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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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To late. Priest are already all over ya lands mate. Let the burning begin!
Copied from page 35.

Lord Tyget Crakehall wants to be King, claiming ancestry through a Targaryen marriage of past and proclaiming it, Lord Garland Tyrell is Hand of the King (who is dead, by the way, prior to IC, alongside a box with his wife's head sent to Garland) and almost getting his fucking throat slit by the batshit mentalist Daenys Targaryen, the rejected Targaryen heir (twin of Aegon), who is suspected of murdering just about half the fucking royal household, and nearly Garland. He's kinda opposed, and this factionalism means that there's an allusion to a war brewing, that could mean all manners of shit raises before winter, because oh yeah, Winter is Coming! The Riverlands are like "Nope" to all of this talk of war that the Tyrells and Crakehalls are speaking about, as are the Vale, though they're kinda awesome anyway because of falcons, scented candles and Ellion Arryn just saying "Cool, whatever". Tyget, Gerald, Tywin (so two brothers and Tyget's son) AND the whole fucking populace of Dorne have an interest in the Red God, while Garland has an interest in kissing Targaryen ass, getting fucked on Arbor Gold and then fucking women, while Ellion is busy flying birds of prey and being the world's greatest...wingman ( :P the puns never end, you see), all while Princess Eliana of Dorne is basically at a crazy combination of a waterpark and a sandy and exotic environment (kinda like Vegas, but with more tits, young boys and people armed to the fucking teeth with spears), ALL WHILE there's a couple of marriages between the North and Westerlands, and some intrigue between Jehrilla, the chubby Yunkish woman, and Alerie Tyrell.

So for Garland, this has meant he has fucked a gluttonous and huge Yunkish woman who is selling mercenaries and other mischievous services, and two young Targaryen Princesses are riding their dragons to King's Landing to meet a Tyrell Retinue inside the city. Oh, and Daenys Targaryen is basically killing a few people, but is now sitting in a prison cell in Highgarden, while that big Yunkish woman is basically being in the right place at the right time to sell services to the Lords who might actually start fucking each other over. Not all is well however, as the Tyrells have been fed Maester as their pork dish, something something Faceless Men had something to do with it something something. There's been border squabbles, the Commander of the Goldcloaks was "Removed Forcibly" alongside about a sixth of his forces from King's Landing, predominantly by being impaled or stabbed, and now, the Reach is sliding it's sweaty hand up the skirt of the Targaryens that HAVE emerged as an alternative to the Crakehalls version of self-declared "Kingship", which people are either "Fuck you" or "Meh, whatever, I can roll with that" about it.

All in the while, the North and Iron Islands are kicking seven shades of shit out each others' throats in the highest escalation yet, with a shitload of Mormonts getting murdered, followed by Iron Islanders up rivers getting murdered. It's basically red as fuck, people are getting murdered to all shit with constant bloodshed, and the North is extremely paranoid and wily of shit down south. They don't like us, we don't like them, Ned Stark etc. etc. .

MEANWHILE at Castle Black, Tyron Lannister is trying to unfuck shit from Wildlings to other players in the Houses. Because as usual, nobody gives a fuck that there's Wights coming and the Kingdoms are once again, completely screwed when Winter comes, because everyone is only going to realize at the last minute that we're all going to starve to death, freeze to death, or worse still, get fucked by White Walkers.

After this, Dorne has sunk deeper hooks with the Crakehall's as far as religion and peer at the Stormlands. Tyget and Garland/Willas are on a collison course and the real heir Aery's is on his way to King's Landing. =p
Come to Dorne! We have Lemons! And sand! And more sand... AND AWESOME POISON! Did I mention sand???
Sorry Sarge. Going to have to drop, got to busy in the downtime. :( Wish you all great luck though!
Well honestly, even if Eleina DID decide to invade, it wouldn't be a typical invasion. She's all about using her new Cavalry tactics to hit and run, shock and awe. Letting the peasants deal with the rest. Her only concern would be to eliminate as many Knight's as possible and retreat back to the Boneway while those unfortunate to be in the Stormlands have to deal with peasant uprisings, food burned and waiting for the next attack to come out of no where.

And should someone decide to come near the Boneway well... Lots of death.
Hey Agent. Sorry I ninje'd i'm back when/if you want to continue tonight. I got about hour and a half or so.

I highly doubt Garland would send 10000 Knights to defend you while having to worry about Tyget and the North. But it's possible. Like I said, Eleina will see how it goes. =p
Meanwhile Dorne will be exploring... Yes Exploring!! The Stormlands... *shifty eyes*

@agentmanatee I'll be on our titanpad if you want Linus for anything.
Also, next time. If it's not a hindrance i'd like to be brought in to type up Edrick's posts and words on a Collab. :) Not that you guys did him wrong personality wise but yea. <3
It's not a Cold War at all because to Eleina's mind she's liberating citizens from a rule where the Lord ignored them. The red priests would preach right at the Stormland's border and not cross but what happens inside their territory is all Stormlands. And if asked to stop, Eleina would stop. =p Again, Dorne doesn't care, they're perfectly content to just stay in Dorne BUT, the Stormlands are veryyyyy tasty looking. And it all depends on how Garland reacts, if he shows that he's more inclined to let the Stormlands fall and bring them under the sisters via Dorne then El will invade hard. If he's more inclined to protect and such then she'll back off.
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