Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Because I don't really have a life I decided to CS some supporting teachers and staff. Everyone feel free to use them when you want!

Flying Instructor/Quidditch Ref:

Name: Jeremy Vocamp

Age: 24

Year: First year flying instructor.

Gender: Male

House: None. Graduated from Gryffindor.

Magical Heritage: Pure-blood


Backstory/Personality: Jeremy is one of Hogwart's recent superstars, having graduated and then gone pro in the quidditch world, flying as a chaser for Ireland. He spent the next few years honing his talents but felt something missing. After a particularly good season Jeremy announced he would be starting as Flying instructor at the school he loved.

Wand: dragon heartstring, 10 inches, rowan.

Personal items and pets: Broom and personal affects.

Special Gifts and Abilities: Flying, he's a natural flyer.


Name: Gerold Hightower

Age: 56


Gender: Male

House: None

Magical Heritage: Muggle born.


Backstory/Personality: Born and raised to be a great wizard, Gerold did many a service behind the scenes throughout his entire life. But he always loved Hogwarts and loved the students. He applied and was accepted as caretaker.

Wand: 8 inches, unicorn hair, ash.

Personal items and pets: None

Special Gifts and Abilities: None


Name: Camille Deyton

Age: 41

Year: 4th year as nurse.

Gender: Female

House: Was a Ravenclaw

Magical Heritage: Muggle born.


Backstory/Personality: A talented witch at school, Camille achieved head girl during her years at Hogwarts and after graduating spent 20 years as a Mungo's mediwizard. She felt something pulling her back and applied for and was accepted to be the nurse at Hogwarts.

Wand: Apple, 12 inches, unicorn hair.

Personal items and pets: None

Special Gifts and Abilities: She has an affinity with muggle ways of healing as well, and seems to have an unnatural way of making kids feel better.
Should be able to finish tonight. I know I have all the time in the world. Off for three days woot woot
"Come on Mom! Come on Dad we're going to be -LATE-." On the steps of King's Cross station a young boy around 12 seemed to be practically dancing up and down with excitement, a huge grin on his face and a spark in his eyes. Still struggling up the ramp with a cart a man and woman just shook their heads at each other and after catching up the their son put an arm on either side of them as the walked in. The three didn't get a single glance as they made the walk to platform 9. To be honest they looked like any other muggle family. Being raised as such for sure helped blend in, and to be honest Toby was glad. He watched a few others run into the wall and gulped before his father bent him down and whispered to him.

"Now THAT looks like fun son." He winked at him and patted him on the head before giving the boy a hug. His mother on the other hand was a bit more dramatic moving his hair around trying to savor every last sight of him before he left for school. She did her best to not cry in front of him and instead finally gave him a big hug and made him promise to write to her at least once a week. Of course to escape the public affection Toby promised and situated his shirt. In the end he gave his mom a hug back and smiled at them once more before taking a deep breath and running right at the wall.

He tried, he really did try not to close his eyes but instinct took over and he did. The sight he saw when he opened them however was one of the best he could have ever imagined. He stood wide-eyed and in shock at the bustle and hustle and in so doing was sent flying by the next trolley that came out of the wall. He mumbled an apology and got his things back together ignoring the irritated meowing of his kitten and pushed himself to the beautiful train. Some older students helped him with his luggage and after taking Castiel from her cage he smiled and thanked them for the help before stepping into the corridor. "Time to make friends I suppose." He thought to himself.

He didn't walk for long before coming to a compartment with two red-headed girls and a brown haired boy. They all seemed pretty nice so he stood awkwardly in the doorway with Castiel clawing around his neck. "Mind if I join you guys?"
Posting soon!!!
Posting soon!!!
Holly is going to the hospital after searching the shopping center and not finding Cal.
Colin Hampton, lead Paramedic of battalion 25 just entered the house after Sean headed further in. He was of course holding a coffee and supplies from a supply run the previous night. With painstaking care the 24 year old put said supplies into the ambulance before patting the hood and taking a sip of his coffee. He was surprised, usually at least someone was in here making fun of how OCD he seemed to be with the rig. He shrugged, turning out to be a good day already. He headed to his locker and threw in some clothes to change into after his shift and splashed a small amount of aftershave onto his cheeks rubbing it in and combing his hair a bit. Satisfied Colin used his sense of smell and followed into the kitchen where he saw breakfast and Sean.

"Good morning." He nodded politely at the Fireman and grabbed a few strips of bacon and headed towards the dining room.
Holly Smithens - Caraway Plaza Shopping Center

"Attention all officers, the governor has issued a state of emergency for the county. All personal are urged to take to the streets to contain the violence and panic..."

"Att-" The repeating message was cut short as a blonde woman wearing a detectives badge on her waist threw the radio into the floor. The woman identified as Holly Smithens by her name tag hanging from her left jacket pocket put her hands to her head and sighed a few times. "What the -FUCK- was going on here." The question was more or less rhetorical and so she felt a bit silly expecting an answer, and so with another sigh she stood and took stock of her current situation. Her mind and whole being was super stressed, her brother was somewhere out in this horrifying horror movie bullshit and she had no idea where. There, that's where I start. Making progress, the most important thing, find Callum and then safety. She nodded again mainly to reassure herself and breathed deeply a few times before running back around the now deserted Jonesboro police station.
5 hours earlier.

