Avatar of amorphical


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3 mos ago
Current Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ
4 mos ago
Interests in bio now updated.


I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

Most Recent Posts

For giving me a chance and being a part of the story. My sincere thanks to every one of you all!

Big upps to @The Savant for being the one who made my character jpeg header thingy. Mad skills and recognition to you!

@iFain @ampersand
@Artemis Arts @The Muse
@WhiteAngel25 @Autumn Moon* hope you are well
@Captain Amiyama

And to those that have yet to be I hope to meet you and create something magical, or memorable
Welcome back
This should help.
In Howdy 5 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
No your found, by me!
YAY! Welcome!!
In 3 Word Story 5 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
in the jar
In Fight Club 5 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
From the station they got into her car. It was dark and the car smelled entirely of Mitzuki's perfume. Hanzo cracked open a window as the car drove away from the station. It was a tense ride, both of them thinking about Miku and how she would react to seeing them in her car. Hanzo trying his best to ignore the awkwardness of his situation or how she bounced after a pothole. Mitzuki trying to focus on her driving and not the scent of his cologne mixing so familiarly with her perfume. She never had a man in her car before. Preferring to get drunk and move to a love hotel just to help her rep though a few times...

As the car parked in the driveway neither looking at the other as they go out. Clouds started to form blocking out the stars and the fire flies seemed to dance about awaiting some rain to quench their thirst. The air was cool against their warm skin. Mitzuki made her way to the door first and as the key hit the lock she took a deep breath. As soon as they were both inside it came down hard. The rain was like sheets slapping the side of the house. Again neither looked at the other when they took off their shoes. She set her purse on the hook and took out the scrunchy holding her hair in a short ponytail. Her hand moved to her collar and hesitated at first before unbuttoning the top two buttons. She stepped up and walked to the kitchen turning on lights as she went.

Hanzo kept his eyes to his feet undoing the laces and deciding it would be best to keep as much clothing on as he could, extending that thought to his socks. Stepping up he followed the trail of lights as the rain poured down. He found her bent over, looking into the fridge before looking away.

"Want some food? I dont have much." She looked about a little depressed at the stock. It was just her and she normally ate out, or had a date and ate then. Now at her place she noted there was very little. A case and a half of beer, some condiments, fruit that only had one edible side. "How about some beer?"

Thinking of his first year of marriage, "Do you have any tea?"

"No, sorry." She thought it was such a domesticated answer. Maybe she was lacking in that area but hey she wasnt going to change now. She grabbed two beers and stood up turning to find him siting in the kitchen chair like he lived there all their lives. It sent a shiver up her body to think of it. The fact after so long a man was in her place, in her kitchen, sitting there. Sure he looked exhausted and his tie was loosened with the first button undone from his collar, sitting slouched in the chair. She placed the beer in front of him giving a half smile.

Hanzo sighed at the beer and took a hold of it twisting the non twist top off with his hand which was when he noticed Mitzuki bite at her own lower lip. He took a drink about a third knowing he needed something to help him not stress out at Miku. "So..." He glanced up at Mitzuki who was just walking out of the kitchen. He heard her down the hall and shutting a door. He assumed she had to use the rest room. He took another drink of his beer feeling it would be a long night. A little curious he glanced at the fridge thinking what she might have to snack on, and that he hadnt had anything past lunch.

Mitzuki rushed to her room shutting the door before leaning against it. Her stupid heart racing in her chest. She moved to the closet. Her mind racing with her hands trying to find an outfit. All she had was work clothes, going out clothes, and nothing? She started to panic, was this why Miku had been able to get married? A man in her home and only now did the workaholic discover so many facets were missing from her life. No outfit, no food, way to drop the ball girl. She thought to her self getting more and more frustrated. Placing her fingers in her hair to tug out an idea she thought of how cliché it was to be 24 and no different then some stupid anime high school girl. "Shit." She didn't even have her uniform anymore. Her head turning around the room trying to think of where some clothes might be! Maybe in her closet? She rushed over making side thoughts of using sheets and sewing a damn outfit not likely but she as getting desperate! Her hands grabbed a gym bag, it was semi heavy, there were clothes! She tore through it dumping the mystery onto her bed. They smelled like dust, it would have to do. Getting some perfume she made it work.

Hanzo finished his beer and got another. "Hey, I'm getting another beer."

