Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Just a quick interest check to see if anyone would be up for a GoT RP. Thinking it would be set in the years before Aegon conquers the Sever Kingdoms.
Post will be coming tonight.
Still alive. Been a rough week, almost had a post in last night but sleep was needed.
I work 12 hour shifts on Fridays and Saturdays. Callum is still in shock but I was going to post his thought process. If you want to move him along with you guys I can just post it later.
@Straw you might have seen the patrol car whiz by. Could give you a general heading of the mall. Will probably take a bit to reach the othe group. But as long as we have a pull should be fine.
I say we just obliviate her memory and put her in some alley. But my character is Slytherin. So i'm biased.
Posted. Sorry it took so long.
Callum - Pharmacy

Callum was in shock, pure and simple. He kept staring at the headless body that flopped to the ground pouring blood all over the floor. He trembled a bit then closed his eyes and time seemed to stand still. Suddenly he was back at home, back with his sister in the home they received from their parents. Callum was wearing a soccer uniform and Holly was running around trying to make sure everything was ready and that they had everything. In the pharmacy a tear would come to his eye, as the memory played out Callum would seem to just be in a lull. So he did not really feel anything as David tried to get him to come with him.

As the man started to leave Callum smiled slightly and then 'woke' up and fell to his knees as he realized the memory was just that, a memory. His senses told him that he needed to get out of there, and so he did springing up and sprinting after David and the others from the group. The smaller girls were a bit angry it seemed but Cal was far to out of it still to really comprehend. He latched himself to David's side and just made sure to stay near him.


Holly Smithen's - Shopping Center


BANG! "Where is he, motherfucker where is he!" Holly was screaming at the top of her lungs as he used the benelli shotgun to start blasting zombies coming to close to her. She had entered the shopping center where she dropped off her brother Callum earlier and trying to be quiet worked for a bit before she accidentally set off a stores alarm. Then she had a problem. She was forced to head to the second floor and jump down to the first to even get away from the swarm of reanimated dead and even then had to shoot her way back to the patrol car where she started the engine and took off down the road crying hysterically. She passed a pharmacy being attacked by the dead and pitied the souls inside. Her next stop was the hospital, since who knew maybe her partner did manage to get him before it got to crazy. She had told him to take Cal to the hospital since that was where the government said help would be at.

She drove like a maniac running zombies down and taking the long route to the hospital. Arriving Holly realized that her shotgun was very much empty, so she left it in the patrol car, took the keys and took her emergency knife from her boot. It appeared, from her killing earlier that a direct shot to the brain ended these things so hopefully it worked the same with a knife... She kicked herself mentally for not getting any Riot gear from the department but figured she could always go back after checking the hospital. She approached warily and started clearing hallways searching each room and hall. She made it through most of the hospital then saw a masked man holding a russian Makarov and had a bayonet in the other. Unholstering her sidearm, Holly moved to the doorway and saw the man was speaking to a group of mainly kids, one of them on the ground. Holly's heart sunk but she focused on the situation at hand.

She raised the gun and pointed it right at the back of the masked mans head. "Memphis Police Department, drop your weapons." She wondered whether she even had any more authority but shrugged, hopefully the man had been arrested before and would obey.
Alrighty, i'll be on.
Anna we love you, it's ok. Real life comes first, BUT! Since I have to ask, we still collabing? :)
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