Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

Got some Co-GM signups, once things are sorted out with them we'll get the OOC rolling and soon after start it.

There is a good bit of lore here! I’ve been enjoying reading it thus far!

My dearest gratitude. There's actually more written but I'm still working out the kinks on it, as in its current state it doesn't quite make sense or might just be boring/pointless.
Glad to have you boys. I will keep up the hunt for a Captain/co-GM a bit more than a week, if nobody comes up by then I will get to starting the RP without one.

Welcome! I'm @Andreyich but they call me Andy. For a considerable amount of time I have been thinking of hosting a roleplay set in the Mass Effect universe. Sadly I never got around to it because quite a few things were stopping me. But with the recent announcements of a Mass Effect trilogy remaster as well as a new game worked upon in the setting by a veteran team my excitement and inspiration for the universe has put me into overdrive to bang out this beauty. I have been on this site for about four years now but have been RPing for more than thrice that. I've had my fair share of DMing, and I have found I very much like to help people immerse themselves in the situation with things like visuals and music. As such, have a listen to this for some mood stuff while reading what is below.

This RP is set more than 100 years following the events of Mass Effect 3 (the start date is January 3 2299), the Galaxy finally having recovered more or less in entirety from that disastrous conflict. However, everybody knew that peace following the destruction of the reapers was a dream at best. The century of reconstruction was able to prevent Galaxy-spanning hostilities for a short time, but if anything this only allowed resentments and hatreds to fester like an untreated wound. A few decades back when it seemed the world before the reapers was restored one could already see inklings of hell starting to be let loose. Conflicts began one after another and soon the galaxy became a place where might made right.

But there were reasonable voices, ones who found the ongoing conflict to be… artificial. Previously unpopular rabblerousers were found to have fortunes donated to them from no apparent source, while inexplicable malfunctions in navigation equipment lead to many an accidental skirmish. Old research and records were investigated along with testimonies taken behind closed doors from the comrades and memoirs of Shepard, the Galaxy’s hero. The same hidden… organization that pooled funds to create the Andromeda initiative had found itself another problem worthy of its attention. Having found sympathetic ears in some members of the Citadel yet more cash was diverted, and suitable people assembled such that the Milky Way might be free of what malicious leviathans might be manipulating it into suffering.

Though officially the Spectre program was discontinued many years ago there has been a quiet movement within C-Sec and other organizations to restore it such that the world might have one more force pushing for sanity in this dangerous time. You are to join one of the crack teams to investigate the many rising threats to the galaxy, foil the shadowy puppeteers and hopefully let all of the Milky way see it peace once more. Officially you are C-Sec officers with their mercenaries, nothing more. Your power is limited to that which people give you by their respect and any of your actions are a black-op.

The aim of this RP is to create a galactic adventure exploring all the many different things that made Mass Effect fun, hopefully providing the full “Normandy experience” where relationships are developed on the ship being as important as each individual mission.

As it stands I plan to start somewhere near the end of December after likely dropping another interest check/recruitment drive closer to the start date; while I do want to gauge interest here, I first and foremost want to find a Co-GM(s?) to hopefully help me out with this. The co-GM will be a Spectre that is the Captain of the vessel our gang will travel in, and likely some of the miscellaneous crew that players did not fill. A co-GM will likely take over DMing some scenes and create storylines/plot points of their own as well.

If you are interested in becoming a co-GM please PM me. Tell me a quick bit about yourself, what you like in the Mass Effect setting, and what sort of a character you have in mind. I am only really looking for one co-GM for now but I will take as many as three should there be enough intriguing applicants. If there is more than one such co-GM then chances are you will have to make an interconnected background.

Now I'm sorry to cut the fun, but I have to post some bureaucracy that will apply to the RP


They are for the most part obvious stuff.

1) When OOC don't be any sort of bigot, troll, bad-faith critic, or otherwise some kind of dick. There’s good fun poking a joke perhaps even at the expense of someone else but there’s obvious limits; RP is for fun and I just don’t have the patience to deal with troublemakers by any means but a ban.

2) You get 20 days to post, slightly less than three weeks. Failing to post in that timeframe gives you a strike. Two strikes and you’re out, but four consecutive posts without delays well let you lose your strike. If you genuinely cannot make it, your character would have nothing to say, or you have another good reason not to post please contact me and we’ll work something out.

3) Interpersonal problems are best kept outside of the RP environment. As said above I do this for enjoyment and don’t want any undue stresses; if you refuse to keep your quarrels from elsewhere out of this I am afraid I'll have to boot you from this.

4) I as GM am your God, but of course a benevolent one. If you have any grievances I will hear them out and if you disagree with something I have done and at least half plus one of the gang agrees with you then I will submit to your will.

5) The RP is advanced and you must post at the very least three paragraphs per post (though contribution to the beloved “collab” format will obviously have more nuance and counts for the post/20 days rule).

6) Don’t metagame or control other players without their consent and all the other typical elements of RP etiquette. If you really need clarifications on this you probably won’t fit in here.

