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Opinionated nerd for hire.

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Arriving at the entrance, Hugh placed the Mason jar visibly at his feet then put his hands up in the air. “Hello? Anyone home?” the Espian called out. “I'm looking to buy some of this fine moonshine right here, heard you people happen to be making some.”

The response from the Green Knights wasn't long in coming.

Nearly as soon as the echo of Hugh's voice began to fade, a pair of flashlights shined from a hundred meters are so into the mine. Approaching the Espian man at a cautious but deliberate pace, two sentries emerged from the shadows, each with a TK Assault Rifle pointed at Hugh's center mass.

"Keep your hands where we can see 'em," one of the two soldiers ordered, then glanced over to his comrade. "Search him."

While the first soldier kept his weapon trained on Hugh, the second patted him down. The search was quick but thorough, with little regard for privacy.

"No weapons, no explosives, no wire, no tracking devices," the second sentry reported back to the first. "Looks clean to me."

"Better safe than sorry," the first one said, lowering his rifle, and producing a pair of zip-ties from the pockets on his flak jacket. "Let's keep him here for now, til the Sarge gets here."

The sentries tied Hugh's hands behind his back, and radioed the situation in.

A few tense minutes passed as the two soldiers waited, not entirely sure what to do with the intruder. While he didn't seem to pose an immediate threat, a stranger walking up to their front door was hardly something the Green Knights could afford. If one apparently random civilian knew the location of their hideout, how many more had found out? And what might they have to do to keep this newcomer from spreading the knowledge around?

The guards felt a wave of relief when they saw a second team of soldiers advancing up the mine, armed with shotguns rather than rifles. The Buckshot Boys arriving on the scene meant the Sarge wasn't far behind, and whatever hard decision had to be made here, was no longer their responsibility. Indeed, the solid, swaggering frame of Sergeant Dalton was distinct even in silhouette as the muscular old man approached.

"I don't know who you are, son," the Sarge growled, "But you've either got a hollow brain-case, or a pair of Union-Classes swingin' between your legs, to walk up and call out the--"

His eye caught the empty mason jar, and slowly, a grin crept across Dalton's face.

"Then again, maybe you've got the right idea," he said. He turned away and began to saunter back down the mine, motioning for Hugh and the Buckshot Boys to follow him. "I was told you'd like to do some business. Well, let's have us a word with the manager..."

"Green Knights, fall in!" The Colonel bellowed, his voice carrying throughout the cavern to announce the beginning of debriefing. Most of the Knights were already present, but the final few trickled in before he began.

"First and foremost," he began, "I'd like to say congratulations on completing the mission. Chief Aadil has informed me that the haul you secured will provide us with enough potable water to sustain us for the next four months, and enough rations to last another two. We've also secured enough ammunition and armor plating to run at least three more sorties, more if you practice good trigger discipline. And the Chief tells me that he's sending out a salvage team tonight to recover parts from the enemy Raven you downed. We're still on a ticking clock, but today's raid has set that clock back a good way."

As he paced, he saw the looks on the Knights' faces. Some of them were harrowed from the experience, others had a look of guilt about them. The mission was indeed a success, but a costly one, as four of the volunteers had been killed by the Crimson Fists' lance leader, the one who called themselves 'Fire Witch.'

"I know it wasn't a clean victory," he began, addressing the unspoken concern. "That's something we'll rarely get to see, if ever. The four we lost were volunteers; they knew the risk of the mission when they stepped forward, and they were willing to risk their lives to make sure the Knights survive. It's on us now to make sure that sacrifice meant something. We'll mourn the dead when we have the luxury of time to do so."

"We had no way of knowing the Crimson Fists had a Longbow in their ranks. That changed the situation drastically, and you had to make do with the new circumstances. Generally, you comported yourselves well....generally."

There was an accusatory silence in the air before the Colonel began again.

"Now, onto the breakdown of what I saw on your BattleROM footage," he continued. "Use of the ECM field proved to be a double-edged sword. While it kept us hidden from the enemy, it also meant we couldn't see them coming until they were right on us. It's also a good bet that the Fists and the Espian Guards will tighten their security and focus on this general area, so it's unlikely that the same trick will work twice. Speaking of not working twice, judging from their tactics, the Crimson Fists seemed to fall for the common blind spot Mechwarriors often have towards conventional combat vehicles, allowing Merry-Go-Round to deal some impressive damage. It's very unlikely that they'll ignore the Von Luckner a second time."

the Colonel addressed the Lance Leader, "You made the right call in ordering focus-fire on the enemy Raven, and in ordering the general withdrawal after it went down. Had you chosen to fight it out, it's likely you would have dropped the other two light 'Mechs and possibly even brought down the Longbow, but only after it had killed Alley Cat, more trucks from the convoy, and likely yourself. I'm pleased with what I saw out there."

"Giggles, Desperado," he turned, his attention now on the pilots of the Archer and Phoenix Hawk, "drawing the Longbow's fire away from the convoy was a good move, but it's not something I want to see you making a habit out of. The Archer isn't armored for front-line work, and the Phoenix Hawk's survivability relies on not getting hit. We were lucky the Longbow was splitting its fire rather than giving either of you the full volley. Supporting your lancemates is good, just make sure you stay alive to keep supporting them."

