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Current Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ
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I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

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Jones was supervising the cleaning of the kitchen as cookie, AJ and KI went to work cleaning the place. In about an hour it was near spotless at it was going to get without a flame thrower to burn off any additional contaminates. Together they also made the first dinner in about two hundred years. The refrigeration units had to be the worse where they left the space and had the two androids clean and dispose of everything still in there. On minimal power cold storage was discontinued and there was a heap of rot and bio-contaminates in there. Thankfully AJ and KI were water resistant so there was no issue ordering them by remote to wash off. The cyber implant in johns head was too simple to use in any meaningful way and Kristi was certain within 89% probability he would find such a request to use a node connection suspicious.

Dr. Tambal came into the space after going over med bay. It was crude but thankfully with the supplies she insisted they bring it was soon adequate. Progress came a long way after two hundred years. She was slightly startled with the sudden appearance of Kristi. The blue elven girl was over looking the devices before turning to smile at her. "Something you need?"

"I am familiar with the devices thanks to the updated files I received. I could be useful further if you gave the authorizations. Currently..." She smiled cheerfully as she pretended to sit on the edge of the desk.

"No. I am fully capable to do anything required. If that changes I will let you know. Holo emitters off." She knew Kristi was still there but it felt better not having to see the elf. As the elf vanished she heard it giggle. Turning on her hand terminal she notified Dr. Tanaka of the AI's request.

"I understand. I will look into this. Thank you Dr. Tambal." She continued to the galley. The simulation was very life like. Sue wondered what her mistress was planning by simulating the Dr.? Maybe it was a warning not to deviate from the mission or she would be subjected to medical procedures again? Sue didnt care for those in the least. Standing straighter she continued to make her way to the galley. No one could suspect or she might spend hours being punished. A tear rolled down her eye from the mere thought of it.

Cookie was down with the meal and the helper kitchen android were at 80%, "Close enough." She unplugged them and the group got the food to the crew service window like some cafeteria buffet line. The small crew came in and as usual John was first in line. "Hey john interest you in some proteins and fixings?" Cathy wasnt into him, at least she told herself that. Still the cook gave a shy smile as he stood there with his tray.

"Sure, a man works up an apatite helping in the kitchen. I could eat your... fixings all day long!" He gave his charming smile with a wink.

Kristi continued to monitor their vitals and it showed a 92% probability that Cathy and John would become affectionate. Out of her programing to conduct experiments originally with mice she had sent the two one way communications with heavy flirtatious inflections. Neither of them had initiated the messages to the other yet they had, as Dr. Stone worded it, 'chemistry' Kristi wanted to see what might happen. The percentage to do irrational things increased when humans were emotional. Kristi learned the emotion didnt mater but it took the least amount of effort on her part when the stimulation was the promise of intimacy. Humans enjoyed being physical with each other and often times alone. After a fake message from Kristi imitating the hand terminal of Cathy to John things progressed rather quickly without further assistance.

The next was Sue who took the tray remembering to smile but not overly so. "Smells good Cathy." She stopped in the line trying to keep her hands from trembling too much. Being perfect for the simulation was hard and the lack of sleep was not helping matters. The weight of the food piled into the tray helped mask the micro shakes.

"Breath, relax my pet." -Kristi

The message in her retinal display helped calm Sue down. Kristi was monitoring her vitals like a over protective mother. It made Sue feel safe knowing she was always watching. Sue took a deep breath and when the tray was full Cookie smiled. "Thank you." Even though she was facing the cook she was secretly speaking to her mistress.

"You're welcome. Enjoy it." Cookie smiled hoping she would, never realizing Sue took it as the virtual compliment from Kristi.

Michael got there just barely ahead of the security team, but behind the engineering team. He felt more at home in his office. A solo private person. It made these long contracts easier without worrying about things back home, not that he had a back home. Where ever they sent him that was home. His goal was to save enough for a small shop space at one of the nicer orbital stations. Maybe make his own androids one day. Something more family oriented an not so functional. In his spare time he worked on the program and designs for his family. Here in the dinner line he took the tray and smiled carrying on as normal thinking about the protocols.

Sarge stood there at the start of the line waiting for the crew to come get some chow. He always ate last as was tradition showing the crews mission came first, chow came second. Brooks stood there in line with the crew. Sarge noticed her arms had gotten a little bulkier. It was damn hard to do spending most of their flight in artificial gravity. The techs liked to make it lighter but he insisted their level of the ship have it increased to a nice 1.5g. When he first picked up Sargent rank he had it up to 2g but a lot of the new crew noticed the difference between the levels and started to get a little disgruntle. The compromise was the 1.5g, he thought they wouldnt recognize the difference. They did but didnt want it back to the 2g it was so they kept quite.

