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I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
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476 AD
The world was flames. The raven haired beauty could smell it even from deep within her crypt. The air above was ash. People were screaming and crying, She could hear the sound of metal slashing away at flesh! Halima laid still in her stone tomb. While the sun was up her body lacked the strength to even move. The plush interior was more for habit than necessity. Her silken white tunic resting against her dead body as she felt the chaos above. It mattered not, during the day Ra held power over her, like a great stone pinning her to the ground where she laid to rest. The dark haired beauty could only listen on in horror as she heard the timbers crackle, The creek of the support beams and then it was the fall of her home above her. More screams played out through the day as she waited for Ra's power to wane over the sky.

As her body gained strength she rose pressing her slender hands against the lid and slid it to the side. Rising from the stone chest she could smell the ash and blood. It was an abyss of her own making. Yet she knew the distance to the stairs, the space between the walls, the direction to the surface. Sure footed steps lead her to the stone steps. The way was blocked. The house had fallen and even after the fire was mere cinders the weight of it remained. Halima had made the perfect cage. There were no other exits. Exits for one were entrances to another so she ensured the cellar was stone blocked and too thick for trespassers. Screaming was useless as she made sure all her meals were uninterrupted. Her mind went to work and when it came back with nothing she laughed hysterically!

Nights turned to years, years turned to decades... Decades turned to centuries. It was painfully slow as the hunger over took her body! The clawing, the screaming, all for nothing. There was no escape for her. Until one moment a loud noise she had never heard before now! The repeating inhumanly fast sound of some hammer being struck over and over with great speed and intensity from the side wall! In little time the wall was broken down and the sound of voices could be heard! They were strange voices, not Greek, not Roman, it was something new. Even as a husk the creature could feel the Eye of Ra above her with his promises of death for her betrayal. Even as their bodies so full of blood and warmth graced her chamber she was helpless for now. Soon more voices came and more warmth grew ever closer to her cell of stone. A metal sound struck her stone lid, then another, until she heard it slide once more. A human wretched spilling his stomach contents to the floor. Others spoke while one laughed; they were so warm, so very close. More strange sounds the once slave girl from Egypt listened to but could not name. They left for a time and Ra started to loosen his grip over her body once more. It mattered not as she had withered away to the husk state in her hunger.

A set of heavy footsteps approached her once more. Halima could feel a warmth, closer, and closer still to her body! The heart beat driving her mind to the singular focus! As the hand touched the golden amulet she wore on her chest, the husk whipped up like a serpent from the reeds! Striking the human in the side of his arm! He thrashed and screamed as the creatures fangs held tight! The trickle became a stream in her mouth! Like the Nile her body turned every drop of liquid vitae from him into strength for her! The creatures arms wrapped about his body as her lips became flesh! She bite into him harder making more of his blood flow! Something metal and sharp struck her in the back but it mattered little. Only a God could have stopped this force of darkness! The other human tired to run but it was too late! Those golden eyes were regenerated enough to stop him in his tracks! Even as the mans very soul must of begged his body to run The serpents eyes held him in place as she continued to drink! Even staring at him while she moved to the first mans neck with blinding speed as to not loose her prey! She drank deeper at the source! Only when his heart grew still did she move with inhuman grace to the other human! Wrapping around his body like Set himself! Her lips pressing against his throat as Halima bit deeply into his juicy flesh!

It was not enough! Two was nothing in her state! Blood was screaming in her withered body! She ran once more on two legs! It had been so long and she was still starving! The dancers mind a raving beast as she rushed down this new passage! The air was cold on her withered form, the clothing that once adorned her body had rotted away long ago. Reaching the open space she never stopped moving. Hunting flickering her tongue into the air she turned and continued to move! There was a feast a large mass of humans near by, their heart beats were the sound of the world! The lights and noises from this place were small and still compared to the steady beating! The passage was dark and there were two, then one, then nothing. From the nothing she grew a little more each time. Each dark shadow, every small passage, even the ones sleeping out in the open under some parchment the creature feasted on!

