Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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I can get a post up later tonight.
I know, it was a random NPC. =p Tyr is a pimp man.
Asger talked with the other Tyrsson for about an hour just to get a general idea of if everyone's story was basically the same, turn 15 and then get almost mauled by monsters. It seemed thus far that, that was in fact the consensus. Asger shrugged and headed for his cabin passing by a white haired boy sitting under a tree with what seemed to be a minion of the Undead, interesting. Upon arrival Asger just sat on his bed and contemplated what this was going to mean for his life. What about his foster parents, wouldn't they be sick with worry? Could he see them, or was he now entirely stuck in this safe house for the rest of his teenage life.

Silverstorm watched with amused and envious eyes as Shadowpaw bounded across the clearing with youthful energy, she had returned his greeting but would bet three voles he didn't hear it. Silverstorm always had and still wanted kits badly but at the same time her aspirations to ascend to Deputyship were very strong as well and she kept herself busy providing for the clan. She let a ghost of a smile edge onto her face and caught Gingerflame's eye. "He's turning into a fine young cat, i'm sure you're very proud." She snaked her head down to snag a bit more Vole then focused her attention on Hawkstar. "If it's alright with you i'd like to lead the Morning Border Patrol, Shadowclan to Windclan i'm thinking." Her deep blue eyes sparkled as she began thinking of cats to take with her if Hawkstar didn't name anyone. There was something about Hawkstar that made Silverstorm just feel at ease, the old tom almost like a father figure to her since she never met her own. Then again so was Ravencoat, she invisibly shrugged her shoulders and waited to resume eating on Hawkstar's answer.

As she waited a brief glance around the clearing showed the Clan was all waking, apprentices reported into Warrior's who generally sent them to care for the Elder's, other warrior's milled about still groggy from sleep eyeing something from the Fresh Kill pile for breakfast, it was then she noticed Redwhisker, and Leopardflower sitting near her. She waved her tail in their direction and greeting, and returned to look at Hawkstar.
Posted! If i didn't mention your cat in my post don't get mad. Ill get to them in another. :)
What a weird dream that was Asger though when he opened his eyes and squinted at the lights above him. He heard a chuckle followed by what felt like hands on his back propping him up. "Good morning Mr. Asger, how are you?" The lights continued to mess up his vision but he managed to glare through the fog and make out a young man smiling at him. Asger shuffled backwards, promptly falling into the floor. He heard more laughing and turned red before the young man shushed them. "Quiet guys, he just woke up. You guys didn't get nailed by a battleboar now did you? Didn't think so." Asger was very confused but he accepted the outstretched hand that was offered him and stood up, this time his focus coming into clarity.

"Where am I?" He looked around the room which looked like a medical ward of some sort and his 'nurse'? Just sighed.

"Not my place to tell ya mate, Loki's kid is doing a tour for all you new folk. Better get in there before you're late."

Asger opened his mouth to respond only to have his form pushed quite roughly towards the door. He glared behind him but continued walking until he came upon a group standing in the open. He walked along with them listening and trying to pay attention while taking everything in. He was very surprised when those that were still bastards in their eyes were accepted and blessed by their godly parent. When Tyr claimed him a deep pride rushed over the 15 year old's form and he rose with a newfound energy coursing through his veins. At the end of the tour when Ronin dismissed them Asger stayed back near the other Tyrsson and stuck out his hand. "Heya. Name is Asger, guess we're half-brothers huh?"

The morning was still and quiet, the forest like a giant breath being taken waiting to suddenly burst to life when the breath is exhaled. Silverstorm loved such moments and she purred in contentment before getting her lazy butt up and ready to go. She had recently taken to waking early in the morning and going for a quick run through the territory, she loved the feeling of freedom and while it might not be the safest thing in the world it was something she felt she could get away with. She made her with back across her route with agility and grace making quick time to the various areas where she left fresh kill. As she pawed back towards camp her thoughts went to her clan-mates.

Tabbyfur, the almost always perfectly groomed she-cat whom Silverstorm got along quite well with and who always made her smile remembering the nights that the two would train together.

