Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Interested in the Apprentice x Ranger or Knight. :)
Aedan giggles a bit nodding. "Thanks... I think, it may be a weak house but hey I suppose we must only be as strong as our weakest links eh?" He smiles at her looking around the room then he switches his target from Skylar to Moirah, instantly taking in her features and the smaller details in her speech. He really was rather attentive to details, he had determined she was more than likely a Myeong-sook and he smiled faintly to himself when it was confirmed. "Pleasure to meet you, Aedan Selwyn but i'm sure you already knew that before speaking to us huh? Shame about your father, but those who betray family are dealt with rather harshly, it's amazing really the things you do for family." His eyes never left her face, but they were not hostile or even intimidating. More curious and alert. The rest of the meal passed with more conversation between the three of them, he wondered if Dana had made any friends and shrugged figuring he'd probably see the boy tomorrow. He followed his head of house to the dungeons where the Slytherin house called home and went into his dormitory. He had four other boys in with him and he seemed to hit it off well with all of them. They all agreed to turn in early to get some sleep so they could start the next day ready to learn. Aedan dreamed of being in the last war, dueling with Auror's and Death Eater's both. The next morning Aedan woke up refreshed and ready, he decided to go ahead and wake everyone else up so they could get ready together and eat breakfast together as well. The meal was a good one, less lavish than the feast the night before but most students weren't exactly up to eating a huge breakfast anyway. When the schedules came out Aedan was pleased to see that he had DADA with one of his cousins and was looking forward to the class. That excitement went away the second he met Mr. Clowers, a great fool of a man who understood the Dark Arts like a child would a wand. He was incompetent and preferred theory over the actual art form that truly was the Dark Arts as a whole. Aedan snuck glances at his cousin and was horrified to see that he seemed to be agreeing with everything the Professor was saying. Needless to say Aedan while taking good notes and answering questions couldn't help but feel a hatred to Clowers for ruining his favorite class. Lunch period came quickly and Aedan had his homework assignments in his arms to work on them while he ate. Almost at the same second his older cousin Jax came over and tapped him on the shoulder. "Oi, Cuz, wha'd'ya think o' Clowers?" With a glare that would melt ice Aedan responded. "He's a buffoon who thinks he can teach a class when he has no really knowledge or even passion for the subject he teaches. It's disgusting and to be quite honest I don't think any student at this school will understand the true Dark Arts both as a fount of strength or in beauty."
New Lost boy Name: Arthur Wesley Corinths Age: 11 Appearance:
Brown curly hair, Sapphire Blue eyes, rather tone build with tanned skin, stands about 4'7" , Background/Personality: Arthur Corinths, a British boy born into the stressful and annoying Royal line of England. No, he's nothing like a Prince or even a Duke, rather he was a Viscount since he was the oldest son of Baron Henry Corinths. Being raised by such a family was not bad and Arthur never really wanted for anything except adventure. That he hungered for desperately but was never granted since his father told him that it was dangerous and that he was his heir apparent. Whatever that was. Other than that Arthur's "raising" was done by his personal caregiver whom he called Nan. Nan was in charge of everything since both of his parents were away quite a bit for business. Sometimes they would take Arthur if the other family had a child of their own, but mostly he was left at the estate to amuse himself with schoolwork. When he was 5 his father thought that he should learn a sport. Alarmed that he was going to have to do something he wouldn't want to do Arthur informed his father that he wanted to learn to fence. Happy that his son was so interested in a fine physical activity such as fencing he agreed and left the schedule with Nan. Arthur took to fencing well, and progressed much faster than other kids his own age, having no real hesitation. His instructor knowing he was working with a child of British royalty went much harder on him but it didn't matter and even his instructor had to admit that by the time the boy was 10 he could beat any other student in the class which went up to 21 year olds! At home, all Arthur did was practice and practice and practice, then read on the theory of fencing, and write amazing adventures filled with sword fighting. Five weeks before he turned 11 he was approached by another boy who asked him if he was interested in having a never ending adventure, a chance to go to a place called Neverland where he could have literally all the adventures he wanted! Of course Arthur agreed, such an offer was to good to pass up! The other boy smiled and nodded before jumping up at him and covering his mouth with a handkerchief, which after a few seconds caused the 10 year old Viscount to fall unconscious... When he awoke he was surrounded by other children, then he realized he must be at Neverland and he smiled. He was ready, ready to spend the rest of his life exploring the island and following the mysterious Peter Pan who appeared to lead the lost boys. Even when first arriving, Arthur felt himself willing to follow any such orders Pan gave him.
Oh, wait. We have a newcomer to the compartment.
I'll be on chatzy later Prints. :)
Oh hai there Anna. You know i'm in.
Same, just the same old routine, haha. Go to work and come c Home for RP, Star Wars, and sleep tehe.
I now feel your pain. After writing the first post my brain needs moar. :p How fare thee?
I think I misunderstood you. In the books I believe they only shared with Slytherin. I may be mistaken.
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