Avatar of Andreyich


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7 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
3 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

Donning civilian clothing was far less of an ordeal for the Confessor, since in a sort of sense that was the exact thing that he was doing for the entirety of his career. The part of it that was a sort of deception however, did feel quite unnatural to him. The last time he lied a real lie was oh... some twenty years ago if he remembered correctly. A vile moment, it was nevertheless a learning experience. He nodded along in concurrence with Victorine, not wanting to say anything. Anything he would say now would still be a master oration, but he knew that after all the time together the Sisters would hear even the slightest of trembles in his voice and he could not risk making his comrades lose heart just because he had. All he could do for now was memorize the layout described by the soldier before following the Sisters to the flyer so they could bring righteous justice upon the foe.

As they descended, the Confessor tested the weight of his maul. He decided it would not be suitable for the tight confines of a building, when already in a ship's corridors it found some issues. But the knives he had hoarded earlier would most certainly be of use. He had brought along his shotgun and bolt pistol, but he had neither silencer nor subsonic munitions to properly use them as anything but a light resort when the subterfuge was discovered. In truth this was a weakness of the Ecclesiarchy and it's Sororitas. Yes, stealth was not a priority for the Sisters of battle but it should most certainly be an option for rare circumstances as these. Jumping down the Confessor didn't roll, instead simply softening his landing with a knee and palm. The doorway opened, and the confessor peeked out. His heart was beating quite rapidly right now he could feel it in his neck.

Looking back and then forwards, Horacio stayed at the very back of the formation with one of the knives he had brought along drawn with the intent of cutting some heretic fool. But... this all was simply not what the cleric was prepared for. He was far too old to be sneaking about, the foe would probably be alerted by the creaking of his bones long before the sounds of violence. Pausing, the Priest scratched some of his facial hair as conflicting thoughts overwhelmed his mind. "Perhaps... Perhaps I shall stay as rearguard here. Guard the escape should the forces of the heretics be greater than we expected and we need an urgent retreat here, I will be able to cover it. I... I do not believe I can go through with this as much more than a burden." Horacio confessed, more than a little ashamed of himself. "But if you need any aid simply holler a righteous word and I shall come at once with fire for the eternal enemy." the man continued on a more optimistic note.
Paul could only shrug at the ghost's observation. "When we were routed, when it all went to shit, this was the place I first ended up in. Hitched a ride with some bribed dominion boys when I got left behind and that was that. It's not pretty, but it's almost a second home to me now. Surely with you it wasn't too different. Maybe not here but I would bet for most people like us, when the war ended the first spot we came to was the one we stayed between jobs." Then again, Ghosts were a funny people compounded with the fact Ms. Ruby was a Terran one rather than the slick creeps from back home, and a Confederate one no less.

Looking on through the ships Paul wasn't particularly surprised at the suggestion provided, and almost felt ashamed he hadn't anticipated it from the woman. A wraith was… well it was a suggestion with former Ghost operative written all over it. The romance of a fighter, along with the stealth of it and smooth armaments oh it must have been irresistible. But the Lieutenant had to rear in this fantasy, shaking his head. "No, unless you think this system is good enough to stay for months then I think the fact a Wraith cannot carry much cargo and - more importantly - cannot warp jump between solar systems doesn't make it a good plan. Besides, it would be awfully cramped for the two of us." he joked, walking on.

Now, Paul wasn't psychic but his skills let him deceive many to believe he was. One was reading people, and he didn't particularly like the almost predatory gaze that Maya was giving the junkyard folk. But until she actually drew a weapon there wasn't anything he could do, and so he decided not to press the subject even if he reckoned it would at this point be suicidal to drop a few of the buggers. The officer's musings were interrupted by a somewhat overenthusiastic junker coming into vision.

"Top of the morning to ya! Well, it isn't really, but I'm Garrett and if you need any help browsing I'm here for you!"

Paul was about to tell him to piss off, but then he decided against it as realization dawned that indeed some help was needed. "Actually, Mr. Garrett, I could use some advice. Me and my… friend here need a small, cheap, discrete vessel, it should be warp-capable. Preferably fast, with some cargo space, and at least armed enough to shoot down feral scourges coming our way."

The local scratched his head momentarily, before smiling. "Aye there be such here!"

Annoyed at the undetailed response, Lieutenant Nordlund continued. "Good, can you point us to any? We have discounted the science vessels and gun cutters for now."

The man shrugged this time, gesturing for the duo to follow him. "We got a galleon here, but that doesn't quite fit discrete does it hehehe. There's a few wanderers, maybe just what you're looking for. Also some gutted Destroyers, a few more elderly Frigates and a Valkyrie here and there. A System Runner could be your poison."

The Lieutenant kept quiet for now, pondering the choices. The Wanderer seemed like the easy choice, but there was the old saying:" no pain, no gain." a system runner would be prudent especially for their little duo, but it had little resale value along with its armament meaning even wraiths were on equal footing in the arms race.

