I'm working on my application now. Can I ask what the image section with "IMAGE/BANNER" in it is for? Is it for a custom banner of the characters name/logo?
It's for a custom banner if you want one.
I'm working on my application now. Can I ask what the image section with "IMAGE/BANNER" in it is for? Is it for a custom banner of the characters name/logo?
Okay understood. The only thing I can think of why he has switched targets is that, as it turns out, after reading his page on the Marvel Wiki. He does have a daughter, and perhaps the daughter was abducted and is trapped in New York City or a crime boss in New York City has his daughter for some reason so he is there to get her back.
Otherwise, if I join, I will think of who else to play as just in case.
It's been a long time since I read comics but I've rped Hulk and X mutants as long ago it was that I collected. I'm so darn financially insecure that I can't get the Kindle app for comixology... so yeah I am interested in writing about them again.
Could I reimagine Ben Grimm for street level type? The first thing would be disbanding him from F4. Then I will have to add his history of working the streets, also reducing his strength in the process. Hmm...?
How many players are we looking at before an OOC can happen?
What degrees of the supernatural are acceptable, and how much leeway in rewriting backstories are we granted?
<Snipped quote by AndyC>
How about I throw these HANDS?!
Out of curiosity, doesn't particularly affect me. But say someone does Apply as Spidey, and has a vision for them and all set up and then someone applies as Miles that has a specific vision with contradicting parts... What happens? Do you just lock the two of them in a room together and see what happens?