Avatar of Andreyich


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5 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
3 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

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The figure went lower to the ground and craned itself to come face to face with the young Lordling, the darkness of its helmet visor staring into Brandon's eyes despite having nothing in particular to actually be staring with.

I crawl through your every vein and nerve.

I see the valence of your soul.

The figure straightened out, making a noise reminiscent of one clearing their throat save for being far raspier, and with a metallic quality to itself. Again the being spoke, its voice not quite so overwhelming if still very loud.

Believe it or not, but you are dead child. You were cut open in far more places than is necessary to cease your breathing for the doers of the bladework sought to pull out your innards. Unfortunately for them those who I presume to be your heroic comrades interrupted their work. Unfortunately for you however, they were far too late to stop them ending your life. You are the victim of the Followers of Marcel Brunnerstadt. That name is in truth far longer, though you only need know it as I spoke't.

He is a powerful Necromancer long dead in the corporeal realm, but not having faced the final death his vile soul is still roaming the world with many evils in mind. They reanimated your body, imbuing it with a great many fel magics. But they did not banish your soul from it, and thus you are alive... except not quite. You understand, child.

The figure waved a hand, and in the darkness a slit opened revealing the same sight as that which was there through the visor of the helmet Brandon had put on his head earlier.

"Though some of the followers of the fallen Necromancer have been foiled, he has many more that will try once more very soon. Given you are one of the few who are aware of this predicament, you will go forth and bring an end to his villainy once and for all. Question? There better be none, for time is wasting and we must strike out upon the road as soon as possible."

Legio Oklahoma


“Get me some of that yankee ear!”

The taunts and jeers from the advancing Ghosts we unending and all equally unelegant but threatening. Alexus had most certainly underestimated the strange tribals as they bore down on the Legion’s position with their combined arms assault. Cavalry and storm trooper vanguard advanced after some sort of mortars blunted the proverbial phalanx of the Legion, followed up with more ordinary troops to cement gained ground and provide covering fire for further advances.

But Alexus knew he would prevail. He was operating under what was once known as deep battle doctrine, and while at many points the will of the auxilia nearly gave out the Legionnaires always seized victory from the jaws of defeat. The ghost people had advanced too far for their own gokd, and soon their salient would at its root be attacked from two sides turning it into a pocket – a pocket that would become a great many slaves and pieces of equipment for the Legion.

"My Lord, they're about to come into our trenches, shall I order the signal?"


"But my Lord, they are bearing down on our very positions, surely it is time?"

"Though to most this lesson comes earlier you will yet learn that victory belongs to the bold young Centurion." and as far as Alexus was concerned, that was that.

From their dugouts his Legionnaires unleashed powerful volleys of fire bringing down a great number of the incoming foe, but it was not enough. The Ghost Klan entered the positions of the Legion and bayonets were raised against tire irons and golf clubs.

Again the Centurion by Alexus started to say something about having to react, but he shushed the man as his eyes closed. The Centurion Maximus waited until he could finally smell blood and powder, and at last he nodded to a pubescent Speculator by his side. A firework erupted, and following it two more on either flank, and yet two more, and so on and so forth. Drawing the ripper gifted to him by the new Emperor himself in a powerfist clad hand Alexus turned to the Centurion by him. "Let us assist the brave Legionnaires" he stated, before roaring a battle cry lost to history and wading into warriors of the Ghost Klan.

The strategy was not one Alexus was wholly comfortable with, reminiscent of what the NCR had done to his comrades at boulder city those many years ago. And yet such frontline bait and trickery was becoming standard for the Legios as a whole, netting victories in every theater of war; Alexus had doubted the Frumentarius Emperor and his ways, but he had proven himself in the crucible of war more than once and - stopping his close quarters slaughter to look ahead with binoculars - it seemed yet again. The Ghost Klan outnumbered and outgunned the Legio Oklahoma but with creative stratagems and secure logistics they were gaining ground daily. However, Alexus at the same time had little to show for it. The Ghost Klan had largely made a living by feigning weakness and thus attracting raiders who they in turn raided and decimated. They had little in the way of any cultivated farms or industry, and the poor stock that they were would have little use beyond a hefty sum of slaves. Of course it would be a road to new conquests that would at least pay for itself in plundered equipment, and Vulpes Inculta was far more understanding than his predecessor. But somehow he couldn't shake the feeling this was a failure for which he would be reprimanded.

He could only focus on the future now, he muttered to himself as he disembowelled a Klansman. Perhaps if following this he could strike upon Texas….

Legio Nebraska

Dead Sea had to admit that Nebraska was quite a beautiful place. The rolling grass contrasted by plateaus and dotted with the animals not too mutated, or at least mutated not quite so ugly.