Her body grew stronger, the husk turned into a corpse, then into a dark force of gluttony! Halima sighed feeling her strength slowly stretching out into those slender limbs. Like a serpent from an egg stretching the muscles for the first time free from the confines of imprisonment! It had been a long time indeed. Her mind once again her own the creature looked out into the world of humans. It was terrifying! Metal chariots without horses roared passed her alleyway. The garments they were were so form fitting! The language they spoke was strange, too foreign. Every corner of the street had light from steel posts. The chariots had lights from the front and back! Every other window in these massive buildings had light too! For a while she sat in the shadows and watched them like a predator to a heard. She moved from alley to alley on the look out until Halima found her prey. A woman wearing a robe of sorts. It was red and fell to her ankles, the front was a deep gap that exposed the woman's center line, a slit up the side exposing her hip and thigh as she walked. The dark creature whistled, as their eyes met the woman stopped and turned toward the shadows. As the red dress disappeared into the darkness a soft sucking sound followed. Emerging was a slender woman with raven hair and bronze skin. Her full lips wore the crimson shade of life. Bare foot the new creature strode out into the city.

Halima felt small and alone in this new world. The words of her world fell on deaf ears in this new one. Did everyone forget Latin? It was so very frustrating for her! The creatures first night of freedom yet she was still captive to her old world. On the street and on some cars and building there was the strange markings. Not hieroglyphs, not Latin, but something different yet similar to a language. Recalling the masters words, "victims attract victims." Halima began to speak aloud in a soft scared tone. "Please can someone help me? Please I am lost and I need help can anybody help me?" As she walked about to crowds she repeated the message in semi false desperation. A woman turned to her voice, tilting her head slightly to one side. "Yes? Are you all right?"

"I am lost, I cant recall anything." The dark haired woman in the red dress replied.

Clearly she looked like someone punched her in the mouth with the stained blood caked lips. "It will be alright I will take you to the hospital." As the woman approached Halima leaned on her.

"My gratitude." They walked arm in arm to a large building three blocks down. The building was all lights which caused the red dressed woman to flinch.

"Are you hurt?" The other woman asked as they walked.

Halima simply nodded weakly. Nearly shutting her eyes as they got to the front doors. The doors opened by magic to their approach. The creature glanced at her 'savior' noting the woman didn't find it odd. Getting to a desk her new companion walked her to the new woman in white. They spoke that different language to each other. "This is a ...medicine woman. she will help you." As the woman tried to walk away Halima grabbed her arm. "STAY WITH ME." The creature whispered.

The woman stood by her side. Through the ordeal she couldn't take the intense lights! They were everywhere, in the ceiling, the desk, a picture, in the corners of the room! It was a bad choice and Halima had enough. She leaned closer to her friend. "TAKE ME HOME." She quietly hissed.

They left the waiting room and soon her new friend was using a small metal box. "I live pretty far, I'm calling a ...ride." A lot of current objects and services didn't exist in the Latin language so substitutions were required. Her friend got in first then the woman in the red dress. As the metal carriage took off she stared at her friend then out the window. She noticed the person in the front giving her looks. As the rearview didnt want to show the red dress woman she closed her eyes and focused, soon the driver only knew of one person in his cab. The tenseness in the man's shoulders melted as he drove them to their destination.

Home was a large building which Halima would learn was actually a large group of smaller rooms. At the front door the creature sensed her friend was becoming apprehensive. "WE ARE FRIENDS. LET ME STAY." She said authoritatively.

"Come on in. This is my ...home." She walked inside then moved aside to welcome her new friend.
Age 22

Presences 2
Celerity 3
Auspex 4

Contacts: 3
Obscutirty: 5 *reverse fame
Resources: 4

Strength 3 Int 3 Charisma *5
dex *5 Wit **5 Manip **5
stamina **4 Resolve 4 Composure 5
Willpower: 9

Sometimes when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you.

@wheelsbanned for being too self conscious.
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The rest of the train ride Aki was lost in thought, so much that when the train stopped at his station he looked up to notice it was raining. Getting off the train he walked to the edge of the covering over the exit. Getting his phone out he sent Miku a text. "Flash your lights." She read it and a minute later flashed the car lights. He took a deep exhale before making his way to the car. Getting into the passender seat he handed his wife the phone. No words not even a glance in her direction.

Miku took the phone and looked at Aki with a questioning look.

"Read the text from Mitzumi." He said. Again without looking at her. He didnt want to add to whatever was about to happen.

Miku read the texts, all of them. She felt hurt and betrayed by her best friend. All the poison and hurt was now focused like the edge of a katana at her best friend instead of two people. A tear rolled silently down her cheek. She started the car and drove away from the train station. The car ride was silent.

