Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Bastian snapped to attention and gave a polite nod to someone behind him. Asher turned and on his was instantly was a smile. The girl before him was as Bastian had said was beautiful beyond compare, or at least in Asher's eyes. He gave a nervous dip of his head. "Are you having fun?" After thinking about it, this probably wasn't really how you addressed a queen or wife but at that moment Asher just didn't have any vocabulary. Bastian stifled a laugh turning it into a cough and a passing Lord smirked knowingly.

"I erm. Well, how are you?"
There we go.
Asher wandered for a bit before giving up, someone would find her for the consummation at some point. Shuddering Asher was nervous, he was supposed to bed her with everyone watching. It had always been a rather weird thing to think about when of age to marry, but luckily or actually unluckily to wars has stopped him from experiencing it until now. And now... He was King. He sighed, and put a hand to his brow, the crown almost falling off from the movement. From behind him a chuckle can be heard and Asher turns around to see a medium build man standing with sword on hip, golden cloak on his shoulders. "Oh, greetings Bastian, is something funny?"

The Kingsguard just shook his head and pointed to a blur of motion, gold flashing then disappearing into a crowd. "It seems your new wife is afraid of you"

Asher frowned and shrugged. "I'm a bit scared of her to... I don't think I can do this." He gulped and looked over at his friend and companion who narrowed his eyes.

"Of course you can do this, I mean I would spring for a chance at this! She's gorgeous!"

Asher sighed again, "I mean the whole King thing, I mean everyone is expecting me to be so good! What if i'm not?"
Actually mis-read. I'll change it.
Sorry, the new format had me confused! And yea, but the actor is 20 I got it from. =p
"Asher Stark! Is that really you?! By all the gods you look much older than when I last saw you, what have you done ate an entire farm-house! No, nevermind to skinny for such a feat, but so tall! Growing into that Stark blood you are."

Asher Stark recently married 20 year old turned around and quickly spied his great-uncle and a smile spread across his face. "Hello Uncle, thank you! I hope you are enjoying the party."

"Of course I am! You know me my boy, and I know you to, I see that jewel you gained from this marriage Har! Very pretty lass."

Asher blushed and turned sighing when he saw two Kingsguard Knight's standing beside him. He nodded to them and bid his Uncle a farewell to look for his new wife.
"Don't you just love weddings Lord Syler? Splendid little things they are." Syler, from his position at the far right looked and smiled curtly at the man.

"Of course! They are simply dazzling with the many colors and scents, and entertainment. I can't possibly think of -anything- i'd rather do with my time." A sarcastic note was in his voice and it caused quite a few party-goers to turn and frown at him. He was in fact a dull affair to any party, but as Master of Whispers he was of course invited. He looked over at a serving boy which nodded at him and pointed to the King. Syler scrunched his face and watched the young looking King walk across the floor, the missing bride was one of the first thing he noticed.
Asher Brandon Stark - Male - Stark/Lanniser -

20 years old. - Tall for a Northman, standing at 6'1, dark colored hair standard in the North, his skin is actually somewhat tanned, his mother's Arryn blood coming into play. He has striking blue eyes.
I'm interested in mage x mage.
•Name: Kasyn Sawyer
•Age: 11
•Gender: Male
•House: He wants Slytherin like any other Sawyer.
•Magical Heritage: Pure-blood.


•Backstory: Kasyn is the son of pure-blooded family Sawyer. His father works as a Auror within the ministry, while his mother is a famous Charms master. He was raised like many other pure-blooded children, in a world of magic and mystery. He was like any other boy growing up, mischievous and getting into everything, but when needed such as when friends of the family came for dinner or social events he was the perfect son full of manners and knowledgeable current events. He was a favorite with the high class and as such many believed great things would come from him.

Kasyn was also a book-worm and loved reading about anything magic. He started memorizing spells while he was still at the age of 9 and while he couldn't practice actually casting, his annunciation and the vocabulary of magic along wtih magical theory was something he loved. As soon as he was of age to be accepted into Hogwarts the letter arrived by owl. He is now anxiously awaiting the chance to attend the school and hopes to put the knowledge from his books into practice

•Personality: While rich and his family powerful Kasyn doesn't have the ordinary i'm better than you attitude, on the contrary he's actually rather self-conscious about what others think about him and constantly strives to be a good person and friend to those he considers close. He can be very curious and rather mischievous like any other boy but the most peculiar thing is his overwhelming sense of protection to those he cares about. His urges to protect is one of his most important trait. Kasyn is also a very good actor, he can put on and take off other personality's and can blend in with any and all groups.

•Personal Items: A white/black spotted kitten named Castiel. His wand is 11 inches, Ashwinder Ash core, springy Hawthorne.

•Special gifts and abilities:Kasyn has a uncanny ability for protection spells, and charms.
Target x Assassin sounds fun.
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