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I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

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<Snipped quote by hanzo>

"Banned for hypocrisy, you can quote me on that."

Banned for not using quotes for a quote. XD
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Meanwhile things weren't going as planned for Mitzuki either. Miku was giving her 'best friend' the coldest shoulder all day. The usual attempts of getting in with "Hey wanna get some lunch?" fell flat with today. Mitzuki tried texting and walking by Miku's office but nothing. By actual lunch she had enough. Stopping at the door of her high school friend and knocking. "Look.." She walked in shutting the door behind her. "We need to talk. Did you actually tell him that you thought we were, together behind your back?! You really think I'm some slut that steals other peoples husbands? You've known me since high school and that was your comeback to an argument?! You.."

She fired back! "He tells you about our fights?! You might as well sleep with him if your that close!"

The hurt at her friends comment struck her like a hard slap! "You need to stop fighting and start sleeping together more if you have this much energy! He loves you idiot!" She leaned against the wall. With a smirk and folding her arms. "Well... if you dont want him then I wouldnt mind."

Miku smirked thinking it was a joke before looking at her friend and seeing no sign of a joke she doubled down. "Fine take him! He's at work with his two sluts so good luck getting any time alone."

Mitzuki laughed. "Did it ever occur to you to see him at work? I mean he has that big office right? Maybe hell share me with his new helpers?" She walked out with a devious grin shutting the door but stopping just outside the office to listen, she didnt wait long.

Miku threw her coffee cup at the door then started to cry. Of course it occurred to her to go see her husband but they had a rule, and the rule said no family business at work. It would be embarrassing if anyone caught them... together. Would Mitzuki really try that? She wasnt aware of their agreement obviously. Did that jerk make that rule just to set up a free space for his sluts? Maybe if she caught him it would help prove her point.

Mitzuki left the hall and walked down to her small office. Sitting in her chair as she stared up at the ceiling. With a sigh she grabbed her phone. "I just made it so much worse. We should talk." Mitsuki was about to make a really huge mistake. She called her supervisor and was taking a sick day turning off her computer and shutting the door behind her she left work. Sitting in her car with the motor running she looked in the mirror. There was no turning back now, determined to see it through she drove to the station.

Miku after a good cry. Sat there looking up at the ceiling thinking what a spectacle she had just made. Obviously her friend since high school wasnt going to go for the stuffed shirt office type. She was a free spirit sure but to home wrecker? No, she had so many suiters and that one host bar she loved, there was simply no way. Getting up she walked over to Mitzukis office to see the door was closed so she knocked softly. "Mitzuki.."

"She is gone for the day." It was their boss. "She said she felt sick." He was in his late fifties and balding. A man that loved food and was the first to suggest pot lucks to help build teams, morale, really anything could be solved with food if he had anything to say about it.

Miku smiled and gave a polite bow before she waited for him to walk off. "That bitch." She couldnt leave work. If she did then Aki would think she was cheating and she wasnt going to be the one to make the first move. Yet her anger grew at the so called friend sneaking out like this. Pulling out her phone she sent a text, "Have fun with that slut. Dont bother coming home tonight. I'm going out." She felt a little trapped, Miku needed to let off some steam, she needed groceries. Let him worry about what she was doing if he even cared! Thoughts of her husband and her best friend consumed her thoughts for the entire day. She did very little work instead trying her best to block out the images of her husband and best friend with the boy at the grocery store. She would wear something innocent yet maybe a little naughty. Inside her chest hurt a little, a tear left the corner of her eye. Was it really over?


The day was almost over. Aki looked at the clock as he typed another email reply, it was only 332pm. Checking his phone to see the texts, they made him feel so defeated like nothing they shared matteered anymore, the company man slumped in his chair. If her best friend failed it was going to be another long fight. He saw the text from his wife. Shaking his head he spoke softly to the phone to not be over heard by the office staff "mitzuki..." He got the feeling she made it even worse then her text made mention. There was a knock at the door frame. As he glanced up from his phone Yuki stood there. Her hair still down and her wet gloss lipstick really not helping him focus. He looked at the computer screen as she talked.

"Mr. Hanzo, Sir here is the folder you asked for." She stepped into his office it smelled like coffee and cologne. She couldnt help but wonder if he ever had his wife over after work? Maybe on this very desk. Her face blushed a little. She leaned over the desk and gave him the folder as close as the desk would let her.

He took the folder placing it in the tray on his desk without looking up. "Thank you."

She pressed her moment. "Mr. Hanzo I am very sorry again for what happened this morning before lunch I ..."

"Thank you." He typed a little faster, never looking up.

