Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Her crush -IS- Thunderclan. She loves the Clan more than anything or anyone else.
Oh, well. Just reading the last two pages. =p OH WELL! Feel free to make her a Warrior.

Name: Silverstorm
Gender: She-cat
Age:17 moons.
Rank Wanted:Deputy
Rank Received: Warrior

Description: A very interesting cat is Silverstorm, very long body length, lithe and lean muscled.
Pelt Colour: White with black spots.
Body Type: Long, lean, lithe.
Eye Colour: Deep blue.

Description: Silverstorm is a great negotiator, and always tries to talk before resorting to violence. She gets along with almost every kind of cat and can see the good in just about everyone. -however-, if an apprentice, or kit is threatened in any way Silverstorm shows that she isn't just a talker she can fight with the best of them and utilizes her long, lithe body to get leverage and assault her enemies from everywere.
Likes: Engaging in cross-clan conversations, conversing with her Leader, running patrols, teaching.
Dislikes: Attempted harm on the young, bullies, threats.
Wants: To be the best Deputy to the clan as possible.
Fears: Failure, and losing cats.
Strengths: Diplomacy, and One-on-one fighting, teaching.
Weaknesses:Fighting more than one cat, can be to trusting.

Description: Silverstorm grew up in Thunderclan as a kit of interest. Not only her pelt color, but the growth she exhibited early on. She was apprenticed to the Thunderclan Deputy and served as one of the more promising Apprentices in terms of dueling. Silverstorm was given her warrior name after preventing a battle with Riverclan and Windclan near the Thunderclan border. Silverstorm personally stepped between the two rival Clans and negotiated a peace so no blood would be spent. She gained the respect of both leaders of the Clan's and when Silverstorm's leader heard of how the Apprentice carried herself with the two Leader's gave Silverpaw her warrior name. Silverstorm then continued to serve as a diplomat to the differing clans but also has a very wise, and strong warrior showing a great ability to teach.
Crush: Thunderclan
Mate: None
Kits: None, though she wants some.
Kins: Mother passed away, father was killed before Silverstorm was born.

Chandler Griffin Webster was -NOT- having a very good day thus far, and honestly his entire Hogwart's experience thus far was all about him getting hurt. He sighed and stepped into the Great Hall knowing he had missed the entire first class, he supposed he would just have to get Nolan or Caelum's notes and memorize them. Speaking of which where were they? He looked around closely and finally saw them sitting at the Slytherin table talking with another older girl, Chandler thought he recognized her from the train and he shrugged making his way over slowly, rubbing his arm. He was just passing the entrance when he heard and saw shouting, he sighed realizing it was another fight. He wondered why everyone thought it was such a good idea to fight in the middle of a school with wands that had the potential to do some real damage. Shrugging once more he just continued his way to is friends plopping down beside Nolan. "I have had the morning from hell I think... I woke up late and rushed down the stairs... I tripped and broke my arm and wrist. The nurse was right though I did see her again, much sooner than I thought I would." He had a pained expression on his face but figured it was no use to reflect on his bad morning and just tackle the rest of the day. "So, what did I miss?"
Thinking he woke up realizing he was late, and of course rushed around trying to get ready and then fell down the dormitory steps breaking an arm or such. Not a big thing, something that would be easily fixed as Tip said. But enough to excuse his lateness.
Now that I have a computer again! I'm so happy to see this still alive. Anyway to have Chandler make an appearance? Overslept? Had to see the nurse? Or maybe both? =p
Oh god i've been searching so long for a Jonnor partner.

The whole train ride was very much a blur to Chandler when he did finally wake up he found himself in a separate train car surrounded by teachers. He groaned he felt the back of his head then tried to sit up the teacher in front of him in the garb of a nurse just "Tsked" at him and forced a foul tasting potion down his throat which caused him to wobble a bit before falling back into dreamland for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts will the nurse treated the concussion he had suffered.

It wasn't a very long process and he awoke once more making a yuck sound as the medicine could still be tasted. The nurse chuckled this time and handed him some pumpkin juice and a pat on his head, ruffling the hair a bit. "You'll be happy to know that any damage you took was repaired with no issues. I'll see you again i'm sure." Chandler raised an eyebrow and wondered just what he got himself into if the nurse told him she'd be seeing a lot of him. He shrugged and thanked her then looking down and realizing he didn't have his robes on. He groaned and spotted a rather stern looking teacher with a knife like nose. "Erm, Professor I don't have my robes..." She looked down annoyingly to him and nodded.

"I see that Mr. Webster I suppose you will have to join your classmates and myself on the boats in your current apparel." Chandler gulped and nodded before following the Professor down to the waters edge where he joined her in her boat. He spent the boat ride staring at the different sights, his eyes widening and then widening more as more and more of Hogwarts was revealed. The smile on his face seemed plastered there and didn't show much promise of going away.

Soon the boat ride was over without any unfortunate events befalling the students. Still at the very front of the first years and in plain clothes Chandler felt very much self-conscious and wanted more than anything to just meld into the wall and go invisible. However as much as he wanted this it didn't stop the boy from looking at literally everything they passed, the smile and wide-eyes following him from the boats. Without to much fuss the first-years were herded into the Great Hall where Chandler actually stopped in awe. Luckily the other children did the same so Chandler didn't get himself trampled.

He smiled at the new teacher who returned the smile with a wink and tap of the parchment she carried. He then watched in silence as his classmates were called up every so often. He knew his name was very much the last in the alphabet and sure enough he was left alone with only one other boy on the stage when all of a sudden...

Orianna called out: “CHANDLER GRIFFIN WEBSTER!”

Chandler gulped once more and when he sat down he was taken by surprise.

"Such talent! No doubt you were very young when it began to show. Hmmm, yes, the talent is within, but how shall it manifest without? I wonder... I wonder..."

Chandler quite visibly jumped and looked around more than a little scared but realized that was why he had seen some of the other kids also seem surprised. He supposed he would just need to think his answers so he found himself in a conversation with a magical hat, awesome. "Erm, hi there. I was three when my parents started noticing things... Sir?"

"That is very young! I am sure they were confused at first, but now they are proud and can be even prouder! You shall be a wonderful addition to my school! And to a house... but which one might that be? Where the dragon walks it's tail must follow!"

"Urm, thank you sir. I would think I would do well wherever you think I would. On the train though Gryffindor or Ravenclaw but at the same time sir I'm pretty driven to do well as well so Slytherin could work to... But then again Hufflepuff might work to." He sighed obviously confused.

"You strive to make a wise decision! Allow me to assist, as I know the houses and their spirits well. In you I sense a great potential, best revealed, methinks, in..."


Chandler seemed a bit disappointed to not be in the same House as Nolan or Caelum but still waved towards Nolan as he joined the Ravenclaw table getting some claps on the back and screams of welcome. He smiled brightly and felt a sense of homecoming roll over him. That was short-lived however as he followed the rest of the Firt-years that were involved in the train car incident letting out a sigh of relief when Nolan came over and talked to him. "Yea, i'm fine now. Where's Caelu--." He was interrupted by her suddenly just appearing and Chandler let out another sigh of relief, it was weird three Houses being represented but Chandler already felt that these two were going to be his best friends, I mean they had already been through a crisis together!

"Hey Caelum, yea I think we're both ok." He looks over to Nolan just to be sure."
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