"Family Man...." he said, not looking at Rivers as a long silence again filled the chamber, "....we'll talk after debriefing is done."

"Alley Cat," Colonel Wayne moved on, turning to the wounded Raven pilot, "You had the right idea in staying close to the convoy, and in hitting your opposite number with the Narc Beacon. However, next time I--"

"Sir, Colonel Wayne, sir!" the sharp, explosive bark of Sergeant Dalton cut in with the tone he only ever used to speak to his one superior officer, and even then only in urgent situations. "We have an intruder, sir!"

There were murmurs as the Buckshot Boys led the newcomer at gunpoint toward the Mobile HQ. Some began following the soldiers, others drawing weapons themselves. Colonel Wayne held up a hand to call the chaos within the cavern to order.

"Where'd you find him, Sergeant?" he asked Dalton, giving the intruder an appraising look.

"Sir, at the front entrance, sir," the Sergeant answered. "He made his presence known, and put up no resistance, sir."


"Sir, only with this, sir," Dalton responded, holding up the empty mason jar.

Colonel Wayne inspected the jar of moonshine, saw the Green Knights label on it, and gave a dry chuckle. "Well, at the very least, he's got good taste in drinks. Cut him loose."

The Sarge nodded, and the two soldiers flanking the newcomer quickly cut the zip-ties from behind his back.

"Now then," the Colonel said, the other Green Knights also turning to face the man, "I believe some introductions are in order. Maybe you'd like to start with exactly who you are and how you found us..."
@Waylon Hugh is APPROVED
I think the concept works. There's going to be a few "interlude" posts in between missions to introduce some of the outside factions and what they're up to, so that would be a good time to introduce new characters. We'll have to see the final CS before giving the go-ahead, of course.

This still open?


Abandoned Neodymium Mine
Eunsan Mountain Range
250 Kilometers Southwest of Balya Gora
March 23rd, 3030

The cavernous expanse of the mine's main chamber had bustled with activity for the past seven days, the few dozen remaining members of Gawain's Green Knights in constant motion as they converted the place into their makeshift headquarters and hideout. The technicians and their teams of AsTechs had been hard at work making repairs, stripping down parts from one machine to make use of them on another, performing what maintenance they could with the tools they had on them to keep the 'Mechs and vehicles up and running. Now, for the first time in days, there was nothing to do but wait until the Knights returned from their mission.

In those hours of stillness, the men had come to realize just how thin their morale was stretched. Rations were running low, water was getting more scarce, and the techs were expected to work miracles with equipment that wasn't much better than what could be found in a civilian's garage. Many of them had worked out their frustrations in the Scrap Yard the previous night- and had the bruises and fat lips to prove it- but their weariness gave way to a general malaise that sunk over the crews as they lazed in the largely empty motor pool and 'Mech bays.

While things were still, it would be wrong to say it was quiet. Echoing off the cave walls, the sound of a crude guitar made from an ammunition box and a few used strands of myomer twanged out the strains of an ancient Terran folk song. Picking away at the string-box was a wiry old man with a scraggly white beard, his skin chestnut brown from years under the suns of various worlds, his eyes obscured by a tarnished old pair of mirrored shades. The cigar tucked into the corner of his mouth was burned down to a bare stub, but despite never seeming to take a puff, he kept the cherry lit and glowing.

The old man, whom everyone just called "Pops," had only joined up with the Green Knights three years ago as Wrathchild's Mechtech, but it felt like he'd been there all along. Everybody knew Pops, and yet nobody seemed to know anything about him. According to some stories, he was a Taurian salvager on the run since the infamous Tripitz Affair. Other accounts had him as one of the original Waco Rangers. Depending on who you asked, Pops had served in the court of the First Prince of House Davion, lost two fingers in a duel with a DEST ninja, and been a former lover of "Lady Death" Paula Trevaline. Of course, most suspected that a good many of these stories had been spread around by Pops himself. He was always good for a tall tale, a strong drink from his still, a few dirty jokes, and a song.

"I'm so boooooored!" the high, somewhat nasally voice of a young girl cut into the old man's playing. "Play a happy song, Pops, this one's too slow!"

Pops raised an eyebrow and glanced at Sunshine "Sunny" von Kemp, the ten-year-old sister of Lena "Wrathchild" von Kemp, whose Wolverine had gone up in smoke and flames on the day of the coup. Hundreds of klicks away, her younger brother Diego was being held with the other civilians in some prison camp by the NPDRE. And yet to Sunny, this whole disaster was like a long camping trip.

"Happy songs are for happy times, young'un," Pops said, not missing a note as his fingers worked the frets from muscle memory. "Once the Colonel and the Knights are back with the food an' the water an' everything else, there'll be plenty to celebrate. If we celebrate before that, it'll jinx it."

"Does it have to be all this old stuff, though?" she complained. "Can't you play some Ded Mek or something?"

Pops chuckled. Ded Mek was an electronic punk band out of the new St. Ives Compact, which had been mostly cranking out vitriolic anti-Capellan protest songs. Lena had bought Sunny one of their albums as a souvenir during their last deployment, and Sunny listened to it non-stop for nearly a month before Pops 'accidentally' lost the batteries to her stereo. The girl didn't get any of the political messages; she'd thought that their big hit "Dear Romano" was a happy love song to a nice girl they liked, rather than an ironic hatchet-job against the Liao Chancellor and her crimes against humanity. Sunny just liked the energetic beats.

