Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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I think, especially if this year they are trying to get the houses to get along that the classes should be merged. Changing out every day, I.E: Monday the slyhterins get Gryffindor, Tuesday Ravenclaws, Wednesday hufflepuffs, then Thursday the cycle repeats if needed.
Chuckling Aedan watched her as her cup filled with root beer and let his smile remain on his face. So far he liked this girl, she had a very good mix of intelligence and humor and Aedan could see talking to her for quite a long time about nothing really. He wondered just how big of a prankster she really was but figured that if the first time he saw her was any indication she was a pro, a hypothesis that was supported by her disappointment in weasley products being banned. For some reason however Aedan didn't think that would stop the Ravenclaw. His grin widened as she used his own comment against him and inclined his head as if saying touche noting the smile that decorated her own face. Without missing a beat Aedan saw the short look back and noticed the boy sitting back at the Ravenclaw table a book in his hands. Aedan made the connection almost instantly. A twin brother, probably very quiet doesn't talk much, possibly a push-over. Older sister who keeps a look out for him. It was good information to have, you never really knew what might happen. When the question about his own family came around Aedan made sure not to look at Jackson or Dana but merely shrugged. "I have two cousins here, one in Gryffindor and one in Hufflepuff, the Hufflepuff was just sorted tonight as well." He shrugged his shoulders again slightly, he was going to let her figure out which ones he was talking about. "Mainly while I detest both of their houses I do maintain a healthy amount of love since they are family after all. Particularly the Hufflepuff."
Sipping his juice Aedan inclined his head to her at the praise listening intently to her answer and taking a few moments to mull the new information over. His eyes were watching her every move the cold calculations could be seen as his gears rolled to think of the possibilities of singling him out over some of the other first years. He decided not to make a big deal out of that and merely go along with being friendly. Who knows he might have just found his best friend for his school career. Her answer caused the other Slytherin students to nod and return to their plates while a few others turned to whisper no doubt wondering why she was in Ravenclaw. To Aedan that much was at least clear, as Skylar had intelligence pouring from her personality and he loved it. "So Selwyn... New year, new school. Have any interesting plans for the next seven years of your life?" Aedan chuckled slightly, the small brunette shrugging visibly. "Please don't tell me you're going to refer to me with my last name all the time? Just Aedan please." He thought about her question while taking another sip of juice. "To simply do the best I can and go with whatever happens. I suppose I just want to succeed, through whatever means necessary." He shrugged and smiled at her. "And yourself? How do you think you'll survive all seven years?"
"Samuel! Stop running so far, you know mum and dad don't want us wandering the forest this late!" With a sigh the ten year old boy named Samuel rested on a boulder while another boy frantically scrambled to catch up. Samuel looked around the forest a huge smile on his face. He loved it outside, the smells, and feeling of the wind kissing his face softly almost like a caress from his mother when she thought he was asleep during the night. Samuel was a rather good looking boy with a number of the older girls fawning over him in the schoolhouse. He had eye length dark blonde hair that lightened in the summer and turned to almost brown in the winter. His face was in the middle between pale and tanned with freckles dancing lightly across the bridge of his nose and dusting his cheeks. When he smiled dimples and the sparkle in his ocean blue eyes was the cause for more than one compliment to his mother about good genes. His body was the average for a ten year old but when he was swimming in the lake it was shown that he was more toned than said average having already lost the baby-fat of boyhood and chiseling out a toned stomach and chest area. The boy was also not in the gangly annoying stage of puberty that caused many problems such as the dreaded colt legs issue or the emaciated look some of the boys in the village had. All in all he was a good looking boy whose future was as bright as the sun. "Chris, you are moving far to slow, we would already be on our way back home now if you would hurry up!" Chris was Samuel's brother if you couldn't tell and the two boys were very similar in looks other than that Chris had his father's bright green eyes and tanned much more easily. At the age of eight he was already starting to chisel out like Samuel, a testament to the hard work blacksmiths provided to the community. Together the two were the envy of the mother's of the village and favorites among the Sunday church school. Samuel clapped his brother on the shoulders and pointed out the way to go before jumping off the boulder and into the dirt shooting a grin back at Chris to catch him if he could. Off he went crashing through the leaves and twigs, jumping small creeks and depressions in the earth. He loved this feeling, it was so freeing just a boy and nature, an epic dance that could continue on forever if boys weren't forced to end up resting. The forest around him was quiet and seren-- wait... What was that? He stopped so suddenly that Chris almost didn't see him from struggling to keep up. Suddenly the sound came again, almost like... Yes, it was a flute, a flute being played with such beauty and skill that Samuel felt himself entranced with the playing. Wait, he was entranced! He couldn't move, what was happening? Why was he suddenly drawn to start moving to his left? Panicking Samuel looked to his right and saw his brother in the same issue, limbs not obeying the orders two pre-teen brains were sending. After a few moments of struggle all brain activity ceased and both boys were nothing more than zombies being herded. After a time the two were brought into a clearing where a tall male stood in pure black clothing playing the flute that started this whole mess. He was grinning as the two boys walked to the clearing and when they stood in front of him he stopped. Almost instantly the two boys snapped out of the trance they had been put in and looked around wondering what happened. The man in black put a hand on Chris's shoulder and spoke in whispers. "Welcome to the end and start of your new life boys." Without a second warning the man put his hands around Chris's neck and squeezed until he passed out. Samuel watched wide-eyed and ran for his life. Another whisper and the man was standing right in front of him the smile still on his pale face, a face paler than death itself, and eyes burning like fire. Samuel tried to scream but he found he couldn't get a word out. The man nuzzled Samuel's neck with his nose and the poor boy heard the sniffs as the pale man took in his scent. He shuddered as he felt the mans tongue lick back up his throat then -did- scream when he felt a horrible pain in his neck. The pain was horrible, the worst he had felt in his young life and he throat ripped itself apart as a gut-wrenching scream soared over the treetops to be heard by no one. Slowly Samuel felt his life slipping away, getting weaker and weaker until his eyes rolled back into his head and his life passed away. He came to-- Wait, came to, an hour later but everything was different, for one he had this horrible feeling in his throat. It was so dry, he needed something to drink! Anything to drink! He jumped up and his senses overloaded as smells and sounds bombarded the poor boy. A hand went to his shoulder and Samuel looked right back into the man in black's burning red eyes, the man who had killed him. But wait, if he had killed him then how was he alive and why was his senses so strong all of a sudden. Not wanting to look, but his curiosity getting the better of him he looked down at himself and almost recoiled. His clothes were covered in red blood, torn and ripped showing his skin which was much paler than it had been before... Before he was killed. As he looked back up the man was walking away, Chris across his shoulder. Samuel took two steps or what he felt were two steps and ended up beside the man. Sighing the man signaled no with a shake of his head and pointed the opposite way while taking off again. But Samuel felt an almost overwhelming urge to follow him and besides he still had Chris! Without hesitating he caught up again and this time the man dropped Chris on the ground and grabbed Samuel by the collar throwing him into a tree. Not understanding what was happening Samuel tried to go and hug the man to get him to stop but this only infuriated his killer even more. For the next hour Samuel was beaten very badly to the point where he could not even stand. The heartless man picked Chris back up spit beside Samuel's head and headed North. Samuel tried once more to get up and even managed to but fell back into the ground after the first step. He wasn't going anywhere with his injuries and he felt his world go black once more.