Some of the above rules may seem harsh, but I have been on this site for four years and I have come to understand the necessity of a little tough love. Most RPs I see on this site die after the first two or three post cycles. I shan’t tolerate such, I’m in this for the long run; I want to see this RP last years to come.

With that out of the way the following is what I will expect from a character sheet of most players.

On power and abilities:
Your character can be quite powerful but there's obvious limits. I'm not going to make any sort of formal caps on it but if you're thinking "Hmm, will Andy let me have this?" then the answer is most likely no so don't even bother. Further, the greater the supposed capabilities of your character the greater the assignments they receive will be. That is to say if you describe your character as being a super epic biotic ripping Makos in half then the first enemy I will throw at you will be either a Krogan Battlemaster or Asari Matriarch that will lift your helpless ass in the air and rip it in two.

On technology
Over the more than century that has passed since the Reaper war there has not been much in the way of cutting edge innovation, most efforts focused upon rebuilding and restoring rather than researching and improving. However progress is inevitable with the advancement of time. For the most part this has just been in the form of incremental improvements to existing technology, or the reduction in scarcity of technology previously available only to the elites of society or armed forces. The previously all but unheard of thanix systems have become the standard ship armament. Biotic implants are far safer for the individual and are slightly more effective. All medigel is now effective across species barriers and improvements in software have made almost all technology marginally faster and more accurate. Ultimately though, the life of a person in the early 24th century looks very similar to that of a person in the late 22nd.

On races:
The races I will readily accept without any questions asked are Humans, Asari, Turians, Salarians, Krogan, Drell, Quarians.

The following races you can play but I will have much more scrutiny and skepticism, demanding a more rigorous CS and more discussions in DMs: Tank-Krogan, Vorcha, Batarian, Volus, Geth.

Anything else such as Elcor, Hanar, Ardat-Yakshi, or the even more eccentric options will only be permitted if I know you to be a God of RP.

On Citizenship:
I will gladly accept anyone from the Systems Alliance, main Krogan space, the Turian Heirarchy, the Asari Republics, the Salarian Union, the Quarians, or the Union of 2201 without questions.

I’m going to need some big effort from somebody who wants to be from: Krogan Rebel Clans, the Terminus System Pirate Realm, Cerberus (though this isn’t exactly a government), the Batarian Hegemony, an autochthonous Citadel Dweller, the Geth and Synthetic life designates, or any other independent government.

Now, after ME3 a lot of things might have happened and anyone joining an RP set more than 100 years after the events of that game would surely have questions on what happened in that wide time frame. For a quick recap I suggest one simply read the general tab and the events tab. If you want a somewhat more in-depth history I suggest you read the racial lore tabs, and the widest understanding will of course be given if you read everything which I need of those that want to become a Co-GM.

Thank you for your time my dear nerds, I hope I find interest for ordinary RPers and co-GMs alike. I look forward to replies and I am eager to respond to questions, comments, and concerns.
The Vorcha had been settling into the ship rather nicely. The Engines were of a familiar make to other ships that Iryk had inhabited before and he had come to make it look like his previous habitations very quickly from the scattered papers to the bits of scrap he was slowly adding to his suit to the food to all the bits of his armament. He saw that some of the crew looked at him with pure disdain of course, but he didn't bother reacting to it. Long ago he had learned it was counter-productive to taunt or jeer at those expressing hatred of him and his kind; employers tended to take the side of the other party regardless of who had instigated the conflict.

But Iryk was happy here. The cramped spaces of the Engines and their erratic shifts in temperature reminded him very much of the mines of his youth. It was rather ironic how he was nostalgic about a time he had fought so hard to end he supposed. After a few checks on the tools of his trade the Vorcha very quickly got back to his ultimate goal of the liberation and enlightenment of his race. Coal-black fingers moved with practiced speed to make line upon line of his document with a dedicated pause in every five minute increment to proofread what he had written in the elapsed time and make necessary changes.

Truth be told he didn't care a single bit what happened outside of his little home. He had little desire to socialize with the others and he knew he'd go out to find food when all others would be sleeping or working on their other matters; the meal times would be how he would keep track of time outside of his little domain. The only thing that otherwise would bring him out of his corner would be the summons for him to do what he was paid to be on the ship for, and now it seemed that he was called forth to do just that.

Saving what he had finished writing he gathered and donned his tools of trade, before lurching over to see the Captain. He wasn't the only one present it seemed, in fact it seemed that more or less the entirety of the crew had assembled to hear Naryxa's words. Iryk clacked his teeth silently as he looked between the Captain and "Lauren", sizing her up with his bulbous black eyes. His eyes turned ever so slightly at the human pilot who seemed to think he was funny. Another human spoke up saying she would join in the little venture, and seeing nobody else speak Iryk decided to be next.

