Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Working on a post now! Sorry again to everyone I had waiting.

Annnnd it's up!
Working on it! Sorry guys.
Been in the combined posts... So yea, been here.
Aedan shrugged at his cousin. "I don't know Jackson but something, we can't just let ourselves no longer be able to learn about these spells cause who knows what might happen again. I mean anything is possible at this point and I don't think we should cower because of the unwillingness of our TEACHERS to educate us properly, I mean me and you could do a better job of it Jax." He looked over at Skylar and nodded, "books are excellent I know since i've probably memorized the memoirs of the Death Eaters as well as their spells but at the same time book learning and cleverness only get you so far. You never know how the spell will actually work until you -do- them."

He shrugged and then an idea popped into his head and he looked -right- at Jax. "Room of requirement."
I'm interested, will keep my eye on this.
Smoke, smoke and fire were the first two things that Arthur sensed as he was led into the giant cave that seemed to house multitudes of boys and some girls of varying age. Arthur had been impressed with the size of the island and when he was offered a chance to see it from the air he jumped at the chance instantly. The feeling of weightlessness while diving and ducking around tree's was absolutely fantastic.

Focusing on the boy in front of him Arthur gazed at hi closely taking in the mask and way of speaking. He commanded respect and Arthur was sure that he was also deserving of said respect. For some reason Arthur felt a pull to only want to please him and do as he commanded, Pan talked about something like a tooth needing to be retrieved, he like all the rest of the lost boys giggled a bit as the man went round and round. When it had stopped madness ensued and Arthur loved every second of it. He felt empowered and drunk on the moment totally ready to run all over the island if he needed to.

Following the large boy through some tunnels Arthur was given a knife and some water. He tore off his shirt since he no longer wanted or needed it, and folded his pants back to allow easier running and so that it wouldn't make to much noise. He shook his head when asked if he himself had any questions and cracked his neck ready to start the task. A few other new boys looked him over almost like they were sizing him up and Arthur wondered if they were going to try and stop him, he should have asked... Oh well, he'd just have to be on guard more now than before. He returned to once over and didn't think either boy would prove to much of a challenge alone, together though... He forced the thought out of his mind and started thinking of what kind of tooth he wanted to get. He wanted to impress Pan and even the other lost boys so it had to be something big, but what...
Name: Tristam Harkwell
Age 20

Personality: Quiet, serious, and observant Tristam is the sterotype for the strong silent type. He makes friends, albeit very slowly as he watches everyone closely. He takes learning and education very seriously and tends to always try his best. However Tristam is also a very broken person inside and he is constantly battling himself and his demons but he does a spectacular job of not letting anyone else see, preferring to keep his pain inside the castle walls of his mind rather than spill them all out. His acting skills are second to none and he has a rare gift for being able to jump into a different persona.

History: Tristam was born a Harkwell, a rather prestigious family that was in line for a possible Viscount position within the British royalty. His father, Ryan Harkwell was a well respected special forces commander while his mother, Kaitlyn Harkwell was a equally respected and loved actress. Tristam had it all growing up not really ever wanting for anything, but something was just off, Trist preferred to be in the library reading instead of playing with the plentiful supply of toys or video games. He took a passion to martial arts and started Judo training at the age of 6 while the other boys of royalty used that time for play dates and excursions with their parents.

When Trist turned ten his world was thrown into a happiness sucking loop when his father and mother were killed in a plane crash over the Swiss Alps returning from a military conference there. Trist who had strained his relationship with both parents was absolutely devastated when he heard the news knowing that last thing he had said to each of them was that he hated them and to go to the stupid party. He entered a dark depression and started blaming himself for every little thing that happened to anyone he knew about.

He threw those emotions into his martial arts training and by the time he was 18 he had black belts in Tae Kwon Doe, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Kung Fu, and Hapkido.

Extra: Excellent actor, superb possible prodigy in martial arts.
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