She rolled her eyes getting the final piece on. Great now he knows how bad a woman she was. "Okay." She shouted back not thrilled about any of this. Thinking on how grateful she was knowing there wouldnt e a next time, especially now. The thought froze her in her tracks as she had a hand on the door handle. Did she really want a next time?! She blushed knowing the answer. Stepping out with a deep breath she walked to the kitchen. He was still there and already halfway through the second beer. He had a blush on his face. Was he already getting drunk? She softly bit her lip again hoping so. "Sorry." She tucked a loose strand behind her ear.

Hanzo turned his head to the steps coming back from what he thought was the bathroom. His eyes looking at her now like he never thought he'd see her. She was standing there in a sweat top some gym shorts and knee high socks. He took a hard swallow. Squeezing the bottle the chill reminding him he was feeling a little warm himself. Hanzo tried to look away but only managed to turn his head, his eyes stayed where they were.

She dighed knowing it worked but then walked over to the other chair and sat down. "So, Miku thinks that about us... I think she needs to be reminded about what a great guy she has at home." She took half the beer in one go, following it up with a cute burp. "We cant have you missing work but I think you need to place more of it on those helpers you have and get home more often. Maybe send her some flowers and break the whole no texting rule."

Hanzo nodded finally tearing his eyes away from her. "Yes, yes." He folded his arms across his chest still holding his beer.

"I'll play you up at work and try to get her to come around. Though not a jealous type I think that she is possessive and that I can work with. After all I known her for years. She doesnt like people touching her things." She stopped feeling a rush to her face as she said the words the image flashed in her mind. Dropping a hand to her lap she tried to get control by pinching her thigh hard.

He took another drink. "So flowers, a cute bear, maybe a card?" He looked away as she got up and reached for her third beer from the fridge.

Mitzuki could feel the heat from the stupid sweat shirt it was too much. She tugged at the neck hole letting the cold air from the fridge cool her off a little. Sure she had a T-shirt but this hid her figure more. After all she wasnt trying to seduce her best friends husband. Not that she was aware that the shorts were her flirty ones and hugged her back a little too well, and now that same back was pointed right at him! "Yeah, Stuff like that." She hesitated, "Maybe even a shirtless pic once in a while." Standing up to close the fridge.

Hanzo blushed. He never did stuff like that. Though he thought about it, he never really talked about things she liked. He really didnt know about her secrete fantasies at all. "Do you... know what she likes?" He looked back at her glad she was finally sitting.

Mitzuki nodded and blushed some more. "We've talked about it. A few times... In highschool." She stopped and stared at him. "You never asked her?!"

He shook his head.

"NEVER?!" She leaned forward her eyes wide.

He slumped further and shook his head no.

"BAKA!" She slapped his head. "You're married for five years and never had an intimate talk with your wife?! Never? So what, do you just play card games in the bedroom?" She slapped him again before laughing at the sheer absurdity. "So do you just lay in bed together and make the sounds? Like some radio porn? No wonder you dont have any kids! You must be like some sound effects studio, fully clothed, splashing water on your faces to look sweaty." She slapped the table and laughed louder.

He felt like such a failure in the moment. How had he never thought of it? "Maybe because I have to take a train for almost and hour and maybe after working 14 hour days some times I was too tired to even ask. Maybe if we lived closer to the job I could have the energy or time to ask her. Dont you think we have sex? We do! Is it great, well not all sex has to be some sort of huge deal! It can be passionate and intimate and special without being all loud and sweaty and rough. But I'm sure you know all about sex. I'm sure you scream and sweat dont you!" He slammed back his beer and drove his fist to the table hard. "You're probably like some animal writhing around the bed with two lovers at the same time!" Hanzo shouted feeling like he was home in one of his fights with Miku.

Mitzuki watched his passionate side explode from his normal calm demeanor. Where was this man hiding the whole time she wondered as she stared at him. She needed to see more of this man. "So what?!" She lied. Standing up leaning over to him. "Maybe that is what she is missing and you better go give it to her or you might loose her to some one who will! Its so obvious it is what you both need! No cuddling, no gentle embraces. I could teach you but your too much of a child in that area huh?" She smirked.

He jumped up out of the chair sending it toppling over behind him. He was a natural fighter and the beer helped let it out. "If I wasnt married to a great woman I'd..." He stopped. Noticing how close he was just like the fights back home. It was the moment, the same exact moment he would, and then they would... Had Miku done this the whole time? Did she rile him up just to force this side of him out?!

He was so close! She could see the veins in his face the redness of his passion then as close as he was he stopped. She sat back down and took the rest of her beer. Giving a glance to see if her lesson had sunk in. Even though she really wanted to see more of this Hanzo.
Banned for making my MTG addiction flare up.
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