To start my own discussion, who is your favourtie underrated villain? Someone that never really grows (but has the potential to do so), or someone that just gets isnta-knocked out. Why are they you're favourite?
MB and I were talking about Killer Croc last night, and I think the guy definitely gets a bad rep. Guy used to be a genuine threat, but now he's treated as either a side-arc or a lackey for more important villains. It doesn't help that nobody can agree on whether he's supposed to be just a buff guy with a skin condition or a full-on kaiju. For that matter, pretty much all of Batman's "monster" villains get treated like total jobbers these days.
Also, I've said it before, but I think the Atomic Skull should be a much more prominent villain in Superman's lineup, purely on how great his name is. If it were up to me, he'd have replaced Metallo a long time ago. "Metallo" sounds like a brand of aluminum siding for your house. "Superman Versus The Atomic Skull," on the other hand, that sounds like the main event of Wrestlemania.