Avatar of Andre Valias


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1 mo ago
Current Spent a hot minute filling out my Bio a bit more, please validate me.
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3 mos ago
‘I’d like to see a Colovian sky one last time before I die.’ – Bloodies-His-Face, when asked what he’d want to do before the end.
6 yrs ago
"Yeah I've been dancin' with the devil, I love that he pretends to care." MARINA, Forget
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6 yrs ago
"It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver." Machiavelli
8 yrs ago
"A true dragon knows no fear."


I need to be stopped.

Current Roleplays
Arrowfell: The Wizard Queen's Court, playing as Anton Agravaine and friends.

Discord: andrevalias | Telegram: @Andre_Valias | Tumblr: andrevalias | BlueSky: @andrevalias.bsky.social

My Art Portfolio, if you'd like to see what I paint.

My Elder Scrolls Archive, where about a dozen gay Argonians live rent free in my head.
Posts at least once every day at 6pm (AEDT): conversations, quotes, letters, excerpts. All from the 2nd Era.

Stops and Bloodies, my beloved

I've published an origin story for Bloodies, if it pleases you.

Most Recent Posts

Ryllae's Abode, Odenfield


Gervese gave a polite bow upon their approach and Anton cast a glance to Sylrael that essentially said, 'See? Very polite.'

Sylrael's lip curled, still unconvinced, but joined Anton and Melodia in heading inside.

The interior was every bit as modest as its exterior, but was nevertheless very homely. A fire crackled in the fireplace where two different pots bubbled and brewed respectively. The aroma of tea and scent of meat stew hung pleasantly in the air.

'It smells absolutely delicious in here, Miss Evoek,' Anton complimented. Ryllae finished tapping a spoon and turned to Anton, a hint of surprise crossing her crystal eyes. In response, Gervese rumbled and introduced Sylrael and Melodia as Anton's guests. Satisfied, Ryllae gave a low curtsy.

”Welcome to my home, Lord Agravaine and his guests. Please, make yourselves comfortable.”

Anton looked to the table and beckoned to his comrades. As Sylrael and Melodia took their seats on either side of Anton, he set down his helmet nearby and unclasped parts of his armour to make movement a little more bearable. He winced sheepishly at the clatter.
'My humble apologies,' he offered in apology for the noise, 'In our line of work, it always paid to be prepared for anything-- even lunch.'

After taking his seat, Ryllae dished out and served bowls of stew. She then served tea for each guest, before placing a board of bread, butter and cheeses in the center of the table. She then took her own seat, wiping her hands on her apron. Her smile was soft as she beckoned for everyone to enjoy. Anton nodded graciously, and began by buttering some bread and sitting it on the side of his bowl. Sylrael still had his doubts, having half-expected his friend to have some caution. But Melodia began eating as well, clearly a little famished, and so Sylrael decided to trust his captain's judgement.

”I'm afraid I don't have the pleasure of knowing much about you, Sylrael, Melodia. Why don't you tell me about yourselves?”

Since Melodia had started eating, Sylrael paused to answer.
'Well, I'm Anton's Lieutenant within the Braves of Marceilles,' he began.

'He's making that up,' Anton interrupted, 'there are no ranks in the Braves, so he's no more a lieutenant than I am a captain.'

'Listen, the lovely little lady asked me, so I get to tell my tale,' Sylrael retorted, 'What is it you always say? "Don't let facts get in the way of a good story".'

'Implying it's a good story...' Melodia muttered between spoonfuls.

Anton merely scoffed and continued eating as Sylrael went on.

'I happened across Anton when he was set on a noble goal: to break the chains of slaves,' Sylrael explained, 'Unfortunately, he had no knowledge whatsoever of fighting in swampy or forested terrain that was so plentiful, so he needed the aid of one pragmatic and heedful wood elf. Enter: me.'

'I like to think I've learned since then,' Anton added, as he sipped his tea. It was still quite hot so it was but a tiny sip.

'Maybe, but back then you were every bit the prat on a horse who could only conceive of battle on an open plain or in the streets.' Sylrael replied, inspecting his fingernails for effect. 'Unfortunately for both of us, our first collaboration has entwined our fates ever since.'