Aki realized by saving himself he doomed his wifes best friend. There was so much he wanted to say, Aki just didnt know if anything at this point would fix anything for his wife. She was lonely. This hurt him not that he showed it. It was raining and dark not the best time to fight even in an anime. Aki sat in thought about if there was anything he could do to help his wife but the answer was invisible to him. As the car rolled to a stop in front of their home he waited for her to make the first move.

Miku got out. Lightning stuck in the distance, almost on que. She made her way to the front door used the key and walked inside. Aki followed silently.

Aki inhaled through his nose. There was no food. Silently he took off his shoes and coat then went to the kitchen and turned on the lights. The switch was flipped but the power was out. A quiet sigh escaped his lips, the second the tail of the sound left his lips it began.

"I'll make dinner." She came into the kitchen taking down a pan and opening the fridge.

"I dont want you to." He tried to say gently.

"You're hungry I'll make dinner." She tossed open the fridge and gathered some stuff.

"I want to talk to you." He paused as she whipped around to face him. Her eyes full of tears. "Please, I'm just trying to understand." He kept his voice calm and sincere. He had no way of knowing it was being perceived as cold.

"You didn't know? Didnt know I'm lonely? I dont like your two sluts you spend more time with then me. I am your wife!" She raised her voice.

Aki rolled his eyes only to instantly regret it. "Listen to me. They are hard workers..." He flinched at the choice of adjective. "They are not sluts. They are the reason I was able to come home. You know Monday is the heavy day. I have to catch up on not just the weekend but the overseas accounts. Its not as easy as..." He cut it off but she finished the move.

"..As my job? Yes I dont have over seas accounts and only one specific niche, but it's still a job! A job I work hard at!" Her face was a mask of bitterness. The tears still rolled down as she yelled.

"I didnt say that you are putting the wrong words out!" He leaned in like a boxer trying to shorten the distance of the next blow. I am here the first night during a week in years because I love you. Because I put us first. Because I want the best for us! He chose the wrong words, "Its not as easy to get away until now. I have more obligations that are different from yours, and I cant come home or live closer to the house! I got those interns so if something that might of actually been important I can leave work!"

"You can get away as much as you like with Mitzumi..." She knew it was wrong but her anger made her lash out blindly. "You two can get away all you want with your texts!" She slapped the kitchen counter hard!

It was a cheap shot that told Aki she was cornered. "Mitzumi was worried about you! You read the text! She is your friend! What is wrong with you?!" He fired back yelling in her face! It was a bad move. Even though he meant it as a place of concern the tone and yelling twisted it into a dagger he just handed to his wife.

She used it. "HA! How did she know you had two interns? Do you invite Mitzumi over to the office at night? We need to talk? Since when do you and Mitzumi talk? Are you screwing her too? Is that why you are tired?!"

He punched the table hard! "You know its not, stop being stupid! Maybe you're lonely because all you do is fight! I work that job take a hour train and sleep at the office for us! You wanted to live in the country side! You picked the house so far from my work! You bring Mitzumi to Karaoke! You invite her to come and drink at our house! You have a coworker friend! You have the half hour drive to work! You get to relax here instead of at your desk! You are so selfish!" He screamed at her, his love. All the dark resentment came spilling from his lips like a dragons breath!

With that Miku fled into the bed room and slammed the door shut! Collapsing on the bed she cried her mind and soul was a typhon of emotion! Miku screamed into a pillow! She punched and kicked the mattress!

As he slumped against the wall he ran his hand through his black hair. He thought of the saying, "In war there are no winners, only casualties." He never felt like the winner of any of their fights. Because he regretted every fight they ever had. More thunder struck outside. The rain poured down the windows. Aki started making dinner. Half way he picked up the phone and sent a text to Mitzumi, "We need to talk. I need a ride to the train." Aki made rice, vegetables and a side of grilled fish. He hoped the smell would cox his wife from the bedroom. When it was clear she wasn't coming out he got the bed tray and made a nice presentation of it. Aki walked to the door and set it in front. He knocked twice and left the hallway.

Returning to the dinner table he ate alone with a glass of water. After cleaning the kitchen to not add to the possible fight the next day Aki move to the living room. There was a hall closet and a bed sheet for guests. Aki took the sheet and made his way to the sofa. It was late and he still had work in the morning. He dreamed of their wedding day.
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Mr. Hanzo simply nodded at Yuki before walking into his office and shutting the door. Siting at his desk he looked at the time, 317PM. He couldnt leave no earlier then 545pm. The train would be at the station by six. Answering the phone his mind began calculating the escape plan to get home.