"Afraid I only know the old stuff," Pops grinned.

"That's because you are old stuff," Sunny joked, and the two shared a laugh.

Pops played another verse while Sunny listened, and after a while, she piped up again.

"Hey, Pops?"

"What is it, hon?"

"...I'm hungry."

While his hands continued to play, the expression on Pops' face struggled to keep its composure.

"We're all hungry, hun'," he said. "Just gotta hold out a little longer, 'til the Colonel gets back."

"...okay," the young girl said, pouting a bit.

To lighten the mood a bit, Pops asked, "So what's the first thing you wanna eat when the food gets here?"

"Oooooh," Sunny's eyes grew wide. "I want some lo mein noodles! Or some strawberry ice cream! Or--ooh! A Triple-F Burger, with all the toppings! But no pickles. I don't like pickles. And then some of Lena's hot chili and--"

At the mention of her sister, Pops' fingers slipped on the frets and he hit a sour note. The old man looked away.

"Whatever, she's coming back," Sunny said, arms crossed. "Anyway, what are you gonna eat when the food is here?"

Pops sighed. "I'd fight my way through the entire DCMS right now for a good juicy steak. Real beef, I mean, not one o' them "Meat Tree" fruits they ship outta Marlowe's Rift. A big thick ribeye, cooked juuust right, not a shade over medium-rare, with a side of Corridani tubers and greens...that'd do just fine. Right now, though, I'd be happy with just a can of hash and some coffee."

Sunny rolled her eyes. Grown-ups always wanted the most boring things to eat.

From farther up the mines came the rumbling of engines and the thundering steps of titanic feet, and the techs in the cavern began to spring to life.

"Look alive, folks!" Deck Chief Solomon Aadil called out. "Green Knights inbound!"

"Well, looks like the break is over," Pops said, putting the guitar away and reaching into his pockets for a pair of earplugs. "Get your earmuffs on, kiddo."

Sunny nodded and pulled the too-big pair of noise-canceling earmuffs from around her neck to over her ears. The noise from a Lance of Battlemechs and a fleet of trucks in an enclosed area was going to be a hell of a racket, and Pops wanted to make sure the girl wasn't going to go deaf from it.

Sure enough, over the next few minutes, the cavern echoed with a riotous din. The convoy of trucks were the first to enter the chamber, and they had barely rolled to a stop before Sol's crew had begun to unload their precious cargo. Pops couldn't help but notice that there were two fewer than there should have been.

The Mobile HQ was next, parking itself in a corner out of the way.

Finally, the five Battlemechs, the three APCs, and the heavy Von Luckner tank thundered into the mine, each bearing the scars of combat across their armor. Pops took a look at the Raven and Ostroc, and let out a low whistle.

"Looks like the boys an' me are gonna have a loooong couple o' nights gettin' those fixed back up," he muttered, more to himself than to Sunny, who followed him about for want of anything to do.

Several minutes passed as the trucks were unloaded and the Mechwarriors climbed out of their machines. After a quick word with the Colonel, Doc Yuri and one of her assistant MedTechs hurried to the Raven, climbing up the gantry to tend to the pilot inside.

"Keep the Raven online until I say so!" Colonel Wayne shouted over the noise. "I want the ECM field up while Sol's crew checks every square centimeter of these trucks to make sure they're not bugged!"

Pops raised an eyebrow at that. That sort of thing was usually reserved for either the most elite of special forces, or the bad guys in a cheap holo-vid. If the Colonel was being this cautious, something must've really gotten under his skin.

"You heard the man!" Chief Aadil backed the Colonel up. "Check for anything, I mean any-damn-thing- out of the ordinary. You find so much as a screw out of place, I wanna know about it! Now get it done, people!"

There were a few groans mixed in with the yes-sirs, which were quickly met with a harsh glare and an unspoken promise that the Chief was going to call out a few names in the Scrap Yard that night.

After a while, the initial chaos settled into routine, and the Colonel gave out another general address.

"Mechwarriors, transmit your BattleROM footage to the HQ. I want to go over the data and determine how things went down. Debriefing in sixty minutes.

"Chief Aadil, I want a full inventory of what we've got from this mission on my desk before debrief. I know we're all hungry, and we're all thirsty, and we're all ready to enjoy the spoils of victory. But first, we need to know how much we have and how long we can make it last. Now that the Espian Guard and the Crimson Fists have been hit once, they're not going to make it easy for us to hit them again.

"Lastly, if anyone has or knows where to find the personal effects of the following people, bring them to me. AsTech Kyla Moore. MedTech Jimmy Okada. MechTech Eduardo Garcia. Engineer Mustafa Rasheed."

There were a few sad mutterings at the mention of the four volunteers who were killed in the fight.

"We'll mourn the ones we lost when we have the luxury of time to do so," the Colonel stated. "Until then, the mission remains. Vivere est mori."

"Vivere est mori!" Sergeant Dalton roared, the rest of the Buckshot Boys joining in unison.

"Vivere est mori," Chief Aadil said solemnly, a handful of techs echoing his voice.

"Shit," Pops cursed as he worked. "I liked those kids. Garcia was probably the worst hand I've ever seen with an arc-welder, but damned if he didn't know how to work with myomer. And Rasheed still owed me fifty C-Bills from the last card night."

