Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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My thought was a warning on new sickness, to sort of jumpstart it.
I fixed it before he posted. =p
Nice reply Corro! Love Stormstrike haha.
Name: Kyomi
Age: 26
Appearance: Kyomi is a fairly standard human female, she stands at 5'2" and has shoulder length blonde hair. She carries herself with a natural energy and can be seen wearing blue jeans and a blouse most of the time as she is a teachers assistant at the local university.

Personality: A hark working, fun-loving woman is Kyomi. Her mother was a lover of Japanese culture and her blonde-haired blue-eyes daughter was named Kyomi even though her father threatened to change the birth certificate. Kyomi loves adventure and her favorite past-time is curling up into a chair and reading.


Name: Gavin
Age: 9

His wolf form is rather small and lean, he is really fast but not as strong as his father can be. His strength is speed and when he needs to can attack in a massive frenzy. He also doesn't opt to keep himself clothed in his wolf form like his father. On the rare occurrence he is ever in it.

Personality: Gavin is a pretty emotional child, he keeps to himself most of the time and as much as he loved his father he -hates- the idea of being a wolf. He strives to be a normal child with friends, playing sports, and hanging out after school. His main love is his sister however, even if he hates how often he find her in wolf form.
Posted, yay!

"You don't think those foxhearts are on our territory, do you? I'll shred their ears one by one if those thieves have taken so much as a mouse from this edge of the border." Silverstorm was busy running different scenario's through her head. The most important thing was to always try and understand why a clan trespassed. Was it simple hunting, a request for help, or something more... Dire. She looked back to her patrol and signaled with her tail to stay low and quiet. The scent wasn't very strong which meant the Shadowclan cats weren't being blatant and obvious about the invasion of Thunderclan lands but as their name states, they are oftentimes Shadowy.

Suddenly from the forest came six Shadowclan warriors, a full raid party. Silverstorm spotted Ratnose, Stagthorn, Pearlfang, Dustleaf, Ravenstorm, and Mudflare. Instead of entering into a defensive posture Silverstorm smiled at Ratnose, the Shadowclan deputy and inclined her head. "Well, good morning Ratnose. Everything alright? Quite the number of Warrior's for a quick hunting party." She stared him with eyes that sparkled as if she really did just want to talk.

The Shadowclan deputy returned the smile, though a bit more... Ratty and let out a heavy sigh. "Thank Starclan it's you that we ran into Silverstorm." He eyed Stormstrike however but shifted his gaze back to Silverstorm. He signaled with his tail and two more cats came out of the forest. Crookedowl, and Redstar himself. Silverstorm bowed her head in respect as the leader showed himself, and Redstar did the same to Silverstorm.

"Redstar, to what do we owe the pleasure of the Shadowclan leader visiting?" As she peered closer at him he did -not- look very good, having to lean against his medicine cat. He coughed violently a few times and the Shadowclan cats looked concerned.

"Silverstorm, Stormstrike. It's strange seeing you without a gathering." He coughed again before continuing. "I need to speak with Hawkstar urgently. We were on our way to try and find your camp but I was unable to continue going." He smiled at her and gestured her to come closer. Hesitant Silverstorm finally nodded back to the Thunderclan cats and stepped to where Redstar could talk to her. "I'm on my last life Silverstorm, I -must- speak with Hawkstar." Silverstorm looked alarmed as she stepped back and instantly meowed to Berrypaw.

"Go to camp and find Hawkstar, bring him here as fast as possible." Silverstorm looked to the rest of her Clanmates. "Go see what you can find as far as fresh kill and bring it back here, these cats look like they've traveled since before sunup. Hawkstrike, will you stay with me?" She smiled to him and then looked back to the Shadowclan cats, she wasn't sure how the large Tom was going to take being given an order, but she was leading the patrol after all. That was most of her anxiety with Hawkstrike, she respected him but he had the personality of liking to be in charge and Silverstorm could only hope he respected her enough to listen, she made a mental note to share tongues with him later and talk to him a bit more.

The Shadowclan cats all visibly relaxed and seemed very grateful to lay down and rest. Redstar had a twinkle in his eye as he looked at her. "Hawkstar taught you well Silverstorm, my Deputy put it best when he said that we were lucky to run into a patrol at all, but Starclan itself must have been guiding you this morning to have yourself run into us. I was afraid we would get attacked before being able to speak, our clans haven't gotten along all to famously in the past." Silverstorm bowed her head in embarrassment of his praise.