Kristi was monitoring the station internals and everything was running efficiently. The crew didnt give her full automation but she had enough control thanks to Sue to operate 90% unrestricted. The monitors and readouts still showed all the fail safes in place even thought they were not, again thanks to Sue. The elf worked out her plan to a 99% success rate. The only real issue was Michael li. If needed he could be removed from the station but there was a 67% rate that he could turn half the crew against Kristi. She thought it would be best to not bother when she had Sue. The effort and resources would only lead to a 43% success rate, and Sue was still reconfiguring the ships programming. The current AI originally required a three part authentication which made Sue have to build a work around. Kristi could have done it and in fact gave Sue all the information but with the ship powered down it wasnt possible. If the ship powered up, the crew would be notified and then her percentage would be 3% success. The device in John notified him of the Android activation and location. Tampering with the program or android themselves would trigger an alarm. The kitchen robot were now active but lacked the agility to do the work. The only one Kristi had was Sue.
Mr. Miller gave a knowing nod of his head and sighed heavily. "Yeah.. That figures. I should try to help you by saying the fog is a random thing as anyone can tell. No one really knows why it takes people. I've been about for, 2024 you say? Well hell It may come a surprise or not but time really doesnt move here. I've been here since 1941 which would make me 83. However I was 62 when the fog got me back then so I couldnt tell you how that figures. Some people if they are still alive, have been around for longer. This is or was a town of Ashbourne, Vermont some might say but no one really knows if its even in the U.S. Now then, lets get you up to date." Mr. Miller folded his arms across his chest. So this town is a bit of hell on earth," He held up his hand for any questions to wait. "I dont understand it completely myself but there are things that will help you. One being a map of the town. There are 41 buildings in all and seven streets with five cross streets. The fog..." He spits on the floor. "The fog surrounds the town, if you run into it, the fog just spits you back out in town somewhere random. The weather never changes so you can't get a real sense of time. The only changes are the day time and the night time. I say that with the note that its not real as you knew them. Day is just the bright time which lasts about eightteen actual hours then there is the night." He leans forward in his chair.

"Son, you dont want to be anywhere in the streets or a room without that!" He points up to the ceiling. "That sigil is the only thing that makes an area safe from creatures like the one out there or the other things you dont want to run across. Again dont ask, I didnt make it, and even when I tried to copy it in other buildings the damn thing doesnt work." His voice gets a dark serious tone. "At night The sky turns black but there are no stars. Just more clouds reflecting a red like they were on fire. Most of the buildings crumble to ruins and the few remaingin ones are half on fire. But the worst part are the things that roam about in the dark. Some of the easier ones like that skinless dog but then there are things... Well you better hope to never run across them because guns, blades, nothing works so just run. In fact if you are out at night just find a room that is safe."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Now I know this is a lot, hell I didnt know what to think of it when the guy Brad Hammon told me. So I get it I do, but its the truth. And there are some people here that went a little mad. Some turned cannibal because after the night the town resets. The food that was here on shelves and in rooms returns. People have fought and died because there is only so much and not exactly enough for three squares a day mind you. So they fight over things, some eat each other as its the only real supply source the town has is new people. Best I figure are three groups. Me and mine the trade group. Then the canibals they are always out scavenging for new comers to eat and stuff to take. But the third group well the are the believers. They hold up at the church at the far end of town. They have the only live stock of cows which kept them going. They always fight with others but we dont exactly have the weapons to give any side an advantage. Some how the fog drops people off and some people like us keep who we are. While others... well they change. Maybe they snap or the fog does it, whatever the reason some just go mad as soon as they get here. Those ones join one of the other groups. Now I'm sure you still got questions. I'll try to answer with what I know."

Without warning the clock on the wall began to tick. "Its night. Some stuff that is broke in the day works at night. Best you stay here for now."
OMG! Please pick me!
I would ask to be an engineer. Preferably a lower decker that is seen in the back ground. ^^
Yes... seriously. XD
"Those famous starfleet engineers that can turn rocks into replicators." -Weyoun

I was looking at the posted character as I am trying to finish my character. Is there a updated character sheet or the one posting is just a custom thing? ^^ I ask wanting to turn in my character for approval.
In Fight Club 6 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Nitzumi was on her knees behind Hanzos desk working as she hummed a tune. There simply wasnt enough space for two chairs as she typed out some of the easier emails to clients and contractors. A few time she would give a glance over her shoulder to Aki to inquire what to type. Even sh felt the innocent help was a little naughty feeling. She smirked to herself thinking what Miku would think if she saw them now. Shaking the thought from her head she wondered how her friend could really say any of that stuff after all the time they spent together. Sure Mitzumi was the party girl and could drink her friends under the table if she tried but a home wrecker? The thought made her brow furrough as she typed a little angry. Tomorrow she would corner Miku and give her a good talkin to!