Yea, I actually never put this on my subscriptions either. But I hardly check them, I am more of a PM person. So sorry to keep you waiting. And I love it to, Snape will forever be my favorite character.
*Clear!!!! Shockable!!!* "I was digging through my old RPs and found this one. I had no idea you still wanted to do this. Spam me with PMs!!! <3 you. Are you still down for this?
"Aedan, can you stop staring at the people and tell your parents goodbye properly? We won't see you until the Christmas holiday, you would think that you don't care." Aedan sighed as he recalled the farewell on platform 9 and 3/4. Sure, he loved his parents and for a pureblood family they weren't -to- suffocating but of course the usual 'you have better be in Slytherin' comments were very covertly thrown in. To be perfectly honest Aedan was thinking more of how lucky he was that he was starting school on time and in the correct grade as he had heard already that some kids were going to be held back a year or would be 12 sometimes 13 starting in the first year. Luckily his parents fears were relieved as the hat barely touched his brunette hair when it screamed Slytherin. Waving at his new house as he walked over to it he was clapped on the shoulder and given a warm welcome even as some older students made way. Aedan hesitated for a moment before sitting down looking over at his Cousin in Gryffindor. Jax was an interesting figure for Aedan and the brunette wondered if the older boy knew how much Aedan's mother and father helped them out when they escaped to America. Shrugging he sat down and listened with a bored expression on his face as the Headmistress went over the rules and regulations also ignoring the outburst over the Weaseley's products. Aedan spent the time looking at the various faces around him taking in names and listening to conversations. It paid to be aware and Aedan had a interesting ability to hear very well. When the ruckus finally died down Aedan winced as the tables were instantly full of food and excited talking broke out all over the Great Hall. So much for not getting a headache today. Aedan ignored the food instead simply taking a cup of pumpkin juice and sipping it watching the Great Hall closely. Instantly his eyes locked on the Ravenclaw approaching the Slytherin table, he followed the girl with his eyes sizing her up to be probably his age or a year older, a first year that was sorted a bit before him. She seemed the brainy type but her eyes spoke mischief. She sat down with curious glances all over the green and silver table and Aedan saw her eyes looking around until they found his own. "You, Aedan was it? I'm very much looking to make friends with Slytherin House and thought it might help to start by befriending a fellow First Year. Think you could give me a chance?" Aedan took another good look at her, the black hair and eye color. His eyes picking minute details. She was a pure-blood, had to be. To many of the constant features associated with the sacred 28 not to be. He realized he was staring and took a sip of his juice to cover. "Nmae is Aedan yes. Aedan Selwyn, you're a pure-blood aren't you? Which family are you closest to?" It didn't really matter per se but he -was- interested. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, though it would probably alleviate the stares a bit." He pointed to the various older students still staring at the Ravenclaw first year sitting at the table. "But to answer your question Skylar yes I think we could be friends."
Name: Aedan Chistopher Selwyn Date of Birth: April 4th, 1988 Appearance:
Blood Status: Pure Blood. Personality: Quiet, perceptive, and cunning Aedan is a very fast thinker and thrives on split second decisions. He has a good mind for how spells work and has little trouble learning and casting. As a Selwyn he has been brought up in the traditional pureblood lifestyle. However Aedan has issues with standing still for to long and tends to get headaches, which have been blamed on him having heightened senses. Wand: Red Oak and Phoenix Feather. House: Slytherin Best Classes: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration. Worst Classes: Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, Astromancy. History: Aedan was born to a pureblood and very muggle racist family. He is cunning, smart, sly, and quick with spells that other first years would probably not even try. He's obsessed with the dark arts, and studies the techniques and spells from the Death Eaters. His parents kept him shielded from the worst of the fighting during the war but there was only so much they could prevent him from seeing. As the time got closer and closer to him attending Hogwarts he made a pact with himself, despite his heritage and love of the Dark Arts, he would watch and wait, patiently deciding how he was going to go through school.
Oooo, cool.
Love the wand Gisk. Red-oak is gorgeous and fits Aedan perfectly.
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