》B a s i c s
Full name: Valentin Micail Florescu
Age: 36
Date of Birth: 4/1/84
Gender: Male
Where are you from?: Republic of Moldova
》A p p e a r a n c e
Height: approx. 195cm
Weight: approx. 90kg
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: short, variable
Skin Color: light beige
Eye Color: blue
Tattoos, Piercings, etc skin markings: assorted scars
Your torn-out lungs will make glorious wings for the blood-eagle!
》R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Any pre-determined friends?: Josef of Makedon
Siblings' Status: Alive
Parents' Status: Alive
Pets: A cat named Ion
How open is your character to friends from 1 to 10?: 9
How open is your character to romance from 1 to 10?: 5
》I n t e r e s t s
✡ Classical Music & (to a lesser degree) other arts
✡ Puzzles
✡ Healthy changes
✡ Learning and Teaching
✡ Wine
✡ Most animals
✡ Anything he doesn't understand
✡ Being wrong
✡ An assortment of instruments he plays
✡ Chess, rubic's cubes, and other logical/mathematical problems
✡ Models (trains, boats, planes, etc.)
✡ Use & maintenance of firearms
✡ Mathematics, Logic, Computers & Algorithms
✡ History, theology, philosophy
✡ Supernatural Lore
✡ Languages (Romanian, French, English, German, Russian, Latin, Slavonic, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Italian, Ukrainian, Sanskrit, Aramaic)

》P e r s o n a l i t y
Valentin's work and exterior belie his personality. In a sense he is the incarnation of the trope of a gentle giant. He is very polite, even shy at times, lectures being really the only setting he can perform in front of many people comfortably. The fellow helps old ladies cross the street and carries their groceries for them, while leaving bowls of milk for stray cats. Valentin also has a quite strict idea of life putting much value in honour, integrity, and duty. Anybody who gets into the way of the Hunter is an enemy of all that is good, and they must be dealt with in a non-civilian manner. The man has come to be very resistant to unexpected changes, preferring slow and steady transitions often leading him to take refuge in the past with books on history and such. The man also has a considerable violent side to him that is largely repressed when it isn't needed, but is truly horrifying when it comes to light; he makes sure to always make horrifying and gruesome examples of them to make even the most animal of werewolves and unholy of witches feel fear. His hatred for the eternal enemies of humanity leaves absolutely no room for mercy when he's on the hunt, a sort of berserk state entering the Hunter when he's on the job.
》H i s t o r y
Valentin was born into a mixed family in the Republic of Moldova, with most roots in Transylvanian Romania where he spent most of his childhood. His family were a fairly long line (about two centuries) of folk Clergy, police officers, and other people using their rustic knowledge against the many vampires locally as well as migrating werewolves and witches. To him, the sight of the supernatural was for a long time believed to be a childish figment of the imagination for a long time in his adolescence. This was not an unreasonable conclusion for him to come to, given he was in possession of a very strong imagination. Indeed he was noted as a very strange boy by most, a very big oaf talking to himself and spending most of his time with books rather than with other children — his parents suspected he had a condition of some sort, but they didn't want him diagnosed lest it destroy what little relations he had. Moving through his school years the marks of the boy were fairly good, and university was the direct path for him. It was in the fourth year of obtaining his higher education that all that past he saw of his father hunting the supernatural came back to him when news came of his uncle's death. The man was torn in half, and the lad's father needed his help. Going back to his home village Valentin was happy to oblige, but in the very orderly universe he imagined he was absolutely not prepared for the many revelations that came to him that day. They quite literally broke him, and it took quite some time including the cathartic killing of one of the culprits of the crime to put the pieces back together. With that, the previously entirely scientific education of the young man began to include many lectures taken on the humanities so that he could learn about the foe plaguing the world. This turned to a sort of obsession, the now fairly large young man doing everything in his power to avenge the fallen uncle knowing that many members of the cabal of the supernatural beings that killed his uncle were still alive and had to be hunted down.
It was some time after achieving his Doctorate that his hunt for the creatures took him back to his birthplace of Moldova. There he managed to cull a vampire, but his master fled to the Middle East to hide with non-state actors there. To have a chance at following them armed he joined the Evro Polis mercenary company, where he saw much combat against them. However, again he failed to catch their elusive leader who he now identified by name (or at least, moniker) as Archimedes. Archimedes fought his way to escape from the righteous effort of the Hunter, making his way to America. It once again took almost a year of investigation to track down the fellow, but track him down he did. Immigrating to the new world, Valentin searched the last known location of the bastard known as Ember Grove. He had to sustain himself while in the United States however, so he took two jobs; the day work of being a Professor at the local university (that would assist him in his task by giving much access to the libraries and intellectual circles there) and some contracts with Operation Humanity (which more directly aids his goal of finding his ultimate prey).
Everything's fine, calm down. I'll think of everything, trust me.
》G r o u p
Nominally independent but contracts on a near permanent basis with operation Humanity
》P r e f e r r e d W e a p on (s)
Subsonic firearms / bludgeons & blades / his fists.
》C o m b a t S k i l l s
✡ Uses firearms with particularly notable recoil control
✡ Great with his fists, legs, his head, Experienced with knives, hatchets and even swords to hack apart his enemies; a very good all round CQB basis
✡ Unbreakable will
✡ Very fast reactions
✡ Fairly stealthy in spite of his bulk
》E x p e r i m e n t?
》W e a k n e s s e s
✡ He deals very poorly with unexpected/unforeseen issues
✡ Not a particularly good socialite
✡ Perfectionist
✡ Violent, vengeful
✡ An almost childish difficulty admitting he is wrong and coming to compromise
✡ Not particularly creative