Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Honestly, I agree that the Northmen would win this fight hands down. But that's just me, and that's doing my own research. I mean only because everyone else is stating opinions. *shrug*
Come to Dorne, we will accept all of you dirty Greyjoys and convert you to the Red Faith! Leave the North to the stinky Wolvies.
I suppose she'll assume that anyway. I'll edit her letter in the IC.
Yea, though it may be better to have Edrick go to King's Landing instead of Highgarden. Unless you place on keeping Garland there.
Wait for my Priest to being talking. :) He's like Tyrion and Melisandre combined haha!

Also, yea. I guess I could make a quick fill post, while waiting for the Tyrell's letter. Letter.
I'll make a post after the Tyrells. :)
"Princess... Princess Elaina I simply must insist you get up! Court will begin within the hour and if you are late how do you expect that to look in front of all of your Vassals and Common Folk!" The question was followed up by a sigh and from the deep bowels of the blankets came a whooshing sound as they came flying off and revealing a petite Olive skinned woman who was the Princess of Dorne. The nkw revealed Princess sighed again exaggeratingly and stretched as her servants milled about getting clothes out to be selected, placing her breakfast down, and picking up the blankets that had been so unceremoniously tossed into the floor. The Princess stood and went to her breakfast, sampling a few of the bites of food while one of her Handmaidens, a girl from Saltshore, the seat of House Gargalen, named Tala moved to begin brushing her hair, fighting the curly blackish brown tangles and succeeding for a bit before the hair finally flipped into curls anyway and Tala gave up. The woman who had done the waking make a hmphing noise and pried the Princess from the food and moved her to the clothing where the young ruler of Dorne smirked at her and continued chewing the food in her mouth causing the older lady to throw her hands up in exasperation. "Red God knows why the people love you so much." She said as she headed out leaving Elaina and Tala to giggle at each other.

"Why do you cause Mari so much stress? She's only trying to help?" The Princess regarded her little Handmaiden and smirked as she began dressing in a white and gold dress, sliding a tight armlet of a golden snake onto her thin forearm and then the House Martell crest also in gold on her opposite forearm. She yawned again before answering as she placed a elegant gold piece around her forehead a crystal hanging down that was pure white, catching the early morning Sun and gleaming.

"I suppose it's because she's been here for me like that since I was your age Tala, and it's just become our routine." She shrugged and grasped the girls hand walking out of her chambers into the corridors of Martell Palace. She ignored the two guards that flanked her expertly as she walked and greeted everyone she passed smiling and wishing them a great morning. Elaina found that she was quite good at smiling, a blessing with what she endured every morning as the commoners sought her favor or justice. It was one of the many ways she was loved so much by the people of Dorn and commanded such respect as a ruler. With her light breakfast Princess Elaina walked straight into the Palace's 'throne' room and sat herself upon the high seat smiling down at those in attendance. At once she was surrounded by the trainee's of different Houses across Dorne, boys and girls all sitting on her lap or at her feet or right beside her making it a literal pile of children and then the Princess.

The people of Dorne were quite used to the sight as was demonstrated when they were led in by her guards kneeling and seeking her favor, advice, and justice for wrongdoing. One man in particular stole Elaina's attention as he approached limping and weeping. "My Princess, my princess I come from my house on the other side of the city to regretfully inform you of Jaroche's death, he and you played together in the Water Gardens and he told me of what good friends you had been." Elaina was stunned for a moment before a single tear rolled down her face and her voice was soft as she spoke. "Good man, please accept 50 golden dragons as recompense of my actions in not attempting to find him before he was taken from us. I believe you are a smith correct?" The man shook his head, informing her he was a fletcher and she smiled, inclining her head. "I see, my apologies but I do believe that the Household Guard of this Palace is in need of new recurve bows and would we would be honored to also contract you for an order of say fifty? Is that a good estimate Captain Talmen?" A Stoney Dornishment from the Blackmont lands standing in the shadows stepped forward and nodded.

"It is my Princess, fifty bows would ensure that all sentries would have a new one." His eyes flashed as he approved of her moves and the fletcher bowed low a smile on his face. A sad smile, but a smile nonetheless. He had been the last petitioner and Elaina felt her stomach growl. Somehow time already rushed to lunch time and she stood, her little entourage following her behind the High Seat and into a feasting hall and then to the high table where the group was presented to lunch. It was at this time that her Captain of the Guard placed a letter beside the plate and then stood behind her. Elaina ignored the parchment until the children were eating and she herself had managed to snag a few peppers and then opened the letter with the Crakehall Crest. As she read an amused smirk crossed her face, she of course had heard of Aegon X's death and with all of Dorne she grieved the death of a Targaryen but hearing that Lor- no, His -Grace- Crakehall claimed the throne for himself was quite interesting. She mulled over her thoughts with watered down Wine and watched her wards play. She then nodded to Talmen who placed fresh parchment and a quill with ink beside her...

Elauina shook her head and the Captain smirked knowingly as he sealed the letter and then placed another one beside her unopened with the Tyrell seal. Curious and interested the Princess ensured her wards were still entertained and read...

"To the Lords and Ladies of the Seven Kingdoms,

In the aftermath of the death of Aegon Targaryen, tenth of his name, I write to ask for your appeasement, in these terrible times. The death of the Queen, by the suspected hand of Daenys Targaryen, of whom has been disinherited of his heirdom by the King's will, results that there is a need for peace in the Kingdom in a succession crisis such as this, and a renewed meeting of the Small Council in King's Landing. I, as Hand of the King to the deceased Aegon, will restore order to the Crownlands and King's Landing, and provisionally instate a military Reachman force to keep the peace within the city itself in the absence of a King, until the correct Targaryen heir is found. Any hostile actions against any men of the Reach will be met with hard consequences, and any self-titled claimants to the throne beyond the Targaryen dynasty will be met with hostility in response. At this current time, I act as Regent to the Iron Throne, and I ask for your patience, to continue to serve the crown of the Targaryen dynasty with due honour.


Lord Garland Tyrell, Lord Paramount of The Reach, Warden of the South, Hand of the King to Aegon X Targaryen"

Elaina wondered just how he was still Hand of the King to a dead King but figured that it was supposed to cement his desire to 'prevent' bloodshed. She had to admit that recently herself and the Tyrells had a much better relationship than centuries prior and it was no secret that Dorne was one of the most loyal Targaryen Kingdoms, having stayed loyal even when the Tyrells suckled on Lannister gold and plotted for the throne. She clenched her fists remembering her sons namesake slaughtered in the streets by the monster Clegane and she had to exhale a few times before she could nod to her Captain and write a reply.

Elaina blew on the ink and then wrote one each to her husband and Elise Yronwood in King's Landing before leaning back and sighing. It was imperative that the insane Targaryen didn't control the Kingdom and honestly the Princess found herself uncaring who sat on it the Fire forsaken chair so long as they left Dorne alone and it wasn't Daenys. She found herself thinking of Elia's children and wondered if the disappearance of Ser Tristam and the other Kingsguard meant that they managed to save Aegon's son... She smiled to herself and knew that should it become Dornish knowledge that Daenys attempted to kill the lineage of Aegon VI, a Dornish child by Elia that Dorne would throw themselves at the Red Passes to get to Aerys and woe be to who stood in their way.

Shrugging the Princess stood and shooed the children, her wards to begin their lessons a sparkle in her eye as she wondered if her army would get to see the combat they trained so hard for.
Priest is done. I'll get Yronwood finished tomorrow along with the other Lords. I'll mention briefly in a letter.
Yea I will.
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