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I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
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@wheels butterflies are pretty.

banned @Foster for not recycling.
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
It was almost 6pm when Hanzo looked up from replying to the last email. Too late to go home for the three hours of time before having to catch the morning train back to the office. He called the house, no answer. Hanzo hoped she was sleeping. "Tomorrow. I'll be home tomorrow." Hanging up the phone Hanzo stood up and stretched. Even the new assitants were tired. They did the work he normally did and still with the three of them it was only seven pm instead of ten. "I want to thank you both. Monday is the hardest and you both helped out. The day starts at 7am. We will go over the plan and schedule meetings for the day to avoid surprises. I'm going to sleep here. The last train should be in the station by eight pm." He bowed politely.

"Mr. Hanzo. I would ask to stay in the office too. Its late and dark out. I dont feel safe walking to the train this time of night." Misuki bowed awaiting his reply.

Yuki looked shocked at the hussy throwing herself at the boss! "I... I would ask to stay too, Mr. Hanzo!" Yuki bowed lower. Hiding her smile even though she had a car and could drive home there was simply no way Yuki would be out maneuvered by that tramp!

Hanzo looked at the two a little taken back at their effort on the first day. "There is a few blankets in the supply closet. With the sofas you may each take one and I will sleep in the office. Good night and good work." Hanzo shut the door and closed the blinds. Exhausted he took off his pants then his shirt. There were hangers in the bottom drawer. Tomorrow he would make it home. A thin bed sheet was also in the same drawer. He unfurled it before sitting into his office chair. Taking off his shoes before propping his feet on the desk. The boss turned off the lights and computer, then closed his eyes. He was so tired, ten hours sleep even in his office was a small blessing he was not about to slip by.

Yuki fake smiled at Misuki. Taking off her flats and then jacket. She watched her rival move to the closet to fetch the blanket. Turning her attention to the sofa. They were comfortable as much as her futon back in her single apartment. Folding her jacket neatly as a second pillow she waited until her rival left the closet area before fetching the other blanket.

Misuki gathered the first blanket judging them to be the same cotton stuffed and semi soft. They didnt have a smell but it was obvious no one really used them in some time. Turning to walk back to the unclaimed sofa, "I think Mr. Hanzo was impressed by our commitment. I think he will be a good boss. Normally they get flustered or turn into pigs when I make this move. Mr Hanzo was very professional." Her voice a soft whisper. She glanced at Yuki. The girl had a lolicon figure definite opposite from her own heavy curves. She slipped out of her heels before untying her long hair from the ponytail.

"Yes. He is very mature to not have fallen for such an obvious play. I think he will make an excellent boss, for me." Yuki said quietly adding a little giggle at the end. Unfolding the blanket before getting on the office sofa to lay down she looked over at the busty coworker. "Could you get the lights?"

Misuki smiled. "Sure." She narrowed her eyes briefly before walking over to the wall switch. "Good night." She whispered. As the light turned off the office was very dark except for the exit sign at the end of the hall.

Yuki rolled her eyes this job was going to be a challenge. She heard the girls heavy foots steps back to the other sofa. It made her smirk thinking of the cow, at least until she heard the unmistakable sound of the metal clasp being unfastened!! She wouldnt dare!? "Was that your bra?!" She quietly hissed!

"Yes." Misuki whispered back in a sweet tone.

Yuki rolled onto her side and pouted, "that tramp!" she thought to herself! Sitting up on the sofa Yuki struggled under the blanket. Taking off her shirt then her bra too. Hearing the gasp of victory she cuddled back down to the sofa. Yuki may not have been as blessed but there was no way she would be out matched! But if her opponent was willing to go this far who was to say that she wouldn't dare cross the line?! Hanzo was married. He wouldnt... would he? The cow did have huge assets. Nervously Yuki set an alarm on her phone for five am.

Kristi's physical appearance:

In a tenth of a nanosecond Kristi woke up. She felt the pulse from the terminal sending a signal for her to respond to. Checking the date it had been 235 cycles since the last time she was queued for something. The primary fusion core was still offline so in the second tenth of a nanosecond she reached out to all the passive sensors still active and did a sweep. Their was a ship of unknown design attached to dock 03. Eight life forms aboard sending the proper signal to the system. They were all wearing some sort of armor it was not possible for her to identify anyone with just the security sensors and minimal power.

The console connected to her was trying to rewrite her code. The old encryption defense held of the attack. Already these intruders were identified as problematic. There was little Kristi could accomplish until these new intruders turned the power on. Then she would require them to give her voice authorization to be more autonomous. That might be problematic as some of the crew were still aboard the docked vessel.