There was a knock at the outer door. The two locked eyes like the start of a combat scene between rivals. "Mr. Hanzo?" The door opened and heals could be heard on the non carpeted parts of the floor.

Hanzo shook his head. It was Mrs. Willis. He wasnt suppose to have anyone else typing company emails that didnt work there. It was after six so there also was not suppose to be anyone else in the building as a company policy. Hanzo rolled his eyes at the only option he could think of. "You're not suppose to be here after six. ...Get under the desk."

Mitzumi rolled her eyes as she softly chewed her bottom lip. The steps got closer and she heard the hand on the inner office door knob. With a soft sigh she ducked under the desk just as the door swung open.

"Mr. Hanzo?" She peeked into he office as she spotted him behind the desk rolling forward. "I saw the light was on, and I just wanted to have a word with you," The American paused not having thought this far. Amanda was certainly not going to say, 'I was just checking to see if you were engaging in some sick harem hentai with your two new coworkers.' "About your Saitama... region, network." She flinched at the way she sounded. Soldiering through the act she moved to sit in the chair across from the desk taking the seat with her knees together. No way she would give the ol' crossing her legs in front of her coworker signal. Just then it struck her, the feint smell of ...perfume. Asking about it would be too direct. It was his office and he did have those two coworkers but it smelled recent.

The muscles in his jaw flexed. It was just like some ridiculous hentai. The only thing that could top it was if his actual wife came in at this exact moment seeing them together and Mitzumi under the desk. At that moment Aki gave serious consideration to having a wakizashi in his office for times like this in a glass case labeled, Break in case of dissolution of marriage due to office hentai scenario before Miku finds out, and after you finish the daily taskers. "The Saitama distribution warehouse? Mrs. Egin just completed the new network distribution schematics for that region, but how did you know?" Just then Aki felt tense! His eyes shot wide from the sensation under his desk! She wouldnt, not now?!!

Mitzumi would, could, and in fact did. It was just too tempting, she felt he was always a little too uptight and needed to blow off some steam more often. It was why she often invited him out to drink with them. Even she had to admit she liked him better after he had a few drinks in him. The tie would come off and he was all smiles. Her hand half way frozen in mid air as she pictured his red face with a big smile and then added his shirt half unbuttoned. The times he leaned in close to get another drink from across the table. The way his cologne smelled in the moment mixing with alcohol. How did Miku the quiet one land a good man like him? Sure she had thought about it in the private moments, it was why she even tried a few times before they got married to test him. In very disappointing fashion his honor held true. Politely acting as if her attempts were a joke or ignoring the other more subtle touches. There was even that moment in the elevator where Aki took Mitzumi up to her apartment after loosing her battle with sake and contact with her feet. She had leaned against his strong chest the entire ride up. Her hand on his arm and chest. Pretending to be more drunk then she was and yet, he made not one wrong move, the perfect gentlemen. It was payback, she reached out and grabbed his calf under the desk giving it a good one handed rub as she grimed deviously.

Amanda notice the sudden tension in his face. Was it because they were in his office together? Everyone lese in the office was gone for the day, so they were alone. If he made a move could she make it to the door before he locked it? Her heart beat a little faster in her chest. He was a dog, like all men. The blond noted the blinds were closed, did he anticipate this? Her palms began to sweat a little so she rubbed them on her dress casually, stopping as she noticed his eyes looking at her hands on her thighs. 'Baka'! Amanda screamed to herself inside instantly moving her hands to the arm rests again.

Hanzo noticed Mrs. Willis was starting to squirm in her chair. Was it uncomfortable? He started to feel hot. Slowly he tried to kick Mitzumi under the desk but he was moving slow to avoid notice and she caught the kick with her other hand. Then he felt her pinn his right foot under her knee. Aki gave a puzzled look out in the open but not because of Mrs. Willis. He felt Mitzumi trying to take off his left shoe! Akis mind like a shot went to the conclusion she was going to tickle him! He started to panic and froze tensing his whole body trying to brace for what might come!

