Avatar of Andre Valias


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Spent a hot minute filling out my Bio a bit more, please validate me.
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3 mos ago
‘I’d like to see a Colovian sky one last time before I die.’ – Bloodies-His-Face, when asked what he’d want to do before the end.
6 yrs ago
"Yeah I've been dancin' with the devil, I love that he pretends to care." MARINA, Forget
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6 yrs ago
"It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver." Machiavelli
8 yrs ago
"A true dragon knows no fear."


I need to be stopped.

Current Roleplays
Arrowfell: The Wizard Queen's Court, playing as Anton Agravaine and friends.

Discord: andrevalias | Telegram: @Andre_Valias | Tumblr: andrevalias | BlueSky: @andrevalias.bsky.social

My Art Portfolio, if you'd like to see what I paint.

My Elder Scrolls Archive, where about a dozen gay Argonians live rent free in my head.
Posts at least once every day at 6pm (AEDT): conversations, quotes, letters, excerpts. All from the 2nd Era.

Stops and Bloodies, my beloved

I've published an origin story for Bloodies, if it pleases you.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Crystal Age: ??? Gender: Female Race: Grimmvale Seraveen Weapons: Her Flask. Or rather whatever she might be concocting inside it. Equipment: No Armor, only a leafy coat. Inventory: Nothing else. Just her flask. Aruk is the one who carries anything in their relationship. Appearance: Small as shown by her size, covered from thigh to her neck in a leafy coat that changes with the seasons. She is constantly carrying some potion or another in her arms. She has 6 leafy wings that she can use to hover in the air for a small while, before she has to settle on someone's shoulder or on the ground again. She Has a childish voice but doesn't like it when people don't take her seriously. Background: Crystal is a smaller Seraveen that has been around for a very long time. Asking her age probably won't get you a straight answer but you might be able to guess if she mentions things about her past, which she does tend to mention. She was born in Enthero but was struck by wanderlust, so she left to make her own way in the world, exploring and "helping" people with her potions, sometimes if they wanted too or not. During one of her more recent episodes of being helpful she might have accidentally helped some evil guys wipe out a village or five, but it wasn't her fault since she didn't know what the potions she was making were going to be used for. She's made a lot more friends and sometimes they'll even try the potions she makes with whatever's lying around willingly! Personality: Crystal is caring and kind, usually making helpful potions or using the odd bit of actual magic to help someone in need, though she likes to experiment she only does it with consent and tends to try not to kill people with her potions, but sometimes they just keel over. That tends to bug her but she just goes out and makes more friends, although the last ones she made left her a bit miffed about putting her in a prison, though she's still gregarious and friendly to people around her. Job: Alchemist Skills: Alchemy, Healing, Herblore Traits: Small, Gregarious, Clever, Helpful, Creative. Magic: Enough Healing and Nature Magic to get by. Talent: -- Keen Herblore :Crystal has a keen eye for all alchemical reagents that grow in the wild, and is also very knowledgeable of everything and anything they do, and more importantly, if they are safe to consume. Strengths: Being Small. Weaknesses: Being Small. Quote: "I wonder what this will do! Heehee!" Theme: Rikku's Theme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-tKGc8YAys) AFTERNOTE: All credits go to Crystal for the original character from Descendents of the New World
Name: Aruk Si-Rak Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Valorfellan Argonian Weapons: Iron Halberd, worn after many battles but still reliable and strong. Equipment: Iron Cuirass, Hide loincloth, light iron greaves, leather boots, leather bracers, golden crescent amulet, potion belt, leather backpack. Inventory: Survival Supplies, Hatchet, Healing Potions x3, Food Rations x5, Hide Waterskin, Coinpurse, Journal, Charcoal, Iron Dagger, Appearance: Standing slightly shorter than other Valorfellan Argonians his age, Aruk's scale colour is black mixed with crimson, especially over his face to give a 'bloody face' effect. He is relatively fit, having a slightly muscular