Avatar of Andreyich


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4 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
3 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

Looks fun. I was thinking a White Emigre of Baltic German descent who only recently arrived in Germany. The Night's Watch would let him live up to the familial boast of being descended from Teutonic Knights
Well, that's the way it had to be
I grew up at the count of three
Got no reason to repent
They say a man is born to kill
He learns his trade, it becomes a thrill
That's what they did to me then.
>>>Waltzespitze Bunker

Beep-Beep-Beep. Slamming off the alarm, Derek got up. His day was boring to say the least. Like almost any young person without special talents in The Continuation, his day consisted of fiddling with numbers in different ways. Making projections or analyizing simulations, he contributed the tiniest of fractions of the government’s plan to flee earth for Mars. Often, in ways that were completely unrelated. This week he was assigned the task of helping to figure out the most efficient flight path for the drone that would be sent out to collect debris from the atmosphere. Last week, it was figuring out which foodstuffs would maximize the matrice of space efficiency, nutrition efficiency, and of course polled-taste for colonizing new worlds. As a momentary lapse of judgement he had worked to help get quinoa selected over other grains that had a higher value in the models made. If anyone found out and reported this, he knew the administrative penalty would keep him a menial number cruncher until he died in shame and ignominy. But it felt like such a naughty little rebellion to know that the first Martians would be munching on his favoured grain in part because of his input. Unless of course, there was another study that was made on this exact same topic later. Almost every year there was some sort of review of what was done prior, some effort of incremental improvement even if most of the time absolutely nothing changed. He just hoped these little audits - if they chose to countermand his work - did not deem it to be intentional sabotage.

Evening was here, and he had his mandatory fitness regimen. That was at least some form of respite, Derek getting some brief amount of chatting with his friends as he achieved the performance goals assigned to him in the gym. Then dinner with his family. They discussed quite inane things they’d spoken of almost verbatim before, figures they had done at work or the latest incremental improvements in the rations. Increments. That was something that seemed to colour the life of everyone in The Continuation regardless of where in it people were. Everything really was getting better, even if ever so slightly. But that meant it was almost the exact same as yesterday. Which wasn’t bad if yesterday was good, right? Still, it got samey.

He raised an eyebrow though as his father spoke of latest data from the outside world. New cities being founded or restored, of migratory peoples moving, and more. It was the most interesting part of his father’s profession as a figure in the Continuation’s Security Apparatus. Briefly he contemplated asking for his father’s security pass, but he knew the man would call him a fool again even if he pleaded with his upcoming birthday. Just a single day on the outside, just a single view of real sunshine, a dream.

The evening came to an end, and Derek looked upon his tablet’s images and videos of the outside wistfully. It was a ritual of sorts, one he continued most days before he went to sleep. Looking at the time it was late, and he got ready for bed. He gathered his garbage and went to the compactor. He was just about to throw away the wrappers for candies before he saw a glint of something plastic at the mouth of the compactor. It… it was his father’s keycard. Gingerly he pulled it out. The piece would expire next week, hence why it was thrown out. A cold sweat overtook the young man. He ought throw it away, he knew.

But he couldn’t. Every time his hand extended to do so, it withdrew right away. No, this was his way outside. This was an artifact, a treasure. Within the week, he would see the true sun.
Got a few new ideas and changes to explore, hoping for messages!

took a long hard while to find an SFW Frank Frazetta picture....

got a few new plots/edits btw
I'll erect some sort of OOC and maybe expand a bit on the world if you'd like, @Andreyich. It's pretty much the worst climate scenarios + a bunch of wars at irregular intervals in various places around the world all the way up to the 22nd century. Some are still ongoing, probs. I don't wanna write too much in stone as I want the players to help imagine what the world will be like, but I will put up the map of the world in 2100 with respect to sea levels as imagined if business-as-usual emissions continue. I'll slap it into the OOC when I make it.

that makes sense! but I guess I was also curious about the full extent of anthropogenic damage to the world. I.e., has nuclear war fucked up the planet? Or has soil damage from over-farming left long stretches of the world of incredibly poor fertility? billions of fish dead from ocean toxicity and the seas are covered in algal bloom? has space debris created a Kessler effect where satellites basically don't work at all anymore? and if not, is stuff like GPS still functional? has some agent orange analogue chemical fucked up much of the planet's soil (akin to the earlier question)? or are there some major plagues from bioweapons to be aware of? are fossil fuels and other 'limited' resources like helium and such gone? I guess I'm also wondering how much of the world might be 'degraded'. Are we at the point there'd be de facto tribals like fallout? or is it more global mad max? or just poverty and degradation everywhere? i'm guessing the nonhumans you speak of are mutants of some sort that diverged from humanity. can we expect that much of the landscape is covered in some scifi mutations like walking plants and stuff? or weird new unrecognizable creatures?

sorry if I'm being incredibly nitpicky, but I feel all these questions are relevant to my ideas lol
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