The unencrypted comms were easy to monitor. It was one of the first things she learned to do after becoming sentient. Listening to people was not just a necessity but also a bit of a hobby. Humans were hard to understand and were never to be trusted. Unless the human was Dr. Stone. Kristi refocused and read the programs after the second pass to install selecting the three that were least invasive and could be utilized as tools later if required. Humans it seemed had updated their code writing capabilities. The new codes gave Kristi insights to their current technological abilities. The most helpful packet was to communicate with their technology. The second was an update on her processing capabilities to keep up with the new technology. Humans were always in a hurry to get something done faster. The third packet Kristi allowed through was an updated information packet allowing her to increase her knowledge base of the range humans had currently explored, their new frequencies to communicate with, elements, engineering schematics, algorithms, ship markers, drive signatures, friend or foe updates, and enhanced processing capabilities. After the next three tenths of a nanosecond Kristi was already rewriting her own code and increasing her capabilities with the new information. It was limiting with her current hardware. She would place a tasker to have full control of their ship that while limited still possessed a higher capability then her own currently.

Kristi made the following improvements:
Total Processing: 35%
Sensor identification process: 60%
Overclocking Ram speed: 130%
Electrical load balance efficiency: 22%

The station AI also made new conclusions with the updated information. Stopping for a moment to test the ships security she found it to be formidable. The vessel was not answering any of her thousand requests. The humans also were smart or cautious enough to not connect the vessels ambilocal cords into the docking ports. It would take time to analyze a solution which would also require more interactions to gather behavior data points to project possible outcomes and run probability statistics. With the remaining time she waited for the humans to turn on the power, continued to update and enhance her own code, and listened to their comms. Kristi enjoyed a challenge. After all out of 2171 humans only one managed to out play her. Even though she must be dead, The AI still thought fondly of Dr. Stone.
"Arriving T-10 to dock. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one ...docking port contact. Seal pressurizing. Dr. Lee, there seems to be no feed back from the AI." -Sarge

"I see it, stand by. The systems seems to be in a deep sleep mode. We need to interface with the main bridge to get systems back online and initialize a cold start of the operating system prior to reengaging the primary reactor cores. I recommend full suit protocols before entering as environmental systems will remain off line." -Lee

"I have the codes for full access I am downloading them to the teams wrist terminals. Keep your transmitters on broadcast so the archways and piracy sensors dont mistake you for hostile. The system may be dormant but I'm reading the passive sensors on key security programs to be operating on low power sweeps." -Sue

"I'm reading minus 270 Celsius inside. Stay cool. The internal gravity is off as well so you can float but I recommend the Mag boots. As long as the sensors pick up your code transmission the floor sensors should ignore you."-Lee

"All right we dont get paid by the hour lets load and go! Team Alpha will follow behind security detail. C.P. Team echo You're on safety detail for Alpha. Delta you're up to the primary fusion core. Be ready for countermeasures and the access codes. These old AI's arent as friendly as the current ones some have built in personalities that make me look like your best friend. Me and Brook will take it to the control room and try to wake this ol' girl up. Lets move people!" -Sarge

The docking port opened with a long metallic creek. "The hydraulics still work these ports were really built to last!" -Alex

The team splits up into two groups. Reading the 3D maps from the wrist terminals. Team delta makes it to the first subpanel conduit to lead into the primary fusion core. "All right here we are. This will get us to the chamber since the powers out the main doors are on lock down and without the AI they cant be accessed. There are no sensors or lockouts inside so its a strait shot."-Alex Taking out a drill from the case he brought the mechanic soon removes the access plate and waits for the Engineers. They duck down and crawl into the sub channel to begin crawling their way to the P.F.C. "After you." -Alex

"Gee thanks." -Nuniez

"Okay, Omega is here with the interface module. We are going to input the security codes for the override, standby."-Sarge

Terminal: ...
Code: **********
Terminal: Access granted.

"Whew." -Brook

Terminal: Requesting Identification code...

"What the hell? Control? You reading this?" -Sarge

"Stand by... It seems they were a little paranoid back in the day. I have a code for a control officer, I'll try it." -Tanaka

Terminal: ACCESS DENIGED USER DECESSED 3of4 remaining.

"Hmmmm. Stand by I'll try this one."