build and athletic body. His head is adorned with spikes and horns that aren't curved, and his eyes are a fierce amber brown. He usually wears an iron cuirass, but wears hide tapered like long loincloth and wears leather boots and bracers. Around his neck is a gold crescent amulet on a steel chain he always wears, and Aruk always has his iron halberd close to him wherever he goes. Background: Aruk Si-Rak grew up in the nomadic life all Valorfellan Argonians know. His father was one of the many warriors that protected Akethari, and his mother was a huntress. Beside Aruk was his twin brother, Taluk. Each day wasn't to be wasted, Aruk was taught, and each day he and his brother were put to work from an early age, learning the hardship they would have to face to grow stronger. Years go on as the city of Akethari moved across the dunes of the Southern Deserts, and Aruk and Taluk begin to take on more tasks. They both becomes apprentices to their father, and Aruk begins to practice with his weapon of choice, the Halberd, whilst Taluk practiced with the Spear. Eventually, after years of rigorous tasks, exercise and training, the twin brothers are disciplined and broken into strong warriors. But instead of staying with the city, Aruk struck out on his own and left for the wide world, becoming a travelling mercenery. He left behind his family without a goodbye. But Aruk still keeps his memories of his family with him. A gold crescent amulet that was one half of the moon amulet he and his brother shared, given by their parents. It was only 2 months since he left his people that he met a Seraveen named Crystal. The Dominion had conquered half of south Euraiya, and he had been ambushed by a Dominion patrol. Crystal found Aruk after he had slaughtered the genocidal patrol, mortally wounded and close to death in the Grimmvale forests. She saved him, and formed a close bond with the Argonian. They both shared a passion for wanderlust, and together became a sort of dynamic duo. Crystal needed someone to protect her from beasts and people's unaware footsteps, and Aruk was indebted to her for saving his life. Ever since then, the two have wandered out of and into the wartorn lands, helping whoever was in need and sometimes even for free. Now the two find themselves in Grimmvale as the rumoured Tiberius Azklan begins his campaign to free the Empire. Personality: Quiet, but not shy, Aruk is hard to make conversation with, but he is fiercely loyal to those he deems worthy of his loyalty. He makes friends through comradeship most of the time, but seldom makes them through normal means. He can enjoy a good laugh occasionally, but takes his job seriously when it comes to working for others. Job: Mercenary Skills: Survival Skills, Advanced Combat Training, Halberd Training, Armour and Weapon Repair Traits: Strong, Swift, Skilled, Experienced, Disciplined, Honourable, Merciful Magic: None. Talent: -- Si-Rak Crescent : Aruk wields his Halberd in a certain way, and has been inspired by the Crescent Shape. His own special Si-Rak Crescent is a sudden swipe with his halberd that is so subtle and swift that it leaves a glimmer that forms the shape of a Crescent Moon. Apart from looking shiny, the Si-Rak Crescent is useful for sweeping enemies out of Aruk's path, and can kill foes wearing inadequate armor to save them from the axehead. Strengths: His discipline and honour as an Akethari Warrior, Aruk will spare a foe more often than not. He is a skilled warrior, and years of training and plenty of time facing real foes have hardened his skills In battle. In combat, his halberd is just as much his strength as it is his weakness, as he puts all his trust in the one weapon. Weaknesses: His discipline and honour as an Akethari Warrior, Aruk will spare a foe more often than not. It is also his closeness and sentimentality at heart that makes Crystal, and anyone else that he calls friend, his weakness. In combat, his halberd is just as much his strength as it is his weakness, as he puts all his trust in the one weapon. Quote: "Hold close, little one! This beast will be a challenge!" Theme: Final Fantasy XII - Jahara, Land of the Garif (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzdIgRZ_34g)
nice, I'm back!
Welcome back, Knight-Man!
I joined ^^ I'm a bit of a Noob but not as noobish as my profile suggest >.<" I had an account on here a long time ago... but it vanished XD Haven't rped in ages... so my own fault. Also *hugs Andre*
All good. <3 -hugs back- Oh, and also: You're all good to go.