Anton chuckled and kept eating. Then Sylrael turned to Melodia as he picked up a piece of bread with a cheese slice.
'I know how I ended up here,' he then took a chomp out of the bread, 'But how did you meet Anton exactly?' he asked with a half full-mouth, clearly not too versed in table manners. Melodia looked at Anton, who smirked knowingly.

'He paid me handsomely to incinerate an entire baggage train in less than five minutes,' Melodia replied, matter-of-factly, 'I did it in three.'

Sylrael stopped chewing upon hearing this. He then looked at Anton, who's smile had stretched ear-to-ear. 'Did she really do that?' A hint of begrudging respect mixed with fear inhabited his voice, while Melodia resumed innocently eating.

'You've seen her use fire, have you not?' Sylrael pursed his lips, so Anton went on. 'I like to surround myself with talented friends. You can fell eight men with your bow in six seconds, and Melodia can turn an entire shipment of supplies to ash.'

Sylrael turned back to his meal, idly spooning stew with his cheesy bread. 'If you say so...'

Anton then turned to Ryllae. 'Thank you so much for having us break bread with you both,' he said sincerely 'However, I have been wondering: what exactly compels the Order of the Looking Glass to join me in my goal?'
New post is uuuppppp!

You mean I have to come up with a story for these random hirelings I've plucked from the ether?

Very wellllll.

Odonfield, The Smiling Monkey, Two Days Ago


”Actually, my Lord, I did have one proposal. It will take me time to prepare the Seeds. I also prefer… discretion. Shall we meet again in two days time at my abode within the city here? I'll give the Seeds to you then. Then we can wait for that meeting with your emissary.”

'Very well, I can agree to this.' Anton replied with a gracious nod in turn. 'Where will I be headed?'

Ryllae then procured a piece of lamb skin from her pocket and unfurled it on the table. Anton could recognise a few of the landmarks and streets to see it was a rough diagram of the city. An 'X' was marked on the map.

”You'll find it with ease. And if you arrive at a good hour, we will serve lunch.”

Anton chuckled as Ryllae stood afterward, moving gracefully still. Anton watched as she moved toward the door where Gervese had stirred, before looking back at him. She bid Anton farewell, and Anton inclined his head likewise. When they were gone, he took the band off his finished cigar and laid it to rest in the ash tray. He stared at the lamb skin for a short while, reminiscing once more about simpler times. Around the table, he could imagine the fellowship of Lamont's Rebellion: Lamont uttering a wordless joke to Anton while grinning; Phillip, arms folded but a small smirk on his face; and Faith, who was usually reserved, couldn't help but roll his eyes with a slight smile.

When the fellowship faded back into memory, Anton's cigar had smoked out and he caught himself clutching the ring on his neck. He sighed, rolling up the lamb skin and stowing it in his pocket, before he stood up and left the Smiling Monkey.

Ryllae's Abode, Present Day

'Are we there yet?' Sylrael asked lazily, his arms folded behind his head.
'Quit being such a child,' Melodia hissed, her hands at her sides as she watched the people they passed.
Anton walked between them, helmet under his arm, and couldn't help but offer a look of amusement. 'Melodia's harsh, but she does have a point.' He turned back to the path ahead before Syl could retort. 'Almost there. Just the next right, and then a left.'

They continued along the streets of Odonfield, the sun bearing down on them from above. Anton checked to see it was nearing its apex, and took comfort that they were running on schedule. Soon after, Sylrael leaned in as they walked.
'Captain,' Sylrael began, his tone low and indicating a coming query, 'you have a Seed, right?'he kept his voice cautiously quiet, whilst Anton maintained the look of a knight non-nonchalantly strolling with his companions. He offered a discrete nod in response. 'How long does it take to... "Prepare" it?'

Anton could visibly imagine Sylrael's look of concern, even without turning his head, and knew his next response wouldn't help. 'It doesn't.'
He could hear Sylrael's next intake of breath. 'Captain, what are we walking into?'
Anton heard Melodia's gait change as she, too, leaned in-- albeit much more subtly than Sylrael, who could've been likened to being a consort to Anton.

'Relax, Syl,' Anton noted with levity, 'we're walking into a lunch, provided my skills in logistics haven't failed us.'
Sylrael said nothing, but Anton could just hear his lip curling while Melodia tittered quietly.

