Avatar of AlternateMan


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3 days ago
Current we are here, not for a reason, but because we simply are, now I'll see you after about five days long ad break
5 days ago
isekai is a myth, we must resort to high concentration can in a can
10 days ago
he can play the honky tonk like anything
14 days ago
I must not fear, fear is the meme-killer, fear is the little cringe
16 days ago


I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

Most Recent Posts

Does Mir continue his journey of endless monologues, and eventually, reaching the Nirvana of thoughts through such?
Find out in the next(or like next next next who knows) post of Project Zasshu!
Official rp logo is out

That's too bad ;.;
Hope things get better soon!
Eyy lmao
How does one do

Just gonna say Wei lai's request for Mir to bring food has been
forgotten by the soldier.
Leg lantern did a good role in it.
Mir was still in his chain of chaotic thoughts, doing monologues inside his head. Good for him, someone decided to ease him off from his very stiff guarding pose. The Major broke Mir out of his thoughts, telling him that these kids were nothing to worry about. For now, at least. He would've been very relieved if she did not add the "for now" part. Were they going to go through kaiju puberty and start knocking over tables and stuff later on? Would they get kaiju puberty problems and rebel against their higher ups? Spit acid around and fly across the hall like a true rebel? Oh, the terror!
Not to mention he was more guarding(if they needed any normal human's protection anyways) the teenagers just in case a traitor within decided to bust in guns ablaze. But he decided not to talk about that part, as it seemed quite ridiculous and yes, he may have been scared at these kids at some point.
"Yes, ma'am."
Mir saluted to Akane and loosened his posture slightly. And he watched one girl hand out presents to others- so far a hoodie, a gumball machine, and a... leg lantern. Truly a grand collection of humanity's relics that was.

Hajoong stared off into the nothingness. It was the only reasonable response as they were standing in, well, the middle of nothingness. It was just a clearing among the trees, just them and the nature. All the students just chilling, no supervision to keep things in order. Imagine the possibilities of the chaos they could bring! The boy looked around at the students, looking for someone to talk to to keep the boredom away. He looked around, and found someone to talk to easily. As there were approximately 25 people, there were plenty of people to talk to.
Sunha approached the pretty fly person carefully, trying not to creep them out or make a bad first impression. When he was in a good distance to start a conversation-2 meters, give or take ten centimeters or so- the big boy finally opened his mouth.
"Hey there."




One thought went through Han's head as he stood there like a generic npc in a game that didn't even have anything to say if you interacted with. 'They could shoot something out of a cannon at us and we'd be sitting ducks.' Be it a big ball of paint or a big ball of pain, they'd not notice until they hear the cannons fire and the projectiles fly. The big ball of paint idea sounded fun, they could run around dodging it. Or get hit and get their clothes ruined.
Han's head proceeded to derail into a chain of meaningless, not really heroic thoughts. Such as how much ranch sauce he'd like in his sandwiches and more. The boy just stood there staring off into somewhere. He was waiting for something to happen, for someone to come and tell them what to do other than stand there and wait for something else to happen.
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