Misuki tilted her head as she smiled at the cow. She had got the point. It was clear by the rapid way the Yuki was typing. Like a kid in an arcade crushing the buttons trying to hit harder. Miskui strode to her desk in victory and returned to work.

Yuki tried her best not to notice the interns victory. At least from offering any outward sign to her rival. She needed this job. Her apartment, her school bills, the car note, they all were driving her to overcome all obstacles to her path of advancement in the company. To this she would sacrifice anything to achieve her goal!


Miku went about her day making data points, replying to emails, lost in her fantasy. It was just a harmless little dream. She was married. He was just a teen she told herself of all the fail safes that kept her grounded. Mitzumi understood, she was so attentive to her story. Miku knew that they were friends for this reason. Two sides of a coin. She the wife sensible and grounded, her friend the life of the party wild card and free spirit. Each sharing some sort of modern symbiosis with the other. The cell vibrated on her desk. Her eyes read the message from Aki... "Where are you? What happened? Mitzumi called and text me this. Are you okay? I'm coming home tonight. Let me know you are all right!!" Looking up at the doorway Miku was trying to piece it together herself. He never called her at work, never in five years. Mitzumi was messaging him? How long was that going on? ...Mitzumi was messaging HIM AT WORK?! Something in her snapped like a demon breaking through the ground! Her mind spiraled like some category eight typhon! Like the anime character going into overdrive displaying the one red glowing eye; she silently began to rage! All the karaoke nights, all the playful leans, the cute laughs, the gazing at him... All it took was a few messages at work from her and Aki was going to just drop everything and come home? HA! Her eyes narrowed, her mind began to set sniper points like some war documentary! She looked at the time, 406pm the earliest train he could take was the six pm. He would never leave work earlier then seven, the next train to that was the eight pm train. It would still take over an hour for him to get home. Her eyes narrowed, she would be ready! At home with the lights dimmed, cook him the usual meal, her white shoulder strap blouse with a modest knee length green skirt, her hair tied back into a super cute pony tail, the wifely apron 'kiss the cook' print. Then to sit back and let the blowfish poison do the work as she rubbed her hands together sinisterly. Miku softly bit her lower lip and gave a sideways glance, well maybe not that far... not yet.

She sent a test to her friend, "Lets have dinner tonight. My treat."

"I am going out. Date night! Wish me luck." -Mitzumi
Mitzumi could feel the icy hands of death behind her. She knew her friends temper. They had the agreement and an agreement with Miku was practically a blood oath! 'No texting or calling Aki unless it was and emergency' She had done both, in the same day. It marked her for death, there was no way around it. The bushido code would be considered suggestions compared to Miku's word. That woman was an assassin in her determination. In a movie this would be the moment the shuriken shot through the open window and struck the wall next to her head as a warning. Then the ninja a mile away deep in the bamboo forest would sink into the shadows after laughing ominously. Mitzumi sighed defeatedly, slumping in the chair in her office. She was so screwed.

Mr. Hanzo answered calls checked his cell and sent out the emails. At 540PM he emerged from his office. Already in his suit jacket, "I'm leaving for the day. You both have done good work. I need you two to close the office and be out by six, go home. A sofa is no place for you. I will see you both tomorrow morning at seven sharp." They both hopped up from their chairs and bowed. He bowed and then bolted for the door! His fast speed walking could be heard down the hall.

Misuki gave her coworker a look, "Is this a test? Are we allowed to leave three hours early?"

Yuki shrugged. "I need to get some more work done. Is this some sort of time challenge? I cant get three hours of work done in twenty minutes!"

With a knowing look they sat back down and kept typing.

Aki was at the train station just as it was pulling in. He was mostly alone. There were a few other guys there some of them had small cardboard boxes with office stuff. He had to get home. There was no reply from either of them. If he left work early over one of Mitzumi's pranks he was going to give her an ear full! Hanzo shook his head as he got on the train. No, she knew not to do that. Miku made her promise not to call or text unless it was life or death. Mitzumi knew Miku would not tolerate her pulling a prank like this. His cell rang. It was Miku.