"This is not part of job." the Vorcha chittered, mimicking the half-rasp and half-grunt voice most expected of his people. "Iryk will kill all mercenary and take their heads for trophy! If there is pay or reward for this." the alien announced quite simply. From the description he had a slight measure of sympathy for this girl, but at the same time if she didn't want to get into trouble then perhaps she shouldn't have been involved with drugs. He was a mercenary and he wasn't going to offer charity that his kind had never received; thus he made it abundantly clear he would not fight for free, but if paid he would indeed turn the enemy to mincemeat.
Where the hell was he? Oh, right.

The Vorcha’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room instantly, the mines of his past far darker than this mere lodging. It was a tiny and cramped domicile but he wouldn’t have it any other way. It was of the perfect size for him to curl up for sleep and write on his computer, and naught more was needed. He couldn’t fathom why other races seemed to enjoy living space so much larger than themselves. A bedroom was a room for a bed, it wasn’t a place you should be able to run about wasting time with nonsense that wasn’t using the bed. For all the hatred his kin received for supposedly being irredeemable savages, it sure seemed that the other races were far more disorderly and illogical in their processes than his kinsmen were. Perhaps in their long lives they would lose sight of what was truly important. It certainly seemed that they were far more wasteful of their years than the Vorcha. Indeed from his experience the fact Iryk’s species lived a mere twenty years on average didn’t stop them from leading lives as full and experienced as others. After all, it would explain how his kinsmen born but a single solar cycle ago were still more than capable of making veteran Citadel race marines wet themselves.

Moving his body out of his nigh spherical shape Iryk turned to his computer, reviewing the works on it. It was… a manifesto of sorts, he supposed. It wasn’t consistent in tense or exact subject or mood but he felt he had to write it. Even now just past the very door of his room was the exact reason why. His kinsmen were happy where they were of course, but they lived ignoble lives. Like greedy carrion they picked on the not yet fallen, on the weak and desperate and poor. It wasn’t of course always violent, not all Vorchas were pirates and raiders. But those that weren’t did not overcome this status. Few trusted Vorcha enough to expect any of them to do anything civil and professional and thus the few who tried would get turned away and be left only the option joining the same life of piracy they had tried to avoid. While the vengeance upon the other peoples of the galaxy that this entailed did broadly appeal to Iryk, he knew it was a small victory on the backdrop of the everlasting defeats.

Organic work, that was the term that had so enamoured him. Where liberation by everlasting violence had failed, it could be created from the ground by labours. It would take much effort, but just as he had ascended from mere slave, to pirate, to respectable mercenary, so too could his brothers and sisters become merchants, scientists and leaders. If anything, the fast reproductive cycle of the Vorcha would allow them in the future to become the dominant race of the galaxy, a population boom that would see them become the archetypical race of the Milky Way. But there were many steps on the road to this bright future and his job now was to record them all.

Perhaps one day when he had enough money he would return to this… hospice of his race when he had earned enough money and take it over. From there he would naturally groom the youngest present into embodying the legacy that he wanted. Though he knew he couldn’t convince everyone present of his dream he knew he only had to convince someone strong enough in both mind and body to make all others submit to it. The Vorcha would be uplifted whether they liked it or not.

A notification was received, and checking it Iryk giggled happily. The Caelestis had docked, and his new job was starting soon. It was good work, reliable and well paying. Perhaps more importantly the contract was far less dangerous than his previous job cutting throats in the night for people that wanted to settle a score. No longer would Alliance troops be eternally chasing him, this was something resembling a real position. After paying for his stay and giving a few kind words to the owner of the establishment, Iryk was soon on his way out and heading towards the docks of Omega.

Omega was a diverse place, perhaps the most diverse in the galaxy. But nevertheless he stood out. Bulky almost as a krogan, yet hardly taller than a volus he was black. Not the black of some batarians or turians or humans, it was the true black of light no more; as if a shadow was walking. He wondered if the Captain of the vessel would rescind her cosmopolitan tolerance of a Vorcha once she saw exactly what she was paying for. After all, there were no unions on Omega he could go cry to if he felt an injustice was done. But then again, he supposed that anyone who got to be a Captain would more likely have done all their homework than not. Well, if not then there were other ways he could get his due. However until such treachery did indeed happen there was no point imagining the retribution it would prompt of him.

As he stood before the vessel in the dock, it was less impressive than he had hoped but it was still a decent looking ship. He knew he would make his living space in the Engine rooms of course given that he had little patience for common dormitories and they were usually too roomy for him anyway, but over all he reckoned it would not be a bad experience. He would be more than happy to ply his trade of violence in the voyage, but likewise he would be just as glad to have a peaceful time wherein he could focus on completing his magnum opus document.

Others seemed to be interested to the Caelestis as he headed to board it, the crew he would be surrounded by seemingly a rather diverse one. Momentarily he was reminded of his now so distant past, but he shook the unproductive thoughts out of his head. Going into character as Iryk the Butcher from Iryk the Pensman, he stepped aboard the ship that would entail a most unforeseen experience.
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