Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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The quiet afternoon turned to rain and Kyomi found herself stuck in it, running down the sidewalk from the university and seeking shelter. She passed by a rather cute and cozy coffee shop that she had never really payed attention to before and went ahead and entered. The door let off a metallic cling as she opened the door and she glanced around seeing some of the employees lounging around on one of the tables, and only one patron, a man wearing rather beat up and old clothing stirring a pot of either coffee or tea. She smiled at one of the employees and ordered a nice sugary caramel flavored coffee and went to sit down near the man with a good view of the outside to watch the rain pour down. Kyomi loved the rain, found it very relaxing to just watch the droplets splash all over the ground and smell the sweet scent of the water vapor. She didn't waste all to much time watching the rain however, opening a window just a crack to let the rain breeze in along of course with the scent she loved to much. Combined with the coffee smell it was as close to heaven as she could get on earth.

She passed the time folding her legs into her body on the chair and sipped her coffee while taking out a book and turning it to the place she had marked and getting lost in the wonderful world of fiction. Kyomi was wearing a standard outfit for herself, a thigh-cut blue loose shirt and a matching blue blouse with black leggings. On her feet were brown sandals soaked a darker color from the little bit of water she got on them from the rain. As she continued to read she kept sneaking glances up at the man studying him throughout the various looks she stole. He was actually rather handsome and Kyomi found herself smiling to herself. She wasn't a very big relationship girl but she would be lying to herself if she said she didn't want to eventually find Mr. Right and have children. That was her main goal, she wanted children so very much even at her young age. She did a lot of volunteer work with kids, mainly in Middle School teaching and counseling at the YMCA during the summer and doing quite a bit of babysitting during college when she worked. She enjoyed doing what many consider a teenagers job and had a good relationship with most of the kids in town.

When it appeared the man was almost out of drink, Kyomi marked her place and decided to be sociable. After all it was raining and human contact was something that people said was a dying breed. She stood and made her way to his table and sat down with a wide smile, and slight blush on her face. She moved her hair out of her eyes and extended a hand. "Hi! I figured we might as well be sociable to each other during the rain hm? My name is Kyomi, Kyomi Smithens."
Looking for a partner for a 1x1, MxM, Slice-of-life RP! If you're interested please shoot me a PM.

I prefer discussing plots, settings, and the such out of a thread but some general information:

I will do any timeline, and I will play any character that is male though I heavily prefer OCs.
I could be interested.
^, Prints if you want i'm up for a collab tonight? Eye, do you mind us using Cae?
I think I will also take the other kit. :p
Love the post Ginger. :)
If you don't mind. :)
The unsick. My phone....
Maybe he would want to call an emergency gathering? Or help taking care of the unsinkable cats. •shrug•
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