Everyone knows real kings and nobles have harems and paramours and busty bastard bodyguards from Dorne who are equally skilled in bisecting a man from head to toe and making him shudder in delight from head to toe.
I mean, if the subject of sexy times is up for discussion - that was half of Mirren's job! (The other half obviously being brutally murdering anyone who tried to harm her employer)
Still here, sort of observing - Mirren will be heading to meet up with the Reach forces and there aren't many people who will accost an armed procession, so for the most part I'm reliant on Konrad to get her involved in things until she gets better established.
Some random internet fuck with a keyboard and too much free time.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Some random internet fuck with a keyboard and too much free time.<br><br> <br><br> <br> <br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="http://orig01.deviantart.net/e4bd/f/2012/174/9/8/i_have_done_nothing_productive_today_by_hewhoerasesmost-d54iygf.gif" /></div></div>