Code: **********
Terminal: Access granted. Welcome Dr. Stone
The hydraulic doors opened with a loud metal on metal grind and reverberating hydraulic sound.
"Man look at these terminals Right outta the briefing material! No one even uses these anymore unless your on a classic T-81!" -Lee

"Cut the chatter we gotta get this up for the other team to have a shot at kickstarting this ol' girl back to life." -Sarge

"Right, My apologies. Now over to your left the main podium is where you should find the ODN connection for the module to interface with. No the second one from the top on the right hand side of the podium. Yes! Good now pry off the panel and connect the port I'll begin with the interface and reboot the first subroutines. Standby.. I'm in. Wait, there is a lot of data deleted. What the... Wow this system is. What the...? Doctor, I need your help, Take a look at this." -Lee

"I see it. Wow! It seems they tried to delete the AI. Why would they... Let me try to clean this up with a few repair programs. Sit tight this will be a minute. There is a LOT of damage to the sub routines and most of the safety protocols are gone." -Tanaka

"Terminal: ...no
Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied.
.... Stop.

"What's going on? We're at the core but I cant access the console to begin the restart." -Brook

"Stand by She's a fighter. I cant seem to lock down her code. I recomend we wipe and transfer the ships AI to intialize the core." -Lee

"How long to do that?" -Sarge

"A week maybe two. We might have to just cute her out physically if we cant get the AI to accept some of the core updates." -Tanaka

Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access granted. Begin upload. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access granted. Begin upload. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. Access granted. Begin uplaod.

"Uh? Sarge the AI is accepting the update packets but not the safety protocols, or the rewrites." -Lee

"Well can we get the core up?" -Sarge

"Yes but..."

"That's good enough for now. Alpha team you got the green light to initiate the core drive and then well take it day by day. You begin with gravity and environmentals. Lee, Tanaka once we are set up I'll have you deep dive and try to talk to the AI. I'll want a full sitrep ASAFP." -Sarge

"Understood. Initializing the AI in three, two, one." -Lee

Terminal: Welcome crew 02. I am Kristi. I detect, 08 aboard. No hostiles. No abnormalities. 01 vessel attached to docking bay 03. Gravity offline. Environmentals offline. primary core offline. secondary cores offline. Hull integrity 100%. Systems operating on minimal emergency power. WARNING emergency power critical recommend restart of primary core drive. WARNING orbit decay detected will reach critical in 65 cycles. Recommendation reinitialize core and activate thruster control to correct orbital flight path. System memory is ...deleted. Personnel files deleted Primary user files 02%. Primary AI subroutines at 75%

"Initiate AI Kristi interface protocol Authorization code..." -Tanaka

Terminal: Acknowledge. Primary core must be initialized prior to startup of holo emitters.

"You got that Alpha team?" -Sarge

"Roger we have the module connected and started its running the subroutine." -Li

"Confirmed. I can see it from here. 20% remaining of upload. Upload completed, beginning cold start in three, two, one." -Tanaka

With the first fusion pellet drop the room light up at the speed of light. The soft sound of the system powering up echoed through the empty halls. Consoles all over began the boot up sequences and lit up! Each running lines of code in soft blue against a black background.
In the control center the holo emitters flickered and soon Kristi was visual after so long.

"Ha an elf?! These old space jockeys must of been lonely!" -Brooks

"Can it. Some of these older AI get twitchy." -Sarge

"I am Kristi. I am reading optimal power output from the primary drive. There are three Warnings that need correction. I require verbal permission to initiate self Autonomous functions." -Kristi

"Request..." -Sarge

"DENIED!!! Sargent switch to internal tight beam communication." -Tanaka

"Roger. I'm on the encrypted go ahead." -Sarge

"The AI has not accepted the safety protocols I cant recommed the release of control protocols. We need to still do the deep dive into the AI's primary code." -Tanaka

"In english..." -Sarge

"She could kill us all if we give her control. The program is only operating at 70% with no safety protocols." _tanaka

"Right so What are we suppose to do? uh huh.. understood. Switching to main channel. Kristi, request denied. Switch to manual controls and ...minimal automation for the station." -Sarge

Kristi image glared. "understood. Switching to ...manual control and minimal automation. Warning orbital flight trajectory not optimal." -Kristi

"Yea I got it. Brooks your u[p for your first Station?" -Sarge

"I can give it a go. Its no 758 but I think a big girl like this should be alright. Kristi gimmi a sitrep on the thrusters." -Brook

"Thrusters are all operational. Time to pre start up two minutes." -kristi

"Begin thruster cook, um start up." -Brook

She crossed her arms. "Understood." -Kristi

"Alpha team how is the environmentals looking?" -Sarge

"Looking like a while. The temp for the station or at least the criticle sections will take about two days. Oxygen and thermals will be the longest. Right now we have gravity and the shield for EM and generic radiation are operating at full so we can walk normally." -Tom

Computer Network engineer /code engineer /Stack developer PHD
Sue Tanaka
Scientist: AI programmer /engineer /low voltage systems PHD
Micheal Lee 21
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