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Opinionated nerd for hire.

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I am sorely disappointed by the lack of Nick Cage in your CS.

The sad thing is, there are three different heroes that could apply to.

The Amazing

S P I D E R - M A N

Peter Benjamin Parker ♦ College Student, Freelance Photographer ♦ Brooklyn, New York ♦ Independent

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Okay, so half the NYPD wants me behind bars, SHIELD wants me locked away in some black site, every criminal from here to Newark wants me dead, I'm behind on rent, I've got a paper due that I haven't even started on, and oh hey, Rhino's tearing up 82nd and Lexington. Sounds about right for a Monday."

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Spider-Man is my favorite character in all of fiction. Even after years of bad writing, disappointing movies, less interesting replacements, and IMO a general misunderstanding of what makes the character great, there's still something special about Peter Parker that always brings me back.

I want to bring back a critical element of Spider-Man that I believe the folks at Marvel and much of the fanbase have forgotten: namely, the life of Peter Parker isn't meant to be a sitcom, it's meant to be a soap opera. Yes, he's funny and nerdy and he runs his mouth a lot, but that doesn't count for much of anything now that, thanks to the MCU, every bloody superhero in the world is a wisecracking smartass who quotes pop-culture. The thing that classic Spider-Man did better than his counterparts is the drama, the personal tragedy, the romance, the sheer unironic and unabashed feeeeelings that so many people avoid because taking things seriously is lame. I'm still going to keep Pete's sense of humor and play up how clownish characters like JJJ can be, but I also want to tell stories that have stakes, costs, and losses amidst all the technicolor tomfoolery.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Uuuughhhh.....this sucks," I say as I trudge through a waist-deep river of sewage. "I'll bet nobody on the Justice League has to crawl through sewers on the job. ....Well, maybe Batman....."

Two weeks ago, people started disappearing across Brooklyn. First was a pediatrician, then an insurance agent, then an OsCorp security guard. At first, it didn't seem like there was any connection between them, three seemingly random disappearances that had me looking in all different directions across town for leads. It wasn't until the fourth vanishing that things started to click into place.

"Please be down here," I whisper to myself as the sewage canal gives way to a large, cavernous pump-house. Sure enough, sitting in the far corner, rocking back and forth hugging himself, is who I was praying to find.

Billy Connors, Doctor Curt Connors' nine-year-old son.

A month ago, the pediatrician, one Dr. Kenneth Lang, caught that Billy was showing symptoms of leukemia. He recommended the Connors to see an oncologist, but the insurance agent, one Pamela Burton, told them that it wasn't covered in their plan. Doctor Connors began smuggling OsCorp equipment to his lab at ESU to develop treatments independently, but was caught by a security guard, one George Ransome, who blew the whistle on him. While none of them had any direct tie to the sickness, each had effectively handed the poor boy a death sentence.

Switching my mask's lenses to infra-red, I look around the concrete and steel of the old pump-house, and the coast appears to be clear. Doing my best to climb out of the muck without making too much noise, I quietly call out to him.

"Billy? Billy Connors?" I ask. He stares at me with wide eyes, then quietly nods. "It's all right, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

As I approach, Billy seems to shrink in on himself.

"Hey, no need to worry," I reassure him, "It's just me, your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Here to save days and fight bad guys. No case too big, no case too small. Or in this case, too dark and smelly. Boy, are your mom and dad going to be glad to see you!"

Billy pulls his knees up to his chest and sinks his head down. His chest starts to shake, and I realize he's crying.

"...was it something I said?"

"Don't hurt him....he's sick.....that's all....he's sick...." Billy whimpers, repeating again and again, "he's sick....he's sick...."

Oh man. The poor kid's probably been through a lot. Whoever took him, whatever they did to him, he's now talking to himself in the third person. When I find the kidnapper, I'll make sure he never does this to anyone again.

"Billy, hey, Billy?" I crouch down as I approach him, trying to get him back to reality. "I know you're sick. I'm sorry, I really am. But I know some doctors, some really good ones, and they can--"

"I wasn't talking about me," Billy interrupts. "Something's....something's w-wrong with him. He....doesn't know what he's d-doing. He's s-sick."

".......who's sick?"

Billy doesn't answer, but he stares right past me.

I feel the familiar sensation running up my spine, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. That super-reflex, my vaunted 'Spider-Sense.' Something's moving behind me.

Something big.


"....I don't suppose there's any chance that's just a gas leak, is it?" Billy shakes his head, and I sigh. "Okay, then let's just--"

Whatever witticism I was about to say flees from my mind, as I turn and am greeted with a blur of green scales, flashing yellow eyes, and snapping, slavering jaws.

"Oh yeah, 'Don't hurt him,' the kid says," I mutter to myself as I ready my web-shooters and scramble for dear life.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Coming Soon (hopefully)

I'm interested, likely contending for Spidey.

No Twists Today
Target Number: 15
Timer: 3
For the sake of speeding things up, I'm gonna drop the 24-hour waiting period and just say that Thrash Panda is APPROVED.
Didn't want to triple-post, but I did want at least one Hero inbound to start working on the Event. Remember, y'all, the Timers tick down once per day!

Newsroom of the Daily Planet
11:00am Local Time

"--says to me 'I need blood, semen, urine, and stool samples from you'," Steve Lombard continues, nudging me with his elbow as regales me of his latest encounter with the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit. "So I say, 'look, officer, I don't have time to stick around, how 'bout I just leave you a pair of my briefs?'"