Yuki just nodded and left the office not bothering to glance at her counterpart. She wasnt making any points today. Sitting in her chair she crossed her arms under her chest and pouted for a moment. Secretly she liked the challenge a boss had never held out for this long and it was a little thrilling.

By 6pm Yuki came back with another knock at the door frame to his office. "Mr. Hanzo. A woman is here to see you, she said her name is Miku..."

He looked up, his face a little surprised. She was not suppose to come to his job. Now he had to make sure no rumors got out. But would she really come to his job? Why? He straitened his hair and sat up in his chair trying to not look as tired as he felt around this time. "I'll see her."

As Yuki stepped back a woman walked into his office she looked young with short hair and a blouse shirt with a pencil skirt. Her charcoal stockings covered her legs and he work flats were simple and black. "Hi husband." Mitzumi smirked. She shut the office door, before closing the blinds to the inner office.

He raised an eyebrow. This was not a good time. Though if they knew a woman not his wife came to his office during work and now closed the blinds, well if he wasnt divorced tomorrow he might as well jump out the window now. In a quiet tone. "What are you doing here?"

She held up a hand. "I really messed up. Miku isnt thinking right she actually gave me permission to come. I'm not sure what to do. She said I should 'try'."

"And you thought coming here was a good move? Now I am falling behind at work and a woman who said was my wife is in my office." He made the motions for seppuku.

She smirked. "It's bad I know, but I dont know what else to do. I had no idea she was getting so lonely. Now she thinks we have been doing things behind her back. I cant tell how serious she was but it was not a joke. She is really gone. I cant find a way to reason with her."

There was a knock at the door. They looked at each other. Hanzo got up and opened the door wide to let them see there was nothing strange going on in his office. "Yes?"

"I am done with the daily tasks. I think Mrs. Ejin is also done for the day." She stood there looking up at him. Glancing at his wife. She was a little cutie. About the same body type as Misuki was. She was sitting so proper in the chair, her clothes still unwrinkled. It made her blush a little to know he liked the slender figure more than the fat sacks Yuki had.

Aki was at a cross roads but they actually thought she was his wife. Maybe her boldness would cool them off of their advances? He gave a polite bow. "good work today. I thank you for your efforts to the company and myself. Go home safely. I'll see you tomorrow." He watched them return the bow and gather their things before he closed the door.

Returning to his own chair. "I dont know what to do. I cant leave because I have to get out these emails and still have a phone call with a distribution center. He picked up the phone and dialed the number. AS he called Mitzuki did the unthinkable and took a picture of him on the phone sending it to Miku. "Look whos not cheating."

Miku was at home getting changed into a sapphire blue spring dress and white sneakers wearing a push up lace bra. Miku looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked very cute. The dress hand a deep square front cut that showed everything so innocently. Grabbing her bags she stepped out with the mini white umbrella.

At the grocery store she looked at the fruit before looking around for her Haru. When her eyes found him she waited casting side glances. The second he looked her way she leaned over and started picking up a eggplant feigning interest. It made her chest fill with butterflies to know he was blushing because of her. This feeling was just too gratifying. She slowly walked over to him enjoying the nervous blush he had. "Excuse me could you tell me if this is a good one?" Her voice submissively sweet.

Haru was nervous the owner was out for the day. He smiled politely at the older woman. He saw the ring and coughed, "This is a good one." He tried not to look, he looked anyway.

After nearly an hour of shameless flirting and watching the different shades of red her Haru turned she gathered her fruits and paid for them at the cashier station. Even on the short walk home she felt others finding her dress attractive. It made her feel so vibrant and alive. At home she placed the fruits on the kitchen counter and then collapsed on the sofa relishing her adventure! Her cell vibrated, she took it out to see who it was. "Mitzuki..." Miku saw the text which triggered an eye roll as she opened the attachment. She sat up like a woman possessed. It was a picture of her husband on her friends phone!!! She was there with her husband at work?!
@Foster banned for the avatar making me think to the movie clatmation, mad gods. And the cyclical story line with your cyclical explanation of the reson to ban.
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Beep beep, beep beep. Aki awoke to the cell phone alarm he set years ago for work. Rising from the sofa like some zombie from the ground his back was killing him. He made it through the routine of coffee, breakfast, shaving, and leaving the house like a ghost. Shinobi would be proud of his skill. Stepping out at the front door he saw it was still raining. The car of Mitzumi was parked out front with the motor running. With a sigh Aki dashed to the passenger side and got in quickly shutting the door behind him. "You are very dead."

Mitzuki sighed as she drove off to the train station. They went over the night conversation in detail. Mitzuki couldnt believe her friend since high school had made those conclusions. It was insane! Was she really that lonely? Would she really mean it in the morning? The only thing she could ask, "Was Miku drunk?" Her heart nearly stopped when she saw him shake his head slowly no. "Oh..." She slumped in the driver seat. She was so dead. It was quiet except for the rain the whole way there.