"What was that thing everyone just said?" Sunny asked, carrying a clipboard and making a tally-mark for every drum of water Pops helped unload from the truck. This simple bit of inventory was the most useful thing the ten-year-old could do, and she was happy to finally be helping.

"It's some old Terran saying," Pops answered. "Means 'to live is to die.'"

"That doesn't make any sense," the girl said with a frown.

"It'll make sense when you're older," the old man said.

"And why does the Colonel want their personal effects?" Sunny asked.

"For the Memorial Hall," Pops explained. "Back on the Clover, on deck twelve. Not everybody comes back from a job, hon'. So we keep their memories alive by keeping something that was special to them. A lucky watch, a favorite wrench, a picture from back home. In Garcia's case, I'm gonna turn in that Hachiman camcorder he kept making vids on."

"I've got Lena's bear," Sunny mentioned, "But we're going to hold onto that for when she gets back."

"....yeah," Pops said, not looking the girl in the eye as he agreed. "For when she gets back."
The OOC section has been updated to include a blurb about the dice mechanics. TL;DR, we're using dice, but don't freak out, it's chill. The GMs are doing all of the rolling and math stuff under the hood; the players themselves can continue to play as normal.


Thunder cracked overhead as the sullen gray skies of early morning gave way to a wall of thick black storm clouds. The weather system rolling in from the eastern coast of the continent had been even more severe than the forecasts had predicted, and an enormous cell of brutal thunderstorms blanketed the land for dozens of kilometers. Thick, blinding sheets of hard salt rain pulverized the ground, and gale-force winds of over 90 kph threw debris along. Anyone unlucky enough to be caught out in this dreadful mess risked being knocked off his feet by the wind, beaten into the ground by the stinging rain, or electrocuted by the arcs of blue-white lightning that danced through the clouds and struck the ground.

"How's it looking?" Colonel Wayne asked as the Mobile HQ plowed into the storm, its massive oversized wheels digging deep ruts into the mud. With Alley Cat's ECM field countered by the enemy Raven, the Colonel could at least monitor the Knights' status as the battle continued.

"Not much damage on Family Man, Desperado, or Giggles," Lieutenant Lyons reported as the Mechs' diagnostic computers fed information wirelessly back to the Mobile HQ. "Alley Cat isn't going to survive another salvo like that, though, and Ramrod's lost an awful lot of armor."

"And Family Man sounds like he's losing it," Cadet Higgins added. "Are we sure we want someone like that piloting a 'Mech?"

The Colonel didn't answer. Rivers was one of the first people Gaius had hired when he founded the Green Knights. He'd always handled himself as a professional in the past, not the type for that kind of outburst. Then again, he'd never had his wife and kid in enemy hands before. Under normal circumstances, after seeing something like that, he'd pull Rivers off the line, and not let him anywhere near the cockpit of a Battlemech until Dr. Nakajima had given him a full psych evaluation. But these weren't normal circumstances; he had to work with what he had left.

He just needed Rivers and the rest of the Green Knights to hold it together long enough to make it home. Then he and the doc would have a long talk with him.

"How's the storm?"

"Getting worse, sir,", Cadet Windham answered, his monitor showing a bright red splotch over the map of the region. "Visibility is going to be near zero before much longer."

The Colonel nodded. Targeting with the naked eye was difficult enough in heavy rain, but even advanced technology would be of little use. Water droplets in the air absorbed infrared radiation, reducing the range of thermal imagery. The hard impacts of the rain kicked up a thick fog as well, reducing the range even further. Under normal conditions, the thermal radiation from a Battlemech reactor shined like a beacon to IR scanners, but if they kept their speed low and didn't fire off their weapons, the enemy would struggle finding them without being right on top of them.

"Almost time to give them the slip," he said. "On my order, one last burst transmission, then we go into silent running."

"Yes, sir."

Meanwhile, the melee between Gawain's Green Knights and the Crimson Fists had become a cacophony of explosions and twisting metal. After nearly losing Alley Cat to the Longbow's opening fusillade, the Knights had turned the battle to their favor by concentrating fire first on the enemy Raven.

A salvo of long-range missiles from Giggles' Archer obliterated armor off of the smaller 'Mech's limbs, the incoming warheads smashing its left arm into useless scrap. As the Raven staggered from the impact, it caught two shoulder-fired Inferno rockets from Sgt. Dalton's infantry, the superheated gel bathing the avian 'Mech's torso in fire even in the pouring rain. Myomer muscles seized up and servos groaned in protest from the sudden buildup of heat, slowing the Raven down considerably. This gave Alley Cat an opening to return fire, with her own medium lasers and short-range missiles punching into the Raven's torso. A sickly green cloud of smoke signified the 'Mech's gyroscopic stabilizer had been hit, and the Raven's legs seemed to turn to rubber, the pilot desperately fighting against the machine's mass in a futile attempt to keep it upright.

The Raven lurched forward, and suddenly the 'Mech's head section blew open. Blasting out from a hatch on top, the Raven's Mechwarrior shot skyward on a streak of white flame and smoke, the ejection pod ostensibly protecting the pilot from the elements, at least for a while. Once the pod's parachute opened, however, it caught the buffeting winds, which swept the pod and the unfortunate pilot off to gods-know-where.

