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I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
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Eye of the beholder

“Sunni? Na'ri had the bar. Just sorting rooms.” Was Sya's first reply as she turned around to see the woman from downstairs. The … woman from downstairs. Her brain had to do a switch a second to fully engage back before she could reply. “Sorry, I'm…still preparing the room miss.” she said automatically at first. The woman's hood was down now though and could see in the candle burning in the room for lights, skin paler even than her own and strikingly bright red eyes that made her stop. Striking and … she unlike few others had met Sya gaze prior, was not afraid of her eye. Unlike Sya her hair seemed to have turned white or perhaps it was pale before…

Olivia Kept her pale face tilted away from the innkeeper as she smiled shyly casting glances at her from across the room. Forcing herself to breathe more often which she learned caused her skin to become a pale pink in its hue. The lady leaned heavily against the door at first before shifting her weight to her feet and moving very slowly to the bed in the room. "Might I ask for less candles? The light ...is too bright." The woman's voice soft and warm much like her cloak instead of texture her voice reflected the comfort in her tone. Reaching the edge of the bed the ruby eyes stole another glance at her ...room mate. The new term feeding the devious smile on her full lips.

Sya had seen other blight born but you never knew what another one was like, some far more animal than human, barely able to tell friend from foe. Dawn Haven was one of few places she had seen more than a handful of their kind in a single place. Most in Dawn Haven where the … safe kind if you could call them safe, the true monsters would be driven away or killed. Few even blighted themselves could blame that attitude.

The revealed attire of the woman was rather normal, a finer cut than her own and material she could ill afford but travelling clothes akin to many others. The dark skirt, corset looked nice despite their more muted tones and were fitted nicely. Standing up Sya also noted the woman was a few inches taller than the Innkeeper herself.

Olivia let her face turn to Syraeia soaking in every detail. The slender slope of her neck the plushness of her lips, the earthen brown hair, and of course the most fascinating feature, the big blue eye like a window into heaven staring at her now from the side of the room. It felt as if the gods had made this woman just for her. After being hidden for so long and subjects scared at times to gaze at the lady of the keep now in this part of the world was a creature like she who had no trouble gazing at her visage so openly, so fearless. This feeling so fresh and tantalizing covered her from hear to toe. Unclasping the cloak to place on the bed the pale lady softly chewed at her lower lip before tucking some loose strands behind an ear.

The second part really caught her guard down, her name was Olvia, a first name even without title or such. A rather personal gesture for a better, and then she asked to sit down and talk, the tone, the wording. She was asking Sya, no command or expectation… turning bodily to face the woman pepper, no Olivia in fact. “Syraeia, or Sya if you like.” She forced herself to be steady, forced herself to think. That big blue eye blinked and she nodded and sat on the bed's edge. Why did she want to talk, what did she want?

Her own nerves came as she ran a hand through the rather intricate braids and stick that kept her brown hair in place, the natural pressure held it all tight without need of more expensive pins and such. “Please, If you would talk with an innkeeper.” She gestured next to her. “If we cannot show our true self to a blight, who can we?” She said more boldly than felt and the glow in her eye returned with her feeling of hope. Yes, hope. Maybe she could explain more of the blight, maybe she knew more of why she was cursed so or why the blight would return her but wipe out all her family and village bar perhaps 2.

There was a chair by the small desk in the room for writing and yet the blight borne choose to sit on the bed. Olivias eyes grew wide for a moment seeing the bold gesture from the slender tavern woman. The lady wondered... before shaking her head softly dismissing the thought. Taking a seat no more than half an arms length from the other woman. A sweet smile and glance as a gesture of appreciation. Her hands fidgeting with the black fingernails nervously. There was no court or reception hall so she broke with decorum, the rebellious feeling that followed felt good.

“Why the interest in me, I desire to be, but am no lady of wealth or influence with the beautiful dresses and bright robes? I been without, its much easier with.” The words were out her mouth before she could stop herself, before she could think and before she could hide… Sya was entirely honest about her desire to be more than just… she wanted more, wanted to be the one in fine clothes and maybe earn more respect, maybe have to hide less…maybe be seen for someone to be with? Someone worthy of care?