This elicits groans from various cubicles. Jenny rolls her eyes, Troupe tries as hard as he can to pretend that Lombard doesn't exist. Jimmy looks up with some recognition.

"Isn't that from a movie?" he asks. "Yeah, that's from--"

"Oh, ha-ha, that is funny," I force a chuckle, trying to spare Lombard the embarrassment-- he's a bit of a blowhard, and his jokes crash more often than they land, but I suppose he's just trying to relate. "That reminds me, did I tell you the one about--"


"Oof!" I say, putting my hand to my mouth as if to cover a burp.

The others in the room can't hear the ultrasonic signal ringing in my eardrums, but I hear it loud and clear. An emergency signal from the Watchtower, broadcast to all members of the Justice League. While the signal can be picked up by the communicator earpieces all of the members have on them, my enhanced senses hear the signal wave itself directly.

"Whoah, somethin' wrong, Kent?" Lombard asks, only half concerned.

"Just a little....ngggh....indigestion," I say, clutching my stomach and squirming with mock nausea. "One second, if you don't mind."

With just a touch of overacting, I hurry out of the newsroom and towards the men's room. Once I'm out of eyesight, I touch own earpiece to hear the actual message.


The comedy of my upset-stomach routine vanishes, and I feel my brow furrow. Innocent people are already dead, and Heaven knows how many people might still be in danger.

"Everything okay, Smallville?" asks Lois as she follows me out of the newsroom.

"Just a little indigestion," I say, "I think the Japanese takeout we had last night was a bit strong for me."

It would be a fairly easy code to crack, using food to tell her where exactly I'm needed. Thankfully, everyone at the Planet knows Clark Kent has the weakest stomach of anyone they've met, so anything spicier than white bread and skim milk sends him running to the stalls.

Lois nods. "Well, you might want to take care of that before you make a mess. I've still got a deadline to meet, and one of us needs to be free in time to pick up Jon from little league practice."

"Got it, I should be quick," I say with an apologetic smile. "Love you, hon."

I give her a quick kiss, then rather than the men's room, I head to the janitor's closet.....

....and I change into my work clothes.

Seconds later, I'm hurtling through the skies, across the Continental US, across the Pacific Ocean, across the International Date Line as day turns to night on the far side of the planet.

Tokyo, here I come.



No Twists Today
Target Number: 15
Timer: 4

Shinjuku District
Tokyo, Japan
12:30AM Local Time

Even in the dead of night, the streets of Tokyo are a dazzle of neon, a crush of motorists and pedestrians, businessmen and tourists alike seeming to never stop or even slow down. Car horns blare, music thrums from an assortment of bars and night clubs, and advertisements flash across massive LED banners. For all of the wondrous attractions and sights to see throughout Japan's capital, just standing in the heart of Tokyo is a spectacle all of its own.

High above the hustle and bustle, however, shadows flit unnoticed across the night sky, dark-clad figures leaping across rooftops. Each bounding stride propels them far further than humanly possible, but each landing is quiet as a whisper. Advanced optic displays filter through the haze of strobes and neon and light-pollution from below to provide crisp and clear outlines of their surroundings, while active optical camouflage lets them blend in, covering their signatures across most of the electromagnetic spectrum. Ferro-fibrous exoskeletons provide protection against most conventional weapons, while nano-cerrated vibro-blades allow them to cut through titanium like wet paper.

Their equipment is bleeding-edge....

.....but their techniques are ancient.

As the city swarms with ignorant tourists and nameless sararimen below, a dozen cybernetically-enhanced ninja converge on their target: the Tokyo branch of S.T.A.R. Labs. The company has been on the forefront of scientific research and development since its founding, and the Tokyo branch in particular is known for being a technological wonderland. So many projects that could be worth untold fortunes.....or do unspeakable damage to the world at large.

The security systems at S.T.A.R. Labs are formidable to most, but paltry compared to the capabilities of its assailants. With a method that is frightening in both its meticulousness and its speed, firewalls are broken, sensors scrambled, camera feeds set on loops, and wayward security guards cut down. With deathly silence and murderous precision, the ninja make their way through the offices and administrative floors, headed towards R&D.

It is only by sheer chance that one is discovered: a technician who had stayed late to complete work on a minor project, happens to glance out of his cubicle and see a skulking figure clad in high-tech armor. He puts his hand over his mouth to cover up a gasp, but even that noise gives him away. The masked intruder snaps its head to face the terrified technician, who bolts out of the cubicle in a dead run.

The technician makes it only six paces before the ninja is upon him, and only makes a seventh before a blade carves into his back. It doesn't even occur to him to scream, as the man is dead before he even feels it. However, his lifeless body, now propelled only by a few remaining unconscious reflexes, staggers forward a few more steps, just far enough to cross a laser sensor before crumpling to the floor.

While the ninja were indeed thorough in disabling the S.T.A.R. Labs security, there was a secondary security system installed in places like this, by someone just as meticulous as they. Highly sensitive targets, such as the homes of prominent public figures, military installations, or major scientific firms, were often wired with security and alarm systems unbeknownst even to the people who worked there. These alarms did not go off inside the building, or alert the local authorities....

....but elsewhere, in high orbit, an alarm goes off on the Watchtower of the Justice League.


Cybernetic ninjas are raiding the S.T.A.R. Labs facility in Tokyo, Japan
Target Number: 15
Timer: 5
OOC is about to go Live, folks! Before we do, I've created a Dice Roller for the game, and will be using it to generate the first Event. It can be found here.
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