Frostbite was probably the best or one of the best hunters that the clan had, and while he had a more interesting personality in that he kept to himself more than some, Silverstorm knew he was a loyal and loving cat who would do anything for Thunderclan.

Flareheart, never was the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat' more accepted than with Flareheart and Silverstorm remembered fondly the time the she-cat was spotted staring at a Riverclan warrior fishing. What came next is not something Silverstorm repeats but it may or may not involve a embarrassing situation and water.

Then there was Mallownose, a great loving cat who also happened to be the clan's Medicine cat. Silverstorm loved every interaction she had with the black and white Tom.

And with Mallownose you have to have Stormstrike, a cat that Silverstorm respected and at the same time wondered about. Sure he was quite gruff and at times bloodthirsty but with the right balance Silverstorm thought him a strong warrior and one that would always defend the clan. Then again at times he did make her spine crawl, and she couldn't help but think of the death of his brother...

Speaking of his brother... Mossfur, to say that Silverstorm had a 'crush' on the gorgeous grey and white tom would not be wrong, but Silverstorm always struggles to put the clan ahead of herself in everything. Even if Mossfur has the best personality, looks, and manners ever put into a cat. Silverstorm catches herself inside her head as she bounds over a log and smiles around the many voles.

It takes her another 30 minutes to get all the food back to the camp and then she had to take two trips to bring it all to the fresh kill pile. It was enough for every cat to at least get fresh breakfast but not quite enough to prevent a morning hunt patrol that could be pushed back an hour or so. She went straight from the pile with her own pick of choice and padded towards her leader. She glanced around the clearing replaying her thoughts on some of the cats from the clan, all her fellow warriors.

She smiled and nodded at the siblings Sandfire and Bravefeather, gesturing towards the fresh kill, and continuing her way to Hawkstar. Upon arriving she placed a nice plump vole in front of the Queen Gingerflame with a large smile. "Figured you might be hungry." She also pushed another plump animal, a mouse this time towards Hawkstar before settling down beside them with her Vole.
Hahahaha. And the whole time he'll be wondering what he did.
Name: Asger Tyrsson
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Tyr (God of Combat and Heroic Glory)

Personality: A bit of a goof, Asger is a playful yet loyal guy who loves nothing more than hanging out with friends and making sure others are having a better day than himself. He is -fiercely- protective of just about anyone he considers an acquaintance and has a strong sense of morals and an uncanny ability to avoid being judgmental over others and always giving them the benefit of the doubt until proof is shown. Asger is also a very good natural athlete and while some become arrogant pricks with such a talent Asger instead counts it as a blessing and uses it to try and help others get better.

Bio: Asger never knew his parents, never knew that he had other parents until his twelfth birthday when his mom told him that he was adopted. He sat and listened as she explained that closed adoption and how she was unable to have children due to an accident. She and his dad both told him that they loved him like any biological son and Asger knew that. He wasn't upset with them but in the back of his mind he always wondered who they were. Said question was always at the back of his mind through the rest of Middle School and into High School but he never let it affect his feelings for his mom or dad nor did he let it affect his sports and grades. Asger instead let it just become a mystery. That is until the day he turned 15, three days ago to be exact and man did his world change then. The first attack came after school, and after football practice in the locker room. Everyone has left and the monsters made themselves known. He had gotten a letter earlier that day and had mulled over the contents for quite awhile wondering if it was a practical joke or not. Well, it wasn't. He was rescued by a detachment of Hálfraesir's who took him back to the safe house. It was here that Asger's question was answered as Tyr claimed him as his son.

Skills/Weapons/Powers: Quick reflexes, a prodigy in every weapon and martial art, Ability to detect the truth in others. Asger is also able to carry out a sentence. This is a power he has never used nor does he know it exists, but when listening to an excuse or interrogating someone he can sentence that person to whatever consequence he see's fit IF the person is guilty and that person will have to follow said order.
@Tea at midd

Thanks! I love Snape, my favorite character by far in any story i've read.
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