Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Lachlan looked at him with a raised eyebrow and giggled. "Yes, -The- Everwood I suppose. And you're THE Robertson." He chuckled again and sat down across from Callum and stretched himself for a second. He barely had time to do anything else when his second cage started making mewing sounds and Lach reached down to unclasp the pet gate to let a gorgeous white kitten out. The kitten had black spots all over it and didn't waste any time in pouncing onto Lachlan's lap, looking at him daring him to say something. Well, so far so good. Managed to find a seat with someone he at least knew, got Zora out of her cage, and was now staring at the other boy awkwardly. Definitely the best first impression ever.

"Er, so Callum. Or do you prefer Cal? I personally prefer Lach since the lan just gets in the way after awhile." He smiled and realized how idiotic he was sounding and wanted to just punch himself into a ball and disappear. "Well, anyway. Are you excited to be heading to the school?" His smiled stayed in place and all Lach could do was hope that Callum didn't think he was a complete idiot and decide that perhaps it was best to find a new compartment. In his lap Zora realized Ghost was in the compartment as well and the kitten climbed down her human pet's leg ladder and stared at the wolf pup's eyes. She playfully padded his leg and tilted her head to the side.
"Lachlan, for crying out loud son stop staring at the bloody train like some simple-minded boy from a muggle family. You are an Everwood not wipe that ridiculous smirk off your face and take your luggage to the train. Actually." The voice stopped and Lachlan turned to see why and groaned out loud as he saw his father poke a Hogwart's Express attendant and point to the luggage. The attendant started puffing out his chest to reply where exactly the Australian man could shove that luggage until he saw the crest of the suitcases. An elegant E with a Australian Dragon coiled all around it with Red and Black horns. The symbol of the Everwood family, which caused the attendant to jump up rather quickly actually and bow to Lachlan before scooping up all the luggage, except his pet cage and taking it to the train. "Now son, that is how a Everwood handles that." Lachlan just sighed and shot his father a 'look' before taking his cage and hugging his mom.

"Bye mom, I love you and I'll see you for Christmas ok?" He looked at his father and merely held out a hand for a handshake. "Father." His dad grinned and returned the handshake. Lach sighed again and climbed up on board the magical train his smile returning to his face as he wandered the different cars looking for a spot to sit. He saw a boy sitting all alone with what looked to be a wolf pup and was instantly curious, he knew of a pu- oh it WAS Callum inside. Lachlan smiled and then wondered if the boy would even recognize him back and even if he did he knew that Callum was a lot like himself and might not want a constant reminder of his families life sitting across or beside him on the entire ride to Hogwart's. Maybe it would be better to just find a empty compartment and go over some quidditch plays. He was stuck trying to decide when his Hawk decided for him. He shrieked and looked to the door, then back at his boy, then back to the door as if to say. 'Open it idiot.'

Lach sighed, something he was -very- good at and clicked the compartment handle putting a smile on his face, and glancing between Callum and his pet. "Hey, er. Mind if I sit here?" His voice still had an Australian sound to it, but it was slowly fading into a traditional british.
Name: Lachlan (LOCK-Len) Martin Everwood

Age: 11


Personality: Pure-blood to the very bone Lachlan has been raised to hate muggle borns and to make sure everyone else knows it. Lachlan himself however while born that way, and raised that way still has tolerance and will make friends with anyone. As a child Lachlan showed early the signs of a Slytherin. Cold cunning, calculations, ambition, and huge drive to succeed no matter what. The boy started practicing the wand movements and incantations of spells separately trying to get an edge in his classes and to make sure his family name was respected, despite being new to the country. He prefers knowledge as power and loves a good book more than anything else. Lachlan possesses great reflexes and promises to be a world class duelist at some point.

History: Lachlan was born in Sydney Australia to two of the most powerful wizards in that country. They were Dark Wizards but in Australia the Dark Wizard's weren't all that strict as they were in Britain, they were much more relaxed around Muggle born and accepted them as long as they showed magical skill. His parents were the head a organization they founded to help support Dark Magic around the world and as such they of course came into contact with Britain's prideful Dark Scholars. They convinced Lachlan's parents to move over and as they arrived became inserted into the political game of Pure-blood that was played by aristocratic families such as the Malfoy's and Black's. Lachlan was only 5 when the move occurred.