After the two turns, Anton's party found themselves outside a quaint cottage-like house. He guessed this was, in fact, Ryllae's residence upon seeing Gervese in all his dark and mourning glory standing sentinel just outside. Unless his pastime was to loiter outside people's houses, menacingly. Anton wondered about that one for a moment as he put the lambskin back in his pocket while they paused in the street.
'You didn't mention we'd be dining with one of the Death Knights of Narisse...' Sylrael muttered nervously.
'Be polite, Syl. He's a lovely chap.' Anton replied, half-lying for Sylrael's benefit. 'At least, he was kind enough to bow when I met him,' he added as an afterthought, before stepping forward. Melodia passed Sylrael by with a shrug, and after a second he warily followed them both.

'We aren't late, are we Gervese?' Anton asked as they approached, giving a bow of his head in greeting. 'I hope you and Miss Evoek don't mind that I brought Sylrael and Melodia with me. They've been quite curious to meet you both.'
King DuFairre manipulated the blessing to be able to also slay leviathans

Lamont has come a long way from waving his rapier in the gardens of Marceilles. *sniffle*

Anton: *screaming internally*
King Lood veeg the Two.

EDIT: I will be crafting my post. I really thought being on holiday would mean I would get loads of time, but everyone booked me for lunches for the first four days so... Posting as late as the 12th... *praying*
@Andre Valias My next post will likely be around January 2nd, if that's alright? :>

Estylwen... That is completely, utterly and ABSOLUTELY

fine. <3

Enjoy the New Year holiday, my dear!

Odonfield, The Smiling Monkey, Two Days Ago


Anton eyed Ryllae as she paused to pick up the butterfly on her cheek and inspect it. She then raised her hand. Anton heard heavy armoured footsteps and turned slightly in its direction. He hadn't recalled there being such a distinctive knight, though he and Sylrael had been in the tavern a while. The dark knight approached, taking position beside Ryllae before giving a solemn bow.

”This is Gervese, my partner. The only other member of the Order of the Looking Glass. He doesn't speak much. Prefers dealing with issues using his sword and his magic.”

'I see. Well met then, Sir Gervese.'

Ryllae gestured again, and with one small bow Gervese left their company to take place next to the tavern's entrance.

When Anton asked his second question, he saw the way the butterflies quivered mid-flight before taking perch all over the living doll. Ryllae, with her knowing smile, looked almost painterly as she regarded at Anton. The noise in the tavern died down just slightly, highlighting the next words she spoke.

”Why, your goal to topple the Wizard Queen, of course.”

The cigar was held on stand-by above the ash tray, wisps of smoke from paper and plant curling up into the air. Anton was almost still, for unlike the doll he still needed to breathe. But his lips were pressed together in neither frown nor smile as his unblinking eyes stared into the doll's own. Years of watching his father play the great game of politics in the Cour Royale had rubbed off on Anton.

'Admittedly not the kind of allies I expected,' Anton said after the pause, offering a slight smile, 'though perhaps it does credit to Evelyn's true power: making enemies of many different people.' The fiddler drew the last note on the song, and took a bow as the audience cheered and tossed coins onto the stage.

As the noise died down, Anton took a long drag of the cigar and tipped the ashes as he exhaled. 'I accept your terms, Miss Evoek,' Anton said summarily, 'I suppose now I should tell my Braves we have time to kill. Unless you and your partner have another suggestion, perhaps?'
I lied, I finished it early. ^^; New post is up!

Not Anton failing to clock the brooding dark knight by the entrance like:

As they talked, the Khajiit wandered through the group before passing Alexios. He prodded his cuirass with a claw, not-so-gently, and Alexios stood against. The Khajiit then flopped on one of the pews.
"That one... Thinks ill of us. Kiffar thinks that one is wise," he commented.

Alexios listened as Kiffar went on to discuss the 'fancy ideas' they all had, before boiling it down simply to meeting with the diplomats and killing whatever tries to kill them. If anything, Alexios was grateful for the simplification. He showed it just to Kiffar by bowing his head to him by the end, whether he noticed or not.