Turning to Maya, Paul shrugged. "I think we should go for one of the cut up destroyers. Sure for now it's just a deck, cargo bay and some small laser batteries. But it's enough to sell back eventually, and all the missing parts mean we can toy around with it, furnish it to be a real beauty all adding back to a final resale price. Thoughts?"
Sorry, I got bogged down with IRL and some meta-Drama and such, I woll be replying in some hours
More quickly I forgot to add you as co-GM to this


Click. Click. Click. Click. Don knew for a fact he wasn't crazy. Having served he knew many a former brother in arms that lost it after a tour of duty and blew their brains out... or somebody else's if that was their fancy. But he knew he wasn't one of them. The former serviceman felt completely lucid, the flicking of his rifle's select-fire the only real oddity about him. This wasn't some sort of manic episode, this was the call of duty. He didn't remember getting those orders jammed into his head but that didn't matter. Everything around him and the more recent communication with command was a-posteriori proof that he was doing the right thing. It was easy for him really, just dig up the guns and then connect all his armour and gadgets to his carrier rig and backpack. It must have been quite different for more grounded people with families. Yeah, all the people selected for the Division would have had their loved ones know who they were with and would by now be used to them going off to fight. But this wasn't the ordinary serviceman experience. This was a threat at home, rather than overseas. Depending on how long all this shit went on, Don reckoned that this would sooner or later become a liability. Even the most devout of servicemen would have trouble fighting in these stone jungles with little to show for it when their very own families would almost certainly be under some sort of danger. For now there were far more pressing issues though.

For now Donald kept himself in civilian clothing, for now quite sure this was the right idea. Yes, it meant that hypothetical comrades might mistake him for a looter and marauder. But it also meant that he was beneath notice for many people. He had his M4 of course, but the plate carrier and all else was hidden beneath his clothes to make sure he wouldn't be a juicy target for the vast majority of this new world's ne'erdowells. Besides, his M4 was furnished to look like a rather simple civilian AR rather than the high end piece of military equipment that it was. If all the sent orders were right, they'd know it was him coming rather than some random scavenger and wouldn't blow his brains out. Approaching the building Badger put away his rifle and drew his pistol for the tight indoor confines. That said he kept the safety on for now, more or less confident that his fellow Agent would have cleared any threats that the building might have housed, it was simply that a bit of caution never hurt; better safe than sorry, the saying goes. As Donald cleared the rooms and walkways of the building he felt somewhat sickened. The place was ransacked, every single thing that was A) not too heavy to carry away and B) possible to pawn off for a few bucks was gone. As a sort of experiment he opened a cupboard, and he growled faintly as it seemed someone had even taken the stationery. He knew now wasn't the time to dwell on hatred for the scum of the world like some discount vigilante, he had a job to do. Sighing he made his way over to Firefly, nodding respectfully to his counterpart. Don went through the same routine his counterpart had, introducing himself meanwhile. "Its good to see you Agent. I'm Badger. Ready to move?"

S a n d o
E v e n i n g

Hawke, and all the others who paid August a gaze wouldn’t get the chance to see him return it but they would certainly feel it. A deep, ceaseless stare to the depths of one’s soul. Regardless, beyond dissuading prying eyes the Knight knew that there were actual, serious things being discussed. The two main options provided were to either be aboard a schooner, or to be riding one of the boga as a sort of vanguard. There was an exchange between the more experienced Sunrunners and the zitan was volunt-told that it would be on the schooner. It. Really he couldn’t stop himself from thinking of zitans as things, rather than people. If one used the plural “we” or spoke of themselves in the third person then really it is their own fault if they weren’t considered a person.

Well, he couldn’t argue with the logic of putting the creature on the schooner. Likewise, a dwarf seemed far better to stay on the defence and rearguard especially with his background in the engineers. The remark as they discussed the situation further humoured the stern warrior. August truly hadn’t dealt with many zitan in amicable situations before, and honestly hadn’t known one to be able to actually properly speak with any sign language beyond a gesture identical to the human wave of a fist. This one being literate was an exception, and both Hawke and Torvin spoke in a way that highlighted that. Turning his head to some noise which it seemed was the beginning of Asante speaking, an eyebrow was raised in the depths of the Paladin’s helmet as he spoke. Well, that was a plus one to the count of people who were going to be mounted rather than going on the schooner. Between the boy and the stuttering of the lassies the group certainly seemed to be lacking in experience. Of course, the dwarf and the fae were likely several times his age. But that didn’t necessarily mean they could compensate for the… kids. Then again, one shouldn’t be quick to judge a book by its cover a part of Augustus reasoned. After all, he wasn’t too different at their age and it wasn’t long before he was a Knight rather than just pretending to be one. However it also had to be said that the period of “it wasn’t long” was long enough that hundreds of youths like him were weeded out in the way that leaves you twelve feet under so long as you were marginally less lucky than he.

Looking side to side Agust gave a shrug that was the international sign of “why the fuck not”, before raising a palm in a combination of hailing and salute. “I may ride along on my horse, if we shan’t have to scale any walls.” The Knight stated, his words echoing within his helmet and yet not losing any volume or depth. Walking over he stroked the creature’s barded mane, the noise of the beast giving the slightest hint of a smile upon the human’s face. “But if we must, then I may ride the schooner. But I must ask a corollary question: when do we leave? When must we arrive?”

H e a l t h :
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E f f e c t s :
None (?)

W i t h :
Sunrunner party

N o t e s :
Just outta curiousity, but are academy RPs, fantasy adventure RPs, and all that sorta stuff considered original? Or are they fandom offshoots/AUs/whatever of, say, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings?

Every single story is unoriginal; a ripoff from what the Vedic sages foretold.
<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

I am tho...?

not sufficiently, since you made this thread.

Also sithposting is pretty ebin well done lads
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