Done! IC is open now!
With Akatosh as my witness, let him testify with me that Tiberius was not a man, but Talos reborn: a living god. We could dream that he could level mountains or flood valleys with the will of his voice, but the reality was greater than even those. The Living God showed those heathen elves the true power of the Empire, of unity and duty, and of destiny. His voice was greater than that of the thundering shouts of the Nordic stormlords, and his will was stronger than that of a dozen-many dragons. It was only god-given that he wore the mantle of Emperor. And for even just his indomitable determination to defeat the Dominion was enough for a score many legions of men to follow his beck and call that could only possibly mean victory for us all. However, Ceyledon was only the beginning, and only made easy by the complacency of Elven egocentrism. Let me tell you now of the struggles Tiberius and his armies faced in Grimmvale... ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Date - 2nd Winter's Grace (August), Year 48 of the 2nd Era Time - 8:58 AM, Morndas, Morning Location - Province of Grimmvale, Fort Caraculus, Border of Ceyledon "Archers...! LOOSE ARROWS!" The Eldar Captain bellowed. His very call manipulated the sudden release of many arrows, the noise of bowstrings flicking forward like a viper echoed in the air. Arrows flew into the morning sky, the arrowtips shining in the light of the young sun as the turned to fall towards their marks. "Hoplites! Form testudo!" The Imperial Centurion commanded amongst his men, and they all obeyed immediately. Suddenly, the enemy formation had become a giant tortoise of shields and spears. The arrows pelted the formation to no successful avail, and the archers were ready to fire once more. "Aim for the gaps, do not let them advance!"The Eldar Captain commanded of his archers. "Sentinels! Prepare for attack!" He ordered the infantry of the elves, who eagerly brandished their glaives. The arrows kept coming, bouncing off shields in most cases and in others punching through slightly. But no matter how many volleys landed upon the walking fortress, none of their inhabitants were injured. "Ready the ladders!" The Imperial Centurion ordered once they were next to the wall. "Move to the edge, don't let them climb up!"The Eldar Captain ordered. His Elven soldiers did as they were told even before the order was given, stepping forward to have the better shot and drop on the Imperials. ~-~-~ Close to the area of battle and concealed amongst the trees, a small group of troops watched. Among them was a man donned in the most perfectly-smithed armour that was ornamented to an extent of godlike. He stood at their head, watching the battle carefully. "Hold..." The man went on with his hand held aloft. The men waited attentively for that one order. "... Hold..."The man continued. He took a breath, and saw the opportunity as the men assaulting the fort began to climb. "NOW!" The man ordered. Not even reaction time made to delay his command, and on the instant the ballistae fired their shots at the enemy. ~-~-~ A score two dozen Elves were impaled by only four simple yet deadly ballista bolts, shocking the Dominion forces. Even the Eldar Captain was too lost for words, and the hesitation of fear allowed the men to quickly ascend the walls. By the time the Elves realized what had just happened, the Imperials had already brought their tortoise formation to them. There was no stopping them now. The Elves fought back, but were quickly overwhelmed by a wave of righteous men of the Empire, and once the leader was too felled and the rest forced into submission, the Imperials raised their flag high and proud over the battlements of Fort Caraculus. ~-~-~ In the distance, the man smiled with satisfaction. He was no other than the rumoured Tiberius Azklan himself.
HOLY CRAP YES WE HAVE C O L O R Also: Saving what I have so far written up. Will attempt finishing tomorrow (We had a power outage when I was writing. ._. )
Just look at it this way: It's Hagok and the world.
Okay, I lied, didn't make a character. But now I will exercise the 5th of many GM powers, which involves starting the roleplay without any cares or charries in the world! After I eat. ,_,
On a more legitimate note, I'll make my character sometime in the next two days, and we should be good to roll Friday or Saturday. But I should be able to open the IC tomorrow. We'll see. Happy camping until then!
Fuck yeah, achievements and shit!
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