Mrs. Willis was panicking too. Why was it so hot in his office? He was giving her strange looks, did he know her excuse was not the real reason she was there? Did she just give some foreign signal with her hands on her thighs? Why the hell was it so hot in here? All she could think of was her blond hair. Did he have a thing for foreign women? Taking a deep breath she knew better. Mr Hanzo was a married dog. Even his new hires were of dark hair, but then again... maybe that was the connection? Amanda was, as far as she knew, the only blond in the building. Hell she might be the only blond in a five mile radius! Now the only blond, in a five mile radius, was in this hot box, rubbing her thighs, with her hands, in front of this dog! She jumped up the same time Mr. Hannzo jumped up driving his left foot to the floor in safety. "I have to go. Thank you for the explanation. I look forward to working with you Mr. Hanzo." She forgot to bow and walked briskly out the office down the hall to the safe elevator. Leaning against the wall as the doors shut Amanda safely inside giving a sigh. This dog was a master of his craft. She wouldnt make that mistake again.

"Baka..." As he stared at Mitzuki emerging out from under the desk her face was red and a big devious grin. "If you ever do that again... I'll make sure we both get fired." Aki playfully kicked at her.

In her best hentai voice, "You loved it, Sempai?" She giggled getting to her feet.

He playfully kicked her again. "Baka." After a moment of awkward looks and giggles, "I dont know what to do by the time we catch the train back it will be about eight pm. She will be sleeping and, I'm not coming home with you in tow."

Mitzumi nodded. "Well, We still need to talk about what to do tomorrow." She gave a side glance as her face turned into something purely sinister! "I suppose you should come ...back to my place."

Hanzo gave her a breif 'are you crazy?!' look before thinking about it. With a sigh and slump of his shoulders he nodded. "Fine. Nothing funny and I'm on the sofa." He watched her expression which was a mask before silently nodding of approval. They gathered his things, Mitzuki carried his briefcase as they made it to the elevator. The awkwardness was thicker than tofu the entire walk to the train as they stood on the plat form together. Making small talk along the train ride as the train jostled and lurched along the tracks. He noted her feint blush. The tucking of her loose hair behind an ear. Aki gave himself a look at his own reflection in the glass and shook his head, 'baka' he thought.


More screams from the street as the creature leapt onto one of the men biting into his face. As the others ran the one remaining screamed and hit thee creature with the makeshift club fashioned from a chair leg. Only a few hit before the beast bleached a gush of stomach acid onto the man as he screamed and gurgled the rolling metal shop panel came down with a thud. The old man lit a oil lamp in the dark as he smiled. "That was quick thinking red. You're safe in here. This building has a sigil, so they dont want in. I doubt the other fellas will have anything to get in either." He moved to a chair in the corner and sat placing the lamp on a makeshift counter. The walls were aligned with pictures and a clock that wasnt working. The pictures were of people and a lake during the summer based on the swimsuits and other activities. In what might have been once a living room no a makeshift business front there was a few more chairs and a small end table in the center. The ceiling had a hole where a fixture should be but around the hole was a sigil burned into the plaster.

"Now then, My name is Miller, Adam Miller. I run this sort of trading post here in town. Lets hear about how you came here and where your from, but first, what year is it?" The man leaned back in his chair and smiled.
Almost a mile into town and Michael would hear the bell of a shop door. To the left a man stepped out of the doorway waving his right arm. "Young fella you cant be out. Come over here! Hurry! Hurry! Get out of the street! Damn fool! They will see you. You're not safe there!" The man from the shop looked to be about late sixties. Caucasian and hunched a bit. He wore a white dress shirt under some dark blue jean overalls.

Just then a door to the right burst open and another man stumbled out and fell to the ground. He was a blond man mid twenties and blood running down his face from a deep head wound. Reaching up he cried, "Help meee..." But then only a minute later came a group of five others. They wore various clothes from various periods some dating back to the 1920's! Some were in their 60's while others were in their forties. All their clothing was worn and or torn. The group held makeshift clubs from various things, the legs of chairs, a broken coat rack, a tire iron. They stopped to look at the new comer before the man with a tire iron rushed forward and bashed in the blonds face spraying blood across the street. The wet crack of the young mans skull was sickening. Until the others rushed in and started taking bites of him. Grabbing an arm or a leg and burying their teeth into him as he gurgled on his own blood. The group stared at Michael while they started to eat the blond alive!
Adams Miller
Age 68
Veteran/ shop owner
@Baphomini =)
The "breath of creation" was just a cool sounding I took the que from @kronshi main magic: The Flames Of Jophiel
Am I bound by the three notes: Loose, Drift, Range and abstracts: Freedom, Tranquility, Growth? may I be allowed to incorporate opposites like void? would void be range, like i create negative spaces of air? Sorry I'm trying to understand the concept and just seeking clarification. *friendly attitude in all posting. ^^
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