As Syraeia spoke the pale woman leaned in just a little. "You are the first person like me I have ever seen. I had always heard tales of blight borne beig mindless savages, blood thristy monsters, yet I find you tending to travelers at an inn. I never would have imagined there might be someone like me and so unlike the stories one hears. I want you," She paused looking away her hands clenching the fabric of her skirt waiting for the feeling of embarrassment to leave her chest over the poor word choice before continuing. "It would be nice to talk to you about our condition. Perhaps together we may find out more of our selves in similarities and our differences." Olivia listened to her new room mate speak of desires and private wishes. "If things go as I plan then I will be relocating here in a fortnight or two. I will need many things. A room, food for my guests, a friend of discretion who I could count on to gather things and be trust worthy enough to take messages to the prince on my behalf during the day time." Giving a pause as her face tilted down a little. "I may look like this but I'm not a mindless monster. I think if you would give me the chance I could be your friend. I would like that very much." She glanced at Syraeia with some hope.

That was all a dream though, she still almost felt herself run, the desire to hide, people did not normally voluntarily sit those close to one of a Blight affliction knowingly like this in private.

Olivia took the leap of faith and slowly with her pale hand placed it into the tavern girls lap. "If you, my friend could arrange things for me during the day, tell me things about this town, then I could help you with the things your heart desires."

But she held her nerve, this was no ordinary woman, she would resist that Instinct, and talk with this strikingly pale lady as she saw her close up. Iris was red as blood and could see the blue veins in her exposed flesh.

Blight born has to breathe… maybe not eat but much as people claimed…they were dead…alive…it got confusing. However long, she still had little understanding but what she could learn herself.


I want to cover your avatar in butter and honey. XD
banned for not branching out into more spam topics.
Welcome ^^

In Fight Club 5 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Mitzuki rolled her eyes at her drinking buddy. "Man you've got your work cut out for you." His innocence was refreshing too often the men in her life were very handsy and ready to go, she found the hesitance uncharted territory. "So... You want to tell me the typical night in the Hanzo home? I don't need the details just the broad generalization."

Aki gave a shy look. Were they really doing this? He sighed, "Fine..." Hanzo was about to star but the general and more recent moments of intimacy began with fights. The realization of this truth as he sat there with her only made the company man shake his head in disbelief. "In the first year of marriage we would in the morning waking up early before work and well, it was great spending the time together right up to the very last second."

She slapped the back of his head. "Baka! Rushing the moment is bad! You're not supposed to... Whatever just tell me you got better?"

He shook his head no. "It was hard to find the time even when I would come home and she was there waiting in her naughty spring dress with the deep square neck and white stockings that hinted at more I was just dead tired. Even trying to catch some sleep on the train or drinking caffeine it was just a lack of enthusiasm. Gods knew I wanted to and I knew the effort on her part to keep it going I felt bad for no being more of a participant. Which is why I asked for the mornings. It was better at first. But the lack of spontaneity made it..."

"Into a chore." Mitzuki rolled her eyes interjecting. "Yeah I can see that. Time off was a no and that house was a real money drain matched with the education I bet you are just making it and no space in the budget to go to places. You should have come to me I can help find secluded little places you two could..." She watched him shake his head no. "Listen no money means you should use it as an excuse to be more spontaneous in certain places. I bet being so pent up she would be more willing than you might guess." She watched him consider it.

"I'm sure you could do it but I dont think I could." He folded his arms across his chest firm in the stance.

"Oh? this coming from a man who earlier tonight had two girls in his office and one under his desk. I think you could after that. Just read something trashy there are a lot of ideas in them for you to use. Some women actually like them too, its not just fantasies for guys you know?" Her voice turning more sultry towards the end.

He shifted in his seat giving her side glances.