The smoking, mangled remains of the Raven splashed down into the mud, its internal components still intact enough to salvage. Assuming, that is, that the survivors would be able to claim it.

Meanwhile, Family Man's Shadow Hawk attempted to bring its fists down onto the smaller Wolfhound. The enemy pilot bobbed and weaved enough to keep the 55-tonner's fists from connecting with its head, but the Wolfhound still caught a pair of crushing blows to the torso before it managed to wrest itself free. Given that it wasn't capable of keeping up with the Shadow Hawk in a brawl, the Wolfhound pilot put some distance between itself and the bigger 'Mech, then opened fire with its medium lasers. While one went wide and set a tree alight like a torch, the other two caught the Shadow Hawk in the legs, carving off rents of armor as the Wolfhound hoped to hamstring Family Man's machine.

It would not get a chance to continue this assault, however, as a massive shell from the Von Luckner's autocannon slammed into the Wolfhound's left leg, the single shot shattering the armor and mangling the limb into a twisted mess. Barely enough of the leg's structure remained to keep the Wolfhound standing, and as the two larger opponents bore down on it, the Wolfhound began to withdraw.

Merry-Go-Round then turned its attention to the enemy Jenner, who continued to harass Ramrod with another laser slashing into her Ostroc's left arm. The heavy battle tank let fly with its trio of short-range missile launchers, covering the Jenner in a maelstrom of high explosives. Over a dozen of the missiles hit home, ripping the entire left side of the light 'Mech away and leaving only a few pockmarked scraps of armor on its center. As the Jenner reeled from the sudden burst of intense violence, it was struck again, this time by the lasers of Desperado's Phoenix Hawk. The 45-tonner's large laser scorched the Jenner's right leg, while the medium punched through the last of its center armor, frying one of its Jump Jets in the process.

Crippled by the immense damage, the pilot of the Jenner also broke away, joining the Wolfhound in retreat.

"Impressive, Green Knights," the Longbow pilot who called herself the Fire Witch bellowed over open comms. "You have managed to draw first blood today, but that small victory is the only one you will find on this field. And even this small victory you will find to be tainted."

Raising the huge, cylindrical launcher tubes to an upward trajectory, the Longbow once again let fly with a massive salvo of long-range missiles. And again, the swarms of missiles split in the air and came down on multiple targets.

The first flight smashed into the Von Luckner, warheads crushing into its front and side. While the tank's armor held, two of the warheads had smashed into Merry-Go-Round's treads, snapping off one of the return rollers and dislocating the front drive wheel. This would make the tank significantly harder to control, especially in miserable terrain like this. If the Green Knights and Crimson Fists continued the fight, Merry-Go-Round would be a sitting duck.

The second flight bore down on Alley Cat's Raven, but as he had intended to protect Ziska from further damage, Desperado lunged his Phoenix Hawk into the way, taking damage across the arm and torso.

The third flight of missiles was intended for more precious cargo: one of the water trucks. However, without the Raven to guide the missiles, splitting fire between multiple targets became that much harder for the Longbow, and the flight of LRMs sailed overhead, blasting apart a thicket of trees a hundred meters away.

The fourth flight, however, found its mark on one of the ammunition trucks. The resulting explosion was forceful enough that it titled the closest truck by it onto two wheels, nearly knocking it onto its side. For a few seconds, the secondary crackles and pops of munitions filled the sky with noise and light like fireworks. It would be almost festive, if not for the fact that the two people inside the truck had died, and the Knights had just lost several tons of warheads and autocannon shells they would need for future battles.

"Green Knights, this Gawain Actual," Colonel Wayne's voice crackled over the Knights' secure comms channel. "Cover the convoy and withdraw into the storm, lose them in the rain. You're not here to win the fight, you're here to complete the job. Going dark-- see you back at HQ."

The Raven piloted by the Crimson Fists staggered under the withering hail of fire from three of the Green Knights. Alley Cat's short-range missiles had opened up the internal structure across the small bird-like 'Mech's back, and while the TAG Laser and one of the Medium Lasers had missed the mark, the Narc Missile Beacon remained, which would help guide more missiles from the Green Knights to their target. After that, Family Man's attempt to fire into the 'Mech's head went low, but still gouged molten armor from the Mech's beak-like torso. Half of Giggles's barrage of laser fire connected, gouging into the armor on the right side of the torso and digging into the right arm. Finally, Desperado's Medium Laser was off by centimeters from tagging the enemy Raven's right arm, but the Large Laser struck home, melting away the armor on the 'Mech's arm and slicing into bundles of myomer fibers before the limb snapped off completely. Only through sheer concentrated effort did the Raven manage to stay upright, though it was highly unlikely it would survive another salvo like that.

With its heat buildup still relatively low, the enemy Raven pilot wheeled around, kicking up dirt and dust as its feet dug into the ground to push off into a sprint. Not bothering to acquire a target lock, it dumb-fired its Short-Range Missiles and Missile Beacon at Ziska's pursuing Raven as it attempted to flee.

The flight of SRMs went wild, blasting the ground around Alley Cat's Raven or streaking off into the morning mist, but none of the warheads hit their target. However, the second of the Light Mech's Narc Missile Beacons found its mark, lodging itself into the Green Knight's right arm, which could prove disastrous if the Longbow's Long-Range Missiles connected.

