Avatar of AlternateMan


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18 hrs ago
Current chicken noodle soup
6 days ago
we are here, not for a reason, but because we simply are, now I'll see you after about five days long ad break
8 days ago
isekai is a myth, we must resort to high concentration can in a can
13 days ago
he can play the honky tonk like anything
17 days ago
I must not fear, fear is the meme-killer, fear is the little cringe


I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

Most Recent Posts

A bit of 0th post update regarding powers and characters,as it seems that I didn't provide enough info as the list I have in my head. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Now that I've got the chance to mention...

The main enemy faction, which is literally an army of robots, will have little to no force of supernatural powers by their side. If they do, then that'd be something like an AI-learnable magic or some poor guy tortured and brainwashed to be on their side. whoops did I spoil my future plan
Which makes superpowers a very effective winning hand (unless you forgot to bring protection against artillery shells). So I may be a bit harsh when judging your characters' powers sometimes.
So technically she has psychokinesis, wave manipulation, and portals for teleporting weapons.
Plus secrets. Right?
Looks cool!

These various swords need not be carried on her person due to her special ability but are listed as the equipment she favours for combat and assassination respectively.

Does this mean she can summon weapons out of thin air? Or that she doesn't necessarily need weapons for combat?
It'd be better for me to understand if you wrote only what she carries with her usually, and any optional equipmemts on additional info or such separrate section. And be sure to specify when she brings it along in character.

If you have any secrets regarding your character, please dm me and bc about it. We'll see and decide if it's good or nah.
I hope this application suits you. Please let me know if anything I've done with the lore is dissonant with what you had in mind for the setting.

The council shall decide your fate
Post on cs section mate
sir you put way too much effort in this, I'll have to call the police

Looks nice >:] A flaming chainsaw is definitely nice to have.
0th post has extra lore details. Yaaaay

If there are more lore questions please don't hesitate to ask. I will make it up right away and answer you and add it here too.
I'll say that it's a suoernatural happening along with the existence of powers. You can randomly be born with it, or if your parents are both of a same type then you are born as one too.
That laugh rating was a miss click, sorry
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