Avatar of Angstyrainbow


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Feel a little bit like a hypocrite, wanting to ship my ocs with named character but hating playing named characters myself
4 mos ago
Trying to learn welsh and I've decided it's a bullshit language
4 mos ago
Might actually be going to a larp next year and I cant quite explain my excmitement
5 mos ago
I swear there's something in the water atm. Customers be WILD
7 mos ago
guess whos back bitches
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I'm 27, non-binary and slightly crazy. Been rping for a long time now! I'm pretty responsive since I don't have much of a life haha
I'm also Gmt
Happily taken so please don't send me flirty messages.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Arthur Gail
Gender: Male (he/Him)
Age: 14
Looks: Arthur usually wears his school trousers, tie and robe but is usually wearing some ugly floral shirt under. When not in school, his clothing is made up of ripped jeans and Hawaiian dad shirts.
House: Ravenclaw
Personality: Arthur is a cheeky, sarcastic guy who can make a joke about everything. He doesn't have much common sense but is easily one of the smartest people in ravenclaw
Family line: A mixed family made up of witches, wizards and muggles.

Name: Blair Nyx
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 12
Looks: Blair is usually wearing the Slytherin uniform with small splashes of pink from her nail polish, the ribbon in her hair and her make up. When not in uniform, she's usually dressed in some sort of frilly skirt or dress. Her hair is straight, to her shoulders and kept out of her face by a ribbon, her eyes a steely grey colour.
House: Ravenclaw
Personality: Blair is a bubbly, friendly and sweet girl with a dark side to her. She may not seem like your typical Slytherin but her cunning more than proves her spot
Family line: A pure blood, lesser noble family who distanced themselves away from Voldemort.
Juniper stood up at the name. "Do you want to get punched again?!" She threatened. Her threat was cut short by a short, brown-haired girl opened the door to the booth.
"Hi there! Could I come and sit with you guys? Everywhere else is sooo full!"

A fourth-year ravenclaw boy winced at Marks words. "I actually feel sorry for the other slytherins. No offence man but you're little brother is on a whole other level."
Juniper rolled her eyes again. "With the way he acts, I won't be the only one hitting him this year." She muttered and glanced back over her shoulder at Alex. "I don't know why you didn't just keep your mouth shut, idiot."
Juniper frowned. "He called me a mudblood before even knowing my name. I think he deserved a punch." She crossed her arms and gave a shrug. "I don't know. I'll be happy if it's not with you two weirdos." She turned her back to the pair, looking back out the window. God these guys were weird.
Juniper offered a small smile at Charles before she stood and moved in front of Alex. "Don't ever call someone that again." She doesn't hesitate, pulling her hand back and slapping him as hard as she could. She nodded once then sat back in her seat. "Yeah, you can sit. I'm Juniper."
Juniper watched the exchange and remained calm as she turned to Charles. "Mudblood, that's some kind of slur right? Like a really bad name to call someone?" She managed to keep her tone calm and even as she spoke to the older, her eyes darting to the younger lad every now and then. A plan clearly forming in her head.
Juniper didn't understand a lot of what was being said but scurried back to her seat and put her headphones back on. So, his name was Alex. At least now she knew what he was called and she wouldn't have to spend the new few hours referring to him as the jerk.
Juniper wasn't stupid. She knew bigotry when she heard it and she knew what it sounded like when someone had been taught it. She forced herself to take a deep breath and made a mental note to give him a break.
Juniper was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the older boy and even more surprised by the glance from him. She tried to focus on the window but couldn't stop her nosey nature. She moved over to the door, trying to listen in on the converstation.
Juniper rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever you say." She muttered, turning to look out of the window. "I would rather be a muggle than be like you." She hated judgemental people and this guy was one of the most judgemental people she'd ever met. She pulled a small music player from her bag and put her headphones on. "I'm gonna be ignoring you now."
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