A shape was visible in the distance. Nothing of rough curves like the trees, buy more artificial straight lines... finally, buildings! Midoriys let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't that he hated training- this one had been exceptional, bring a surprise and all. And keeping control of Full Cowl needed a bit of focus too. It was almost like getting used to a new limb.
"We're almost there, everyone!"
The boy said in a hopeful voice. As they got closer to their destination, it also seemed that there were less monsters roaming around. Which was another good thing. Nensu didn't seem to tired either, so getting through the last part was an easy task.
Han noticed the giant beast approaching them at the last moment, when it opened its jaw wide and charged to their direction. It was too late for him to move out of the way or initiate any effective attack- so he did what he could in the split second.
Grabbing Momo by the shoulder, the boy moved her so that his back was facing the monster, Momo shielded by himself. If he could survive that hit, she could come up with a counter strike.