"Callum, how many times do I have to tell you that I know literally two people in this town. Count these fingers, TWO. Which means i'm not going to just leave you at a shopping center all day by yourself, you can hang with me at the Police Station OK?" In the backseat of Holly Smithen's partner's car Callum, 11 year old brother to the detective nodded dejectedly and flipped open his cellphone. Holly sighed and looked to her partner Nate. "Blasted kid won't do nothing but text and gripe."

Laughing Nate shrugged, "he's a boy Holl what do you expect you can't keep him locked away us guys can't handle it." He winked in the mirror and a adorable giggle could be heard. With a sigh Holly pointed to the sign beside the police station, at which point Callum went nuts! With a brown eyes glare Holly peeled two twenties from her wallet and handed them to her brother which got even more excited.

"Now listen Callum, if ANYTHING happens you come right to the Police station, it's about a block away. Do you understand?" Of course the boy nodded vigorously while stuffing the bills into his front pocket. He looked up and smiled right at her, which literally caused her to just want to hug him. She waved goodbye and looked at her partner viciously again.

Tearing up Holly snatched up a Benelli shotgun, shoved some magazines for her sidearm into some pouches of her jacket, grabbed the keys to a patrol car, and a satellite phone, then slammed the departments doors open and sprinted to one of the nearby patrol cars just waiting to be used. She jumped right in and turned the engine over putting the blue lights on and heading to the shopping center which was right down the street from the Police station leaving sirens off. In the same brown eyes that had been glaring at her partner earlier was now a look of such fierce determination that she actually scared herself when looking at her own reflection...


Callum Smithens - South Caroway Road

Another step, just keep running and don't look back, don't look back Callum, stop it! Stop it, don't fucking look back, oh shit what is going on!

These thoughts and more raced through 11 year old Callum Smithen's head as he ran down the street away from the blasted shopping center he had been hanging out in all day. After Nate and his sister dropped him off he took the forty he was given and decided to shop a little and drive security crazy. Both things he did and he did well, but what he didn't expect to hear was screaming and sounds of panic coming from the bathroom area. Before he realized it the sounds were not just in the bathroom and he was being pushed and pulled by all sorts of men and woman running in every direction. Callum trying to make sense of the world himself saw a man with blood dripping from his jaws tackle a lady and bite into her neck pulling the flesh and causing a spurt of blood to shoot all over the white marble floors. Panicing as well Callum ran to a shoe store and pushed himself under the cashier's desk and closing the small door. Not even knowing where he got it the boy was clenching a shoe measurer and rocking back and forth. He waited for an hour or so before deciding it would be best to see if it was over. He uncramped his sore body and then just sat down in the doorway sobbing at the huge pools of blood all over center court.

That was where Nate found him. His sister's partner ran right up to him and shook him a few times making eye contact. "Hey bud, it's ok. Hey you hear me, it's ok now." The man had Callum shove his eyes into a muscled arm as the detective carried him into the bright sunshine. He sat Callum down beside his car and gave him a playful ruffle of his head. "See, you're fine. Your sister sent me to get you, things are... Well crazy." He was about to continue speaking when his face turned white. Callum followed his eyes and looked behind him to see a group of... Well he had played enough video games to know exactly what they looked like but surely that was just fiction...

Nate pointed to the car and unsnapped his gun. The five men kept limping towards him, despite Nate telling them to halt. When they reached his car Nate pulled his gun and fired a round into each mans body which didn't seem to do anything but make them more anxious to get to him, Nate fired again this times into the skull and they fell to the ground. Then six more came into view, then ten more, then even more. Nate turned to Callum and leaned down. "Run now, up the road. Do it now Callum, do NOT LOOK BACK Callum, you hear me right? Do not. Just keep going until you feel you're safe." He smiled and ruffled the kids hair again and handed him a silver case. "Your sisters gun, or well one of them. I have no idea what her code is. Good luck kid." He smiled again and stepped towards the dead getting ever closer. Callum wiped his eyes and grabbed a knife and backpack Nate had laying in the car before running the way the detective had pointed.

He hadn't looked back either, instead he ran until he hit a small convenience store. His survival instincts kicked in and he decided that if he was now on the run, food and water would be rather essential. He went inside and grabbed 6 bottles of water, an entire box of those jerky with cheese packs, and some other food stuffs. He also found a flashlight left on the counter. As he was zipping the backpack back up he heard a sound... He turned around and ca,e practically face to face with what seemed to be the cashier of the store still ever vigilant against shoplifters it seemed. Callum backed until he hit the wall and then stood petrified as the -thing- shambled towards him. His face was actually gone, but three teeth remained on what looked to be a very wide black opening that had to be what was left of his mouth. His insides were still spilling out of him and with every step more and more would slop to the ground. Callum heard himself whimpering and instantly shook himself to the very core. "You have to be strong now Callum, Nate saved you and fuck it if you are going to just die down the road." Waiting for the monster to come closer, Callum acted as soon as the walker outstretched his arms. Throwing himself to the side, the boy managed to get out of the way of the claw like hands smearing his shirt and pants in blood as he slipped. Quick as a snake however he was up and sprinting once more on the road.

Out of breath the boy ran until he reached a drugstore and with a splitting headache approached it. As he reached the entrance he tried pushing but the doors wouldn't budge. He thought he heard voices and he tried to call out, and realized that his voice was raw and kicked himself mentally for not drinking one of the water bottles. He just hoped it would carry into the pharmacy.
Should make my character the arresting officer. =p Would be funny hah.
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