"Is everything all right?" -Aki

"Yes I'm sorry Mitzumi bothered you at work." -Miku

".... You didnt answer. I am on the train." I was worried, is what he should of said, instead he said this, "I left work three hours early!"

"I didnt ask you to!" -Miku

"Then why didnt you answer the phone?"- Aki

"I was working. I do that too you know!" -Miku

Akis anger was growing but it should of went to Mitzumi. "Are you home?"


She never came home this early! Seven pm sure, maybe six thirty, but not now. Something was going on! "I'm coming home. We need to talk."

"Okay. I will come get you from the station." -Miku

"Okay." As soon as the call ended he texted Mitzumi. "We need to talk. This is serious."

Mitzumi read the text on her way home. She had really stepped in it. "Are you home?"

"Not yet. I'm on the train. Why is Miku home? What is going on?" -aki

"She is lonely. She needs you home. Miku told me about the interns. Why did you get two girls? Bad move." -Mitzumi

"They were the most qualified, lived the closest, newly graduated, went to the same university as me." -Aki

"bad move." -Mitzumi

He rolled his eyes. So that is how it was. Aki sighed. It was going to be a fight. There was no backing out now. Looking at himself in the windows reflection he shook his head, "Baka."
@Mole Banned for capturing the friend of a mermaid.
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
At work Miku was all business. Her long black hair pinned up, the white lab coat hugging her slender curves as she walked about the lab. She was sitting at her desk when the knock on her door frame made the lab scientist raise her eyes from the black rimmed glasses she wore. "Wanna have lunch?" Mitzumi was all smiles and leaning heavily against the door frame.

Miku smiled at her friend and nodded. "Yes!" She nearly hoped out of her chair and arm in arm walked to the cafeteria. All giggles and smiles as they gathered the items on the trays. She gave a knowing glance at her friend as they sat down to eat and gossip. Of course Mitzumi was going to try to tell her about all the juicy details of her single life weekend. As the girls lips parted slowly to start her tale Miku began instead. She told of her run in with the cute bag boy at the local market. How blue his eyes were, how thick his hair was, how their fingers touched ever so briefly.

Mitzumi was silent. Her eyes wide for the start of the story. She knew her friend, knew the look, knew what Miku was really saying and it made her sad. Even though she tried to smile. With a fake laugh she teased Miku about it, on how young boys were always like that. She tried to tell Miku in a very indirect way how it was harmless. The boy was simply helping and the manager did the right thing by curbing his enthusiasm. Mikus friend of ten years knew there were fights and money was tight. That dream home and their school debts were making them live check by check. On the surface they had made their dreams. But under the surface a riptide that threated to drown them both was silently ready to take them under. She could tell her friend Miku was starting to sink in that moment. "You should send a text to Aki. Tell him you need to see him tonight. All night long."

Miku's face dropped to her tray as her voice grew cold. "He sent me a voicemail saying he would see me tonight but I'm not counting on it. ...He has help now, at work. Female help."

She didnt know it but Mitzumis mouth hung open. "No. He is a good man. He would never." Is what she wanted to say, should of said. There was a few times when they were in a Karaoke and she had one too many she might of leaned on him a little too long but he never made a single move or suggestion that wasnt honorable. Mitzumi was there at their wedding. She knew what type of man he was. He would never do that sort of thing. He worked himself to death for them at that job trying to be number one! "You're wrong." Is all she said to her frined of ten years without even looking at her. Instead she go up without her tray and walked away.

Mitzumi had his number but never called. It was for an emergency only and hell if this didnt count as one in her eyes. "Mr. Hanzo. Its Mitzumi. You have to go home Mr. Hanzo. You have to go home now... tonight." She leaned against the wall and sighed. Her mind began to race with options. Maybe she could get the kid fired, or have him move, or just kidnapped for a few years until this was over and Miku was back to normal? She sent a text to Aki, "Miku isnt feeling good she needs you to come home." She quietly cursed at herself for getting involved.


