I would probably wait to read more about the setting, like the state of the world, what the non humans are
but I had 4 ideas
1 would be some sort of federation of mountainous peoples in central Europe (Dinaric Alps and a few of the other ranges nearby) that hid away in some sort of bunkers when the world was hit by cataclysm and only recently reemerge; almost kind of like dwarves in fantasy (though I planned them to be normal humans)
2 was something like the Vandals of late antiquity where during the apocalyptic event army units from places that got hit hard invaded places that were hit less hard and took them over (so i.e. Spanish divisions taking over Morocco)
3 I wanted to be in some fertile part of the cradle of humanity where after the collapse of world societies this region kind of just became an important broker of natural resources (food, minerals) while relying on fresh water from abroad (their desalinated water all goes to irrigation)
4 some sorts of Eurasian nomads, herding cattle in solar powered RVs driving from oil well to oil well that they then go on to sell lucratively in Europe and Asia
Leaning towards idea 1 becasue I like the idea of the naivete these people emerging from their idyllic underground facilities would have and the ensuing culture shocks but I'll wait for more details of the world and other players ideas.
but I had 4 ideas
1 would be some sort of federation of mountainous peoples in central Europe (Dinaric Alps and a few of the other ranges nearby) that hid away in some sort of bunkers when the world was hit by cataclysm and only recently reemerge; almost kind of like dwarves in fantasy (though I planned them to be normal humans)
2 was something like the Vandals of late antiquity where during the apocalyptic event army units from places that got hit hard invaded places that were hit less hard and took them over (so i.e. Spanish divisions taking over Morocco)
3 I wanted to be in some fertile part of the cradle of humanity where after the collapse of world societies this region kind of just became an important broker of natural resources (food, minerals) while relying on fresh water from abroad (their desalinated water all goes to irrigation)
4 some sorts of Eurasian nomads, herding cattle in solar powered RVs driving from oil well to oil well that they then go on to sell lucratively in Europe and Asia
Leaning towards idea 1 becasue I like the idea of the naivete these people emerging from their idyllic underground facilities would have and the ensuing culture shocks but I'll wait for more details of the world and other players ideas.