But he wasn’t here to view the beautiful vistas. The Red Prolas Tribe was a threat in the locale, and one that had to be stomped out fast with unparalleled brutality. Like the NCR it carried more to it than just a promise of prosperity, but also a component of nostalgia for dead pre-war ideologies. The big Red Book they followed, with which the Frumentarius ghoul was apparently very well acquainted; men over the sea were apparently very much supportive of it while America was bent on eradicating. Dolos believed his experience from before the war would help crush these strange people and as far as Dead Sea could see he was right.

Most important was to crush the lesser tribals that they were using their strange internationalism to gradually take in. Without their little compatriots though, the men of the Red Book would be nothing.

“They’re in this cave.” The Speculator pointed, Dead Sea nodding thankfully. He made a motion, and the column of Tributarii that came along went inside with their rifles upraised. Resistance was… futile.

Fully automatic fire cut through the first lines of defenders and the attempts at ambushes in melee within the elaborate cave system were easily foiled by the Tributarii’s own experience in close quarters combat. Any who surrendered were given the kindness of mercy, Vulpes and Dolos believing they could quickly reorient the tribe, while the present advisors from the people of the Red Book had to be interrogated. The defeat of the tribe took less than an hour, and their leadership was chained before being made kneel.

Dead Sea looked at them from Shaman to Chieftain. They were pathetic now, brought low and fearful. But that would change.

“Unchain them.” he said, repeating himself when the Tributarius beside him gave a confused look. “Unchain them. The Rock Stalker tribe is now under the protection of the Legion.” the Centurion Maximus said, smiling behind his mask — the campaign was going well.

"Likewise, Ma'am." Badger replied, lowering his saluting hand. He wasn't a particularly big sports fan, unless one considered chess as such which his past comrades didn't. This meant he had not in the past had much time spent around the Madison Square Garden, so he had little idea what he might be getting into there (especially with recent changes). Still, duty was duty and if he'd be sent into the depths of hell he'd only ask for a spare magazine.

Nodding as the assignment was made clear to them, Badger raised an eyebrow as the woman expressed her suffering. He very, very much wanted to make a snarky comment about pretending to be hot shit when you have a wound but he restrained himself. Saluting again to the woman he stepped out, letting Firefly get through the bullshit of talking to brass. Leaning on a wall he filed his nails as he waited for his comrade to come out, believing the world having fallen to anarchy was not an excuse for being poorly groomed.

Putting away his little vanity objects he once more unslung his rifle and spoke while moving to save time. "I say we get up on the rooftops in the area first. See what we're getting into. Scavengers might have already picked everything clean, and if not there's a good chance we won't be the only ones looking for the fuel. Could easily be a rat's nest of some sort, ambushes and traps at every corner."

The fuel was needed urgently otherwise they wouldn't ask of it. But if they barged in trying to get it as fast as possible they'd die and not get the fuel anyway so as far as Don saw there really wasn't a reason to rush things, one of the stories of Aesop coming to mind now. The only difference was that the hare would step on a landmine or get its throat cut by someone in an alley whereas the tortoise would make it to the end of the race on a pile of ne'erdowells' corpses. Badger of course saw himself as the tortoise, not fancying bullets in himself. "Of course, once we get an idea of what we're up against we should act as fast as possible, high speed and low drag, in and out, push any bastards we come up against as hard as possible and force them off of what's ours."

As of the 8th edition Grey Knight codex most of what Matt Ward wrote went through soft retcon
In it to win it.

Flavius Valerius Pontificus Augustus Maximus Vulpes Inculta Constantine Invictus Caesar

"...Three new gunsmiths, seven blacksmiths, a chem lab, a salt mine, three brahmin ranches, a radio station and accompanying press, and a sulfur mine.”

A man in the tent scoffed.

“Half a million denarii investment and a single salt mine? My dear Emperor this is absurd the Utah governor has made a mockery of your trust! We should return to the previous distribution of funds it does not do to give such favour needlessly.”

“Thank you for the input, Colorado. However as stated before until the 80s dreggs and Mexico are subdued Utah, New Mexico and Arizona will have disproportionate investment. I doubt you truly require more funds, no? The few tribes not under the protection of the Brotherhood are trivial work if there are even any left, no?”

“Of course m’Lord, but think of what a beauty could be made of Denver!”

“Later, Governor, later.”

Vulpes did not enjoy these talks. He went through with them with the full extent of his competency of course, but he had become a Frumentarii because that was where he knew he could make the greatest impact.

“Dolos, what progress can you report?”

“My Lord, I think you will be most happy with what we have managed to do.”

Reaching into a pocket of his pre-war suit he removed two wads of paper which were NCR and pre-war dollars respectively. “The margin of error is asymptotically approaching those of the originals. We haven’t tried any other currencies but I believe we may be able to achieve similar results to any nation’s mints.”

Vulpes smiled. The ability to create falsified currency was a thought in the man’s head for a long time. Intelligence revealed that the Brotherhood of Steel’s most potent assaults upon the NCR were grounded in attacking the republic’s financial institutions and this knowledge would certainly be useful when the inevitable confrontation with the NCR would come again.