Meanwhile, the Crimson Fists' Jenner had found itself on the wrong end of a much heavier 'Mech, the Ramrod's Ostroc. Significantly outmassed and outgunned by the hulking machine, the pilot of the lighter 'Mech instead decided to make use of its superior speed and agility. With a roar, the Jenner triggered its Jump Jets, jets of superheated plasma venting directly from the 'Mech's fusion reactor as the 35-ton machine lifted into the air, before wheeling around and landing behind the already damaged Ostroc. Given the significant heat buildup, the Jenner pilot opted only to fire one of its four lasers, as well as its four-shot rack of SRMs. Even so, the heat would cause a drop in the 'Mech's speed as its myomer muscles cramped up, so it would instead attempt to use its agility advantage to keep it out of the Ostroc's line of fire.

The Jenner's Medium Laser went wide, but all four of its Short-Range Missiles dug into the Ostroc's back. Even though the Heavy 'Mech severely outgunned and out-armored the Jenner, it suffered the same weakness as many Battlemechs of its generation: paper-thin back armor. On its left side, two warheads blasted away the armored paneling, exposing the internal structure. The other two warheads hit across the center and right side. Another hit to the rear along any location threatened catastrophic internal damage.

Not far away, the enemy Wolfhound was thrown off-balance by the sudden loss of its right arm, and it began to list over to one side. The pilot, however, was skilled enough to turn the fall into a roll, the crimson-painted 'Mech coated in brown and green as the machine tore up the ground before coming up to its feet. With its primary weapon gone, the Wolfhound could no longer deal significant damage from a distance, and decided to close in to a target that lacked major close-range firepower, opting to go after Family Man in his Shadow Hawk.

Bobbing and weaving, the Wolfhound closed the distance with the heavier 'Mech. While the Shadow Hawk outweighed it by twenty tons, the Wolfhound had the speed advantage, and could stay well within the minimum effective range of the Hawk's Long-Range Missiles and Autocannon, while staying just out of range of the 'Mechs fists. At this range, the Shadow Hawk had a two-shot rack of SRMs and a single Medium Laser, while the Wolfhound could open up with all three.

Unfortunately for the Light 'Mech pilot, he hadn't compensated for how the loss of his arm would throw off the Wolfhound's gait, so two of the torso-mounted lasers went wide. The third did manage to strike the Shadow Hawk, but did little more than scour some armor off of its left arm.

"You must realize this is not a fight you can win," the pilot of the Longbow said over the open comms channel. "Even if you do manage to elude us here, a longer, slower death awaits you, wasting away in whatever hole you've been hiding in all this time. It would be a far nobler fate to die here and now, to accept the judgment that awaits you. My judgment, Green Knights, will be swift...and final."

With that, the hulking Assault 'Mech opened fire with its racks of Long-Range missiles, splitting its fire between the already-targeted Raven of Alley Cat, Giggles's Archer, and Desperado's Phoenix Hawk.

As the Longbow's missiles came down, the damage done to Marit's Archer and Tarak's Phoenix Hawk was minimal, with only a few plates taken off the Black Phoenix's chest, and little more than a few scratches of paint taken off of Archie's chest and legs. For a moment, the Green Knights might have been convinced the Fire Witch's boasts were little more than empty threats, a lot of posturing and blustering that would amount to nothing.

That is, until they saw what the Longbow had done to Ziska's Raven.

Homing in on the Narc missile beacon that had connected with the Raven's right arm, four flights of LRMs shredded the Light 'Mech's right side. Five of the warheads crushed into the light 'Mech's leg, bending the limb inward at an unnatural angle as they pulverized armor. Another Five took chunks of armor from the right arm, mercifully destroying the beacon pod in the process. The worst of it, however, came when ten missiles obliterated nearly all of the armor on the right torso; what remained was tatters so thin that even a hit from the smallest weapons would breach it and expose the Raven's irreplaceable internal components. The immense combined impact sent the Raven tumbling to the ground, the impact slamming Ziska hard against the restraints of her command couch.

"You have eluded us thanks to the advantage of your Scout 'Mech's stealth technology," the Fire Witch gloated. "We'll see how long you last once we clip this little bird's wings..."

Grasslands, Sector E-10
Thirty Minutes After Convoy Departure from Outpost F-10

"Eeeeeuuughhh," Cadet Windham groaned, his face all but turning green from nausea as the Mobile HQ bumped and bucked off-road. "The sooner we get back to base, the better."

"Got a paper bag under the seat if you need it," Cadet Higgins smirked. Windham shot him an angry glare, which just made his smirk grow that much wider.

"Any sign of being trailed?" Colonel Wayne asked again, as he'd done every few minutes since they rolled out.

"Still nothing, sir," Lieutenant Lyons responded, managing to keep her monitors and notes in order even as the rough ride knocked everyone in the cabin around. "If the enemy's using one of their Ravens, though, I doubt we'll see them coming."

The Raven was the pride and joy of the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces, a technological breakthrough after centuries of stagnation and degradation. While the ECM field deployed by Ziska's own Raven kept the Green Knights and the convoy safe from detection, the Crimson Fists having one of their own meant they could pull the same trick.