Seeing his stance waver she hopped up and with a red face headed to her room. Returning after a minute. Her face beat red as she shyly handed them to him to look at. "Here, look through these your safe here so dont hold back I wont tell. Besides if I did I'd be in just as much hot water as you." Seeing his hand move to the small stack of smut she needed more beer. The long time friend grabbed two more from the fridge and set them down on the table. She instantly sat down and popped it open taking a long pull while she watched him thumb through her own fantasies. Her face quickly flush with pale pink.

Aki looked through them some spicier than others all of them holding secrete rendezvous. His eyes looked away at some of the more intimate scenes as he read the contents and looked at the locations. The bath house, a small alleyway, movie theater, abandoned building, even a secluded section of a public park!

"Well a lot of those are just suggestions as some locations are more unrealistic then others. You could just take her to a love hotel or some other place that you know would be safe for the two of you. There are a lot of cheap options. These ones while more dangerous are very cheap. You'd be surprised how much action the sea wall experiences in the cove." She gave a stretch with her arms high over head hoping he would look. He smile becoming more self gratifying as she caught him.

He popped the beer and didnt stop until half of it was gone. Hoping the gods would take pity on him if he were drunk. He reread one where the woman was in the trench coat and walking arm and arm while they did some shopping. "No way she would ever do that. Also why do you assume it was just me? Has she ever told you of things like this?"

She nodded shyly as she avoided his gaze. "She's had a little wild streak that she keeps hidden. It was why I was surprised that you hadn't done more. I can believe she wouldn't tell you them. You seemed like the more vanilla type, sorry."

Maybe it was the beer, or the spicy manga, "Yeah it might be." He stood up and moved to the sofa laying down and rereading the comic. He didnt realize she was walking behind him until he looked up after turning a page to find her sitting in the chair across the coffee table. "So since we've gotten this far mind telling me a few of these secrete fantasies?"

The two talked into the night with the light weight nodding off mid sentence to he dismay. She took a picture holding the moment where possibilities could have bloomed before walking down the short hall to her room and shutting the door. Getting him to the train would be a pain with the turn around from the station and then the drive in traffic to work. Laying there Mitzuki thought of why the quiet one got so damn lucky.
In Enemy, Mine 5 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

In Enemy, Mine 5 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Blood saturated the ground as the tears fell from her eyes. The monster had come and claimed the village in its wake as she was at the citadel praying for her children. Now in their blood she lined the soil with forbidden runes flooding her mind as she raged from within. Their deaths meaningless at first, she would give them meaning and the deadly revenge their short lives demanded! Her hands moved with purpose as the images and design seemed to come from some dark void that tenderly whispered to the grieving mother its dark secretes. Slowly under the light of the full moon the lines crossed and darkness ebbed from them upward to the woman as she unknowingly chanted to them a vile lullaby.

With the blood of her youngest she lifted the bucket and bathed her form in the cold thick fluid. "I offer myself as your vessel! Use this form as your weapon to enact my vengeance!" For a moment she would sit there cold seeing the heat from her skin rise into the cold winter air. Tears formed streaking their way down her cheeks as she screamed up into the heavens frustrated. The lines glowed softly illuminating the things she had previously missed were now all around her writhing from the ground. Only visible from the unholy light they promised unspeakable agony at their touch, a promise they delivered and so much more.

In unison they stabbed their tips through the frail human form feeling like a thousand spears each with a cold ice frozen tip. It would be only the beginning as the woman felt her bones break and shift under her skin as the once human form morphed into a visage that mirrored the vile hatred in her own heart. Whomever the mother of three once was, now underwent a transformation torn apart in mind, body, and soul. The pact made the bargain struck as the creature from the bowels of the abyss came to answer her dark wish. The six eyes glowing green darted about independently the head with maw agape sniffed the ground about the bodies as it found the scent.