Next, the Redguard spoke up and introduced herself as Khaliya al-Rihad. An Alik'r far from home. Like the the others before her, she also went through each of the ideas with a comb. She circled back to the merchant suggestion and offered her experience in working with merchants. She added that the Legionaries could remain a safe but discreet distance behind. She went through the logistics in detail, and Alexios nodded thoughtfully. He was waiting for some further discussion when the Confessor piped up once more.

"Indeed; it would be good for this motley fellowship to decide on a leader. As you do not seem to be offering yourself for that position, who would you suggest? I will be blunt - Most of the group have disadvantages; Meen-La is a planner but is a condemned criminal, while Alexios is too obviously tied to the Imperial Legion."

Alexios scoffed, somewhat annoyed the Confessor even bothered to mention him. 'To be clear: I'm no more part of this "Militia" any more than one of you being a decorated legionary.'

The Confessor then continued undeterred and outlined the depth of the plan. She then suggested the Nord named Arnvidr to be the leader of the Militia. But then she asked for the Militia's thoughts. Meen-La was first to pipe up among them, and Alexios gave her the time to say her piece before deciding he'd heard enough.

'Thank you for your time, esteemed Confessor,' he said promptly, 'I'll leave the good Militia to figure out what they please. My boys will need to rest before we move out at dawn. Good night.' Alexios then took his leave from the Priory, stepping out into the cool evening air. He muttered a small prayer to Akatosh under his breath.

Odonfield, The Smiling Monkey, Two Days Ago


”Odenfield's finest cigars? Please, don't let me intrude.” Anton nodded in gratitude, wearing a knowing smile to match Ryllae's hint of one. He then struck the match and held the flame below the cigar, casting a cursory glance around the tavern as Ryllae checked their surroundings. Anton waved the flame away as Ryllae turned back to him, a stare of magnitude meeting his eyes.

”The Glasic Fields are under attack. It is unsafe to travel to or near it. Rumours are that the rebellion is finally making its move. And, moreso a shred of incendiary gossip, but they say His Grace, Duke Rhinecliff, is involved… It means your plans with the Seeds may be futile.”

Anton inclined his head as he puffed, holding the smoking cigar over the ash tray. 'I see,' he replied, 'I would not like to be the schoolmate who always copied my homework. But I sense there's an "unless" coming.'

”Unless someone just so happened to steal from the Fields before this… unfortunate incident.” Anton exhaled the Odonfield smoke in a surprised sigh, raising one of his eyebrows at the suggestion as Ryllae dared to even grin. ”You can still attend your meeting with the representative of His Grace, but do it with my Seeds. I don't ask for anything in return, except for you to allow me and my partner to accompany you in your goal.”

Anton watched her sit back, the grey butterflies flitting about Ryllae and one taking perch upon her face. Her eyes were unblinking, and had an air of certainty to them. He wasn't sure what he was more fascinated by: the sheer confidence of a flawless lady, or the butterflies that more and more resembled Greymont Monarchs.

”What do you say, my Lord?”

Anton took a brief drag on the cigar before tipping the ashes in the tray. He mulled Ryllae's proposal over, a few questions forming in his mind as he exhaled another plume of Odonfield smoke. Of the comforts of home, cigars were not among them. But Anton enjoyed the way they eased his troubles. In a way, Anton's newest vice had him becoming part of Arrowfell.

'And here I thought I'd be looking over my shoulder every few minutes in this land,' Anton replied nonchalantly, stirring memories of the Cour Royale of Ravenfell. He held the cigar upright above the tray for a moment as he rested his chin on his fist and thumb.

'Let's say I do entertain your magnanimous proposal. I have two questions.' The fiddler on stage continued to play, stringing between highs and lows.

'First, tell me about this partner of yours. Who is it that accompanies you?' As he asked his first question, Anton looked around Ryllae, but kept his eyes on her as he took another drag. He gave her the time and space she needed to reply, nodding before asking his second and more important question.

'And secondly, you say that you and your partner will accompany me "in my goal".' Anton leaned forward, ever-so-slightly, as faint thoughts of Lamont and Evelyn flashed in his mind. 'Since you've already displayed such powers of clairvoyance, pray tell what goal of mine is it you wish to help me see through?'
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