As he grew he was introduced to the pure-blood superiority doctrine by his parents who were becoming more and more pulled to such blood discrimination by the company they now kept. But Lachlan was strong-willed even at the age of 10 and found that he'd prefer to make such judgements on his own and not to allow his parent's or their friends to sway him in a certain direction. His father like may of the other pure-blooded wizards and witches strived to prepare his son for the best possible chance at Hogwarts leaving the poor boy with hardly any free time for himself making him learn wand movements using a wooden spoon, practicing his spell annunciation with a tutor, and even daily dueling lessons and exercise designed to hone his reflexes.

Lachlan for his part hated not being able to be a kid and longed for the rush of fresh hair on his face as he rode his broomstick around. It was very rare but his father did allow him to play with the other pure-blooded children and Lach was a natural on the broomstick the quick reflexes that his dueling lessons were honing showing when he played Chaser. He wanted nothing more (even if his dad didn't approve), more so actually than to play for his house team and was determined to get the position. When he turned 11 it was no surprise when he got his letter of acceptance and he joined the numerous other excited kids in Diagon Alley to get his supplies. He is very much ready to get to Hogwarts and start HIS chapter of life. Not his fathers, not his mothers, but his own.

Blood Status: Pure-blood

Wand: Cypress wood, 12 inches, Manticore Stinger core (heirloom wand), reasonably springy

Personal items and pets: Pet hawk named Shruikan, pet kitten named Castiel.


Hehe, it's a pretty big give away. I'll move him over to the char tab.
Name: Lachlan (LOCK-Len) Martin Everwood

Age: 11


Personality: Pure-blood to the very bone Lachlan has been raised to hate muggle borns and to make sure everyone else knows it. Lachlan himself however while born that way, and raised that way still has tolerance and will make friends with anyone. As a child Lachlan showed early the signs of a Slytherin. Cold cunning, calculations, ambition, and huge drive to succeed no matter what. The boy started practicing the wand movements and incantations of spells separately trying to get an edge in his classes and to make sure his family name was respected, despite being new to the country. He prefers knowledge as power and loves a good book more than anything else. Lachlan possesses great reflexes and promises to be a world class duelist at some point.

History: Lachlan was born in Sydney Australia to two of the most powerful wizards in that country. They were Dark Wizards but in Australia the Dark Wizard's weren't all that strict as they were in Britain, they were much more relaxed around Muggle born and accepted them as long as they showed magical skill. His parents were the head a organization they founded to help support Dark Magic around the world and as such they of course came into contact with Britain's prideful Dark Scholars. They convinced Lachlan's parents to move over and as they arrived became inserted into the political game of Pure-blood that was played by aristocratic families such as the Malfoy's and Black's. Lachlan was only 5 when the move occurred.

As he grew he was introduced to the pure-blood superiority doctrine by his parents who were becoming more and more pulled to such blood discrimination by the company they now kept. But Lachlan was strong-willed even at the age of 10 and found that he'd prefer to make such judgements on his own and not to allow his parent's or their friends to sway him in a certain direction. His father like may of the other pure-blooded wizards and witches strived to prepare his son for the best possible chance at Hogwarts leaving the poor boy with hardly any free time for himself making him learn wand movements using a wooden spoon, practicing his spell annunciation with a tutor, and even daily dueling lessons and exercise designed to hone his reflexes.

Lachlan for his part hated not being able to be a kid and longed for the rush of fresh hair on his face as he rode his broomstick around. It was very rare but his father did allow him to play with the other pure-blooded children and Lach was a natural on the broomstick the quick reflexes that his dueling lessons were honing showing when he played Chaser. He wanted nothing more (even if his dad didn't approve), more so actually than to play for his house team and was determined to get the position. When he turned 11 it was no surprise when he got his letter of acceptance and he joined the numerous other excited kids in Diagon Alley to get his supplies. He is very much ready to get to Hogwarts and start HIS chapter of life. Not his fathers, not his mothers, but his own.

Blood Status: Pure-blood

Wand: Cypress wood, 12 inches, Manticore Stinger core (heirloom wand), reasonably springy

Personal items and pets: Pet hawk named Shruikan, pet kitten named Castiel.


Also looking for a family slice of life RP!
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