Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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I could be up for the robin one! Pm me!!!
Hey Silver, PM me when you have a chance! :)
I will have a char up sometime tonight.
Would you be up for doing a MxM or strictly FxF?
There ya go. :) They are a part of Imperial Intelligence, and the ISB. But my character answers only to the Emperor. Since it's just forming the Emperor wants to keep a close eye on it. Basically I wanted the character to be your wingman so to speak.
Name: Sawyer Ares
Age: 31

Faction: He serves the Emperor directly and is one of the first Adjustment agents. Former Bounty Hunter.

Bio: Most of Sawyer's life is shrouded in mystery, it is known however he is a Coruscant born man. He hides himself in shadow and his name is feared throughout the Galaxy as a Bounty Hunter of great cunning and skill. However recently Sawyer entered the Imperial Database and has security clearance even some of the senior admiral's and officials fail to have. He serves the Emperor directly and answers to no one else unless otherwise ordered. Sawyer has begun creating and recruiting a crack team of intelligence and infiltrator specialists preparing them for the policing of the galaxy, including the new Empire. To make sure the peace won by the Emperor sticks.

Personality: Cold, distant, and mercilessly efficient even at the expense of those he is over. Sawyer doesn't seem to really have a personality as he rarely ever talks. When he does, the ghostly whisper voice that seems to cause a nails on a chalkboard sound sends most people over the edge. Sawyer wants to be feared, as fear prevents things from happening.

Skills/weapon(s) of choice: Slug-thrower Carbine: His Slug thrower assault rifle has gone through several severe changes and swappings since his start as a bounty hunter. Originally a standard issue design from a failed dictatorship, it has become a multi-funcional, modual weapon. With the appropriate parts, the bounty hunter can swap out certain components of the weapon to make it suit an entirely different role. Including a sniper rifle and heavy weapons launcher. The standard assault rifle still has a grenade launcher attachment and bayonet, although the grenade launcher is not nearly as powerful as the heavy weapon mode, which is more akin to a rocket launcher in design.

Pistols: Dual Heavy Blaster pistols, each resembles a slug revolver, although it is quite different. Each chamber holds an entire power pack meant for regular blaster rifles. The entire power pack is expelled in one shot, meaning a more advanced cooling system is required. Cooling rods extend down the barrel of the pistols, increasing their performace and enabling rapid shots to be fired. The downside to that upgrade is that the blaster bolts fly through the air somewhat slower do to the cooling amd their size, although they are much more devistating due to their semi-solid nature and that they have the power of an entire power pack at once.

VibroSword: Short vibro sword, roughly 18 inch long blade. Sheathes it horizontally across the back of his belt. Its blade is chipped and overly sharpened from years of service.

Knives: 8 inch combat knife in left boot, 6 inch combat knife on belt. Both are not vibro and are gun metal black to remove glint.

Other equipment: -electro shock , and normal bolos, as well as a special type that emits a bright flash upon the balls on either end of the strong braided cord colliding after wrapping around a targets legs.

-small metal disks that release a strong type of sleep gas once they are jarred or impacted against anything

-several datapads

- several yards of vibo cord

-4 lbs of explosive putty w/ timer

- micro cameras

-assortment of darts including poison, stun, sleep, and several others which vary in intensity.

-stimpacks and adrenaline shots
Landon just watched silently as the rest of his band mates entered the stage. He smiled at Drake nodding after he left, Landon looked up to Drake like a big brother for sure and it helped that he was also the ex factor leader of the band. Landon went back to his violin's and triple checked everything was good to go then ran the set list through his mind again. He of course knew the songs by memory and just settled back into the seat and awaited for the doors to open and the magic to begin. When their manager came down to offer some supportive words Landon listened respectfully as he was taught and was determined to not let the band down.
Super interested.
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