The girl had run off, and not wanting to get himself into any more
situations Valentin decided now was his time for exeunt. For him the exhibit was done, and thank the Lord. The place had contained hippies, rich bastards and at times the unholy union of the two. Dear God his knuckles itched. But there was serious business at hand, and so leaning against his car the Professor only waited for his friend to whom he waved once he saw him, motioning for him to come take a seat with him in the SUV so they could have a nice private chat. Frankly he didn’t even want other hunters overhearing what had happened, knowing associating even with a nominal member of the Holy Saviours wasn’t the best optics.
“Ah, Josef. Good to see you. Who was your friend?” he said, making polite small talk before they could discuss the night jobs.
“How have you been?”Josef returned Valentin’s nod with one of his own as he sat down next to the hulk of a man.
“She’s just some student I met on the way out. Figured I could make sure she made it over here safely. You know what prowls around at night around here, after all.” The professor let out a humoured “hmph” noise from his nose as Josef elaborated on the girl.
“I don’t think she’s at risk in the very middle of the campus. But nevertheless: ‘how gallant of you’.” Valentin laughed at “old man”, even if in truth there was a pang or two of insecurity at the sound of the words.
“Well, I’ll get to it then. First of all I must ask a little favour. In the trunk of my car is a… friend who needs to be hidden. If you’re free then I’ll ask for help bringing them out to the woods but if not then simply for a little access to the cleaning stuff you have. There’s not much left of him so I don’t think it’ll be too difficult to dissolve and then dispose of the fiend.”Valentin paused to take a sip of his tea while a car with obnoxiously loud rap music drove by and then continued when once again there was guaranteed privacy.
“There’s two people at the university that need to be dealt with. One is a student, a warlock from what I can tell. I overheard him talking with another student about going to the family cabin, and I saw when his father went to pick him up that the bastard smoked. I don’t think it would be too improbable if at a family weekend getaway daddy left a cigarette burning and the house went up in flames. Such tragedies happen all the time, no?” The hunter smiled and waved to a fellow professor going to his car, the action intended as much to keep appearances as to punctuate the conversation.
"There is also a TA, a werewolf I believe. Her lover gifts her all sorts of shitty jewellery in public, but it is from only the silver examples she recoils. I also saw her eyes go funny once. We teach different times and departments but I don't think a deeper investigation into her will be hard. Probably goes to the woods like the rest of her kind every so often. Both were here today."“Perhaps you’re right, Valentin. But these supernaturals can be unpredictable and bold.” Josef had a feeling the supernaturals would start acting erratic once they caught wind of hunters on their trail, like a cornered beast. Especially with a hunter like Valentin making the rounds- the veteran hunter was one to send a message. Lord knows what Valentin had done to his “friend” in the trunk.
“The body shouldn’t be too hard to get rid of. We’ll have to clean your trunk too later as well. Don’t want the off chance some blood shows up on a black light.” As he spoke to Valentin, Josef scanned the parking lot, a bit wary of any passerby. The last thing they needed was some normie listening in on them, or worse yet, a supernatural they didn’t know about yet.
“I don’t have much time tonight to help you with that suspected warlock and werewolf. Xavir wants the Saviors to meet. Something about witches he might have uncovered, and of course he wants us to prepare for a raid in the days to come. I wanted to ask you if you knew anything about some coven named the “Circle of the Ancients”? Xavier seems to think he’s found some evidence that a chapter of that coven is operating here, in Ember Grove.” Josef sighed as he rubbed his head thinking about the frustrations he had with his newly found Christian friends.
“Seems to be the only thing Xavier cares about. Never seen him talk about anything but witches ever since I moved here, from Macedonia. Sometimes I feel that Xavier has forgotten that werewolves and vampires are also deserving of God’s judgement.” Valentin shrugged at the first reply.
