Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Yea, I'll get one up after lunch! :)
Alright then. :)
Yea, thought it would be a bit more interesting. No sexual attraction but possible parental? Anyway I'm all for upping the age. :) just thought I'd see your opinion.

Nice character by the way!
Toby listened intently to the twins and nodded as Terra, or was it Astrid recited the different qualities for each House. He leaned back in his seat and looked up at the ceiling thinking for a moment before shrugging. Castiel while Toby was off in subconscious land almost jumped a foot when Astrid held out her hand. With quick little scurries the kitten slowly inched closer, and closer before taking a very fast sniff then hiding under the seat to come up with thoughts on the scent.

"So, what is your name and where do you think you'll end up?"

Toby snapped himself out of his thoughts and shrugged again. "I'll be honest, I have no idea. I mean i'm pretty good at making friends, and always was the guy that stood up to bullies at school but at the same time I really like learning. I guess i'm a toss up between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor." He smiled and then remembered, "oh and my name is Toby. Toby Webster."
I'll edit that out then. Also, Richie introduced himself in his last post. So you'd know his name. :)

Toby was a bit out of the loop on the conversation the boy was speaking of but he knew he had read somewhere something about houses. He shrugged and smiled as the boy introduced himself and helped him stow his small trunk containing his school robes. He sat down and took a good look at his kids he was sharing a compartment with. Astrid and Terra had red hair like fire and a good smile making Toby feel much better about finding somewhere to sit. They had something that Castiel seemed interested to pinpoint and the kitten slinked down Toby's chest like the boy was a mountain and approached the twp girls warily titling her head to the side and sniffing in the general direction.

The boy, Richie reminded him of some of his friends in the muggle world, with brown curly hair.

It was amazing how at ease he was feeling now and sat himself beside Richie staring at the two twins. "I'm sorry, i'm going to fele really dumb but what exactly are you guys talking about? The name Hufflepuff sounds familiar but i've been reading so many of these books I got that everything is jumbling together." He smiled to hide his shame, he sometimes hated the learning disability he had but luckily it was a double edged sword, because when he 'did' finally wrap his head around things he never forgot them.
Name: Samuel North

Race: New-born

Age: 10

Height: 4 foot, 5 inches.

Weight: 67 pounds.

Hair: Darker Blonde.

Eyes: Deep blue.

Skin: In the middle between pale, and tanned (in life) now the child tends to be more pale.

Build: Average build for a ten year old boy, slightly more toned from helping his father in the blacksmith some.

Clothes: Wearing a traditional colonial outfit with no hat, now badly torn and bloody.

Accessories: None.

Powers/Skills: (You wanting them to have powers?)

General Personality: Tended to be rather bubbly and go with the flow. He has since became angry and violent not understanding what has happened to him.

Background: The son of a village blacksmith, Samuel grew up quite normally for a colonial boy. He had his chores, had his lessons, went to church, tried not to eavesdrop over conversation at supper, and played with his friends. He didn't really have a care in the world and was constantly running into the forest to play or just adventure! His parents were of course afraid that with recent problems with the Indian tribes that something was going to end up happening to him but they shoved the fears aside figuring that no Indian would venture this far to the coast.

That was when he met a stranger travelling through the woods. Samuel and his brother Christopher were playing war and heard a voice asking them if they wanted to go with him. For some reason is was really hard to not ignore the voice and so the two boys followed along like a zombie. When the man got them far enough away he suddenly turned and then everything went black...
Ravenclaw is the best... After Slytherin.
Straw is very modest. He kept the collab going, made it very easy to write. But yes, I hope you enjoy.
Yes, where his name is inspired from! :)
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