Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current no fucking way
2 mos ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
2 mos ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
2 mos ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

mildly interested
I'm interested but indecisive about what to make
Iirc xenomorph was also joining us

Having just spoken to the night attendant of the base, Valentin felt a buzz in his pocket. Removing his phone, he looked at the message to see it was the work of the Sean fellow. That was a man worthy of respect there, one dedicated to his profession and the eternal war. In fact, he was one of the people he had in mind when referring to high-end hunters; he’d be one of the best people to speak to about what had gone through his head.

Valentin didn’t particularly like phones, given they were just shittier computers with keys too small to properly work with but he was far too eager to really care for his distaste of the device. Tapping as fast as he could he sent out a reply:

Yes. I am at the base. You won’t catch him at the university. I wanted to speak to the Colonel along with some other professionals. I believe I have a way to get the kid with what I know, but I’ll need quite a bit of help.
Well I don't want to shoehorn an Astartes for its own sake so I'll probably make a death cultist or something of the sort if that's alright, or perhaps a Martian of some sort (in which case, how high a boyo could I make?)
Alright, so a Grey Knight would definitely be overqualified for this, but how worried is the Inquisitor about the region exactly? Would say a Red Hunter Scout still be OP in the given scenario?
Alright. If its Inquisitor any idea what Ordo it will be? Personally I'd be most interested in Ordo Malleus for a hope of making a Grey Knight


Figuratively. Fucking figuratively. This is what Marines meant when they said Army eats crayons. He had fallen into the stereotype of a grunt that had shooting as his only ability and fell for such nonsense. The Agent was angry as all hell, though his face didn't twitch the slightest amount to reflect this.

The man raised his rifle, thoughtfully deciding that this creature wasn't worth a bullet and that all the suffering of her last moments would be more than deserved. Once more the woman's speech seemed to be ever so similar to Don's own beliefs regarding criminality, but deep down he also knew that there was a fine line between himself and the officer. Namely, there was the fact of those he likewise considered "degenerates" would be rather few that the woman and her comrades did. Still, this moment was sobering. Badger made sure he'd keep this event at the back of his mind so that he wouldn't stoop to the levels of Ms. McKinney.

What the woman said was not very informative to be frank, at most it revealed there was a good deal more rogue policemen about the city which was a natural following from the fact that already two were corrupt enough to shoot innocents.

Just as these thoughts ran through the head of the soldier there was soon the sound of more police coming to the scene, clearly ready to kill after having been attracted to the scene by the sound of gunfire. The encounter with the officer still kept a seething hatred in the heart of Badger, and he wanted to fight these bastards; after all, they were just coppers with soft armour and pistols. But he knew he couldn't. There was no time to waste, and if he did stand and fight then he'd be a hyppocrite given how recently he considered chastising his partner for even bothering with this fiasco when there was a more urgent task at hand.

Thus the man nodded in concurrence, giving the wounded police officer a harsh kick on the head to make sure she wouldn't be able to recount to her comrades where the two agents had gone. With that done he ran over to Bates with rifle in hand. Well, now was a better time than any he supposed. "We shouldn't have done that, playing hero. There's a job we had to do, saving a single person - especially when they just get shot right afterwards - isn't worth it when completing our current objective might save a lot more." The whispered words were extremely utilitarian, but Badger meant them wholeheartedly and (although admittedly he had never run into such a situation) he would not let personal feelings get in the way of his duty; even if that civilian was from his family he would have known that the right thing to do was think of the greater good.

tentatively interested, TT or...?
As Brandon rose crying out for help, it seemed that the spectral faces coalesced into one miasma before dissipating into regular old smoke β€” it was as if the supernatural experience the Lordling just had was all a momentary hallucination. Faces in the smoke? Preposterous! The plea was unheeded by whatever men were making the noises of clanking steel, at least not properly. The sounds of movement stopped momentarily as if some men stopped to listen to make sure if they actually heard something, but yet another soft rumble got them moving once again; shadows of legs and bodies would now be visible from dancing shadows born from what was probably torches, but they were clearly leaving with no desire to return.

The Unicorn was left to fend for himself, or perhaps not. Plink. A droplet of blood fell from the young noble into a puddle of more of the same. It was black, looking more as if it belonged in an inkwell. It had come from Brandon himself that much was certain, and it would certainly explain why he was now so pale.

Suddenly the blood on the ground started bubbling much like if it was boiling, stopping only after about half a minute or so. Rather than reflecting what was in the room, a beckoning image was there. It would be of a bald androgynous figure, pale and motioning with a finger to come forth. The puddle of blood was no bigger than a teacup plate and at the youth's feet, but still it would seem as if the beckoning person was close enough that the boy could reach out and touch. The entity smiled, and began to open its mouth as if to speak. Its eyes glowed with a golden sheen reminiscent of what Brandon may have seen from Priests and Inquisitors using the power of Elrath. But several things would jump to catch Brandon's attention in a sequence: a bit of marble broke off the ceiling with some dust falling at the Lordling's side. A swarm of different critters from spiders to maggots crawled out of one of the bodies present, their unison movement ever audible, and one of the banners on the walls caught fire with a whoosh.

A helmet started then started to roll down from near the zenith of the mausoleum, bouncing slightly with a metallic tonk noise each time it struck a step. It was a helmet reminiscent of Imperial Squires, albeit far more ornate. With its descent it seemed that the lower it got the more it adjusted the direction of its roll towards Brandon, but all the while the androgyne figure was beckoning in a manner that was supernaturally enticing.

found an old coin with the lads
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