At the station she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Please dont give up on her. I'll try my best at work too."

"She will always be my only love. I will keep trying until the end." He got out and shut the door before rushing to the train station. On the train he checked his phone four times. Not one message from her. As the doors opened to his stop he was already in no mood for anything today had planned.

Stopping in the company restroom to fix his hair and check his shave. Aki splashed some water on his face and straitened his posture. By the day end it would bow, no, kneel for his forgiveness at trying to separate him from his wife. Stepping into the office as a clap of thunder struck just outside. The lights flickered like some cheesy movie effect. The two girls gave an unnerving glance at the odd coincidence.

The two coworkers stood and bowed respectfully at him. He returned the bow before heading into his office to start reading emails. Sitting in the chair waiting for the computer to finish populating them all when Misuki gave a polite knock at the door frame. "Mr. Hanzo, Here ar the new changes to the procedures and some updates to the logistical reroutes I completed for you. We could shave an hour off the route to Tokyo by utilizing a local vendor. They have smaller trucks but it would be simpler to break down the loads and transport them in box trucks instead of the current semi trailers."

Mr. Hanzo looked up from his computer screen as the hourglass symbol continued to turn. "And the cost breakdown analysis??"

She handed her boss the papers and watched his eyebrow rise in the third page breakdown. She smiled seeing her victory and his acknowledgement of her hard work. Her chest felt light!

"Good work. Implement this and CC me on everything." He looked up and stopped for a moment noticing her disheveled appearance. Not that his wrinkled jacket let any room for higher ground. "Are you sleeping well?"

She blushed noting she had over slept after the late night and her hair was a little messy. "I am." She bowed and left the room. Giving her counter part a glare of superior victory before sitting back at her own desk.

Yuki was pissed as usual she needed to get some points on the board. There was a bottle neck at the ports of Shizuoka. sipping on her coffee mug she cross reference the company contacts with the distribution centers and got to work. An hour later after her more submissive tone to some of the phone conversation she had managed to hit three markers. Getting more personal contacts to move the process through, offering her email for more direct messaging to vendors, and stream lining the process between prots on all company shipping containers at a bulk discounted price. When the confirmation emails hit her in box she jumped up but Mr. Hanzo was in a video conference. Then it was lunch. Stepping out to the restroom she pinched her cheeks and let her hair down before returning with the order form the delivery at the lobby floor. She set it all out in the main room desk. Taking her seat across from Mr. Hanzo. Who looked more than a little intense as he opened his to go box rice. "Mr. Hanzo, Sir. I noticed there was a discrepancy on the Shizuoka shipping and the prices were a bit high. I took some personal time to update the contact information and spoke to a Mr. Nobu who after a small conversation agreed to a bulk rate for less then the current market prices. Though we would have to either rework the timing on a few shipments so they arrived at the same time, or simply let the shipments wait a day to collect the lower fee."

Mr. Hanzo's eyes slashed her like a razor thin katana blade! "You did what?!" He dropped his chopsticks to the office floor. "Is this in a contract?"

She bowed her head, "no sir."

"Dont ever do that again. You could have cost us money and gotten me fired. Those contracts must be approved by me and then taken for final approval by the legal department. After lunch send me the contact information to the person you spoke to. Mr. Hanzo checked his watch. Ths would put him over the time needed to catch the train back. He shot a text to Mitzuki, "Trouble at work I cant make it back. How are things on your end?" He sat back in the office sofa and ran his hands through his hair as his face tilted to the ceiling. "Mrs. Ejin, Whenever you have the idea to improve efficiency of the company always come to me first or send me a email outlining the suggestion. Never agree to anything as you speak for the company. Now I have to try and see how badly you have damaged the link with his boss and myself. There is a reason we do things with certain people at certain levels. This short cut is unprofessional and shames the working relationship with those at the management level. Try to be more like Mrs. Misuki"

The harsh verbal scolding took all the wind out of her sails even though she was going to use her charms she was just in too deep to try anything further today. She slumped in her seat without even a side glance at Askana she could feel the towering victory her counter part was receiving.

Mr. Hanzo picked up the chopsticks and began to jab his rice roughly. His brown eyes keeping fixed on his food and not on her long flowing hair or full lips. He was just in no mood. He checked the phone, no reply.
@hanzoBanned for not posting in the spam forum: Compliment the user above you. ^^
rubberband= band bee+roll I want soccer dad 2 mguts a read-d+bus= reabus?

...Banned for being crypticly lewd.
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