Avatar of amorphical


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ
3 mos ago
Interests in bio now updated.


I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

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So.. is it another bear? Not really sure about why there are two bears of the same size in the same area. Normally one would force the other out to protect food sources. The smell of the town would also deter the normal wild life to keep away. Did you want your team to kill this one?
Banned because its you! @Raptra XD
Granted however you had to suddenly sneeze turning your nose to ruby red.

I wish for more rp.
@Lucian banned for trying to spread Jaundice.
Granted @Shadow Dragonare the surup for my waffles.

I wish for a greener world.
Granted @Shadow Dragonexcept you keep typing.

I wish for more wishes! *gasp!!!

No he didint?!

Yea, he sort of did....
Banned @Harlequ for being too exhausted to not be.
Ali just tilted her head to the side. Then looked at Bri Who was a wall as far as trying to read her in any meaningful way. "OK." Said Ali. "I'll just be inside and find a room to call quarters and get some rest its been a trying time in this new dimension and I could use some sleep." She walked off around the corner and down the hall until she found a room with any resemblance to a bed. Finding a smallish room with what she would bet were guest quarters for smaller occupants than the captain. Giving a shrug she didnt care at this point and laid down Staring up at the ceiling until she shut her eyes and went to sleep in a short time later.

Bri however watched with a little confusion as Ali just walked off. Turning to the large dragon like creature, "I would like to get a molecular breakdown on the materials used and fuel to have as a reference. It would be a wise choice to find fuel and replacement materials before they become an issue. Especially in a strange dimension we both know little to nothing about. With your permission I will begin an analysis. Then perhaps a few small modifications to the vessels sensors to expand the range and a simple program to alert the bridge when finding the right materials." Bri stood there awaiting his reply. The metal face a blank slate.
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