“Most excellent.” He said. “But tell me, the other project, has it come to… fruition?”

“Yes, it has.” The ghoul whistled and another of his kind (both Frumentarius and ghoul covered in sewn-on human skins) approached with a pip-boy that played a holotape of some indecipherable cacophony.

All present knew what it was.

“The seeds of Techatticup do bear fruit. Not as potent as I had hoped, but also far more transportable than I previously expected.”

“You tested it?”


“The results?”

“I used a terminal to graph the effects. You may view them my Lord. With approximately one hundred test subjects we have found the waste to be able to - depending on dose in the water - create effects from as mild as diarrhea, nausea, fever, and more to ones as severe as nearly instant death and ghoulification. A water supply poisoned with a single barrel will destroy that community for years until a painful and expensive cleaning process purifies it.”

“You have out done yourself, Dolos.”

“Well I thank you m’Lord, but I would still request more funding for a continuation of the project. In camp searchlight we can find much more of the same in a manner that is so compact and yet so powerful…..”

“It is under review, Master Dolos. We must also temper our expectations in a hypothetical campaign of mass-poisonings of course. For now turn your attentions to the 80s, we shall review retrieving the radioactive material at Searchlight in a month’s time. Now let us turn to to reviewing the Aurelian Campaign.”

Legio Mexicanus

There she was, la Belle Mexico. Full of so many mysteries and wonders promised to Aurelius and the Legion at large. Oil, stockpiles of arms and munitions intended for the occupation long ago, and millions of souls yet uneducated to the glory of the Bull. Already on the march into the land some tribes and communities were encountered, and only one community and two tribes were foolish enough to try and resist an army in the tens of thousands. They were crushed of course, but before Aurelius could give them a taste of the old Legion’s conquest one of those new Grey Frumentarii put a firm hand on his shoulder, and he reared in his men.

Emperor Vulpes Inculta would most certainly be pleased when the news reached him, one more step in the path of the man’s retribution before the eyes of his Emperor.

Aurelius rubbed on the collar at his neck. After their duel the slave’s bomb was wrapped around him exactly where his throat was slit, before it managed to heal. The wound got salt forced into it such that when the collar went over it would forever bring Aurelius great pain until it was removed — which would most certainly not be in the foreseeable future. Truth was he didn’t mind the pain, what the man cared more about was the symbolism of the thing, what mattered was that he was now a slave of sorts. The mere thought that he - the conqueror of Phoenix! - was a slave! Well it would be gone in good time, and great Laurels would sit in its place. Perhaps once Mexico was integrated he would even have the honour of leading the campaign against the NCR!

For now though, he had to set his eyes on the current prize: Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz, with the secondary objectives of Mexico city and Tamaulipas, the tertiary objective of Guadalajara, Sinaloa and Tabasco, and the ternary objective of the rest of Mexico.

Aurelius knew that with but a few years he could do it all.

From the Frumentarii and Speculatores sent ahead of the main force a picture pleasing to the man was painted. The largest parties they could discover were two rival Empires with both claiming to be heirs of some ancient Throne of the land. Aurelius found no irony in dismissing them, whilst wearing a Galea and having his armour gilded with Latin phrases. They were both powerful in their own right, Mexico's salvation from direct nuclear hellfire letting the land grow to great prosperity in contrast to America proper. Great farms grew crops to feed the whole Legion, while many instances of pre-war technology operated just as well as before the bombs fell.

Supposedly these two Empires had a fair bit of advancement. They had working vehicles, perhaps even more than the NCR albeit with no vertibirds to call their own, the extent of their aeronautics being microlight flyers. They had stalemated each other, their long war of more than a century leaving them blissfully unaware of the danger coming for them. Both Empires had armies larger and far better equipped than the force under Aurelius. But they had grown complacent, and largely were deployed against one another; the well prepared army of the Legion would be marching right onto their flank previously unfortified believed to present no danger beyond occasional Vaquero bands. The fact these raiders had disappeared was news taken with delight, and it seemed nobody had questioned why they had. No matter, they were a good warmup and a source of supplies for the Legio Mexicanae.

Currently there were two goals for Aurelius to achieve in the immediate term. He had to take Chihuaha and Hermosillo to be staging points for the rest of the campaign. With the loss of two major areas the Habsburgs would feel pressure, and their Iturbide enemies would feel arrogant with only clues to their new threat. If all went to plan, this would be capitalized upon by the Legion and with the integration of the Empires the Legion would have a grand new population and resources. Oh, how glorious it would be….

Onwards, to Hermosillo, to Chihuaha! At the front of the column thousands strong Aurelius walked with the flag of the Bull wrapped around his rifle, and he let a song come from his lips that slowly echoed along with his men. The Legion was in Mexico, and much blood would be spilled....
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