“And what would you do, mop them to death?” it was a joke, although with somewhat of a serious underlying issue it meant to highlight. Josef’s train of thought wasn’t wrong, and it was precisely why a harmless professor of this town’s university carried a loaded M1911 with a silencer to capitalize on the subsonic nature of .45ACP. The “old man” was imparting some of his experienced wisdom; you could never know when a client from your night job decided to contact you during the day, so to speak. He could only nod as the Macedonian commented on the matter of disposing the body. In public life the little passive-aggressive comments to his student was as confrontational as the Professor got and had to date no problems with law enforcement, but who knew what could happen. The dead creature was sealed in plastic for now, but he knew some of the fiends of ember grove could sniff out the tiniest of droplets of now dried blood.
As Josef continued Valentin frowned, but then nodded in concurrence.
“I’d prefer to bury it, let its kinsmen stumble upon it to see what fate awaits them all. But if you really need the time for your… meeting, then melting it in cleaning agents will suffice. I have enough trophies and other bits to collect my due off of it. I would like to deal with the warlock this weekend however. Looking through his social media it seems the family is going to the cabin tomorrow and staying both nights, an opportunity that may not return for a while. The werewolf may wait. Perhaps dropping a packet of silver dust in a latte of hers in the near future will do, although I want to minimize the purification we do on campus. As for the coven, I can perhaps deliver you a file. I’m only a contractor for the big shots on road sixty-nine, but I still go to their facility. They’re some of the larger fish in the pond as the Americans say, but this is not the reason they’re at the bottom of the kill list. They mostly bother other witches, and they will only be dealt with once all other covens have been slaughtered. I concur with this truth be told. Though given the opportunity of course I would feed them their own entrails, there are more dire threats for now. They do have a Chapter here if intelligence is right. I will give you the file as I said, but I suggest you steer your new buddies towards other covens." “More likely some kid on a hike a few weeks from now would find it if we buried it. Don’t need unwanted police attention on us any more than we have to.” Valentin was always one for theatrics, which surprisingly hadn’t got him killed yet. Maybe he was just that lucky.
“If you go to one of those organic stores, you could probably get some colloidal silver, slip it into some water. It is one of those health “fads” these Americans seem fond of. Probably won’t kill her. Probably will be very painful, though. As for convincing Xavier to not go after some witches.. I would probably have more luck trying to argue that the sky isn’t blue. I don’t think the Holy Saviors would take too kindly to a newcomer challenging their enigmatic leader. Still, any intelligence would be welcome if you’d be able to get your hands on it.” Dr. Florescu rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and then shrugged.
“Maybe. But I would reckon it would be a kid with a suspiciously good sense of smell.” He shifted the gear stick to D, and started driving down to the university’s road into the woods.
“I’ll meet you outside Bobby’s Sports Bar then. You’ll get the papers and we’ll part ways. I’ll text you about meeting some time tomorrow evening so we can take care of the warlock, or perhaps Sunday. After I give you the documents I need to have another chat with my narc friends, apparently a friend of one of my students is some important werewolf they have to capture. You know me, I don’t do capturing. But this is important and should be easy from what I saw of the little shit. I probably won’t do it but I will help do it. I guess the werewolf TA will have to wait, vile bitch. Might just cut her throat in the parking lot or something of the sorts, or trail her home. Maybe I'll buy that silver health-shit to make her 'feel sick' so she stays home. Then I can get her during the work day when there's no witnesses. Make it look like a robbery gone very, very wrong. If you need help with your friends’ new little project feel free to ask, eh?” They were quite far on the road, and there was nobody behind or ahead of the SUV, and putting on a set of thermal imaging goggles Valentin couldn’t make out anybody in the woods nearby either. Thus he exited the car and opened the trunk, handing a shovel and a revolver to Josef while picking up another shovel for himself. After disposing of the corpse they’d have to clean out the trunk Valentin remembered. Yeah, it was annoying and wasn’t as grand a part of the eternal war. But it was important nevertheless.