"I'm glad I was able to represent my clan, however Stormstrike here while he looks intimidating would have probably done the exact same thing." She licked the Shadowclan leader and then went to do what she did best. Mingle and talk diplomacy, if Hawkstar was watching he'd see her go from little pack to little pack talking, sharing a quick tongue or two and smiling. She kept this up until the Thunderclan cats returned with food and even then helped divvy it up. Gesturing to Hawkstrike to join her with Redstar and Ratnose as they ate.
I didn't have internet access, except for at the library and I was cramming 24 credit hours into one semester. So I sort of wanted to kill myself =p. But yes! I hath returned and it is glorious!

With the exception of Duskclaw, the rest of the Border Patrol was forming up at the gorse tunnel now. Silverstorm was glad the Big Tom agreed to join them, as much as she wanted Deputy she couldn't help thinking that Stormstrike would make a fine one as well, albeit a bit rough around the edges and intimidating. She greeted the rest of the patrol with smiles and of course talk, it was true Silverstorm could talk a bird into flying down and killing itself for fresh kill and she loved socializing with her clan-mates, asking how they were and what they had been up to. Offering advice on certain situations and taking advice on others, socialization was an art and Silverstorm was Picasso. She thanked the assembled cats for coming with her and with a quick wink and flash of her tail, the silver and black she-cat disappeared into the tunnel and took off towards Shadowclan border.

As she and her fellow cats sprinted through the trees Silverstorm had a mile wide smile. This was how she wanted to live every day of her life, patrolling the forest with her clan-mates and enjoying everything that nature had to give her. The whole thing was almost to good to not be a dream. She slowed her pace down, the rest of the cats catching up and she nodded at Stormstrike as he came into view. They had reached the Thunderpath, and the stink was rather overwhelming. One of the many reasons many cats were not fond of the border was the Thunderpath, but it was a responsibility to ensure the Clan's safety.

The patrol was quite routine until they came upon a weird scent. It was Shadowclan and Silverstorm was instantly on alert.

“I don’t see any reason why not. And yes, Windclan and Shadowclan... good choice. I’ll send a group out to patrol the Riverclan border midday. Take whoever’s free with you.”

Silverstorm nodded and smiled at her leader finishing her vole. She padded off flicking Hawkstar on the end of his nose with her tail playfully as she went. It was a glorious day in the forest and Silverstorm loved looking at the wildlife, another reason she got up so early in the mornings. She went around the camp gathering up Warrior's and an apprentice including Stormstrike, Duskclaw, Sunshower, Hailclaw, Berrypaw, and Sandblaze. It was a fairly large patrol but she was going to split four off in groups of two when they were almost done to get in a bit more hunting.

To Stormstrike in particular she was very respectful, and saved him for last. She admired the Large Tom's imposing presence and the loyalty he had to Thunderclan and had no issues with him. "Morning Stormstrike, forming up a Border Patrol. We're hitting the Shadowclan border then going to the bridge separating Windclan and Riverclan. I would be honored if you'd join us, and it'd make me feel better if we happen upon any Shadowclan patrols. I like to think I can talk myself out of anything but having you there would make them second guess anyway." She smiled at him and curled her tail around herself as he though.

Chandler listened to his friend with a intense gaze, as if he could suck all the class time her missed from the boy. It was a futile effort but at least it didn't seem that he really missed any instruction. A lot of get to know you and such, he was very interested in the fact that Professor Quinn assigned such a intriguing topic and he already couldn't wait to get to the library to research. He had read already about different curses and the such but honestly if what he read in his many, many books was correct and he remembered them correctly. Which he knew he had, then a 'curse' per say wouldn't really get enough umph unless it was combined with a Jinx of sorts, almost like a Taboo. A large smile broke out across his face as his thoughts well all over the place with different possibilities and he knew he sort of zoned out from Nolan and Caelum talking. He phased back in when Nolan mentioned saying sorry to the kid that the- he had hit with the compartment door. Chandler turned slightly red but he nodded.

"Yea, that's probably a good idea. I already apologized to my head." Without realizing it Chandler did take Nolan's advice about eating quickly while listening to the ghostly exploits of Peeves. He was going to have to make sure he steered clear of that meddling ghost and his dumb do- errr, wrong story. Chandler consulted his schedule and tilted his head to the side reading Quidditch. "Hey, Nolan what's quidditch?"
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