Avatar of amorphical


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1 mo ago
Current Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ
3 mos ago
Interests in bio now updated.


I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

Most Recent Posts

Devon looks in the windows of each class, and mutters under his breath. "Where's Psychology?"

Almost as if he was a shinobi hiding in the hidden shadows waiting to make the death blow the old man cleared his throat. "Ahem, psychology is main floor down the hall right fourth door to the left." A grandfather smile as he stood there in a location he wasn't before.
The dark bear grew impatient for its meal. Clawing at the rocks and roaring at the tiny crevasse the hunter managed to slip into! The only thing it could do was try to intimidate the creature out of hiding. As all hope was lost there was a second sound that caused the huge bear to turn. A deep snarl followed by the a large dark shadow hanging over the bear. For only a second the bear gave a startled look before returning to a menacing face. Turning its large snarling teeth to the new challenger for the scrap of food in the rocks.

The Bear turned only to have a flash of teeth bite down into its shoulder! The bear put his weight into the attacker and the two fur monsters rolled down the rocky outcropping to the grass below. The two rolled and growled and fought tooth and claw! The wolf equally matched in sheer strength but as for weight class the bear had the advantage! A few solid slams and paw swipes sent the wolf creature flying into one of the nearby trees! Looking up with a snarl the wolf bristled it's back as the bear charged forward. The battle was fierce! Growls and snarls filled the cool night air as the sun shed its last glimmer of light. The sky turned a dark blue to black. The birds and other creatures were silent choosing to remain hidden from the two alpha predators.

The wolf leading the bear deeper into the woods. Rushing to shorten the time the wolf might have to recover! In a very unwolf like move the new challenger used its claws to climb the tree increasing the wolfs jump! Soaring through the air landing on the bears back! Digging the wolfs claws into the bears flesh the wolf delivered another deep bite into the bears head! Missing the intended mark sent the scent of copper into the night air. A whine gave the signal the bear had enough. However the wolf failed to hear it. Giving the bear another powerful deep bite, into its neck. Finally dropping the bear to the ground. A fresh arterial spray covered the wolfs face fur.

The blood soaked fur made it impossible to tell what was in the rocks using his nose. Winning such a costly battle earned his at the very least a look at the creature in the rocks. Moving toward the rocks the wolf creature shifted into a simple large wolf. The injuries were severe making it hard to breathe. Suddenly choosing rest over food the wolf limped off into the forest leaving a trickle of blood behind him. Making his way to the den, a small mound of dirt with a dug out area for him to rest in the cool shade. Now even hungrier and hurt the wolf whined a little before laying down to rest. It wasn't long before the cool earth and moist air sent him to sleep. There was simply nothing else to be done until the wounds healed. He spent too much of his energy trying to hunt. Rest and a dream of food would be most welcome.
For you, I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad
For you, I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt
I wish love was perfect as love itself
I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden
I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream that can’t come true

-fake love....
Ali softly shrugged, "If it's ok with Bri." Honestly Ali had no idea how to take this newest edition either. All she did know is that it might not be the worst idea for the person who had a vessel to do this. It was definitely out of her area of expertise. Ali was a mechanic but micro circuitry and A.I. was a whole other level. Not knowing what Bri was capable of made Ali step back and then another step back for good measure.

Bri stood there. She had a 360 radar so there was no reason to look back at Ali. After a few minutes of interrogation Raargorgathan would get the full list of this new crew member.

Zero biologic
Unknown metallurgic compound.
Structure compressed base architecture of humanoid with enhanced structural integrity sub systems. (able to withstand 3 tonnes of direct pressure to any system before integrity failure.)
Strength 10x3 (can lift a tonne and toss it 50 yards.)
Energy source unquantifiable type of fusion reaction of unknown properties.
Life span unknown.
Sensory radius of 100 yards blocked by physical barriers, or EM fields.
Unable to decipher program language due to quantum fluctuations in the software.
Theoretically can store the equivalent of 200 years worth of 8k video. (in hours thats 1,752,000 !)(( So if you watched a 8k movie for 8hrs a day that would take 219,000 days to watch the whole thing or 600 years.))
No weapons detected.

End of scan.
same, tired,. Postin morning! ^^
@Semblance banned for not being banned by this banner before. XD

Sul did a stiff wave goodby as the dead body stood up and shambled to second period. Sul had to find another three classes before rhe hellish nightmare was over. Wanting to help with hallway congestion, using the cold to freeze her shoez to the walls sul walked down the literal side of the hall way until an old man stopped her.

"Ms tour damaging the school, so i must ask you to stop." The girl looked blank util the overflowing stare at the body made the kaiju step onto the flor and walk around the pervy old man.

Smiling at the girl, "Your class is up the stairs to the right. Have a nice da~y!"
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