Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Posted, I to didn't really know what all to put in but blegh.
The day was a perfect mix of temperature with the clouds billowing in that promised rain during the night preventing the sun from warming the Earth keeping what would have been a hot day more of a cool and comfortable one. For Acaelus it just put him in more of a good mood than he already was. The Prince loved the outdoors and while most of the others grumbled about marching the day away, Acaelus found it much more enjoyable watching nature pass him by and keeping on alert for anything that looked out of the ordinary. The 17 year old took it as a personal mission as he did every time he was out in his armor, he was afraid of missing something and causing someone to get injured because he let himself slip and get complacent. The others around him just scoffed at the young lad shaking their heads and rolling their eyes at how serious Acaelus was. However there was no good natured ribbing like comrades would usually do, as no one wanted to risk upsetting a Prince of the very Kingdom they were defending. It just reminded Acaelus of how he still didn't really have a group of fellows that he could call friends. The pages and acolytes were younger than himself while most Templars were older. It was a difficult conundrum and it was made much more awkward when you put in that his commanding Officer was going to wed him in a betrothal.

With a sigh Acae just continued watching the tree line, alternating from one side to another. He had volunteered to go with the Magi that was sent out by the Knight-Captain but he was laughed at and sent back to the ranks. Cae sighed to himself again at the memory but sucked it back in when he saw the Cliff-top Castle standing watch over a simple village. As they walked through Cae smiled and waved at a few of the children tossing them a few coins, causing a man from another platoon to shake his head and whisper something to hid friend. Both men started laughing, shooting Cae glances and the boy felt his ears and face heating up a bit. He shook it off and instead continued to just try and blend in, in a village like this it wouldn't matter to much but in other cities or towns he would be recognized and everyone would bow. Cae HATED when people bowed to him, didn't they understand that while he was Prince he was a FOURTH born Prince, someone whose entire being was dedicated to defending his brothers rule. At times Acaelus enjoyed such a nice and easy destiny, defend the realm and you defended your brother, join the Order to defend the Realm, and all of a sudden you got a purpose in life. He knew that when he grew he would be called back to the Capital IF he was still alive to start command his brother's Armies but until then he would serve his best with the Order.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as the 200 men from his region arrived at the Castle and the Commander himself, along with his Knight-Captain rode up to the gate leaving the rest of the men to begin pitching tents and preparing for the night. Cae picked out a nice grassy area for himself and methodically began setting up his spot, working at it until a picture perfect Templar overnight tent was pitched, with his personal items, including mount stacked underneath a personal attachment of a sort of poncho that kept Snowfire dry. Cae had seen it done by some of the Knight's when he was Squiring and have to admit on rainy nights it kept his gear and Mount dry so every soldiers nightmare, rust, wouldn't set in. After he was finished the boy stood and began walking around the area trying to find an Officer to volunteer for sentry duty that night

As he went he was of course bowed to, both in full body and in simple head bows, each one was annoying. He finally gave up and figured he'd just volunteer when the Knight-Captain returned or a Lieutenant started handing out jobs. Cae didn't mind sentry duty, or really any kind of duty really just wanting to do his part in everything. He passed Jeremiah and he smiled happily at the man, smirking at the state of the Corporal's squad and shrugging. Jeremiah was one of his favorite Squad Leaders, a man who was always seeing and eliciting the best in his men, even if they did try and skirt the rules every now and then. He reported in to his own Corporal who bowed to him as he approached and face-palmed, it was a sad day when your Knight-Corporal bowed to you before you could salute in and state status. He made a mental note to talk to the man later and instead reported the location of his tent and suggested it to be a good area for a squad to settle.

The Corporal quickly agreed and frustrated Cae walked off back towards his tent arriving and pulling the flaps back settling himself down on the ground gently since he was in full armor. Sure his armor was specially made to not limit movement but Cae preferred to be careful just in case he did land on something and bed the otherwise flawless armor. He opened his pack and pulled out a book to begin reading 'Advanced Military Strategy: Cavalry and You.'
Ah, thank you.
Name: Prince Acaelus of Farendar

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Rank: Templar

Personality: Acaelus is a determined, stubborn, and adventuresome youth who does all he can to succeed no matter what. His whole entire life he's been told that he must be ready to help and support his brothers and his life he has done so. He has known nothing but service to his family and has dedicated himself to protecting not only Farendar as a Kingdom but his family, the Royal Family. Surprisingly and mainly due to the fact that Acaelus has been grown as a soldier he doesn't have the traditional Royal Attitude, the one that states that everything must be down according to their expectations and when it isn't problems tend to arise. He much prefers being just another soldier instead of a Prince with special treatment. Acaelus is never -truly- in his element unless he's in the middle of a fight with his sword and shield in hand. As such he enjoys the rush and thrill of battle more than anything in his young life. With his will to succeed and his dedication to protect his family and land, combining with his determination to be a good soldier, something his family can be proud of Acaelus is a young man with a ton of potential.

Weapons: Primary: Longsword of Farendar, sword of Princes.
Secondary: Bastion of the Crown
Tertiary: Elven Longbow

Magic: Illusion- Psionic Blast/burst: Acaelus can localize a burst of Psionic energy to render a group of enemies incapacitated. May also be used on smaller groups of individuals as a burst.

Illusion- Terrorize: Able to make a wall around himself or an area that causes enemies that cross said barrier to instantly cower in fear, terrorized and assaulted by their worst nightmares.

Other: Often called Cae or Caelus by his friends.

Post Example: I'll get one to you if the History wasn't enough.

Theme Song: He has two.

Dream Evil - The Chosen Ones

Globus - Preliator
Mine will be up later tonight. <3
I'm interested.
I would be interested in the High School plot. :)
Reminds me of the movie DARYL with some differences, color me interested.
Still sort of waiting on Prints, but if they aren't here by tonight i'll make a post.
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