On its four limbs it launched itself into the night air and leapt high among the tree tops with its new strength. Falling into the snowy ground with a huge explosive thud as the snow flew about the dark thing. It found the train six horses and the blood still fresh on the cultists garments lead the motherly beast over three days strait to their encampment. On the third night she caught up with them, all resting in tarp tents minus the newest recruit standing watch over the fire in the center. The long blood colored tendril stretched out from its maw to lick the snow from its head. The meal was so very close, and better still unaware of their role in this act.

The cult leader slept soundly as the snow fell around his encampment. His followers now blessed in the blood of the villagers would be excellent offerings when they returned to the cavernous shrine to the faceless god.

As the newly blessed cultist slept soundly still face encrusted in the blood of the victims from the village he tried to sleep only seeing visions of their faces contorted in fear and pain as the blades sank deeply into the soft flesh, ear piercing screams still sang to him still in his nightmares. Droplets of what felt like sweat dripped onto his face down the sides of his head droplets from above. As the man opened his eyes the maw descended around his head. The moist cavernous void smelled like fresh death as he screamed desperate for his nightmare to end. It did not, the muffled cries ended as the shark toothed jaws crushed the fleshy parts that connected the poor sod to the rest of his body. One of the six eyes teared a clear acidic fluid that burned the flesh as it sild against the creatures skin. The nightmare slowly withdrew from one tent to enter another.

A Dark tendril resembling burned skin slid around the sleepers foot before slowly dragging the sleeper to the entrance. He snickered as the sensation of something tickling his sole stirred him to the waking world. As his eyes gazed upward at the horror the mans mouth hung open in a silent scream to the nightmare born from madness had licked the flesh from his foot. Before he could draw his next breath three clawed limbs plunged into his chest cavity, breaking ribs, filling his lungs with blood. Hanson coughed up blood in the final act before being pulled into the demons maw with a sickening crunch.

She cried as the flavor and scent of her children filled the monsters mouth. The ruckus causing the one by the fire to move so she leapt into the trees. watching as the human tried his best to pierce the dark night. The second she saw the youth turn his back she let her claws pull free from the wood. As she fell the last sound of a wet sickening crush of the cultist was no where near as satisfying as she wised it to be. Even as he twitched after death she bit off an arm annoyed he was blessed to be free so soon from her wrath. The heavy thud was now the sound and the others rose from the tents.

Four cloaked figures with sickles still stained red with villager blood shined in the fire light. The leader chanted as his boney finger pointed at the motherly nightmare. The other three hesitated at first getting their spacing and distance from the void nightmare. It mattered little. The creatures multilimbed form made the effort meaningless at best. Each member received their own barbed tendril or taloned limb to some part of their bodies. Each screamed out in agonizing pain as the the limb tightened its grip before drawing one by one a murderer to their fate with the maw eagerly awaiting to embrace them. Each cried out for help, to deaf gods and immobile saints to help him now. The others cried or puked as the brother was fed head first to the vile nightmares drooling jaws. The silence that followed after the first sickening crunch as the body headless squirmed and twitched. Pulling the next victim in closer only to belch a hot load of stomach acid over the poor sod melting him down to the rib cage. This lead the remaining still held victim to puke of his own innards before the creature would squeezed his waist pinching the man in two.

Finished with the rite the black tendrils burst from the ground but halted their advance on her new blessed form. The Leaders face turned to disbelief as the rite was turned towards himself and the dark vines bound the mans arms and legs in place. Even as the creature approached him he cursed and struggled only in vain against the powers of the void. The mortal had no leverage in this fight against ill gotten fate and the mothers love. His last moments staring into her six eyes as he spat onto her form in revolt. The mother growled before offering a prayer to the denizens below. The many different limbs reaching from the cracked earth and grabbing a body part as the flames licked his flesh slowly before the figure sank to his eternal reward.

The other howled into the cold winter air as the deal was done. The final spark of what was Elenore D'naris faded from memory. Unfettered of conscience the creature sniffed the crisp air again catching the scent of a sleeping villa so ripe with pure souls. Squatting low it flexed its muscular form before leaping into the air above the trees once more towards the innocent and chaste...
In Enemy, Mine 5 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Heartache" mother.

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