Avatar of amorphical


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ
4 mos ago
Interests in bio now updated.


I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

Most Recent Posts

i called peta on your avatar.
[finally read it dissolving dog in acid? QQ not cool]
@Phase banned for not adding the other phases

Trust issues
dont care no mo

A plan is forming OOC of course. Cant wait for more posting^^


Dawnhaven, Eye of the beholder...

Even as the royals came to the tavern Olivia sat still it was simply not the time or place to announce herself and it wouldn't matter anyway as her mind was locked onto her own pressing needs. In her fur cave she sat thinking with a deep blush on how the night would play out. Her hunger driving the ideas across her mind like a paint brush stroke across a blank canvas. Making sure Alex was getting drunk with the casual glance at him, the hunger grew. She continued to watch the other cloaked figure serving drinks and tending to the guests that were quickly filling the small tavern. As the crowd grew Olivia felt nervous more so from not having her confidant Jaylen by her side a little contribution to being blight born in a strange land.

In her fathers territory you grew up knowing everybody. Their names, their families, their personal business. Now she sat knowing no one. Worse still she was always surrounded by guards and walls of stone. All of that so far away and the feeling of being exposed was not pleasant by any means. Dear gods someone could... Olivia shook that idea right out of her head! The heavy cloak hiding the movements within. More disturbing thought took swipes at her from inside her own mind. Then The pale woman felt it. It was so strong, the shift in the room. As if a god had picked up the small tavern and turned it to face a new direction and that direction was at the bronze skinned serving girl in the bonnet and apron. Even from the distance apart she could feel the other girls desires. Giving Alex a snap from her fingers to gain his attention. "You see that server there? Call her over talk to her, order something but take your time."

From the cave she watched and followed the eyes of the server to her the other person. The princess?! Her eyes grew large forgetting the courtly issues of status and titles and such, The bonze woman was having a strong reaction to another woman. The thoughts of herself and Jaylen swirled together as if Olivia was becoming light headed with such fresh... possibilities. The red irises watched as the bronze server interreacted with her own interest of the blight born tavern keeper. Feeling the tavern woman Syraeia's emotions was harder being blight born herself and not that Olivia would know any of that having never been exposed to her kind until tonight. The place was a buzz of swirling emotions and patrons. Yet the dish her hunger craved that filled her veins was the tavern girl with green eyes and the deep longing for another. Under her cloak she sucked lightly at her own bottom lip. Perhaps this way she wouldn't need for such an embarrassing act with her guard. Gods why was he taking so long? Impatient for results she playfully kicked him under the table.

"Ooow.." He shot her a glance forgetting her station for a moment. It was really good ale, not the watered down ones at the tavern back home which only confirmed is suspicion that Mc'Allister had indeed been doing such a nefarious thing to him all these years! Cheeky bastard. Alex raised his hand high over head staring at the girl against the door frame. Waving urgently. His own thoughts started in seeing her figure behind the apron and the dark hair, bronze skin it was clear she was, very attractive. As the thought struck him he added a little flourish to his wave, his own interests growing for the woman.

Olivia watched him and yet when her coachman started to let his emotions surge to the surface forgetting who he was sitting so close from she took the smallest of sips from the stream. It was sweet on her lips, but a mere trickle to her thirst. She almost smirked forgetting her station trying to play coy as the man growing fond of the woman growing fond of the princess played out. She needed more. Moving her seat closer she whispered from her cave. "She is lovely, a fine figure of a woman to be sure. Have another drink, Alex." Reaching out to touch his forearm. "Just relax." She whispered some more into his ear. As her eyes looked on she saw her own crush hug the tavern girl gave her thoughts on Syraeia hope. Yet the notion she might be spoken for by the other girl made her eyes narrow. Why were all the good ones taken? No, she thought even if it were true they were blight borne, the other girl clearly was not. Still gripped by nervousness she raised her hand trying to get her own interests attention. Being bold in the open like some common harlot made the lady smile slightly.

In the keep decorum was held tighter then her royal corset and now in the countryside away from such stifling trappings she felt so deliciously unfettered. The lady sighed thinking how easy some of the simple life was for her people being so open all the time. The smiles and free laughter as they spoke plainly. Not back strait, face a stone mask of calming assurity, waist nearly pinched in two by the trappings or that itchy cage pressing so tightly for hours as she sat on one of the most god awful uncomfortable seats in her entire holdings! Listening to speech flowing as free as the ale the servers poured it felt simply good to be in the moment, or at least it would have if not for the gnawing pit in her chest!

Coming back to reality she took her hand off of Alex and left the other in the air. The sip from him would have to do. Her eyes never having left her own interest. There was something, a feeling, it was small from the distance and possibly other things, and yet... she was only able to know for sure if the woman would just come closer. Olivia curse the waiting yet the image of that huge gorgeous eye like a jewel staring down at her made her wait. Gods what a cruel fate, sitting in a tavern in rags instead of her keep and silver gown. No it would do, the lack of decorum could work in her favor. Syraeia had no real reason to suspect her to be anything more than some traveler she would invite the woman to her room to... talk. It was simple, innocent, yes it was perfect and far better with her then Alex. Oh he was a good hearted guy and a little too willing to go with her ideas at times yet Olivia didn't really feel that way about him. Maybe he could spirit the other girl away from her own interest and then... she grinned most deviously.

@The Muse
@Girlie Go Boom
@BOOMwelcome btw I just finished watching fallout. XD
Not sure where to post this, I was in a thread with this user ampersand.
They have a banner "Banned and nuked." I havent heard from them in day and wondered if they were kicked from the site?

So under the name where it should say member it says banned. QQ I guess that is my answer. I respect the site for the decision. Just curious as to why.
@Girlie Go Boom

Welcome ^^
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