The morning came and Mr. Hanzo woke to his 630AM alarm. He shaved and got dressed with some air freshener to his jackets arm holes. Turning on his computer and raising the blinds first to the window and second to his office door. He gasped at what he saw next! The were in their desks respectively a little disheveled from sleeping on the sofa but already typing like crazy! He stepped out into the common area to see everything was orderly and the blankets were put away. Walking over to the coffee pot that was already full and hot! He made a cup silently watching their drive, though admittingly not certain what they were working on so hard. He slowly walked closer first to Askana. She was already murdering incoming emails from local vendors and had a long list of replies... since FIVE AM?! Her desk had a half cup of coffee and the woman's fingers blazed away at the keyboard easily typing sixty words a minute! With a silent nod he moved over to Miss Ejins desk. She had an empty cup with the fresh stain of coffee in the bottom. Her fingers were slower but she was working on... restructuring the lower east side distribution numbers?! That was a mess! Even Hanzo hated dealing with the constant stream of invoices, and corrections, and deletions or last minute adds to orders. Ejin was typing slower because she had a second screen and was ten keying the figures in real time!!! He was about to offer praise when the phone rang. Only three steps to his office yet Yuki had picked up the call on her desk. They were making his job more streamlined then it had been in the last five years! Silently he continued to his desk.

Everything seemed handled he would get the occasional transfer call to someone wanting to speak to him directly, a few points requiring his decision. The new hires had by lunch the day 90% completed. As a reward he made time to have catering delivered. He ate with them in the common room. The new hires casting smiles at each other as they ate and talked about the figures, emails, and issues. Keeping to themselves the events of last night.

After lunch everyone returned to their prospective desks and resumed their work. Hanzo received an email from the Marketing director wanting to speak with him when the time was right. He felt now would be fine as the office was operating smoothly. Getting his jacket he stood at the doorway. "I need to see the Marketing director. I will be back shortly. I have my cell if there is an emergency." He returned their head nod and left. Heading to the elevator. He never had to go up before except for the one time where he was given the warning of his performance. The managing director was on the tenth floor. He knew they had hired a new one ever since Mr. Tanaka retired last year over health concerns. The man was nearly seventy, Hanzo imagined his retirement during the elevator ride up.

He knocked at the door, it was a corner office. His nose picked up the scent of perfume. It was unmistakable the same as his wife. The door opened to reveal a tall blond woman. "Mr. Hanzo?"

He bowed respectfully and she returned it, "Please come in." Amanda took her seat first then waited for him to take the other one. "I never got the chance to meet with you. I am Miss. Willis the marketing director. You are the logistics director yes?"

"Yes. I run the operations for the south of Tokyo, Australia, and our manufacturing divisions." He sat a little on edge.

Amanda felt her dislike for him fade a little. He was handsome but a two timer and literally with two other women in his own department? The man was a dog. "I see I wanted to ask your opinion about the Australia region..." An hour later their meeting was over. Amanda had to admit he was good, very good at his job as far as his knowledge base. He even was offering to include her on correspondence and loops with clients to try to expand the brand. The cologne he wore while feint reminded her of another time. As he left her office she leaned back in her chair and sighed. "He's still a dog."

On the way back from the meeting his phone vibrated. Stopping in his tracks he read the message from Mitzumi. In the elevator there was no signal. He rushed to his office and heard the voice mail. The time his wife was still at work he sent her a text, then another, and another. "Where are you? What happened? Mitzumi called and text me this. Are you okay? I'm coming home tonight. Let me know you are all right!!" The a text to Mitzumi, "What happened? She isn't answering her phone." He walked past their desks and into his main office. The phone was ringing but he wasnt focused.

"Mr. Hanzo the phone. It is from store seventy two." Askana looked at him. He was focused on the phone in his hand. Had the meeting been about last night? Did they cause him to be fired?! "Mr. Hanzo. Mr. Hanzo? ...Aki."

He looked up a little shocked, more that he was spacing out at work then the first name being used by a subordinate.

"Line two. Southern store seventy two." She felt her face blush a little. She had used his first name. It was too real. Casting back a glance at Yuki an her dark face as she had done the unimaginable by using a first name. That big cow was going down!
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Leaning back in her chair behind the office desk she sighed finally sending off the last response to the mountain of emails received in the day. They said it was a tough assignment but this was something on a level the American never expected. She let her blue eyes drift over to the edge of the screen, 8pm?! "Fuck!" The blonde said with a soft sigh of defeat. The last train had left and she didnt have a drivers license for this country yet. Kicking off her shoes under the desk she lifted a foot to rub her soles. With a few clicks she ordered a floor massager for her feet online.

