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I am sports entertained.
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It's been said the easter bunny hates capitalism, yet he participates in it.
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[@Punished GN] I already got a haircut.
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When my time comes, I wanna be buried face down. So everyone can look at my butt.


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@SpookySquid@chukklehed I don't mind if either of you two control the pilots for shenanigans (Oh god). Just as long as they get to HQ xD
Evan 'Sunshine' Smiles

City T


After Evan helped the aspiring hero stand back up to his feet, he turned his attention to the surrounding neighborhood which suffered from the chaotic battle. There were civilians still trapped inside the charred up building, while a few were trapped beneath some of the debris nearby. An emergency rescue team was being deployed, but it would still take some time for them to arrive, leaving the heroes in control for now.

He gave a proud nod to the soon-to-be hero, admiring his spirit. "This way! I'll take care of the people inside the building starting from the top floor while you go through the lower levels and get the ones trapped in the rubble. Let's go!" He ordered, wasting little time on fussing over the small details such as the stranger's identity. There were people that needed their help!

Sunshine took point and rushed over to the extinguished building. His legs became coated in solar energy as he activated his ability for pyrokinetic flight. Upon reaching the top floor, he crawled through one of the shattered windows in which he received minor cuts on top of his burns. He spotted a mother cradling a small child on the opposite side of the room. The entire floor didn't appear too damaged, he thought. However, the moment he took a couple of steps towards the family, portions of the floor began to collapse. This doesn't look good...

"Shoot!" Thankfully, his quick reflexes allowed him to stay afloat and shoot the falling debris out the window with his fire balls to prevent a domino effect on the lower levels.

That was a close one! Sunshine grabbed the family quickly as he can and exited through the window he entered from. He would then settle the family on the pavement, just a few meters safely away from the building and went back inside to rescue more civilians. He rinsed and repeated carefully for each floor on his end, saving whoever he can find.

Once the building has been cleared or nearing completion by both heroes, Sunshine would receive yet another call from HQ. Apparently, they wanted him to return immediately. An HQ chopper could be heard flying overhead, looking like it was here to retrieve Bjorn and deploy the rescue team. This was perfect, his solar energy felt like it was running dry to continue flight. Hopefully he could catch a ride to HQ with his new friend.
@chukklehed Yeah, I've noticed lol.
@chukklehed He'll most likely land in low B-Rank or high C-Rank. Also I realized, if Adam does learn energy transfer in the future or if my character upgrades his energy reserve, then the two can become a pretty OP team. Energy blasts everywhere! The energy team. xD
@chukklehed I edited it. They will probably head over to HQ together anyway, so he can take his exams there. Although, his rank might be predetermined due to his involvement during the crisis xD For Saitama, other heroes took credit of his work before he officially became a hero, but Sunshine is not like that and he will definitely mention Adam in his report :p
@chukklehed Really? Isn't he already listed as a C-Rank hero though? Or does he not have an official hero name yet?
Evan 'Sunshine' Smiles

City T


"Can do!~ I have a bit energy to spare to deal with the situation around here. I'll just see yah at HQ later with Bjorn!~" He cheerfully responded to Guardian just before he took off. The hammer that was left behind caught Evan's attention. So, this is Bjorn...Needless to say, it refused to budge an inch when Evan attempted to lift the darn thing with both hands. This is what Guardian carries around all the time?! No wonder he is S-Rank.

Evan was surprised that he couldn't lift the hammer at first, but came to a quick realization that Guardian is one of the strongest heroes in the world. So, it was to be expected that only a few can match Guardian in strength. Ah, Cheese and Crackers! This hammer is too darn heavy! I have to call someone else from HQ and have them pick it up. He mentally shouted.

After putting in the request to HQ, Evan made his way over towards the nearby person who he assumes to be a hero. It appeared that he was on rescue patrol. After witnessing the hero collapsing to his knees, he assumed the brave hero was hurt from expelling all of that fire off his body. While impressive as it may be to extinguish an entire building, it appeared to have taken a toll on him. Luckily, Evan is the man for the job! "Heeeey! Are you hurt?!" He called out to him, concerned about his well being.

When he moved closer to the person, he did not recognize him at all. Maybe this guy was somewhere buried among the many C-Rank heroes. Was it possible he is an unranked hero? Evan did only browse through the news of the top 20 or so for each rank. In any case, Evan approached the person's left side, slightly hunched over and offered a helping hand to him. "Can you stand, friend? We still have to check for any civilians around the area." He asked, wishing to work together with him and escort civilians to the evacuation Zone.

@FallenTrinity Yeah, he is only strong enough to do that in Solar Drive xD I'll just let him call HQ to pick it up.
@chukklehed I'll interact with your character next.

Edit: @FallenTrinity Wait! How is Sunshine supposed to bring Bjorn back to Guardian or use it for that matter? That thing weighs a ton according to your CS lol xD I guess he can bring it back through other means, but at the moment he doesn't have the strength to wield the hammer xD
@FallenTrinity Shenanigans you say?
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