerated fashion. Sunha has a thought that haunts him, to go big. Growing up seeing his parents and his relatives who were among the intelligent people, quite enough to be considered elites, the thought took up a part of Sunha's thoughts. Not to mention his parents telling him about it. He fears he would fail and become a normal person, so he pushes on with a sense of light hearted carelessness.
Quirk: Weight Manipulation Type: Emitter Effect: User can relatively decrease/increase the weight of a target(can be either living or non living thing). The opposite effect with the same relativity. Using this power gradually wears the user out, which means its performance will suffer if the user attempts to use it while exhausted. To affect something, the user must be either touching it or seeing it. The maximum ratio currently is 25% heavier/lighter, with the maximum duration of 1 minute. ex)The user can make a box 20% lighter, which makes himself 20% heavier.
History: His parents were not famous heroes, but they were surely smart. They graduated one of the top universities of his homeland, and used their intelligence to earn themselves a reasonable amount of money(all legal of course). For Sunha's case, his parents wanted him to be a doctor. If he studied real hard he'd make it to the same university and get to live a comfortable life. But the boy didn't find that much brain juice inside him, and decided to challenge something he could invest himself on. Being a superhero caught the boy's mind quickly. Every kid wanted to be one in their early childhood, and he was no exception. The boy had to persuade his parents for it, and faced the expected conflict. The job of a professional hero was too dangerous, too much of a work compared to a doctor. His parents no doubt did not agree. But Sunha didn't give up. If he had to do something big he wanted to do it his way. Finally he got his parents persuaded, under one condition- they won't help him. At all. He was on his own. The boy did what he could with his mind and body, preparing for the school as much as possible. The boy applied to New Heights Academy in hope to pursue his newly established dream.
Exam Report: Points: 2 0 robots were beaten. 1 ribbon was collected. Thanks to his cursed endurance, Sunha was barely able to run throughout the exam, let alone walk. Compared to many who were physically well trained, the boy had a disadvantage of mobility, and hardly had the strength left in him to smash a robot later on.
Holding a rifle in hand made him feel like he was in a real mission. The hard ones, where life and death shook hands and played dead pool. But he didn't have one in his hand now. Which was a shame, because he wanted to feel like this was a top secret mission. Obviously the chatter of these excited teenagers did not help with it at all.
The operative remained silent for the whole journey. He followed the group from behind, making sure nobody fell behind or sneak somewhere they weren't supposed to go. To his relief nobody tried such an action. These teenagers were more behaving than him in the age. Their parents must be proud.
Mir admired the weight of this mission as the group moved from a deserted hallway to a service elevator. It was so much of a secret nobody was supposed to see it. The security cameras had to be turned off too, probably. "..." The operative hardly reacted to the Major's intense swearing as the elevator grinded to a halt. He himself was frightened a little, but there was no room to look surprised. He was the kids' guard, he needed to stay tough.
This silent walking and guarding gave Mir a surprising amount of time to monologue to himself and think about random stuff. The man wondered if he could write a whole book with the content of thoughts he produced during this project as Major Akane lockdd the door of the makeshift mess hall. He stood by the door as the Major and the Zasshu prepared to get to know each other.
Midoriya looked at the back of Nensu, who was leading fhe class bravely. Her dual hair swayed and mixed in her trail like a tornado of two colors. She was brave, and strong. Like her brother she had good control over her powerful quirk, and was arguably one of the leaders of the class. Or at least that was what the boy thought. He caught up with Nensu as they charged forward. They couldn't just blindly charge and blast shenever they ran into an obstacle. They needed at least a single instruction to go by as they made their way to the camp. He wasn't really familiar with being thrown into a monster filled forest, so he decided to consult with Nensu. "Nensu san, do you have any plan in mind?" He asked. "It might not be a good idea to charge blindly."
Hiems simply nodded as he saw Momo approach him with a staff in hand. They couldn't spend forever smashing monsters after all. They had to go through the forest to reach the camp where they'll do summer camp stuff. And hopefully some fun stuff too. "Alright." The boy answered. Ice armor grew around him as he concentrated his quirk.
Sting and Phil walked down the streets among the crowd. Phil was covered in layers of clothes and a mask, keeping his true identity a secret to the public. Sting however was not so caring. His usual attire of leather jacket and pants were working well as always. "Interesting." Sting said all of the sudden as they strolled down the street. Phil glanced at his companion and shrugged. "What, someone interesting appeared?" The cash thirsty Pilgrim followed Sting's gaze to a certain lady. Huh. She.... looked like a pirate?
Before Phil could say anything Sting was already approaching the lady. "Greetings, fine stranger." Sting said with a short bow. He seemed evidently oblivious of Captain Edelweiss, and any of the situation she was in. He just gound her interesting on the first glance. Whether it was the look in her eyes or anything else, he didn't know. But he could surely detect some adventure from her side. "I smell a bit of cash." Phil whispered from next to him. Typical Phil.