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Opinionated nerd for hire.

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I'm working on my application now. Can I ask what the image section with "IMAGE/BANNER" in it is for? Is it for a custom banner of the characters name/logo?

It's for a custom banner if you want one.
Okay understood. The only thing I can think of why he has switched targets is that, as it turns out, after reading his page on the Marvel Wiki. He does have a daughter, and perhaps the daughter was abducted and is trapped in New York City or a crime boss in New York City has his daughter for some reason so he is there to get her back.

Otherwise, if I join, I will think of who else to play as just in case.

I think that also kind of pigeonholes him into doing one specific thing; someone like Blade probably wouldn't bother with any of the other events or crises that aren't directly related to getting his daughter back.

If you'd like some ideas to work with, I did post a decently long list of potential characters that best fit the concept back on page 2.

OOC should be up Friday-ish. Meantime, here's a CS template to start working on your pitches.

I think it'd be hard to fit in Blade unless there's just a ton of vampires running around. Like, yeah, he's more or less a street-level guy, but he's also got a verrrry specific niche.
It's been a long time since I read comics but I've rped Hulk and X mutants as long ago it was that I collected. I'm so darn financially insecure that I can't get the Kindle app for comixology... so yeah I am interested in writing about them again.

Could I reimagine Ben Grimm for street level type? The first thing would be disbanding him from F4. Then I will have to add his history of working the streets, also reducing his strength in the process. Hmm...?

I'm gonna say that's way too far of a departure. While yeah, Ben is the New Yawkiest of New Yawkers, taking someone who's built to be part of a specific team-- an extremely high-end team, for that matter-- and rewriting him to the point where he's no longer part of that team nor a high-end powerhouse is altering him on a fundamental level. This is also why we're trying to avoid X-people or "A-list" Avengers.
How many players are we looking at before an OOC can happen?

I think we've reached a quorum, we're now just working on our availability to work on the OOC. Should be up Friday at the latest.
What degrees of the supernatural are acceptable, and how much leeway in rewriting backstories are we granted?

I'd say it needs to have the same level of potency and influence as any other set of super-powers.

As for rewriting back-stories, it needs to be primarily based on official sources. The comics, movies, TV shows, cartoons, video games, etc, are all usable, as are well-known alternate universes like Ultimate Marvel, and you're welcome to mix and match elements as you like. However, rewriting to the point where they are no longer fundamentally the same character is not allowed. I'd also say pulling some obscure one-appearance multiverse variant is probably also not allowed.
<Snipped quote by AndyC>

How about I throw these HANDS?!

Out of curiosity, doesn't particularly affect me. But say someone does Apply as Spidey, and has a vision for them and all set up and then someone applies as Miles that has a specific vision with contradicting parts... What happens? Do you just lock the two of them in a room together and see what happens?

I imagine the GMs will discuss it case-by-case, but ultimately I think 'main characters' have seniority, a la Batman and Nightwing. However, the player who plays Pete wouldn't have a say over how the other player portrays Miles, unless there's a detail that's completely contradictory.

Also, while we're not going to be huge sticklers about Canon, we aren't doing Ultimate/Absolute re-writes, so something like Miles being an established veteran while Pete only just got bitten wouldn't jibe. So for characters that have a big family/legacy, we'd prefer takes of that character who have been around for that family/legacy to be in place.
Couple of other things to make known:

In order to A) give players the best opportunity to affect the course of the RP and B) not overload ourselves between character and GM duties, Hound and Retired and I have agreed to not stake a claim of any of the big-name characters like Spider-Man. So if you want the Webs, speak up.

Also, we are allowing competing apps, even for the GMs. So just because one player has expressed interest in a character, don't think you have to give up on it. You can throw some elbows if you want.
...I mean, he does fit all the criteria...
Power-scaling and whatnot aside, defining "street level" as "operating primarily in a single city (namely New York) and dealing with issues primarily affecting that city," there's quite a few:

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