And much to Colonel Wayne's trepidation, it wasn't the only trick that an advanced ECM Suite could perform.

"Hang on, Colonel," Lyons said as the tell-tale BEEP-BEEP-BEEP of enemy contacts appeared on the Mobile HQ's monitors. "I'm picking up all four contacts again, about two klicks to the north of us."

"Heading our way?"

"Negative," the Lieutenant answered. "At their current heading, it's likely that they're going to stumble into the Knights."

"But why drop the ECM field?" Windham asked. "Why make their presence known when they know we're in the area?"

"Because they're using the ECM offensively," the Colonel answered. "An ECM Suite can be configured to work as a counter to an active field. If that Raven has a counter-ECM going and it happens across Ziska's ECM bubble..."

"...then it'll leave the Green Knights and the convoy open to enemy fire," Higgins concluded.

"Any eyes on the enemy Mechs yet?"

"Negative, Colonel," came the response from Windham. "Seismic sensors are still picking up three 35-tonners and one 85-tonner. One Raven for sure, and probably the Battlemaster. No word on the others."

"Get ready to send another microwave-burst transmission," Colonel Wayne ordered. "That assault 'Mech won't be able to keep up with the lights, so we might be able to convince it to go for some slower prey. The Battlemaster only has one PPC for range; if we keep enough distance from it, we can keep out of the brunt of its firepower. Then we can make a break for the storm cell coming in and lose them in the rain."

"Understood, sir," Lyons nodded, obedient but unconvinced. Regardless of whether it was the Battlemaster's only long-range weapon, a Particle Projector Cannon could still chew through the HQ's armor with two well-placed hits. "The enemy is getting danger-close to the convoy. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll move right past us...."

"Don't hold your breath," the Colonel scoffed. "Chances are this is about to get real ugly."

As the Green Knights shepherded the supply convoy along, trying to slip away to the rendezvous point, a nearby copse of trees began to rattle with movement. With a sudden cacophony of snapping branches and splintering tree trunks, three massive shapes erupted from the tree line with alarming speed.

The first was a familiar sight to the Green Knights: the back-canted legs and beak-like fuselage gave away the form of a Raven. Identical to the one piloted by Ziska, save for a paint job of bloody crimson trimmed with yellow in flame patterns, it sported a pair of Ceres Arms Medium Lasers and a six-rack of Harpoon Short-Range Missiles. This firepower was not particularly fearsome, but what truly made it frightening was its electronic warfare equipment. Along with the ever-useful ECM Suite, the Raven carried a Bloodhound Active Sensor Probe to seek out hidden enemy units, a Target Acquisition Gear targeting laser to direct long-range fire, and a Narc Missile Beacon to guide more warheads to their targets. The Raven was hardly a stand-up fighter, but made for a brilliant support 'Mech, one that now sprinted towards the convoy with its targeting laser glimmering in the morning mist.

Flanking the Raven were two other light 'Mechs, both substantially more potent in terms of firepower. On its left side was a Jenner,, the preferred light striker of the Draconis Combine. Like the Raven, its profile was almost completely inhuman, a dome-like cockpit thrust ahead of the main torso, stumpy weapon pods where arms might be, and a pair of vaguely humanoid legs that took long, bounding strides, quickly overtaking the Raven in a full sprint. It carried a quartet of Argra 3L Lasers, backed up by a Thunderstroke-4 Short-Range Missile Launcher, giving the light mech the ability to punch well above its weight, and sported enough Jump Jets to grant it excellent agility on top of its speed.

The third was an extremely rare sight, one almost never seen outside of Steiner or Davion forces, and even then only in the past five years. Unlike the bird-like Raven and strangely insectoid Jenner, this 'Mech was near completely humanoid, barring the massive gun muzzle ending its right arm, and the canine-shaped head that identified the new 'Mech as a Wolfhound. Like the Jenner, the Wolfhound was a hard-hitting harasser 'Mech, sporting four Defiance B3M Medium Lasers, though one of them was mounted in the 'Mech's rear to discourage enemies from getting behind it. Instead of short-range missiles, however, the Wolfhound punctuated its salvos with a Setanta Arms Large Laser. Firing its entire compliment of energy weapons turned the 'Mech's cockpit into an oven for the pilot, but it could dish out a tremendous amount of damage for a 'Mech its size.

Acting together, the Jenner and the Wolfhound had the potential to shred much larger 'Mechs in short order, and that is precisely what the 'Mechs of the Crimson Fists set about doing. Picking what they believed to be the biggest possible threat, the two Light 'Mechs sprinted toward the Ostroc, zig-zagging in a serpentine pattern to avoid fire from the Green Knights as they approached. The Jenner suddenly broke to the left, and the Wolfhound to the right, before filling the dull gray morning with blinding laser light. Between the two light 'Mechs, five of their seven Medium Lasers hit their marks, melting gouts of armor off of the heavy 'Mech's torso, mostly between the left side and center. While the Wolfhound's Large Laser went wide, carving a trench in the earth by the Ostroc, all four of the Jenner's SRMs connected, blasting more armored fragments off of the Ostroc's chest and right arm. Together, while the damage wasn't enough to pierce the Heavy 'Mech's armor and risk catastrophic internal damage, the sudden loss of so much mass combined with the concussive blasts from the missiles threatened to knock Daschke's 'Mech to the ground.

