Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Name: Tristam Harkwell
Age 20

Personality: Quiet, serious, and observant Tristam is the sterotype for the strong silent type. He makes friends, albeit very slowly as he watches everyone closely. He takes learning and education very seriously and tends to always try his best. However Tristam is also a very broken person inside and he is constantly battling himself and his demons but he does a spectacular job of not letting anyone else see, preferring to keep his pain inside the castle walls of his mind rather than spill them all out. His acting skills are second to none and he has a rare gift for being able to jump into a different persona.

History: Tristam was born a Harkwell, a rather prestigious family that was in line for a possible Viscount position within the British royalty. His father, Ryan Harkwell was a well respected special forces commander while his mother, Kaitlyn Harkwell was a equally respected and loved actress. Tristam had it all growing up not really ever wanting for anything, but something was just off, Trist preferred to be in the library reading instead of playing with the plentiful supply of toys or video games. He took a passion to martial arts and started Judo training at the age of 6 while the other boys of royalty used that time for play dates and excursions with their parents.

When Trist turned ten his world was thrown into a happiness sucking loop when his father and mother were killed in a plane crash over the Swiss Alps returning from a military conference there. Trist who had strained his relationship with both parents was absolutely devastated when he heard the news knowing that last thing he had said to each of them was that he hated them and to go to the stupid party. He entered a dark depression and started blaming himself for every little thing that happened to anyone he knew about.

He threw those emotions into his martial arts training and by the time he was 18 he had black belts in Tae Kwon Doe, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Kung Fu, and Hapkido.

Extra: Excellent actor, superb possible prodigy in martial arts.
Keeping me on on this.
"There's my man! I get it, though. He's scared. Scared of us older students, I 'spect. We learned Dark Arts from the Carrows when they were here."

Aedan sighed and shrugged knowing that he had just let his emotions get the better of him. He couldn't help it though, couldn't stand those who couldn't appreciate the Dark Art's just as they were an art. Sure, 'Dark' wizards practiced it but just because a wizard is 'Dark' doesn't mean he isn't a good person just that he enjoys a form of magic that others may not. It's like telling all chocolate ice cream lovers that they were wrong since it was 'Dark'.

"... If the forbidden curses are so forbidden how come Aurors are allowed to use them? He says he doesn't use them but... It is as if he doesn't want to tell us the whole truth." Aedan nods at the Asian girl Moirah, he liked the girl honestly and knew she was in Slytherin for a reason, he also had no hard feelings for her father or any of the Voldemort deserters, sure they lost all loyalty in almost an instant and they were probably cowards but they had a healthy respect and love of the Dark Arts and -that- Aedan admired more than anything else.

"Auror's are hypocrites, nothing more." Aedan said.

"Most people who refuse to use a spell have often had bad experiences with it. If I had to guess he's either been tortured with one or regrets using one... You should ask him about it the next chance you get." Aedan looked at Skylar painfully and shrugged,

"nevertheless if you were beat by something then why fear it? Embrace it and make yourself more powerful. I don't know he just doesn't make sense and i'm telling you students are -not- going to stand for being half-taught since most of them are already behind." He said this even as he knew he was going to struggle quite a bit in potions, and history, and probably herbology as well. "And yea Sky this is my cousin Jackson, but I call him Jax. Jax the-" He was interrupted by a Hufflepuff and Aedan was about to put his small foot down the tiny brunette wondering how his spot always seemed to be the gathering point already.

"Greetings one and all I am Seleana Artemis Moon Isle of Wright, House of Hufflepuff please excuse me for interrupting your conversation but I couldn't help notice you were incomplete as a council lacking a Badger and all." Aedan looked her over, he had heard of the Moon family a pure blooded squib family. Almost as embarrassing as pure muggle family but he played nice and smiled at her even if at that moment he wanted to hex her eyes off and make her go back to sitting down at -her- table. Jax however didn't control his tongue.

"Well, i'm well sorry, 'parently my chat with me cousin has interrupted this 'council.' Please forgive me, I did not mean to cause offense. And by the bloody by, if I had to choose a 'Puff it'd be Dane over there not whoever you are." Aedan had to agree with him but he did see Dana talking to this girl so Jax may have just insulted Dana's only friend thus far, sighing Aedan shrugged to Jax and watched Seleana leave after a retort was thrown at Jax and Skylar follow her.

"Jax, i'm telling you man if something doesn't change we might have to do something."
I need some Harry Potter 1x1's.

I need this, and i'm really honestly up for anything but the following list is what i'm currently craving.

Draco x Harry or Drarry
Snape x Harry or Snarry
Snape x Draco or Snaco
Ron x Harry or Rorry

Any of the Marauders or next gen.

I am also looking for some additional fandoms. Looking for a
Jude x Connor from Fosters AKA Jonnor.

PM ME and we can work on some plots to go with the pairings!!! :)
We will go home/Song of the Exile - Rota Temporis
Well, Aedan is for sure not wary. :p
It wouldn't matter who was teaching DADA, even if they were watching clowers do te spell. Sedan hates Aurors for one and that woul be how he responded to any tracker that didn't give enough respect for the Dark Arts.
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