Leaning against a wooden pillar of a shop much closer to the scene, Jin crossed his arms. His eyes darted side to side as it seemed the soldiers were not relenting at the seemingly futile effort of the air nomad to intimidate them. A grimace came across his face as the mention of an order of King Wei came about. Mere months ago, if he had heard that said he would have joined the ranks of the soldiers present to restore law and order. Now? It seemed a cruel joke. What fugitives would even be in this little fishery? Well, actually that was an incredibly stupid question now that he thought about it. He had spent enough time outside of the army or his sheltered early life to know that any sort of crime could be hidden away in such a little establishment. But, what constituted a crime seemed to be ever more creatively interpreted between the Dai Li and the damn thugs that had stripped him of all he had.
Unexpectedly, a woman entered the scene, standing as a bulwark between the wholly unintimidating Bido and the soldiers. From where she stood, the woman looked like she would be flattened into a pancake shape if she actually tried to fight them. So, Temujin decided there was only two possibilities. Either this woman was an idiot intoxicated with fairy tales that courage was enough to overcome any adversity, or she was a frighteningly skilled warrior that could make short work of these men. The former would be tragic, the latter would be fascinating to watch.
He rolled his eyes a little bit as she called upon law and the necessity of burden of proof. For now, he was inclined to think she was indeed a brave idiot. Did she really think these men cared in the slightest bit? Maybe, but enough to stop them from doing what they were ordered to do? Yeah right.
But he was surprised, impressed. Just as a rock was thrown at the strange lady, the moment after she had turned the offender into a heap of pain. Poor, dumb guy. He had probably made the same assessment as Jin had, but had not left room for the possibility that the reason she was so confident was because she actually could deal with such a threat. Or at least, part of it.
However, he couldn't be ignorant of the fact the violence had escalated. The air monk seemed to intervene with more of his kind's limp wristed efforts to prevent violence. Temujin appreciated it, but there was something more important to do; reducing the effects of that violence.
Thus Temujin ran to the edge of the scene, without intervening, and waved any gawkers away. "Go! Leave! Run! Do you want to be smushed by rocks? Get out of here!" he kept yelling, waving his arms. But, more than that he braced his fists and slammed a foot into the ground erecting a thin barrier of rock between the bystanders and the encroaching chaos. It would work twofold in protecting people from any projectiles that would inevitably leave the scene, but also it would remove the point of interest that attracted people to suffering like fruit attracted flies. His eyes darted to Mr. Hanwei who looked confused and terrified in his chair.
Unexpectedly, a woman entered the scene, standing as a bulwark between the wholly unintimidating Bido and the soldiers. From where she stood, the woman looked like she would be flattened into a pancake shape if she actually tried to fight them. So, Temujin decided there was only two possibilities. Either this woman was an idiot intoxicated with fairy tales that courage was enough to overcome any adversity, or she was a frighteningly skilled warrior that could make short work of these men. The former would be tragic, the latter would be fascinating to watch.
He rolled his eyes a little bit as she called upon law and the necessity of burden of proof. For now, he was inclined to think she was indeed a brave idiot. Did she really think these men cared in the slightest bit? Maybe, but enough to stop them from doing what they were ordered to do? Yeah right.
But he was surprised, impressed. Just as a rock was thrown at the strange lady, the moment after she had turned the offender into a heap of pain. Poor, dumb guy. He had probably made the same assessment as Jin had, but had not left room for the possibility that the reason she was so confident was because she actually could deal with such a threat. Or at least, part of it.
However, he couldn't be ignorant of the fact the violence had escalated. The air monk seemed to intervene with more of his kind's limp wristed efforts to prevent violence. Temujin appreciated it, but there was something more important to do; reducing the effects of that violence.
Thus Temujin ran to the edge of the scene, without intervening, and waved any gawkers away. "Go! Leave! Run! Do you want to be smushed by rocks? Get out of here!" he kept yelling, waving his arms. But, more than that he braced his fists and slammed a foot into the ground erecting a thin barrier of rock between the bystanders and the encroaching chaos. It would work twofold in protecting people from any projectiles that would inevitably leave the scene, but also it would remove the point of interest that attracted people to suffering like fruit attracted flies. His eyes darted to Mr. Hanwei who looked confused and terrified in his chair.