Meanwhile, the Raven split away from the other two, bearing down on one of the convoy trucks instead. With a flash of its TAG laser and a jet of propellant as the Narc Missile Beacon crunched into the side of the truck, the light support 'Mech suddenly changed course to disengage, attempting to disengage before the Green Knights could focus fire on it.

As the Raven broke away, the sky filled with streaks of fire and smoke, before a hellish rain of Long-Range Missiles screamed down onto the unfortunate supply truck, blasting the defenseless vehicle and its occupants to pieces in a single salvo. The truck, carrying mostly MREs and spare uniforms, was mercifully the least valuable in the convoy, but the next in line was one of the all-too-vital water trucks.

While bits of debris from the supply truck rained down on the battlefield, an electronically-modulated voice boomed over an open comms channel.

"To the gutless, sell-sword mercenary scum who call themselves Gawain's Green Knights," the voice declared, "You have chosen a poor day to crawl out from whatever hole in which you have hidden since our rise to power. Today, you face the Fire Witches, the burning wrath of the Crimson Fists. It will be my distinct pleasure to send you all to the hell that awaits you."

Nearly a full kilometer back, a figure crested a hill. While it was indeed an 85-tonner, it was not the Battlemaster the Colonel had suspected. While the Battlemaster was roughly humanoid in shape from top to bottom, any resemblance to the human form this 'Mech might have had ended at the waist. Its torso was blocky, with its head built into the main fuselage rather than above it. The wide, square chest boasted gleaming laser lenses and racks of missiles, but those were paltry compared to the huge, barrel-like drums where its arms should be. These massive cylinders carried enough LRMs to destroy or cripple nearly any enemy unit on the field in a single salvo-- just as it had done during the coup, when it had killed Wrathchild.

Standing at the top of the hill was the absolute last word in long-range firepower: a Longbow.

"Come and face the Fire Witch, Green Knights. Come and burn, like your friends before you."

The pilot of the Warrior attack helicopter had already begun to suspect something was wrong when his sensors started going fuzzy on approach to Outpost F-10, then cut out. His suspicions were confirmed when he attempted to check in with his wingmen, only to be greeted with harsh electronic static. His instincts told him to pull out, but with no way to relay that message to the other members of the squadron, he'd be sending them to their deaths. Best to stick to the plan: assess the situation, confirm enemy action, then bug out.

The plan, however, quickly fell apart when a burst of autocannon shells ripped through the cockpit of Miaodao Two, followed by a flight of long-range missiles mangling the rotors of Miaodao Three.

On paper, the Warrior H-7's SarLon-2 Autocannon outranged the enemy's weapons, but all the range advantage in the world meant nothing if they couldn't see the enemy coming and coordinate their fire. As it was, they were easy targets in a shooting gallery.

As a second flight of missiles streaked through the sky towards him, Miaodao One spent his last moments of life pulling his helicopter into full reverse, hoping to pull back from the enemy's jamming field, while screaming onto open comms "ENEMY CONTACT! REPEAT, ENE--"

He would never know if his calls for help would be answered.

"Uhhh, Colonel?" Lieutenant Lyons spoke up. "The contacts on the seismic sensors? They're....they're gone, sir."

"Gone as in they've left the effective operational range?" Colonel Wayne asked, hopefully.

"Negative, Colonel," Lyons responded. "Gone as in they just...disappeared from the monitor. We're not picking up anything at all in that area."

"So either they came to a complete stop for no apparent reason," Higgins began thinking about the possible meaning.

"...or the enemy lance has one of their Ravens with them," Windham continued his thought.

"...and they've just activated their own ECM field," Lyons completed the train of logic.

"And now we've got no way to track them without giving away our own position," the Colonel added.

A long silence hung in the air for a moment.

"Gods of space," Lyons said breathlessly.

"Blake's Blood," Higgins muttered to himself.

"Frackencrack," Windham added, using an obscure expletive rarely heard outside certain regions of the Draconis Combine.

"Shit," Colonel Wayne summed up everyone's thoughts succinctly. "Higgins, prepare to send a high-power microwave-burst transmission to the Green Knights. We can't point-to-point them with the ECM field up, so we'll just need to shotgun the message in their general direction."

"Sir, that'll make us stick out like a sore thumb," Higgins protested. "If the Crimson Fists come after us, we're dead."

"My order stands, Cadet," Gaius stared him down. If putting himself in the line of fire meant keeping the Green Knights alive, then so be it.

"Yes sir," Higgins meekly nodded before flipping a few toggles on the comms suite. "Antenna is live, sir. We've got enough juice for a five second burst."

Colonel Wayne nodded, then raised the comms microphone to speak into it.

"Green Knights, this is Gawain Actual," he spoke with a quick but authoritative tone. "Hostile mechs inbound, rendezvous at nav-point Echo! Repeat, hostile mechs inbou--"

"Five seconds are up, sir," Higgins cut him off.

"Let's hope the Knights were listening," Lyons said, equal parts comment and prayer.

"And that the Crimson Fists weren't," Windham added.

"Agreed," Gaius nodded, before knocking on the hatch to the driver's cabin. "You heard my order, Private. Let's get the hell out of here."

"Yes sir," came the response, and the Mobile HQ's massive diesel engine roared to life.
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