Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Yea, possibly beaten pretty good. Would make the bad guy more sinister. As far as the newborn trail I think that's a great idea. I already can't wait haha, my character could have had a brother with him to that is missing. Would certainly add something to the drive.
I'm thinking somewhere on the edge of New Englad border. There's a lot of little fishing towns that ha roots in colonial times. Possibly (depending on how historically accurate we want to be. It could be during the French and Indian war. That way if a few people disappear it won't really be noticed. Would also be a reason the coven has been getting stronger.

I for one am a history nut but I'm fine with our making up city names and the such.
If you can accept everyone and just give us a starting location we could just post until you are here tomorrow. Give everyone something to do. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the different settings.
Who volunteers to be Toby's bestfriend!!! :)
Name: Syler Martin Everwood Age: 13 Year: Third Gender: Male House: Slytherin Magical Heritage/History-Personality: Pure-blood to the very bone Syler has been raised to hate muggle borns and to make sure everyone else knows it. As a child Syler showed early the signs of a Slytherin. Cold cunning, calculations, ambition, and huge drive to succeed no matter what. The boy started practicing the wand movements and incantations of spells separately trying to get an edge in his classes. When it came time for his to go to Hogwarts Syler tried to cheer his brother up by promising to teach him the spells he would learn at school, and possibly even write some good notes down about the first year classes. During sorting, the hat barely touched his head when the talking sorting hat screamed "SLYTHERIN!" Syler excelled in his new house noted by the teachers as a bright, easy learning boy who did whatever it took to do great at whatever assignment they were doing. After the first year Syler went home and as promised spent almost the entire holiday with his brother. If anyone in the world could get him to actually relax it was Chase. His second year was spent at least in his head on the quidditch pitch. Syler tried out for and was granted a place on the team as Chaser and like everything else he strove to be the best he could. Now it's his third year, but most importantly, his little brother will be joining him this time. And Syler can not wait. A few areas that needs improvement as far as classes go is definitely potions, AND anything other than DADA, Charms, and Transfiguration. Appearance: [img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/e82f816c63f693f755f259d3bc0fda8b/tumblr_inline_mznm6uXc1W1r1yj84.gif] Wand: Cypress wood, 12 inches, Manticore Stinger core (heirloom wand), reasonably springy Personal items and pets: Pet hawk named Shruikan. Special Gifts and Abilities: A very strong user of offensive magic and dueling. Syler is a force on the dueling team that can never be underestimated.
Setting. I reallllllllllly like colonial Maryland or carolinas. Maybe Charleston or the outskirts.
Name: Toby Griffin Webster Age: 11 Year: First Gender: Male House: Ravenclaw Magical Heritage: First in the family to have wizarding powers. (Muggle born) Appearance: [img=http://www.teenstarsonline.com/gallery/albums/alexconti/ac_cbtdtwo15.jpg] Backstory/Personality: It all really started when Toby turned two, all sorts of unexplainable things would just seem to 'happen'. His parents 32 year old Colton Webster a videogame designer and mother, 30 year old graphic artist Becky Webster were rightly perplexed. They would be walking with Toby and all of a sudden the tot would be holding some kind of candy or be petting a kitten. It wasn't until they caught and watched Toby the little rascal making his food (spinach) disappear that they realized that this boy was special. Being the rare breed of parent they were the two decided that Toby would not be treated any differently and they would allow him to decide how he wanted his future to go. The future was decided when Toby found out that he could -if he believed and concentrated hard enough- make anything happen! Instead of trying to abuse this Toby instead sat down and started trying to control it, to keep it from controlling his emotions. He was very successful, other than the skill he had Toby grew up as any other British boy would. He enjoyed sports playing rugby and football mostly, but he also loved anything to do with getting his brain active. As he grew older Toby found that he had a problem learning, or for better explanation he didn't learn things the way others could. For Toby he had to take everything in and formulate everything himself. This meant that it took a long time, sometimes even weeks to totally learn something. However, once he did learn it he never forgot it. Almost like a photographic memory of things he thoroughly picked apart and put back together. Toby is also a very caring person and constantly sticks up for the guys getting bullied in school which of course meant he came home with a lot of bloody shirts. Wand: Supple 11 inch, Cedar, with Ashwinder Ash core. This wand was in the very back of the wand makers shop when Toby went to buy his gear. The shopkeeper said that it was a somewhat rare core. Personal items and pets: A black and white spotted kitten named Castiel that his parents gave him. Special Gifts and Abilities: Toby is very adept at defensive magic, including other white magic like a patronus and the such. He also takes a long time to finally get a spell 'down' sometimes even taking a month. But when he gets it down he can perform it very well.
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