The company was very generous giving her a mini fridge and the office space. Her hair was an issue so they jumped at the chance, or it felt that way to have the American hire sealed away from the other office workers. Amanda was over the whole dying of hair routine from her teens and had no interest in redoing roots every two weeks to the conforming black. Her office had a large window and a view that over looked the ocean, if you had a set of binoculars. A fax /printer /scanner was in the corner as was a mirco single serving cappuccino maker she brought with her. The three screen set up was nice as it allowed her to multitask on her work. Keeping up with current trends and cultures was a full time effort and part of the marketing world. Her team was consisting of three different departments with five to seven people in each department. The all reported to her through the department heads with her being the filter between them and corporate.

Turning off the computer and taking a piece of tape she covered the camera lens. Standing up from her chair she stretched her arms up to the ceiling. Letting them fall back to her side Amanda took off her jacket. She slipped her shoe back on and headed to the rest room to freshen up a little. In her bottom drawer she had placed emergency items. A small cup, tube of travel size toothpaste, and tooth brush, A wash cloth and soap, The blond moved to the bathroom. In the hall she could hear some voices in Japanese.

"Was that your bra?"

The marketing director stopped in her tracks! She was in the dimly lit hallway and the question stopped her to a stand still! Nearly dropping the cup she whipped her head to the direction of the words. The door read, "Hanzo Logistics Director" in Japanese. She had heard this as a taboo in Japan and there was a mountain of steamy manga and books written to the subject but, here, really?!

"Yes" Said a second voice. It seemed closer to the door leading into the hall.

Were there two women having an affair in the Directors office?! Amanda felt her face blush. Were they cleaning staff it was late and the marketing director had no idea who was suppose to be in the office at this time. Were they secretaries in a forbidden love affair?!

"I do this at home. I cant wear it all the time. Maybe your jealous?" The second voice giggled.

"Whatever gets you fired. My Hanzo wouldnt fall for that. He is married and likes smaller ...girls." Said the first younger sounding voice.

"You are jealous! It's is okay to admit it. Not like a lolicon like you had a chance." The second voice said sweetly.

"Jealous of back pain and knocking things over with your huge front no thanks. Besides Mr. Hanzo prefers a strong work ethic and someone who is working long hours over how fat their chest is." Said the first voice.

The sound of a zipper made the blond realize she had moved closer and her ear was against the glass door.

"Well I shouldnt want my skirt to wrinkle. It's unprofessional." Said the second voice, followed by a sound like a briefcase being opened. "A good secretary comes prepared. I'm sure with your wrinkled clothes you'll be sent home. That is what a 2 hour train ride, one way? I'll be sure to get ahead in your absence."

The blond could hear rustling on a sofa. Then a soft sound of a zipper.

"You cant! You didnt bring a change of clothes!" The second voice quietly hissed! "Seriously?! What if he comes in or wakes up early?"

Amanda was stunned to the point her cup fell from her hand to the wood laminate floor with a sharp sound! She panicked and grabbed the items and rushed down the hall as she heard the room go dead quiet!

Hearing the cup fall and then a lot of footsteps going away from the door made both girls freeze in their banter! Yuki turned slowly to the door and with two fingers moved the blind covering the glass. The hall was dark, the damage done. Now someone knew about their plan. Someone in the office knew of their game of one upping for attention! In the dark office she smiled with her face hanging down. A hand over her heart as it raced. Things were getting interesting! Was it a lonely coworker she could threaten or ...seduce?

Misuki flopped into the sofa pulling the blanket over her head to hide as if she was seven all over again! It was bad enough her rival had goaded her into the argument but now someone might know that she was in her work shirt and panties?! Under covers on the sofa in her bosses office?! She thought Seppuku might be her only option at this point.

Hanzo was fast asleep. Years of routine made office sleeping a pro skill. Like an ancient samurai the Director had sharpened his talent to a keen edge able to defeat even a janitor buffing the floors.

Making it to the bathroom she leaned against the door short shallow breathing as her mind tried to calm herself. The director had two in his office at the same time?! "My Hanzo... Married?!" She thought replaying the conversation in her head as she walked briskly over to the sink to splash some water on her face. The makeup held. She was going to have to scrub a little. letting the hot water run for a bit Amanda stared at herself in disbelief even as she cleaned her face and noted to bring her kit next time. With the wash cloth she started to wipe her face clean from the day. Replaying the conversation over and over. "Mr. Hanzo..." She would remember that name.
I miss this series so much!!
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